jr j r jr jiv jr jf Jr j r j r Fri Our jc j t Jr jrsWN»* Invitation ONCE E A C H [W E E K T H IS S P A C E O NLY O F A G A IN TO FOR WE TH E IN V IT IN G BECOM E PAY FOR P R IV IL E G E YOU ONCE A D E P O S IT O R OF OUR BANK. W e are thorough believers in the principle that the customer should first seek the bank. Acting upon this, we have adopted the rule not to make a personal solicitation for business. Stayton State Bank . r j r j r j i A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity [is solicited. Y ou are assured of a safe deposi­ tory and courteous treatment at > this bank, by ample capital and long experience in the banking business. Farmers & Merchants Bank of StaytonOregon Capital $25,000.00 N otice WE W AN T A L L K I N D S O F P R O D U C E CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS PORK, VEAL, LAMBS, AND HIDES We pay the highest market pricca in Stayton. I f you cannot bring your produce in. notify ua by phone, and wc will aend the wagon fo r it. STAYTON CASH PRODUCE COMPANY O. B Trask Manager. Stayton Oregon EUREKA FLOURING MILLS M AN U FA C TU R E R S O F FLO U R A N D FEED OEORQE SPANIOL, Proprietor Remodeled and Ready for Business B R A N D S : “ Eureka” and “ (looks Delight” Give our new flour a trial. Every sack guaranteed. P U R ITY , S T R EN G T H A N D W H IT EN ES S C ommercial H otel / F. O. BRYANT, Proprietor New Management, New Service, Newly Equipped. Your Patronage Solicited. COMMERCIAL TRADE A SPECIALTY STAYTON . . . ORFÜON SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING ROUND THE WORD) STAYTON MARKET REPORT Notice la hereby given to the legal votera o f School Dial. No, 77 o f Mar­ A unclean i-nstlfb soap Is sold exten­ sively In IlHvre, France. Hwltzerland now own* the 8L Go tlnird tunnel and railway, Appileiitlou* fur puteuta in Great Britain Inst year numbered 80,089. Montreal police authorities favor the prop*noil to add several policewoman to I be force. ion County, State o f Oregon, that a Special School Mi tiling o f aaid Diatrict will be held at 'The Public School Build­ ing on the 29th day o f Sept., 1913, at 1:30 o ’clock in the afternoon, for the following objeeta; To vote on the question o f adding the U th and 12th grades to the Stayton Australia's public debt now stands at School nnd making the aarne conform 91,3:10,039,000. The uunual Interest bill to the High School Courae o f Study re­ reaches $47,435,150. quired by the State in the High Schoola The coal handling machinery fo r the o f Oregon. Dated thia H, day o f Sept., ! Panama canal coaling atatlona w ill be operated by electricity. 1913. The output o f phosphate rock in W. Richardson G. L Brown Florida In 1912 was 2,579,805 long tons, Clerk Chairman an Increase o f 85,293 ton* over 1911 production. _________ ft____ Germany use* 118,000 ton* o f Am er­ EXECUTOR 8 NOTICE ican lubricating oils annually. Ita to till consumption o f such oil* reaches 280.000 tons. Catholic) tion, S layton ; Kev. A. Lainck priest in charge. H igh mass second fourth and fifth Sundays 8:30 a. m., Priest's address: Sublim ity, Oregon. The elevators o f Manhattan carry Notice la hereby given, that the un­ 8,000,000 passengers every day, yet dersigned has been dully appointed by they killed only thirty-eight people the Countv Court o f the State o f Ore- | In tea years. gon for the County o f Marion, aa e x e - 1 The city of Bergen has the largest cutor, with the will annexed, o f the es- merchant fleet In Norway and haa ve*- , tale o f George W. Powell, and M arga­ sols engaged In time charter In every ret M. Powell, hia w ife, deceased, and part o f the world. The shoe product o f the United that he haa duly qualified aa such exe Ht.'it*** exceeds that o f England, Ger­ cutor. A ll persons having claims many, France and Italy, with a few against the estate o f said decedent* more countries tliniwn In. are hereby notified to present the aarne Russia 1ms under consideration four duly verified, to me at my office In the competing projects for the construc­ Deidnch building, in Stayton, in M ar­ tion o f the W hite Ren railway from the ion County, Oregon, within six months city o f Archangel to western Siberia. from the date o f this notice. During Inst year 41,020 books were Dated at Stayton, Oregon, this 11th published lu Japan, while Germany, the most bookish o f European nations, day o f September, 1913. J. B. Grier. Executor with the will annexed o f had only 31,281 volumes to her credit. There are 247 newspaper* published the estate o f George W. Powell, and M argaret M. Powell, his w ife, deceas­ iu South Africa. In which $7,500,000 is Invested. They give employment to ed. 4.000 Eunqieans and 650 colored people. Within the last thirty years the popu­ lation o f .Terusnlen has Increased great­ ly. It Included In 1A80 only 10,000 ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE Jews, whereas In th e present popula­ tion