The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 20, 1913, Image 2

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Published every Thursday by
E. M. Olmsted
Entered as second class matter at the poatoffice at Stayton,
Marion county, Oregon, under the act o f Congress o f March 3. 1879.
All (communications should be addressed to T he S tayton M ail .
S U B S C R I P T I O N S , $ 1 .5 0 p e r y e a r in a d v a n c e
A d v e r t is in g K a t e s o n a p p lic a tio n
C ards o f T hanks $ .60
O bituaries - $1.00 up.
Positively all pnfters stopf>e<l on expiration o f subscription
Lyons and
Turner Tidings
Fert McKay returned
Canada this week.
Born to Mr. a n d Mrs. Jim
L. C. Cavanauph a n d W.
Grimes November 13 a son. The
Jones motored up from Salem
baby has been quite sick but is
better now. Dr. Brewer is in
Mr*. E. C. Baker is critically attendance.
ill at her home in the Hotel Bak­
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Simons
er. her daughters living in Can­
are up for a visit and to spend
ada were sent for.
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Simons’
Postmaster H. W. Smith is in­ mother Mrs. Woodworth.
stalling a new water system in
Miss Elsie Pruner our primary-
his home.
“ Grandpa” Mathais i s very- teacher spent Sunday i n Mill
City with her friends Misses
low at present writing.
and Albee, both teachers
Mr. a n d Mrs. Thomas Ed-
wards Sr. were guests of their
son Arthur over Sunday.
Hester McKay- will open a new
restaurant in the Wright Build­
R. Redman and force of eight
men are remodeling'the S. P.
bridge near the S. P. depot.
Miss Emma Hohl entertained
her Sunday school class, of the
Several men from Aumsville
drove down to Lodge Saturday-
Mrs. Etfie Miller of Stayton was again passed. After supper.
was in town last week.
W e a search was made for the lost
were glad to see her buck again. bread, but none could be found.
Mr. Louie Messiner made u The question at once arose was
there ever anyone any cuter to
flying trip to Albany and Leba-
non. He returned and says that get their full share o f bread.
Mrs. C. Martin and Mrs. D.
were visitors of the Fox
Sheriff Bodine of Dallas was
up yesterday but his man took a
Last Saturday the neighbors
sneak the night before he came.
and friends of Mrs. Vaughn took* 1
Mr. and Mrs. Edler spent the
her by surprise and assembled
week-end a t McMinville with
at her home to spend a sociable
Mrs. Edlers’ mother Mrs. Geo.
guests were present.
A good;
Wm. Patterson has gone to time was reported by all of them
Stockton California to spend the
winter with his son. We will
miss Uncle Billie from our midst.
Mehama Mites
Lyons is good enough for him.
We are glad to say Mr. Mar­
shall is with us again.
(Too late for last week.)
O ffer
The Stayton Mail management has made arrange­
Portland Evening Telegram
whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of
a gigantic.combination offer for a limited period.
You can get
Metropolitan evening papi r with all
the latest news from ull over the world and all the
news of Stayton and vicinity at u remarkably low
The Evening Telegram iH the best
C. A. Mulkey made a business
trip to Stayton Saturday.
contains u magazine and comic section in colors.
The Portland
Evening Telegram.
Both papers through
(his office if paid in
advance for 1 year,
on or before Dec­
ember 31st 1913.
Adam James met with an ac- wild man was captured and tak­
en to Stayton Sunday evening.
From as far as a hundred miles away, people have come to Albany to take
advantage of these gigantic "Forced-to-M ove” sale reductions on new,
desirable, stylish merchandise !!! We must vacate the store within a few
short weeks—not a dollar’s worth of goods will be moved—everything must
go for what it will bring!
Just think of buying W omen’s stylish, new Suits and Cloaks, W omen’s and
Children’s Shoes. Millinery. Underwear. Hosiery, Dry Goods, etc., at such a
slaughter, right in the heart of the season! Don’t delay—come before it is
too la te ! Sit right down now and figure up what you need—then start for
Albany and this marvelous sale !
$ 3 .5 0 Women’ s S h o e s
vici kid, Blucher lace style,
with Goodyear welt soles.
