•-» i* THE WILBUR FARMER’S WOOLEN MILLS CO. ATTENTION Christmas Greeting Tendering our best wishes to every reader, we are pleased to invite your attention to our Holiday Stock for 19 J 3.— A revelation in pleasing and appropriate gifts We are prepared to show you worth and quality for the-price, variety and assortment in goods, such as Watches, Clocks, Silver­ ware, Cut Glass, Rings, Bracelets, etc Al­ so have in stock a few string instruments and supplies, Columbia graphophones and nice reading lamps that any home would appreciate. CHRISTMAS AMUSEMENT The Stayton Theatre management ha« secured large holiday bill« for next week. As a usual holiday Christmas week the Theatre will be open every night and on Thursday night will be complemintary night, candy will be given to all. HEADQUARTERS for CHRISTMAS GIFTS C. A. LUTHY, j Jeweler Lowney’s Chocolates— of course. They are the Pure wholesome kind. Just the candy one can eat and feel no bad after effects. We handle Xmas Candies of ail kinds. Bon Bon Boxes or by the pound. GEM C O N F E C T IO N E R Y J. A . H E N D E R S H O T T & s g hi n » * COMMERCIAL HOTEL ! § R. J. MOSES, Prop. “A homelike place to stay” Hot and Cold Water Baths 1 á Commerciai Trade Solicited BOARD BY THE DAY OR THE WEEK *U Stayton - 9$ Oregon 8 6k . . . . - — The Modern Portrait The Latest Styles For The Holidays HE New Season b r i n g s with it a world of new ideas in Portraiture. Your por­ trait is a happy reminder to your friends that they’re “ in your thoughts." We can assure you the good likeness that only personal care produces. Come early and avoid t h e Holiday Crowds. Write o r Phone for a time for a sitting. T Pratt’s Studio CLYDE HOFFER Instructor in PIANO Water Color and China Painting. G raduate in M usic a t H u litt C o n serva to ry, York, Sehr. P ost-G radu ate a t H untingdon, Tenn. OFFICE HOURS—2 to 4 P. M.—SATURDAYS Over Beauchamp’9 DruR Store Terms Reasonable - Discount on lessons paid by term in advance. firing old books and music STAYTON WANING and DYEWORKS DRY, CHEMICAL AND STEAM CLEANING DYEING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING PRICES MODERATE J . Sheard Mrs. E. Donlev of Joseph, Oregon was an over Sunday visitor at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp. What would make • nicer, or more sensible Christmas present, than one of those soft fluffy I .«mbs wool Blankets, or Indian Bobos, msnufscturvd at the Woolen Mills in vour own town, and from Oregon wool. We have them in pure white, with dainty pink ami blue borders, also In pretty tans, greys and beautiful plaids in any weight and site, alto the nicest quality of couch covers and Indian Rohes in Navajo patterns, that are a handsome useful ornament to any home. A cordial invitation la extended to all to come and look over our stock wheather you buy or not, come in and see how we make them from fleece to the finished article. Ask to see our new, dress goods patterns they will please you and are up to date. You can buy from us at retail anything we manufacture. John P. Wilbur Pres. There is no substitute for Royal Baking Pow­ der for making the best cake, biscuit and pastry* Royal is A b­ solutely Pure and the only baking powder m ade from R o y a l grape cream of tartar. TO NIGHT •‘The Message in t h e Cocoanut” FINE STATIONERY - Majestic 2 reels. “ His Uncle's Wives'' I don't believe there is a Arm in town a comedy. Stayton Jheatre Admis- j that can beat our quality an.l prices on “ Gift Box Stationery." Please look sion 10c. it over if you sre thinking of buying- IfBuggies, hacks, surries a n d farm look at our window and note prices machinery at cost Wright Hardware Beauchamp's Drug Store. 8ATURDAY and Implement Co., Aumsville Oregon "Calamity Anne Detective" western tf John Bender and wife of Jordan were Comedy feature. Worlds Events show­ iu town Monday. ing “ Mardi Gras” in New Orleans The Gehlen Brothers bought the John and Assuan Dam in the Nile Valiev. Downing ranch four miles south o f 2 big comedies —"The Elite Hall” and G. C. Eksman was in Turner on busi­ Lyons this week. The consideration “ Just Brown's Luck.” Keystone side- ness the first of the week. was |2000. splitters. SUNDAY Frank Jungewcst of Jordan was talk­ Rev. J. F. Leggett will proach at “The Sharpshooter” a Broncho 2 ing and smoking on the streets of Kingston next Sunday. reel feature. “ Catching a big Sneeze’’ Stayton the early part of the week. one that will make you laugh. Admis Frank is some spieler. Mr. and Mrs. Schneider of Jordan aion 10c. were Stayton visitors Tuesday. Christmaa candy will be given to all YOU SHOULD SEE OUR UNE- Thursday evening. Come ar.d get a of Candies both in bulk and package Mrs. Clara McConnel and Miss Alta box. goods. A nice box of candy is always Hobson are Scio visitors today. a good gift, 25c to $1.00 box nice fresh candies. A pleasure