o f over 80,000 there are no le** Notice is hereby given, that the un­ than 50,000 Jews. The second wedding o f the thirteen dersigned haa been duly appointed by the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ yeur-old d u ghter o f Harkcbaran Chak gon, for the County o f Marion, admin- abnrty, the first Hindu widow who iatrator o f the estate o f Joseph Petzel, has ever rein t fried, took place at Chit­ tagong. India. Her first husband died deceased, and that he haa duly qualified when she was >tx years*oId. a s such administrator. A ll persons For quickly tabling to the surface having claims against the estate o f said of the water a disabled submarine an decedent are hereby notified to present Englishman has Invented a buoy to the same duly verified, to me at my be relensod from the boat, cacrylng office in the L ee Brown & Sons saw­ up hose through which air can be mill in Stayton, Marion County, Ore­ pumped to till a n d .lift the craft. The fresh wate^* lakes In the central gon, within six months from the date part o f Tasmania' have been particular­ o f this notice. Dated at Stayton, Oregon, this 11th ly stilted to the American sebago, or notiseagolng variety o f salmon. A day o f September, 1913. Wm. Petrel growth from tw o ounce* to four pounds Administrator o f the Estate o f Jos­ in twenty-one mouths has been noted. eph Petzel deceased. I f an English engineer's plan to run S. H. Heltzel, Attorney fo r Estate. an electric railroad up the side o f Mount Popocatepetl, In Mexico, be car­ ried out. passengers w ill experience N O TIC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L ii change In temperature from 70 de­ gress above zero to 10 below within ACCOUNT tw o hours. Notice is hereby given that the final The Chinese have lnveuted a new account o f Alice W enger as executrix character or sign fo r “ empire.” A o f the last will and testament o f Jacob square with the sign o f a king Inside W enger, Jr., deceased, has been filed was their old character or sign for in the County Court o f Marion County, “ kingdom,” but now “ em pire" is rep­ Oregon, and that the 13th day o f Octo­ resented by a square with the sign of ber, 1913, at the hour o f 10:00 o ’clock l>oople Inside. Although banana raislug’ ls not very a. m. has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing o f objections to profitable in Cuba because o f cost o f such final account and the settlement mule Kick transportation, planting thereof, and at which time any person goes on briskly, partly because the farm er needs the banana trees to give interested in such estate may appear the necessary shade to bis young coffee and tile objections thereto in w ritirg and cacao trees. and contest the same. Alice W enger, j I>r. Henry Nnchtel, founder o f the Jas. G. Heltzel, Executrix. j New York night medical service, has Attorney for Executrix. just received from the" French min­ First Pub. Sept. 11 ister o f war the m ilitary medal o f the Franco-German w ar o f 1870, In which Last Pub. Oct. 9 he served as assistant surgeon major attached to the northern army. There Is a steady decrease ln ja llk It is said that King Alfonso cocoons In France. The large bounty fled ftjom England to avoid kiss­ paid by the government to fosters the industry has not been sufficient to-raise ing his mother-in-law. And yet the average. France may send a«com he never becomes panic-stricken mission to Japan to study the* silk growing conditions there, as the . Jap­ when a bomb is hurled at him anese silk crop increases.every yaar. Russia's department o f agriculture has prepared n law prohibiting the The good old songs do n o t culture o f the poppy In the Trans- stand much chance with the pre­ bniknl, Amur and Maritime Provinces. sent ragtime generation, hut the The cultivation o f the plant Is to bo a criminal offense, ns will lie also the day may come when the people smoking o f opium or the storing or will feel like having a little mel­ purchasing it. and the purchase o f utensils for smoking, opium. ody in their music. Letter boxes are used on suburban street enrs In three American cities— Des Moines, in.. Burlington. In., and | Grand Rapids. Mich. Tills gives the suburban residents a chance to send mall to the postofflee • every Hour. If the ear is signaled fo r the purpose Mrs. J. T. Hunt returned from >f putting ninll In the box. the sender is required to pay tho conductor the the Hot Springs Friday. minimum carfare. Mrs. Nona White a n d Miss Julio Lecaroa y Navas, uoerrin Limn, Meriel Steever of Salem visited Pern, on a tnyr o f South Am erica col­ lecting data regarding tho oUi Spanish a t the J. T. Hunt home last families, is director o f the Heraldic academy o f Madrid. l i e 'w ill also week. study and investigate fo r The Crden E. C. Downing took a load of Mllltnr y tlospltnllario ile cfcm, Juan de fine porkers to Salem one day last lore, mi order that