The STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by E. M. Olmsted Marshal Stone went t o Fox Valley last Saturday and did not B R IE F N EW S O F O R EG O N net home until Sunday evening. It’s a mystery where he sjR'nt A 0 year old Eskimo girl has arrived al Astoria and will attend school there. all that lime. Polio«* Chief Kd Shaw, of Oregon The Mehama Hotel is again ('tty, has ordered that the poundmaa- ler kill all unmuiile«t dogs on sight. open to the public. WOOD FOR SALE PATRONIZE HOME IN D U STRY Old Fir, |>er cord . . . . $3. 10 Maple •* Second Growth Fir cord ,'t.OO Entered as second class m atter at the post office at Stay ton, Vine Maple i»er tier 1.60 Marion county, Oregon, under the act of Confresa of March S, 1S79. A full grown porcupine waa lassoed Maple or Fir " “ BY BUYING Y O U R t.60 All .communications should be addressed to T he STAYTON M ail . and killed by member« of the night Wood delivered in any sixe want police force In the heart of Eugene. and any amount. C. S. L owe . TÍ S U B S C R I P T I O N S . 9 1 .5 0 p e r y e a r Iti a d v a n c e War against the speeder will be A d v e r t i s i n g R a te s * o n a p p l i c a t i o n waged by the Portland automobile C arps of T hanks —9 .50 O bituaries - 91.00 up. against violations In every part Henry Senz and Lee Downing club of Oregon. si>ent Sunday with relatives in t'latakanle residents have subscrib­ of the OVER 61 YEARS' Positively all pafters stopped on expiration o f subscription the hop yards near Silverton, ed »500 toward the fund for the eur- of the route of the proposed Co­ ----------------------—--------------- Master Wayne Huber called on vcy lumbia highway through Columbia Sometimes the height of fash More than two million Amen- Melvin Shank Sunday, county. can farmers have telephones. Mrs IX)nold liay was a gtay- The state legislative committee ion is too low in the neck. named to Investigate the power possi­ _ But they can t call up the cows ^ > n v¡s¡tor Thursday. T nadk Manse b ilitie s of Five Mile rapids of the , with them- Desiane Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shank Columbia river will meet In Portland Anrnn« ••n.ltuf People often say: ' I can nev- . . . . «hatch C »ml opyright « 4c. 4 J«# 4 *rtpii..n to consider the proposition. q uick ly M co riuitt o u r o|*ltiion frso w h vth o r an — and children called at the T. T. soon er forgive myself.” But they IN STAYTON HOTEL A N M X liiv a n iio n la |»r«»hahlf |«M «iit4b U . ( ’o u m u n ln t The fleet passenger train to be run Ilona strictly con fid atili»). HANDBOOK **. I's im t a When a standard-gauge train Thayer home Sunday afternoon, over the new Bugene-Coos Hay rail­ aant usually do. fro s Olitasi aaoto r for a a ru rlit« t»at«t la. l'A to u t« lA ls n t h u 'u g li M u n ii à i o . racalvt of thought tries to run on a nar-j Mrg Brenner 8pent Mon. road waa nn excursion from Kugene «parlai n o tu «, w ith o u t « h a r « « , lu l n « row-gauge mind a wreck is the' day with home folks. to Noll Sunday, In celebration of the Scientific A m e ric a n . Nothing will clabber the milk inevitable result. I arrival of the road to Notl. A h a w la o m a lr lllnatrfttfd wmakl?. “ — _— rir ou v t n n f «•■immiUo tournai ..... 1 » r u n , 1 1 a of human kindness quicker than Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ray made Six persona were Injured, one prob- rulaM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW t ib a. « . I 11. I . Hola b ; all nuwadaalar*. •ar : fo u r nio nib ingratitude. a business trip to Scio W(‘tines- A b ly fatally, In a runaway near Wa- NOTARY PUPL C « a r a . wusiasiuo. u. t. conda. A party of 20 waa going to An Ohio mob hanged a negro; day Abstract* and Probate Work a Specialty hop.yard when the horses became in effigy. That is the way i t Mrs. Floyd Shelton spent Sun­ ; a frightened Offi«-«s Over Dcldrirh’s Hardware Store. at a dog and ran away. What has become of the old- should be done; then if i t is In a proclamation Issued by Gover­ fashioned man who was mean found that a mistake has been day with home folks. LOST—A plush Isp-robe between J. nor West the chief executive of the E. Yeoman's und J. C. LclHer’s pisce enough to steal sheep? Zona. Cora a n d Irvine Kay state officially placed his approval on last Saturday forenoon. Finder please J . M . R I N G O made, it can be rectified. spent Wednesday at the home of the Madedn-Oregon day movement, return to J. C. Leffier. ‘J-l'Jx officially proclaimed Monday a* Undertaker a n d Emb.iimer An aeroplane with a broken Every woman takes more or their brother Don Ray of Bun­ and that Important day. ker Hill. a political wing is as helpless as Third ami Marion Street« Kars of corn 12 to 14 Inches long, less pleasure in going through Frank Lambert has purchased completely party with two wings. filled with Juicy kernels, the dear old album, just to take STAYTON. OREGON testify as to the efficiency of dry another look at the fellow's whom a hne new °URiy- fanning In Malheur county. O. D. Miss Marguerite Ryan is in Johnson, a farmer of Uully creek, Man is a social animal. He she might have married. Scio under the doctors care for a brought samples of the corn to Vale. always prefers company when he ---------------------- applications for the position starts out to make a fool of him- One good pastor says there