to show then at D. Townes and wife of Mt. Pleasant Beauchamp's. „ were in town Tuesday. STAYTON THEATRE RAMBLING SAM WEEKLEY NEWS GETS ANSWERED Xmas? iwmzmz: WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for live hogs, calve», sheep ¡tub cattle, aim.) country produce of all kinds. Telephone or write our buyer J. l>. Den» mo re, Salem, Ore., Box 36 phone Main 1041. Shipping date» for live »took can bo Warned bv phoning Produce house« at Lebanon, Sclo and Stayton. Union Meat Company. Proprietor HOW TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR HAIR Mrs. Cora Hendershott was granted Mrs. Nadstanek of Salem was visit­ a decree of divorce from J. A. Hender­ ing friends in Stayton Saturday. shott last Raturday in the Circuit Nothing spoils your good looks so Court. The property rights were set­ Clyde Hoffer is taking the teacher’» much as hemely hair -stringy, dull-col­ tled out of court. ored, harsh. Nothing adds to good examination in Salem this week. looks so much as beautiful hair - soft, silky, wavy and glossy. No matter Lee Kerber and John Downing were H o w 's T h i s ? how beautiful your hair is now, you can We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho­ Salem visitors Tuesday. improve ita good looks by using Har­ ward for any case of Catarrh that mony Hair Bcautifler. If vour hair is cannot bo cured by Hall'» Catarrh NIPPON HAND PAINTED CHINA- Cure. homely and ugly now, Harmony Iliiir from 20c to $1. SO. We have some ve­ Bcautifler will make it softer, silkier, F . J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo. O. ’Yo. th e undersigned, h ave know n I'. J. ry fine pieces in this line that are very glossier, more beautiful in every way. C heney t o r th e la s t 15 years, a n d believe him p e rfe c tly hon o rab le In all business useful presnts. Beauchamp’s. It alao makea it easier to put up and tra n s a c tio n s a n d financially able to c arry helps it to "stay put.” Its rich rose o u t a n y obligations m ade by his firm. See Jos. Lambrecht for a box o f odor hides the unpleasant, oily smell of N A TIO N A L B A N K Op COMMEHCE. Toledo. O. "First Pick” cigars for Hubby’s Xmas. the hair. Harmony Hair Bcautifler is H a ll's C a ta rrh C uro Is ta k e n Internally, rightly named; it ooautifiea the hair. a cting d irectly upon th e blood and m u- Sell your produce for Cash to the :oua su rfa c e s o f th e system . T estim onials Very easy to apply—simply sprinkle te n t free. P ric e 75 c en ts per bottle, flold Stayton Cash Produce Company, tf by a ll D ruggists. a little on your hair each time before T a k e H a ll's F a m ily P llla for c o a a tlp e U o o - brushing it. It contains no oil, and Jake Missler is building an addition will not change the color of the hai r, to his blacksmith shop on Fourth St. nor darken gray hair. Wife-Murder Not Proved. | T o keep hair and scalp dandruff-free A s to r ia .— T h e c i r c u it c o u r t Ju ry r e ­ Miss Lillian Bogert of Salem, is vis­ and clean.use Harmony Shampoo. This tu r n e d a v e r d ic t a c q u ittin g F. F e rd i­ iting at the H. A. Beauchamp home. pure liquid shampoo gives an instantan­ n a n d F e r n a n d e z o f t h e c h a r g e of m u r­ eous rich lather that immediately |>cnc- d e r in g h is w ife . T h e w o m e n 's a n te ­ C. H. Stewart the Bank Examiner tratea to every part of hair and scalp,in­ m o rte m s t a t e m e n t t h a t s h e s ta b b e d was in town last Thursday and Friday. suring aquick, thorough cleansing. Wash­ h e r s e l f w a s t h e m a in e v id e n c e In th e ed off just as quickly, the entire operation d e f e n d a n t's b e h a lf. FOR SALE—Small potatoes for feed. takes only a few moments. Contains $5.00 per ton. See W. B. Allis. nothing that can harm the hair: leaves Wheat In Need of Gluten. n o harshness o r stickiness—just a Pendleton.—In an attempt to raise sweet-semlling rlcanlncss. Mrs. G. L. Brown and daughter the percentage of gluten In wheat Both preparations come in oddshaped, grown In Umatilla county, a few local Wanda were shopping in Salem Satur­ very ornamental bottles with sprinkler farmers are Importing some seed grain day. tops. Harmony Hair Bcautifler, $1.00. from Canada. Highest cash prices paid for your harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaran­ New North Bank Road President. produce at the Stayton Cash Produce teed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold in this com­ Portland.—Changes In the executive Company. tf munity only at our store The Rexall offices of the North Bank Road, In­ Store—one of the more than 7,000 lend­ volving the resignation of Joseph H. C. A. Silbernagel and wife of Jordan Young, president, and the election of were trading with Stayton merchants ing drug atorea of the United Stales, Canada and Great Britain, which own L C. Gilman, of Seattle, to succeed Tuesday. the big Harmony laboratories in Ho - him, probably will be made before the ton, where the many celebrated Har­ first of the year. Floyd Robertson sold his restaurant mony Perfumes and Toilet Preparations and short order house to Adam Shep­ Lister Not Candidate for Senate. are made.