All sizes and widths, per
pair_______________ $ 1 .9 8
$ 4 .S O W omen’s Patent
Leather and Gunmetal
Button Sheas very new­
est New York model. Short
vamp, Cuban heels, all sizes
and w id th s . “ Forced to
Move” price.............. $ 3 .1 9
M isses’ a n d Children’ s
$chool Shoes—Gunmetal
and vici kid, broad walk last,
patent leather tips.
Your R a i l r o a d Fare W i l l Be R e f u n d e d
if purchases amount to Twenty Dollars or over. This is in addition
to the great reductions that prevail on every article in this big store!
Women’s Coats
$1 7.50 Navy Blue Serge
and Mixture Suits, $9.95
$8.50 Women’s Caracul
Coats, $4.98
$11.50 Women’s Winter
$2 2.50 W o m e n ’s Navy
Coats, $7.90
Serge and Fancy Suits,
jaunty New Coats,
cut to $14.45
cut to $12.40
$2 7.50 High Class Exclu­ $23.50 Exclusive Coats,
sive Suits at $17.85
cut to $16.90
Dozens o f other offerings that space does not permit mentioning
A number o f our neighbor
boys took in the dance at Stay-
ton Saturday night and report
a good time.
J. J. Bradley and wife were
week-end visitors at the I. E.
Thomas home.
Iva Thomas made a business
trip to Stayton Saturday.
W. G. Shiers of West Stayton,
a contractor, has moved in the
house recently vacated by 1. 0.
. .
, .
I S c New Fall Percales,
yard 9 c.
lO c Brown Huck Towel­
ing, yard Sc.
1 2 4 c Huck Towels, good
slzs, Sc.
1 1 , $ 1 .3 9 .
$ 2 .2 5 g ra d e , slzae 1 1 4
to 2 , $ 1 .6 4 .
A l b a n y ' s L eading C loak and S u it H ouse
A bottle dropped overboard ofl the
Siberian const by the hydrographic
expedition of the rnetftc ocean, three
year« ago, to aecertnlu tlx rate rod
dIVectlon of tho current, was found at
Yaqulna bay.
Jackson county court's offer of pay
for a section of the Dollarlildo toll
road, haa been accepted by tho owner
of the road. Tho section Is needed In
connection with the construction of
tho Pacific highway. •
A Genuine Bull.
The files hnd been iitiustmlly trouble-
some, and ono ulglit after Norn bud
gone upstairs her mistress spread III
sect powder round the windows and
other places In tbs kitchen where the
(ties congregated
In the morning she naked .Norn If
there were not a grent many dead
files In the kitchen
“ Yea, there are. mum." replied Nora.
“The room's alive with thlm." —
Youth's Comynnlon.
Police Department Stirred by Chargee
Portland, Or.—Charge« of gambling
on (he part of certain members of the
'police department line led to perhaps
the most sweeping Inveatlgntlon by
the municipal civil «ervlce commis­
sion ever made In Portland. Involved
In these charge» are high officer» and
about 20 patrolmen.
Pleasant Setslon for T. R.
Bueno» Ayres.—C olom l Roosevelt
attended a session of the Argentine
congress and listened to eulogies of
himself and tho TInited IV a tea.
ILL, thou my heart with gratitude to­
Market Basket Day In Klamath.
Klamath Fnlle.— Plan» have been
For every friendly word and kindly
practically completed for holding a
And e'en the smalleet bleaalnc ’long the weekly market day In this city. Tho
That cheers my saddened heart a little chamber of comm on • nnd the Klam­
ath Water User»' UHSociatlon have In­
I thank thcc for the sunshine and the dorsed tho movement. It 1« planned
to get the producers iuid the conaum-
rain 1
l thank thee for my laughter and my era in direct contact.
patn 1
I thanh thee for the common things Youthful Burglars Hav- ’ /Inter Shoes
of life
Albany.— A double r’ I l.i ry Involv­
When want and need and poverty arc ing tlx- theft of $300 worth of doctor's
Implements, six pair« of shoe« and
1 thank thee. Lord, that Brief can't al­ $10 In cash from a store Is believed to
ways last;
That there's an end to sorrow'« darkest hnve been commuted li 1 by I ko 17-
year-old Independence
;> ■
Then alve me gratitude for pleasurea pnet.
