1 PRECAUTIONARY HINTS. :: 4H-H-+-HH-KH-H-H-H -M-I 1 I H *l*‘ ■ Uni ! r thin iihiu |.:ipa remarks Irrelevantly ( c m ornai down), " I havrn't n u 11« I Ilk« In any shop In llila whula town " About llil» Unto Hi« inlnlatar Drop« In lo mil on molhar dear And li In t « llial ha la wall auppliad With allpharu, alila of yaalaryaar. A limit itila lini« Ida llrnthar Jack l>ovl. .itya: "Clgiua no inora I »Molai A pipe whin now and than perhapa! No. mol liar, llila la not a Juka!" Ahotil Ihta lima poor molhar daar Horplaard i. and Inollnad to alali. "Mow «Iranaa I ha I aach »hould allow illalaala fo r )uat Iha alfla 1 maant lo buy I" • Klla A. Fannins H 'H t l i-M-'.-M-H I My First Christmas Eve Dance CHRISTMAS IN MANILA. H4 ( H IKIH TM AH for Iha majority o f tho 225.IXK) liilmliliaiita o f Manila— Hint 1». ilia Filipino. -lx*glns on Chrlat- iiiii » avo. Thar a nra no stockings hung, Iinwavar, for stocking» nru not |>o|iular, avail v Hli Ilia iiiim I aristocratic aaimrl tna, wllo Daintily BO Iniro tinkled Mhl nlillit mu«» la llu* naanalon vvlilah b r ills thoiiaiiml« lo tho ahnrchaa. Tlia a flna edifice» nra thrown ©|iaii unit blitz« with myriads o f rnndlea and alacliIt* light* Mnnlln nt midnight on Chrlatmna eve 1» probably gayer than nt any oth or time of tin* year. The atraata are thronged with carriage» unit |H*o|ile In tlialr l»>at attire Mnny Ainertaana turn out on Chrlatmna ere nlao to aeo Ilia dlaplnya nnd tha ..... . and make church to I'liurt'h lu«|M*<*tlnn lour» lu parties Kina trained clndra and string­ ed orahaairtia render a leal lent mimic. The weather durlns tha holldny non- von l< |u«l cool anoiiKh lo dl«|ial the i lirolil" liuliu*»« wlilah pervade« .Mu- ii II h during iiuwl of tha yanr and put n l i l t a p l c e Into Hie bli»Ml At noon tin* Uiernio'iieter will prolmldy not b <* over K| or NA degree« At night. how- ever, n blanket on the lied la not too much Tha Sevan Seta of Presents. t l.l. ihr world a a Chrtalmaa tree, • » And all the men and women merely children They have their preeenta and remain- W KI7TÌ.N BY A JACK T A R IIK N me and my shipmate, II111 llolthend, was Inkin' a little erillso ashore Inst year we each got n pretty, sweet scented note with It. H V. 1». nt the iHittoiu, request In' "the ideas ure r f your company" at a dance on Christ lima eve. Bill,s*wbo 1» well up n llii-Hc tilings, told me them letters meant “ Ueply Mlinrp; Very Preeslu'." Ho wo wrote our rcidlcs sharp, haecept In' "tho very presaln' hlnvltntlon." Well, Chrlstmus eve came round, and (till and me rigged ourselves out In our licat shore gnlu' toga and set sail for the dance. On reportin' ouraeive» we wna mustered In a Mg cabin like u battleship's gun room, nil titivated up with holly and mistletoe, ami with the j deck jiollehrd Instead o f holy stoned, and ao sllp|iery that 1 nearly pitched on to my bowsprit us I wcut through the hatchway. “ Vast heavin'. Bill," I ae*. cornin' to an anchor; “ this Is worse than crosaln' the bay In a gale o' wind.” but Hill he kept forgin' ahead, na cool as a middy lu command o f u dispatch l>ont, so I ■dipped my cable nnd went on full s|M*cd lu Ills wake, sweatin' like a marine recruit goln' Into hactlon for tho first time. W e was nearly tha last nlioard. for the cabin was pretty full, tho men lookin' like restaurong waiters and the ladles all ns smart as a cruiser squadron tu rainbow rig. Presently a fussy little chap, who I took to Is* the commodore, but who Hill said wna the M. Sen man. though In* didn't look as If he k no wed much about the sen. m ine np and gave us both a pretty card with sal I Ilk' orders on. which Itlll called a program. Then ho passed tho word to clear for hue- lion, and a band on the quarterdeck nft struck up nnd the dnnrln' begun. As I was loanin' against the hul wnrks the M Hen t.inn rame up and brancM, And one man In hla time (r ie mnny alf>». Ilia lot twins aeven aertea At Oral tha Infant. With hla feed Inn apoona and rutile«. Then Iha trumpet and tin soldiers, akalaa and alelah And fireman's helmet, and then the lover, Blahlna like a furnace wun a gaudy neck* tla KnU by hla lady's finger» Then a hubby, I hnwered by hla frtenda with aocka and Btovea And plpea lhal will not draw. Ink walla of braaa And fountain pena Hint