- Beauchamp's Drug Store, herd yesterday. Tacoma, Wash.—That he positively Stayton, Oregon. will not he a candidate for the senate Mrs. Geo. McConnell of Aberdeen, was announced here by Governor 'Lis­ A FINE DISPLAY Wash., is visiting at the Hobson home ter. this week. Union Is Quarantined. . Now Rumbling Sam you no al as you’er never out of town, where are you always loafing when the Poet’s silting round, a drinking beer and talk­ ing, on the question wet or dry. Why are you there yourself young man, v;il| you tell the peuplo why? You »ecm to know this |>oct, lb . ;h he is a noted man, so you must h"ve been out with him. when ho nub« ‘ 'he ran. Now the poet’s own wife is ns mad ns the duce and you will have to hoist the white flag of truce, or elm your red hair she will scatter to the wind» and make you rc)>cnt of nil your krown ains, for she thinks this old poet 1* a- bout all there is, and she is going to uphold this character of his. So now then Sam will you get down in the dust, and beg of the Poet to be merciful and just. Then come to my office and wet up your lip and the bug juice of glee together we’ll sip. He will talk of good roads as we sit with cross­ ed feet, and we'll both spit together at the gnat on the street. I care not how you voted for Lincoln or P->lk, ns long as my tcnqier you nev­ er provoke. 1 see you’er poet your­ self Rambling Sam, hut I can't s o my lifework go down with a slum. If you will donate a dime thu bucket t» fill, we’ll Ahake hands with pleasure and hare no ill will. The Aumsville Poet CHRISTMAS RUGS Finest ’line ever ishown in town At prices never before offered IFine line o f child’s: Rocker and High CHAIRS Alexander ¡Furniture Storci; The Wilbur Woolen Mill has a dis- I Mere McKinney of Turner attended * the International Stock Sale at Port­ plHy in Fisher-Richarcson Store window 1 * that would be a credit to any town. land last week. The price of a single admission to the Reautiful Indian Blankets, S o f t Why not get a box of Lambrecht’s Fleecy Bed Blankets and other pro­ Panama-Pacific International Exposi­ “ First Pick” cigars for Dad for Xmas? ducts, all of home manufacture. Stop tion In 1015 will he 50 cents for persona and look them over and make your more than 12 years of nge; 25 cents for He will sure appreciate them. choice for a Christmas present f o r those between 5 and 12,and children leas than 5 years old will he admitted free FOR SALE—One milch cow, two some one. if ucrompntucd by an adult. horses and one open buggy. Cheap if ' Many Dead in Texas Floods. 12-18x Houston, Tex.—The number of d«-ad sold at once. W. B. Allia. THIS YEAR WE HAVE- in the flood which has spread over Aumsville is to have a new city hall a fine line of Ladies’ handbags, music PARENT-TEACHERS MEETING the lowlands In half a dozen counties In south central Texas reached 1,60. and a new town jail. Why not uac an rolls, hand mirrors, tinted ivory jewel boxes, combs, toilet sets, shaving sets, Four-fifths of the dead were nf-gro old box car for a lockup. fine manicure seta in Ivory, Ehonjt and Don’t forget t h e parent-teachers farm hands. . Mrs. M. A. Heltzel of Spokane, and Pearl, necktie and ribbon racks, meeting to be held in the school build­ Wash., arrived Wednesday to spend collar boxes etc at Reauchamp’s Drug ing Friday evening, December, 19. Montgomery Ward Dies. Prof. F. L. Griffin of the O. A. C. Chicago.—Montgomery Ward, who the Christmas holidays at the homo of Stare. will speak. gained a fortune as a pioneer in mail­ her son S. H. Heltzel. order merchandising, died he,*e of Dr. Brewer reports a boy born to pneumonia. Mr. Ward was 70 years Why not have your umbrella repair­ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gescher December old. DRY WOOD FOR SALE ed in Stayton? Umbrellas recovered- 11, and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. John • samples to select from. F. Silhavy's 8toeller of near Marion December 12, A. few tiers of dry wood for sale, White Coral Buildings. — White coral blocks are used for Wagon and Repair Shop. Water St. and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. P. T. F.tzel also other wood for side. Sec or I hone building purposes In Bermuda. tf E. B. Hunt, Stayton. 1-3 of Fern Ridge December 13. Union.—The city of Union has btwn placed under quarantine and all places of gathering suppressed, Including shows, churches, dances and lodges. These drastic measures were deemed necessary by the city authorities to prevent the furthei spread of scarlet fever, which lias gained considerable headway in the uwa.