dates Sack to the middle ages, nnd has fo r Sts purpose week. the succoring o f travelers and lm ■■ - - ----- -- 1 migrants In foreign lands. A Russian specialist In agriculture ; on n recent visit to fruit fanning plants FIRST CLASS in raliforn la expressed, surprise that ,io nprleot mnrmnlado wms made at the canneries nnd said UhatJ there Is an Immense demand fo r tflW prodiict In Russia. He also gave ittns his ojMnion that much of tin* dried fru it that be ing shipped Into Russia front F fttnoe JACK PETRJAN03 as a French ivroduct Is I n , anllty Sublimity . . . . Oregon. American fruit repnolrcd iln M French | cartons. ' ll Rock Point Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing A I C atholic «0 * o < < < < < • J « j J ' » i ' • - Corrected Thursdays but subjert » to change without notice. C hurch or thk I mmaculatk C okcbf - B o . m kack ’ s < * - > - ; 13 to 11 Hens Springs 15 to 16 15 Broilers. Roosters 13 Mixed Chickens_____ . 8 Geese___ Ducks____ 11 16 Turkeys Dressed Turkeys 22 Veal .. 11 to 11 Pork. . . . . . . . loto I l i Live Hogs, Choice......... 81 Live Hogs, Heavy Rough 7 28 Eggs . . . Sunday School at 10 a. m., H . N. Huntley Superintendent. Prayer meet­ ing Thursday evening. S t . < ► 1 ► I è 4 C hurch , Su blim ity; Kev. A. Lainck, rector. Low mass 8 a. m., high mss* 10:30 a. h i ., first and third Sundays in the m onth; high m*»a 10:30 s. m., sec­ ond, fourth and fifth Sundays. Ves­ pers at eventide. Christian H. A . BEAUCHAMP, M .D. Physician and Surgeon STAYTO N. S e rvicesjw illb ejh eld every Sunday. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. a t , Mrs. W. H. Hobson, superintendent. Y . P. S. C. E. at 6:45 p. m.. Miss Florence Morton Pres. Ladies Aid society meets each Wednesday at 2 -J90 p. m., Mrs. G. D. Thomas, Pres., H. E- Rossell, pastor. - OREGON Dr. Frederick Andersen PH Y S IC IA N ' an d SURGEON PHONE 1584 S U B L IM IT Y , Methodist Methodist Episcopal Church, order o f services: Bible school at 10 a. m., A. S. Pancoast, superintendents Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Epworth League, Sunday, 6. p. m., Clark Mace, Pres. Ladies’ Aid Society, Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. R. Gard­ ner, Pres. Pastor o f the church, E. Sutton Mace. O REG O N C. H. BREWER, M. D. P H Y S IC IA N |AND SURGEON S t a y t o ~~ n ■ , O regon ........--------------- -1 Wilbur N. Pintler, D.1W.D. DENTIST Office Over Gardner’ s Store CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GET YOUR SOLE FIXED Phone 2152 Buil iing Stavton, Ora G. F. KORINEK, ¡V. S , B. V. Sc. Veterinarian Treats ail domestic animals, alro applies the Tuberculin test. Telephone 3x7 Office at Stayton Stable» STAYTON John W atters the Old Reliable is back at his old stand. N uff Sed. . . . - OREG<’ W . A. W EDDLE Architect & Designer * FOR SALE Business Blocks and Bungalow. A few bargains in Second Hand sew­ ing machines left. Inquire at the Com­ mercial H o te l Cash or time. tf. FO SALE PHONE 3x8 STAYTO N . . OREGON Stayton Butcher St op Horses, buggies and harness. 7 head o f horses, 3 buggies, 4 sets o f harness one carriage and 2 wagons. A ll at a great bargain. Jos. Hamman, Feed barn at the Old Commercial Stables. tf FRESH and SALT MEA1 Pure Lard at All Times H ig h e st Market Price Paid FAT hi STOCK W . A . R IG G S SHEEP FOR SALE Stayton Pure bred Shropshire rams, coming two-year-old. Davenport strain. En­ quire o f B. F. Fresh, Shaw, Oregon. 9-18x - - * E. N. TEAGUE Contractor & $325 PIANO For Sale at less than one-half price. Been used very little. Enquire at Mail office. tf. For Sale—One Registered A . J. J. C. Bull C alf 8 months old. Sire came from the Charles M iller herd. Also one Registered Angora Billie. E.C. Down­ ing, Sublimity, Oregon. Oregon Builder Bond furnished to cover all cost and insure’a first class guaranteed job. See me and let me figure on your work, and I save you money. STAYTO N OREGON STAYTON MEAT MARKET SESTAK Buggies, hacks, surries a n d farm machinery at cost— W righ t Hardware and Implement Co., Aumsville Oregon tf FO R S A L E —4 register Shropshire rams. A lva Smith 9-18x FO R S A L E —Fresh Jersey cow kind and gentle. J. E. Yeoman, Stayton. 9-18x FO R S A L E -One horse, well broken, 5 years old, wt. 11E0 pounds kind and gentle. Also one t o p buggy almost new at a bargain. K. J. Kusy, Stay- ton. 9-25x PIG S FOR S A L E - 25 head o f pigs, will weigh 25 lbs. each, good stock. A. J. Etzel, Aumsville. Phone Stayton 4x8. 9-25x For Sale— $110 nuggy, run less than a year in first class condition. For further information call at the Pratt Studio. & TH O M AS, Proprietors. Fresh, Salt & Cured Meat Lard & Creamery Butla Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Sv.c Furniture Packed For Shipment All Kinds Of Haulin;: Stayton Transfer C<. H O L F O R D & S O N , Props. Stayton Orej House Phone 1X18 Moving A Specialty Prices A re Always Reasonable n