Irak, or alaa aoma painted China that hla wife can uaa aa well And then Tha middle a(r<| of fair round belly—« III it* cap To hide hla ahlnlnB pule The elxlh ael alnka Into the carpet clipper lim e or bad ci­ gars— A Oliver cutler, elnce hla teeth are bad. I .ait alft of all lhal enda Ihla alranBa Kveolful hlalory la fnlllna alght Then Hioy hrlnn a rnnunlfylna alnaa Kor a rum)pa -Detroit Free I ’reea Sunty and tha Stork. “ It o t daddy, la thero really, truly Manly ?" "W all, I Just Biles» ye»— a regular corker he Hi too.” “ la ho tilco?" “ la ho? Well, I «hould any ao! Isn't ho, M ary?" “ Humph! Very nice, na Santaa go, but not very m odest“ “ 1» ho handsome, dnddy?" “ Oh, na linmlaume ns a picture— 'T NEARLY PITenKD ON TO MY BOWSPBtT.' a|inrkllns eyes, flue forehead, beautiful said somethin' what I couldn't catch, complexion- very handsome. Isn't ho. ao I anld. "A y e, aye, alrl" and before MnryT” 1 knowed It he bad hlntrojulced me to “ Henry, It's perfectly dreadful the the smnrtest A1 clipper built little craft wn.v you deceive that child. You ouBht I ever turned my senrchllghts on, and to tie ashamed o f yourself. You're set­ nomebow tho next minute her sweet ting him a terrible example.” little figurehead wns close to mine, ami “ Hut. daddy, where does he liv e - 1 made fast around her amidships nod away off somewhere?" ' steamed Into hactlon. “ Oh. yes; very, very far.” "This Is n polker, not an ’oruplpe," “ Away off where tho stork lives?" she said presently In n voice ns sweet "T h e stork! Who's tieon telling yon ns the bo's'n’s whistle pipin’ nt grog about the stork?" time, so I axed her pnrdlng nnd navi- "M nm m y."—( 'hlcn ro Tribune. gated accordin’. Well, xve boxed the compass nl>out twice, when some one Mistletoe. i ran foul o' my stnrbonrd bow nnd It Is high time that something was threw me on my beam ends. My con­ donenlsiut our mistletoe literature that sort wns so consnrned nnd bore a hand crops up so regularly during the holi­ so prettily to haul me up thnt I quite day season forgot to sny what 1 wns agoln' to to tho It systematizes about ns follows: lubber. Next time I was goln' to (lance The Joke about the girl who wears with her again, but she told me she n sprig o f mistletoe on her head. wns engaged "H ln d eed !" so* I ns The Joke about the mistletoe that ‘stight.v ns a hndmlrnl. Then n red­ didn’t come In time, nnd the girl asks headed swab took her In tow. nnd tho (always coyly) whether they cannot get band strikin' up the "K e e l R o w " there wns the two o f 'em n-cnperln' away along without It. The rhurch trimming mistletoe Joke. Just like old Mac, our second engineer, The sprig o f mistletoe thnt the long when he I his had what he calls "n xveo lost lover on his dramatic return on drop" on» pay nights. Soon after I see her slttln’ fannln* Christinas eve always draws ont o f his herself, while the redheaded chap wns pocket nt the end o f tho story. The fnct Is thnt the mistletoe has n-cnrryln’ on shameful with n girl In now degenerated Into n chestnut. It pink, so I tacked towards her nnd told her whnt 1 thought o f the swab she no longer serves any useful literary was engaged to nud hoffered to bash purpose It should he worn only by In Ills headlights. I thought she would mothers In law Harper's Weekly. never stop laughin' ns she told me she didn't even know him nnd wns only The Best Known Christmas Poem. And “ T w a s thè Night Itoforo Christmas" engaged to him for the dance filose doligli) fui verses thnt wlll then I felt better. Well, lo cut the yarn ahort. at elgh. rhnriti botti thè old nnd young ns long ns there are sfooklngs to he hnng—wns hells I conveyed her down to the wnrd wrlften nlnety-one yenrs ago. Just be- room to mess, nnd a fter thnt w e hove fori* tln» hnlldny sonami, hy Clement to In a conservative full o f paints Clnrk Muore, tlieti professor of orien­ nnd flowers nnd smellln' like a troplcnl tai Inngunges In' thè New York Theo- hlslnnd. and then—well, after a very logtcnl semlnnry It hns beconie an hot engagement. In which 1 had to American elnsslc. nnd no Christmas bring both broadside« Into hactlon, my day Is complete wtthont a rendlng o f pretty prize hauled down her flag, nnd a fow months Inter we slgnnled fo r n thls ehnrmlng