„ H talO !'» ' «*W>VVÍ Of«*nW 1 i THE STÄYT0N MÄIL (9th Year, No 46. STAYTON, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913. 20£OFF OREGON NEWS NOTES I WOULD YOU LIKE TO READ COLLIER’ S ? OF GENERAL INTEREST On another page of Tho Mail ia an Events Occurring Throughout j offer that haa not been, or will not be t!.c CiutU During the Past diRdicated fur tome time. Collier'* Weekly, the great llluatrat- Week. D!g Apple Will Feature Exhibit. II i you, your money will be given back to you without argument. Sold in this community only i t our store—The Rexall Store—one of more than 7,000 leading drug stores i n t h e United States, Canada and Great Britain. Beauchamp’s Drug Store, Stay-in, Oregon. Washington Express Taw Law Falla. Olympia, Wash.—The state supreme court affirmed the decision of th# Thurston county superior court, de­ claring unconstitutional the law pass­ ed in 1907 imposing a 5 per cent gross revenue tax on the state business done by express companies operating in Washington. WALLACEPOSTOFFICE ROBBEDJtf $17,000 Wallace. Idaho.—Without leaving as much as a finger print as a clew, bur­ glars robbed the local postoffice of a little more than $17.000 and appar* ently made good their escape. When the postmaster and clerks ar­ rived in the morning nothing unusual was noticeable around the office. Th# safe being locked apparently the same as it bad been left the night before. Postmaster Presley quickly noted the disappearance of the three registered packages and a hurried Investigation followed, revealing the fact that they were missing and robbery had been committed. A thorough search of the office and all doors and windows did not reveal a single clew, as apparent­ ly they bad not been molested. Tl - safe had been opened without scratch being made and had been : aarefully relocked, the only thing n ticeable being that the inner door ha not been locked. Reubin D. Nevius Dies. Tacoma.—Reuben D. Nevius, D. D, who founded more than 30 Episcopal churches In the Pacific Northwest, died in this city at the age of 86. He came to the coast 41 years ago an- settled at Portland as rector of Trlr ity Church, later becoming gent rt missionary for Oregon. Washingto and Idaho. Poincare Talk« of Visit to America, Paris.—President Poincare has talk, ed unofficially with Jean Jules Jusoer* and. French ambassador to the Unit# <1 States; Myron T. Herrick, United States ambassador to France, and others of the possibility of his paytn. a visit to the United States while L office. To head ofT a !■ ' a try T>r >rn«r Pilla. Tliev aaklom falL Anti -Pala