The STAYTON MAIL E. M. Olmsted Published every Thursday by Entered as second class m atter at the postoffice at Stayton, Marion county, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1ST». All ¡communications should be addressed to T hk S tayton M ail . S U B S C R I P T I O N S , $ 1 .5 0 p e r y e a r i n u d v n n o e A c lv e rtls tn u R a te s o n a p p lic a tio n C ards of T hanics * .50 O bituaries - 91-00 up. Positively all papers stopped on expiration of subscription Lyons and Valley Fox Mr. Able has been on the sick list but is better now. Kingston Kinks Born to Mr. land Mrs. Jack Johnston November a fine pound baby girl. 3 10 Mrs. Terrafella left Friday morning for her home in Sump­ ter Ore. John Marshall sectretary and treasurer of the Lyons Logging Co. went to Portland one day last week. Rev. Allen’s sermon last Sun­ day evening on ‘ The Dignity of Man” was as fine a talk as we ever heard. The League elected officers for the following year. The neighbors both young and old united in giving Mrs. Vaughn a pieasant surprise party last Saturday evening. Everybody reported a good time. Miss Bertha McKenzie visited Adam Burns oi Salem, a pio­ at the Crabtree home Saturday neer farmer of the Waldo Hills, paused through Turner Tuesday afternoon. on his way to Stayton. Mr. McElroy, traveling sales­ Great Combination Offer 0 man for the Raleigh Medecins R. . Witzel was in town this had the misfortune to break his week. wagon Tuesday. He secured a hack from P. P. Crabtree and took his wagotr to Stayton for , repairs. fit. Pleasant Turner Tidings Mrs. Little came from Port­ land Friday afternoon. rr : Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Harr w among t h e Salem visitors this week. Quite a number of young peo- ple gathered at the home o f Henry Senz Sunday evening. Music was the chief entertain­ ment and nil report a very enjoy­ able time. Mr. a n d Mrs. Fax Thayer spent Sunday with relatives in Scio. Geo. Ray made n business trip to La comb last week. The Stayton Mail management has 11111111' arrange­ ments with the Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination offer for u limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news of Stayton and vicinity at u remarkably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best paper in the t state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition W. A. Chapman, an insurance contains u magazine and comic section in colors. Mrs. M. H. Titus is staying man. has been in Turner for sev­ Joe Senz and wife spent Sun­ day at t h e Frank Haberman The Portland Evening Telegram. $5. per year with her daughter-in-law Mrs. eral days. home at Munkers. Jack Johnston o f Lyons this Mayro McKinney made a busi­ The Stayton Mail $1.50 per year Misses Marguerite Ryan and week. ness trip to town the first of the Bessie Shank were Jordan visit­ Total. $6.50 per year Miss McElhaney who has been week. ors Saturday afternoon. teaching the Kingston school left Frank Lyle a n d wife have Miss Hazel Lamliert called on for her home Friday for a weeks moved into Dr. Ramsom’s old Mrs. H. Senz Saturday. stay, a young lady from Jarvis office on C Street. is teaching for her. W. R. Ray and a number from M. Standifer of Fruitland was Jordan have b e e n hauling a There will be preaching at the in Turner Monday. large amount of diied apples to church Sunday both morning and Mrs. G. F. Booth entertained Stayton. evening. There will be a pro­ the Mother's Club this week. gram rendered in the evening Miss Verna Shank spent Sun­ Mrs. Thessien and small son just before preaching in behalf day with Dorothy Smith. of the American Mission. All came up from Poltland Monday evening. W. R. Ray and daughters Etfie are invited to attend. and Lola were Stayton visitors A great interest is being taken Little Miss Norma Stamp who Friday. Senator Claude McCulloch of Baker Muudic Smith was the guest is attending school at Mill City in the piano contest. Otto Peters called at the Pat of Angeline Ryan Sunday after­ has been retained by the corporation visited her aunt Mrs. John Rob­ G. W. Moore and family spent department to prosecute actions now noon. Lambert home Sunday. Sunday with J. R. Besse’s. ertson Saturday and Sunday. pending In Multnomah county fur vio­ John Huber and children call­ lations of the blue sky law, ns well ed at the Ed Chrisman home as those In contemplation. The railroad commission has been Friday. Both papers through this office if paid in advanee for 1 year, on or before Dee- ember 31st 1913. T o p r e v e n t disease re s ist disease germs SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination — the injection of vaccine. DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti-toxin. These enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more common — typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism, and a score of others — that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making the body strong to resist germ infection. Olive Oil Emulsion (With Hypophosphites) Is designed for the prevention as w ell as the relief o f disease — b y enabling the body to overcom e the It, at the sam e time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire system into a proper healthy condition to com bat and successfully resist disease. germs. Every person not in perfect health has incipient germs of some distressing ailment in his or her system. Cold weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, are liable to bring about just the conditions under which those latent disease germs will get the upper hand, and put you on your back “ down sick.” You who are run-down, tired-out, nervous— You who, though not sick enough to give up, still don’t feel good— You who are apparently well, and want to stay well— Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to­ day, and use it as a means to get well and keep well. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food tonic. In this it is different from most other 30 -cailed tonics ” which either have no food value and do noth­ ing more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in a worse condition than before or, having food value, still Sold in this community only at Store are so unpleasant to take that many people can’t keep them down. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure Olive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap and ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and your bowel action. It contains no alcohol nor any dangerous or habit forming drugs. It is guaranteed to be just as represented above — to do all that is claimed above — to satisfy you in every way, or your money back without quibble or question. Enough for full two weeks’ treatment, $1.00. Sold only at The Rexall Stores—the World’s greatest Drug Stores — and always with a full guarantee of com­ plete satisfaction, or your money back. BEAUCHAMP’S DRUG STORE STAYTON, OREGON $5 advised that the Southern I'aclflc hi.s granted n reduction In (he freight rate on car lota of canned goods from Crea- well to Portland from 25 cent* per 100 West Stayton pounds to 17 % cent*. State Game Warden William F Fin­ ley Is sending broadcast nn appeal Richard Saucier of Gervais vis­ asking hunting organisations of tlis state to donate to tho charitable In­ ited with his sister Mrs. Jennie stitutions of their vicinities, game fat Neal the week-end. Thanksgiving. The Oregon Butter nnd Cheese Arthur Branch a n d family makers' association will hold Its ad­ spent Saturday and Sunday with journed session nt La Grande on De­ relatives near Sublimity cember 5. In connection with the farm Bert Munkers and Mamie Von ers' congress and Ir! state dairy meet­ Bebren were pleasantly enter­ ing. to be held there at that time. Senutor Chamberlain of Oregon has tained at the Forrette home Sun­ Introduced a Mil making Milton day evening. Wheeler, of Portland, u colonel on Iho retired list of the Culled Staten army, Lizzie Dively h a s returned volunteer rank being held by him dur home after a short Btay at the lug the civil wnr. Hall home near Turner. Governor West commuted to Ilfs Imprisonment the sentence of Lem Frank Mack and wife have Woon. who hnd been sentenced to bo moved back to Stayton. hanged November 14. for the killing Mrs. Con ess spent Sunday of Lee Tal Hoy In Portland, Mnrrh 7, 1908. The Chinese said he eventually evening with Mrs. Hunter. would be able to prove that ho did Hert Neal and family are visit­ not kill the man. The Oregon public ownership league ing w i t h relatives a t Silver organized temporarily at Portland by Creek this week. the election of John I*. Schuylcmnn There will be a basket social as president and J. B. Stllwell as tem­ and entertainment at the West porary secretary. One of tho princi­ Stayton school house Friday pal objects of the league is to urge a law establishing a system of voting evening November 14 . Every­ by mall. body come. The secretary of agriculture has ad­ vised Senator Chamberlain that he Maharaja will furnish telegraphic crop news to Oregon farmers, beginning the service Immediately. The secretary will tele­ graph his reports to the weather bu­ reau at Portland and that office will BRIEF NEW S OF OREGON print and distribute Information to all the dally and weekly papers In Ore­ Crade teachers of the Engene pub­ gon. lic schools have formed it local branch Despite the warnings Issued by the of the National Grade Teacher*' asso­ state fish and game eoinmbslon, laws which were meant to prevent ono ciation. A new gymnasium will be built at hunter from killing another, nnd the the Oregon normal school at Mon­ suggestion by S late Warden William mouth. Ground has been broken on L. Finley thnt all hunters »-ear red the project, which will cost |8000, caps nnd coats, the hunting neuron and which will be finished In 60 days. which ended November 1 marked the James J. Mill states that the Hilt death of two hunters and the Injury railroad Interests are building and pre­ of eight other«. paring for operating fast steamers to After a conference with the reclam­ ply between the Columhln river and ation commission Secretary Lane t aside from iho reclamation fund fir.,- San Francisco. Monument has been added to the 000 to be used Jointly with an appro­ list of "dry” towns of the state. Elec­ priation of n like amount made by the tion lettmiH show that prohibition Oregon legislature to defray the emit w-on by six votes. Ha Hots of tho wo­ of survey and examination of various water power sites on the Columbia men influenced results. Itepresentative Hawley of Oregon river, with a view to formulating plans has Introduced hills prohibiting lieu for their development. land selections in Oregon, except Mrs. Ada Wallace llnrnh, for the when the base lands surrendered to W. C. T. If., has protested to R. .p.tor Iaine against the bill of Millionaire R. the government are also In Oregon. The ruling of the Industrial welfare Benson, of Portland. Introduced by commission that women employed In Senator Works, to prevent the m mu- factories shall not earn less than 18.64 facture of spirituous liquors In the a week or work more than 54 hours United States. She says beer and In any week became effective Monday. wines are more harmful than whia' ey, Ay freakish antics of nature there and that the brewers, through owner­ has been produced In the orchard of ship of ssloons, control the white Joseph N. Hunter, at Bind, a combin­ slave traffic, nnd would have n - h ation of Spitzeuberg and Jonathan ap­ more power If the dl tillers were put ples, the flavors and colors of the two out of buslnc ,- h varieties being separata and distinct In one apple. Itr M i t « Au! , r flit« * UHM