little lyrie thnt hns llvcd nnd glnddcncd thè Cbrlstmnatlde for sky pilot, nnd I towed her safe Into nearly 100 yeara. port—London Tlt-Blta. B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON 1 1 he 1 Firs Christmas The fifth annual exhibition of the Oregon Poultry arid I’d Stock associa­ T often has lieeu stated that the tion Is In session at Portland. birth o f Christ must have occur The annual mooting of the Oregon red four years Indore the date W oolgroweralasaoclation w lll bo held fixed on for tha current chronolo­ In Portland. December 10. gy and that It Is probable the event be­ District No. 42, Tillamook, now has fell at aom© other time In the year n new schoolhouse, built from money than a few dnye after the winter sol­ raised by a special bonding election. stice. The reason for the c-onfldent as­ The Polk County School O fficers’ sertion Is the ascertaining of the fact that Herod died about four years U. C. association haa been formed and the The liasla o f this supposition Is the first meeting Is to he held Saturday, re|»»rt that nt the time o f the birth o f December 20. Christ "there were shepherds abiding Mlaa K. M. Thompson, an exhibitor In the field, watching their flocks by ar the chrysanthemum show at Cres- night.” a circumstance not natural In well. named a pale pink "m um " the the latitude o f Ketblehem near the “ Miss Jessie W ilson" flower. shortest day. That la the height o f A t the city election. December 16, the rainy season In Judes, and the Ashland wlll vote on the wet and dry date does not np|>ear to have been ob­ proposition, as an annual custom. It served generally before the fifth cen­ tury. Is now dry. Many students o f Hlbllcal history Hy a vote of 240 to 6», Klamath have nrgued thnt fbe story about the Knits has voted to bond the city for star o f Hethlehem points to a date for the purpose o f raising money for the Nativity not later than May 8, building a new city hall. H. C. (I. On that date the planets The Oregon Agricultural cadet band Venus and Jupiter were so closely In haa made plans for n tour o f Wiliam- conjunction as seen from the earth otte valley and eastern Oregon during thnt the apparent distance between them was equal only to the breadth of the holiday season T h " twenty-eighth annual meeting the full moon. These planets were o f the Oregon Horticultural society wlll he held In the Portland public library December 10-12. H. K. Nichols of Laldlaw boasts of having been sheriff In Oregon 67 years ago. H e first served when Ore­ gon was a provisional government, nnd was first elected In June, 1646. Senator Dane has Introduced a Joint resolution Cor the preliminary exam­ ination and survey of the W illam ette and Columbia rivers from Portland to the sea. Kollowtng a week's search In the snows of the Klue mountains Sheriff Kelsey o f W heeler county, haa cap­ tured Mack Vaughn, and returned him to Fossil on a charge of bootlegging. Albert 11 Stone was drowned when the spAed power boat Oregon W olf IV turned turtle in the W illam ette river near Portland, while going at a rate of more than 40 miles an hour. John E. W olf and Orth Mathlot escaped. With the assurance that not lesa than 500 delegates from all sections of the state would be In attendance, elaborate preparations were made for the commercial meeting held In Rose- TUX STAR O F BETHLEHEM burg Thursday. A year's incarceration in the Jail then risible in the east a couple o f at Albany Is the record o f Albert Pea­ boors before sunrise and must have cock. convicted of violating local op­ produced a strikingly beautiful appear­ tion laws. Unless he gets released ance and have been spoken o f as one ob ject Tbnt wns about fifty days less as result of an appeal, he w lll have to tbad tw o years liefore the death of remain In Jail a considerable time Herod, a fact xvhicb harmonizes well longer. with other conditions o f the narrative, Tw enty-five farmers of Central Ore­ for It is probable that the mandate gon have been given packets o f dry­ fo r the slaughter o f all the children land alfalfa seed sufficient to plant tw o years old and under was issued one acre, the officials o f the Oregon some months before bis decease, and Trunk rallwny seeking to demonstrate the limit o f tw