few weeks and we hope she will of Five superintendent of the Institution be able to be with her home for feeble minded have been received se^‘ will be no split skirts in heaven, soon SAMPLES by the state board of control. Frank adding that folks. -----------------------And- we feel like B. Smith’s resignation becomes effec­ FO R O U R S T R IC T L Y will be no hobbles, either, Geo. Ray spent Saturday night tive October 1. Some people never realize how if there the and Sunday at the Henry Shank the girls have to climb T A IL O R M ADE SU IT S Returning after 10 years to finish Matthieu Bldg, 2d S t, Stayton. little they know until their child­ golden stairs to get there. home. his college course. C. C. Baker, for ren are old enough to ask ques­ supsrlntendent of city Linn Lambert and Zona Ray two years tions. at Lebanon, arrived In Eugene drove to Silverton and spent a schools EXAMINE THE GOODS his son to enter the University [few days with relatives at the of with Oregon. John Henkel, The Tailor Doth father and son will k GENERAL AUCTIONEER 1 hop yard. attend college, the son as a freshman The Mulhall bombardment Stayton . . . Oregon MEHAMA. OREGON the father as a senior. seems to have subsided, but a ------- - Claude Gatts a n d Melvin and Robert an attorney of scattering "liar” is hurled a t Mr. Beilzer, who had a slight Shank were guests of Geo. Ray Marshfield, O. has Graves, been ordered to ap­ Farm Stock a S p e c i a l t y him now and then. pear before the atate supreme court Phone Farmers Line, Mehama stroke o f paralysis. Monday, Sunday night. October show cause why he Over Thirty Ycat’n Experience while hauling a load of hogs, is John Flick and Dave Aegerter should not 17 be to disbarred for alleged Doubtless every gentle-hearted some better. Dr. Brewer o f were Stayton visitors Tuesday. activity In connection with deporta­ J. W. Edgeworth and two other woman pities the intelligence of Stayton is in attendance. F. T. Thayer took his children I. tion W. of Ws. Bath Tubs, Lavatories and the man who thinks he under- : to Scio Monday morning to at The Pert June of 25. Portland commission all Sanitary fittings—Farm­ stands her. ®ne Albert Morris best ^nd the Scio school. has offered to the government nearly ers-We carry a line of _______________ horses had a leg broken in the Miss Mabel Townes has gone half a million dollars In aid of work FRANK LES LEY , A ft. pumps, leader water sys­ on (he north Jetty at the mouth of pasture the other day. to Portland to attend school for Office the Columbia river. It was the first tems, etc. Gasoline engines, Not half the smart babies in . unit of a program designed to cut the Phone 228, Stayton Hotel the world can b e induced t o ' Embler, Mehama s batne- the winter. necessary to completion of the Get your Houae Insured ”»how off” when t h e r e are lor i 3 building a new house, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Townes time Jetty from six to three years, and to JACOB SPANIOL spent last week with home folks. in the Oregon Fire Relief strangers present. What’s the idea Bill? realise within a year such benefits to Association. channel deepening as will permit ----------------------- j Ray Stout, who is visiting in Miss Grace Shank called at the bar free entrance to the larger vessels of F. Ryan home Monday even­ the Panama eanal fleets. CHEAPEST and BEST Kansas' will dig one hundred Mehama, and Geo. Mulkey went M. ing. gnlna to l„ ,1 i:>ko a Dr MHcW Twenty or more cities and towns Stayton . . . . Oregon L e r n . i foro thousand ponds of at least an u P Little North Fork tishing, t i v a T a b le t . are preparing to vote this fall on the Several of the hop pickers are acre each, to store water against " r°nder w bat the attraction is question of abolishing the saloons un­ now returning. drought. Not that Kansas has an^ a^" der the home rule am endm ent Places 1 >st faith in the efficacy of pray- Marion Stone is working a t Nick Anders took home a fine where the "dry*” nre going to endeav­ or to wrest the control from the er. 1 Gooch’s camp just below Lyons. new clover huller last week. wets" include Salem, The Da'lea, To The >regon City, Springfield, Joseph, H t. P le a s a n t Bread, Cakes, Pies, and Doughnuts BON TON a nirv Bakery and Restauinnt S. H. HELTZEL Io New York G. A, PRATT Photographer NEW First Class Work FALL and WINTER Done At Right Prices J. M e h a m a M ite s A. Suits $19 up. Richards OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASS’N TIN WORK and PLUMBING SPEND A FEW DAYS P U B L IC !, SALE ! The work of reforesting from 4000 > 500 acres of denuded mountain ceding method. In which the tree i-ed Is planted In apota. and the plant- lg of nuraery-grown trees will M mployed, and aomethlng over 3000 ounda of seed and 800,000 plants will e used. Co-operation between the atate gov- 10 O’clock A. M. At my place, 2 1-2 miles East of Kingston, the following described property to the highest bidder: 2 Buggies Economy Cream Separator Drag Harrow Superior Double Disc Drill No. 50 Oliver Chilled Plow Set of Work Harness Some Household Furniture TERMS OF SA LE - will interest from date. 3(/c No property to be removed until settled for. be given, purchaser to give bankable note at i wrung, Ä a publicly- order that the men employed In p * ; A 7% discount for cash on sums over $10. r r wlll be ' - In ; