The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, December 25, 1913, Image 2

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    A New Phase of the
Servant Question
Published every Thursday by
m .
Entered as second class matter at the poatoffice at Stayton,
Marion county, Oregon, under the act o f Congress o f March 8, 1879.
All communications should be addressed to T hk S tayton M ail .
Two ran v lets sat together In a prison
yard sunning themselves and smoking
S U B S C R I P T I O N S , 1 1 1 .6 0 p e r y e a r i n a d v a n c e
their pipes. Other prisoners were either
A d v e r t i s i n g K L n to«* o n m p p l i e a t i o n
lounging about or taking exercise walk­
C ards o f T hanks $ .60
O bitvariks - $1.00 up.
ing to and fro, while the guards kept
an eye out for all to make sure that
Positively till papers stopped on expiration o f subscription
they were not getting together In one
or more groups The two men smoking
together, though the; had no acquaint­
ance. opened conversation In the usual
“ What are you here for?” asked ons
“ The servant question "
“ What'S the servant question got to
do with yer bein' within walls?”
"Oh, It’s a long story; but, seein'
we've nothing better to do, I don’t
mind telUn’ It to you.”
“ Go on.”
“ I've always made It a rule to work
through servants. I can get more ad­
vantages by takln' 'em In to a deal
than In any other way. They make
With Best Wishes of The Season
It deiid easy for a feller. The easiest
to our Many Customers.
Job I ever got was this way. 1 was
walkin' aloug a street In a suburban
town, where the houses wasn't too
near together, lookin’ for a Job, when
I come to a decent lookin’ house—not
too line, for In the finest they have
safes: nor too poor looktn. for In them
kind they don’t have nothin’ to put In
safes; bnt the middle kind, where they
have good things, bnt not so valuable
that they keep 'em out o’ the way—as
I was sayln. 1 come to a house o f the
middle kind and. goto’ around to the
back door, knocked and asked the
maid If there was any old clothes In
the house they didn’t w an t I was out
o f a job and would be glad o f any­
thing 1 could g et
“ She looked at me, and. says she:
'You don’t want any old clothes. You're
lookin' for a Job. but not the ord'nary
kind o f a Job—one with more profit In
It than doin’ odd Jobs at 20 cents an
L O S T -O n school ground. Baptist
“ She looked at me kind o f knowin’ Sunday School pin. 25c reward, W. J.
and I twigged right off. ‘ I wouldn’t Hewitt.
mind a pard.' I says, and she asked
Grandma Flick, who lives a t the
ine what I meant and I says ’halves.'
home o f bit son, John Flick in Linn
T hat's fair.’ she says. 'When do you To Build Strength— Rexall Olive Oil
County, fell one day last week and sus­
want to begin work?* T always work Emulsion. A real body and nerve food tained a serious fracture o f her left
at night' I says, 'wheo other people Is free from Alcohol and dangerous drugs hip bone.
Mrs. Flick is 80 years of
$1.00 bottle at Beauchamp’s.
age. Drs. H. A. and F. E. Beauchamp
“ Well. I made a deal with her right
set the injured member.
off, and I was to do the jo b the next
Geo. Warford who has been in Fall
night The maid was goln’ to have
friends to dinner then, and she was City was in. town Tuesday and Wed­
always expected to put away the sil­ nesday.
ver. the best bein' brought on on swell
I took to that Idee aDd
John Merrifield and family are spend-
The Baptist Sunday School had a
pulled out a fiver to bind the bargain.
g Christmas at Aumsville with rela­ tree and an entertainment Christmas
After takln' piv instructions how to git
in and what to do next 1 goes awny.
The church had been prettily
“ The next night about 11 o’clock 1
decorated for the occasion.
went to the house, and they was Jlst
puttin’ out the lights. A cop went by FOR WOMENS ILLS
slingin' his nigbt stick, so I waited till
Rexall Vegetable Compound—A safe
he’d put a block or tw o between me
remedy for female weakness. $1.00 at
and him; then 1 went into the back
yard and sat down in a dark place for Beauchamp’s.
Fred Caspell, who is here visiting
half an honr, givin’ 'em time to get to
Montana, was starting to go hunt­
Misses Witzel, Hollister and McShane,
sleep The maid had left a stepladder
outside, 'cause it was a basement three o f Stayton's teachers are spend­ ing Sunday morning, when he accident­
ly shot off a toe on his left foot with a
'•»use and I was to git In at a back ing the holidays in Salem.
no 20 shot gun. Dr. Beauchamp am­
kitchen winder on the main floor.
T put off the Job till I felt that all
Mrs. Riley Privet o f Bellingham, putated the mutilated member and the
that was goln’ to sleep had gone there:
Washington is visiting at the G. W. i foot is getting along nicely.
then 1 puts the stepladder agin the
Murphy home this week.
wall and goes up to the winder, ft
E. B. Hunt was fined $5 Wednesday
went up as slick as If It bad been
J. W. Mayo and wife are spending j morning in the Justice court for leav­
greased, snd. feelln’. I found the maid
had soaped it This made me feel snre Christmas day with relatives in Leba- ing his team unhitched in the street.
she wasn’t trickin’ me and was doin’
everything to help me on. I got down
to the floor Inside and follered the di­
rection ahe’d given me. passin' from FOR HEAVY COLDS
Beauchamp’s Cold Tablets help to
the dinin’ room Into the pantry, where
the maid aaid ahe wna goln’ to leave quickly break up the cold. Gently lax­
the silver, tellln’ her mistress the next ative, price 25c at Beauchamp’s.
Miss McShane and Miss Hollis­
mom in' she'd forgot to take it to her
a r e attending t h e State
where she kept it nights, so she
T. D. Phillips and wife o f Jordan
■onidn't have to waken any one by were Stayton visitors Saturday.
Teachers Association in Salem
Liftin' It In the momln’.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­
"I got into the pantry all right and
of this week.
■ is reelin' for the swag when an
eotrie went up. and there stood a cop been visiting at Mrs. Lucy Kearns re­
Miss Hollister and Mrs. Pratt
: each o f the pantry doors. They had turned to their home in Moscow, Idaho
their Chistmas Program to­
e coofied up. and I was covered by Saturday.
>‘ h o f 'em at the same time
gether in Mrs. Pratt’s room. The
“ It was all up with me. o f course.
Mrs. Clara McConnell returned to her room was nicely decorated, they
They clapped the bracelets on me and
home in Aberdeen, Wash., Monday a f­ had two trees, one on each side
look me out into the ball. All the
I gilts was turned lip, and downstairs ter a weeks' visit at the Hobson home. of a fire-place.
I saw the gentleman o f the bouse corn­
W. R. Ray, wife and daughter Effie
in'. with the maid behind him, only
A great many people attended
they all was dressed In their regular o f Mt. Pleasant were in town yester­ the program of t h e different
clothes. 1 was all broke up by seein’ day.
rooms Friday.
the maid dressed like a lady.
'■’Well,' said the gentleman to his
Enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Hap­
The Parent-Teachers meeting
wife, 'this doin' your own housework
py New Year with a ’ 'First Pick” C i­ held at the school house Friday
Is a savin' I d more ways than one.
I--n't It. my dear? There’s a thousand gar. Made in Stayton Oregon by Jos. night was well attended. A good
iollurs’ worth of property held on to J. Lambrecht.
program was furnished by the
by your bein' maid and cook and all
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brewer pupils of the school and by some
the other servants, and I'll put half o f
It Into a brooch for you.' Then, turn­ an eleven pound boy Tuesday.
of the ladies of town.
We all
in' to the cops, he said to 'em: 'A year
ago. when we was spendlD' a thousand
and hope he will speak to the
dollars a year for servants, we loot FOR THAT COLD
Use Beauchamp’s cold Tablets and school some time.
*.">.nnn more in one night Luckily my
wife likes housework. Isn’t literary, “ White Pine and Tar. Breaks up most
A type-writing test for speed
don't write papers for woman’s clubs any cold in a few days.
and Is a profitable woman to have In
was given last week. The words
the house'
Miss Mabel Townes who is attending per minute by each contestant
“ Then be Jlst takes her In bis arms
in Portland this winter is spend­ were as follows:
Bessie Clow,
and gives her a smack, and she was
the proudest lookin’ woman you ever ing the holidays with home folks at 25; Oliver Lesley, 25; Leo Rock,
seen. But I noticed that when she Mt. Pleasant.
24; Merna Weddle, 24; Nellie
seen me between two cope she looked
sorry fo r me.”
Andrew Fisher o f the Waldo Hills Stowell, 25; Helen Staab, 30;
The convict paused and then added visited at the Joe Fisher home Mon- June Kearns, 31.
reflectively: “ I don't say that all serv­
The school will have a number
ants Is I d with ns. but I does say that day.
C. A . LU TH Y,
School Notes
o f fire drills each month.
first one was held last week and
every one was out of the build­
ing in minutes.
The eighth grade attended the
the program in Miss McShane’ s
room Friday afternoon.
. » “ '”
■ jg ? :
The National weekly has been $5.50 per year.
They have reduced the price in Clubs only to $2.50
The proprietor o f the Stayton Mail has made an ar­
rangement with them whereby Collier’s and the
Mail may be obtained one year for the sum o f $2.50
Collier’s has half a million subscribers.
If all The leddlea In the land gits to
For Chronic Catarrh—Rexall Mucu-
^,.ln' their own housework the most
'<• cert of «»nr business 'll be tone. A common-sense internal treat­
• «Ion t mokon they'll do It ment to remove the cause. 50c & $1.00
m ■ ien Is giftin' brainy, and bottle at Beauchamp’s.
they likes to write papers and spout
’em ligt we got to look out for them
Dr. Beauchamp reports a boy born to
as Isn’t up to them literary pranks ’*
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chance o f North
Santiam, Dec. 14.
2 .
Collier’s has over two million readers.
Collier’s comes every week.
Collier’s calls a spade a spade.
Collier’s is the National Weeklv.
Collier’s is absolutely fearless.
Collier’s will contain next year.
1000 Editorials,
000 News Photos,
250 Short Articles
150 Short Stories, 100 Illustrated Features, 2 Complete Novels.
Remember you can only get Collier’s in this town
at this remarkable price in conjunction with The
Stayton Mail. Both one year $2. 50. The time is
limited on this remarkable offer, so take advantage
o f it at once. He who reads Collier’s is well posted
on any subject. Read Collier’s.
Tracy Pritchard o f Lyons cut his l e f t ! |
band severely with an ax a few day«
ago and had to have Dr.
dress the wound.
W orld's Largest Flower.
The Island o f Mindanao produces the
largest flower In the world. Its habi­
tat Is far up the I'arag mountain. 2,500
feet above the level o f the sea. The
natives give It the name o f bolo. Its
full blown blossom, five petaled. Is
above three feet In diameter, weigh­
ing twenty-two pounds. The flower
was first found In Sumatra and wna
called ltnflieHla schndcnburgtn, In hon­
or o f Its discoverer.
T hey D rink Up Watar.
Five hundred and twenty ton* o f
water are required to produce one ton
of dry oata. while 310 tona o f water
are needed for one ton o f corn and 453
tons of water for one ton o f red clover.
W all Papar.
In the manufacture o f wall paper
one worker by the aid o f machinery
does the work of 100 m anual laborer«,
and In cutting and drying paper by
machinery four men nnd six girls do
the work o f 100 operator« by the old
time method.
Start off Right with a Box of
Lowney’s Chocolates
T he World Renowned Kind
Cigars, Stationery, Newspapers, Magazines, Post Cards,
and Notions.
J. A . H E N D E K S H O T T
• Í»
A Scientific "If.“
if the earth were to revolve seven­
teen times faster than It doe* bodies
Ht the equator would lose their weight
snd remain stationary in the air with­
out support
Platinum .
Platinum Is the heaviest commercial
metnl known. Its specific gravity Is
21.5 ns compared with 19.20 for pure
gold nnd 10.53 for silver. Briefly, plat­
inum Is twenty-one snd a half tlmea
ns heavy an water, more than twice
the weight o f silver and heavier, bulk
for bulk, than pure gold. It Is softer
than Iron, but somewhat harder than
Church Property,
The vnlue of church owned property
In the United States la $1,757.575.807.
Only 35.000,000 o f the 95.000,000 In-
hnbltiinta o f continental United Stntes
are church members.
8nail Shells.
More than 000,000 pounds o f snail
shells are shipped out o f Malaysia
every year to Europe and America to
lie used In the making o f buttons and
novelties. The shells, when o f good
quality, bring about 10 cents a pound
In New York. The shells are taken
from the ocean by fishermen and sold
through Chinese collectors to Euro­
pean firms at Singapore.
R. J. MOSES, Prop.
“ A homelike place to stay"
Hot and ('old Water Baths
! . .
Commercial Trade Solicited
. . . .
mn |^ | n
C J .1 m
f tint*- J j ”
ummm *
I ’TTiWB 1 ^1# jLWtf’V- T
Itm m Widtmm t u k u l !
HE New Season b r i n g s I j
with it a world o f new ideus
in Portraiture. Your pur-
trait is a happy reminder to pi,7«
your friends that they’ re “ in
your thoughts.”
We can assure you the good
likeness that only personal care
Come early and avoid t h e
Holiday Crowds.
Write o r
Rhone for a time for a sitting.
The M odem
The Latest Styles
For The Holidays
P ratt’s Studio
C H I C U f r iü r i üüiüTi f ü n f f f
Macadam Roads.
In the opinion o f an Engllab scientist
the wear o f macadam roads Is not due
to the suction o f automobile tires, but
almost entirely to the crushing effect
of horseshoes and Iron tired wheels.
Island of Elba.
The Island of Elba, famous from Ita
association with Napoleon, Is a favor­
ite resting place o f many migratory
birds traveling between points south
of the equator and the Arctic ocean.
It Is therefore visited by ornithologists
from ail parts o f the world.
J. Sheard