o years would leave an the possibilities of this particular kind ample margin fo r any uncertainty as to the time o f the appearance o f the o f seed. star, as related by the magi; also there A new monolithic silo has Just been were no paschal full moons on a F ri­ completed at the Salem Indian achool. day betweeu the years B. C. 6 and This Is one of the very few monolithic A. D. 33 and no other follow ing that structures of this class in the Pacific Ull A. D. 00. northwest, and la said to be one of the From this it would seem to follow finest In the United States. The thnt Christ was thirty-eight years old structure ts about 40 feet high and has at the time o f the cruciflxioti, and this a capacity of nearly 150 tons of silage. would vindicate the sagacity o f the Judgment fo r $950 and costs was Jewish doctors who affirmed that he was not yet fifty (forty?) years old. It rendered In favor of Milton Garnnett 1« remarked, too, that In the spriug of of Renton county, against Frank Ed­ the same year there was a triple con­ wards. a Portland broker on a deal for junction o f planets-Siiturn. Jupiter ; the sale o f a team o f horses made 20 and Mars—and that the first two | years ago. Service was had whet, named w ere lu conjunction as seen the defendant returned to the state from the earth no less than three times In the year preceding—thnt Is, R. C. 7. after the long absence. Another theory about the star o f M. V. O’Shea, professor of science and the art of education at the Uni­ Bethlehem which has been advanced versity of Wisconsin, has been secur­ is thnt the star seen by the magi is Spicn, the leading brilliant in the con ed as the principal spnker for the 8tellntion o f Virgo, the Virgin. Fof meeting o f the western division o f many years before and after the the State Teachers' association, which Christian era the star was changing wlll he held in Salem December 22 to Its place until It was then literally a 24. Inclusive. “ star iu the east." and its movement In pursuance of the terms of a con­ in that direction may have been the tract entered into between the govern­ very fnct noticed by the wise men of ment nnd the Maxwell I*and company, some centuries preceding who expect­ of Hermtston, Secretary Dane has or­ ed that the prophecy about the Virgin would be fulfilled when Its principal dered a public sale of aevernl hundred star reached the position noted. If acres of land embraced within the this were so the visit o f the uiagi from Umatilla irrigation project. The sale Raetrla. In the fnr east. Is easily ex ­ will be held at Hermiston, on Decem­ plained. nnd the chief difficulty attend­ ber 27. ing the 'explanation lies In the fnct Not until 95 per cent of the area o f that such an Important search ns they land held by the settlers in the first undertook Is noticed by only one ont *f the four evangelists. unit o f the Tutnalo irrigation project The uncertainty o f the centuries In Crook county. Is signed up under con­ tracts with the state for water, will regard to fbe date o f the N ativity In year nnd month may never l>e cleared the work be commenced on the dis­ up Its existence has been unfairly tribution system for the unit, accord­ cited as reason for disbelieving the ing to an order of the Desert Dand whole narration. The people o f 2.000 Hoard. years ago attached little Importance to_ Senator Chamberlain speaking at a dates, except current ones, and It may luncheon to I«ntln-Amerlcan diplomats bo remembered that the destruction snld he believed the United States o f Jerusalem occurred between Ibe should make some adequate repara­ time o f the Nativity and the writing of tion to Colombia for lts loss of terri­ the gospels, nt least in the shape In tory when ex President Roosevelt took which It has come down to us. the Panama canal zone away from It. Sick Fish. Senator Chamberlain nlso spoke In Experiments by aquarium experts favor of barring Orientals from the have Indicated thnt salt water baths United States. wlll cure some Ills o f fresh water fish, A movement Is on foot led by the while fresh water makes sick deep sen Multnomnh Anglers' club of Portland denizens well. to perfect an association, that will em­ brace all the rod and gun clubs of the Alcohol Free Restaurants. state. Tho expressed object of the Zurich has n number o f "alcohol organization Is to unite the sporting free" restaurants, nt which ten. coffee ! interests o f Oregon in one central nnd milk are sold nt 2 cents per cup body to ef'eetlvely secure need«d leg­ or glnss. They nre visited dnlly by an islation, to offset the cannery Inter­ | average o f 11.000 persons. The low ests and commercial flshln,: Interests prices nre mnde possible hy the fart thnt the restaurants nre finn need by n nnd to secure equal distribution o l woman’s temperance association which | eggs. expects no profits. I Great Combination Offer The Stayton Mail management has made arrange­ ments with the Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news o f Stayton and vicinity at a remarkably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best paper in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The Portland Evening Telegram. The Stayton Mail $5. per year $1.50 per year Total. $6.50 per year Both papers through this office if paid in advance for 1 year, on or before Dec­ ember 31st 1913. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS at HOME LOW ROUND TRIP FARES V IA TH E The E xp ositio n L in e , 19IS Between a ll points in Oregon, also from points in Oregon to Cali­ fornia, Washington and Idaho S A L E D A T E S A N D L IM IT S Christmas Holidays:— Between a 11 points in Oregon; also from Southern Pacific points to points in Washington j and Idaho Dec. 18 to 24 inclusive. Between Oregon and California points Dec. 20 to 25. Return limit all points Jan. 5, 1914. New Years Holidays:—Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. 5, 1914. The New Year Fares apply only between points in Oregon and between Oregon and California. S U P E R IO R T R A IN S E R V IC E Observation Cars, Dining Cars add b ig , warm all-steel coaches. All trains solid ly -eestibuled. Call on nearest Southern Pacific Agent for full particulars train schedules, specific fares, etc. John M. Scott, Geaeral Passenger Agent, Port'land, Oregon 1 The Lord of Misrule. - ■.I-|.,|..|-l-l- l-M- H - 4-H -H -H -H I I .H -j - The "Lord o f Misrule." who some­ A CHRISTM AS L E T T E R . times rejoiced In the whimsical title $ of the "Abbot o f Unreason." wns a : -H -l -H -l-M -l l-H M -l-l I m i l very Important funcUonary o f the T~YKAREST PH YLLIS, pray ramsmbr Christmas ceremonies in the olden 1 when you're malting up the list time. His office wns that o f master o f Of vour present» for December funises l the revels, nnd in castle nnd hall, from am to be missed) Christmas eve down to T w elfth day. T h a t I've slippers, picture brackets, smo! Ing sets of various types. he wns absolute master o f nil. On tak­ a dozen smoking Jackets, thlrty-se' ing up the duties o f his office he gen­ Half en meerschaum pipes. erally made some quaint speech, ex­ Twenty patent "kid glove menders," coi lar boxes by tha score, plaining to the company that he ab­ solved, them o f nil their reason and , O f embroidered silk suspenders, fort- • ’leven pairs or mors; thnt they were to be Just wise enough That each year since I was twenty D » to make fools o f themselves Under received a paperweight, his rule all were to be equal. No one j Have pen wipers. Inkstands plenty, o»P r cutter»— twenty-eight; wns to sit apart in pride o f self suffi­ Thst I've Browning and Longfellow tv ciency to laugh at others Moreover, the hundred—every kind— being possessed o f the magic power to Hhnkespeara— black and blue and yellow ; Milton till Pm nearly blind. m m his auditory Into children. It was his Intention while hip sovereignty , So there'a Just one present only that t*i i lasted thnt they should conduct them­ wanting In this year ■ O f my bachelorship so lonely—that's you • selves as such self, my Phyllis; dear. —J.mes Courtney Chalites Arkansas Timber. Arkansas is annually cutting 540.- (100.1X10 feel o f short leaf pine timber. Paper and String. 550.tXXI.lgXl feet o f loblolly pine. 40,- When you undo a parcel fold the ptt (XXl.tXiil feet o f cypress. 25.000.000 feet ' |*r nnd tie the string around I t Tbei - o f oak. 2.00O.000 feet o f red gum and will always be a string to fit a bundle 31,250,000 feet o f hickory. i without looking for one.