My )oya that tbou aaweat lit to take
Indlnnnpol!». — The
Che treasures that were lent me tor Traction & Terminal company, whoso
men went on strike, attempted to run
Hnd then recalled. O help me, Lord, Us cars, but gave up when notified by
to smflc
Superintendent of Police Hyland (bat
Hnd say, “ Chy will be done,’’ sincere the pollen would be unable to prevent
and true,
blood«bnd unlevs the car» were with­
Hnd give me worh these empty hands
can do.
: New Fall Dress Ging­
ham, ysrd 9 c .
8 3 c All-Linen Table Dam­
ask, yard 5 9 c .
grade, size* $ 4 ta
cident. He got a hug or some­
They are going to remodel the thing in his eye and is suffering
dike Tuesday. Quite a number very much.
of the neighbors will help work
Mr. and Mrs. Houser of Cor­
on it.
vallis are spending a few days ut
G. W. Brower made a business the I. E. Thomas and David
trip to Stayton Thursday taking Reece homes.
sick on the way home.
We all sleep sound now, the
$6.50 per year
North Santiam
Women’s Suits
$5. per yeaf
$1.50 per year
The Stayton Mail
Some good work is being done
on the road near Mehama.
The End is N e a r -
Come Now, Without Delay, to
paper in the
state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Surry
Mrs. Rue Drager visited Mrs.
drove t o Stayton Wednesday.
Kimsey last week.
Mr. Surry thinks it is almost his
Mrs. Lewis Stout and Mrs.
last trip to the doctor as his arm
Stout made a business
is rapidly improving.
trip to Salem Friday and return­
Rev. Allen preached at Lyons
ed Saturday.
Sunday morning and evening.
Wm. Mulkey is having h i s
All are cordially invited to at­
tend the services the second and
fourth Sundays of each month.
Mr. Rode has been on the sick
but he is well again.
Mrs. Jack Johnston is getting
along so well that the nurse who
has been caring for her for some
Mr. Curtis who has been a time returned to her home in Sa-
guest at the W. D. Able hotel for , lem. Wednesday.
the last two months has returned
The following incident accured
to Eugene where he will spend at the supper table to a promi­
the winter.
nent young man of Fox Valley.
Scarcely had the plate of freshly
Mr. Smith is through putting
baked bread been passed around
in fish hatcheries at Mill City
the table and set down, when at
and has returned to his home in
one end of the table there was a
Oregon City. His wife will go
shoving around of the chair and
all eyes were turned in that di­
Mrs. Swartout is home again rection “ I’ ve lost my bread,”
after a two months visit with her complained the young man. For
courtesy sake the plate of bread
son Walter who is in Portland.
lO c Fleeced Outing Flan*
nets, yard 6 c.
For all my cruel eorrow and mlatakea
Fldo's Mouth “ Caged.”
1 humbly offer thanka to thee today.
Olympia, Wn«h. The state board of
If thua I've learned to soothe a heart that
health, with Governor Lister concur­
Or turn some wanderer's feet back to ring, adopted a regulation reciutr ;
the way
the muzzling of nil dog« In King and
Chat leads to home and heaven and Pierce eountle« as tho only means of
peace and God.
combatting an epidemic of rabies.
Chue only can l thanh thee for the
rod i
Husband Shoots Man With Wife.
Co help another mourner to bear hfs
Pendleton.—Charles f'ook shot nnd
perhaps fntally wounded David Row­
Chun only can l learn to hiss thy
A Real Cause For Thankfulness.
A happy maid hugged heraelf wildly In
In the shades of the Thanksgiving night
She laughed and exulted, with joy In her
Till her face wae a beautiful sight
an, then, turning his weapon, lie killed
hlmsslf Instnnfly. The reason nacrlh
sd for the attempted murder Is Jenl-
ottsy. Rowan wsb with Cook's wife
ou the streets at the time he was shot.
«4,431 Are Registered,
The great game wae over. Tho dread she
flalem.—The total registration In
hnd felt
the stato under the permani : t refit-
Was dispersed now hy victory1» aun.
Th« football eleven her lover belonged to trstlon law, passed hy the recent sea
Had flnlshed the season— and won!
■leu of the legislature, Is 64,431.
—New York Times.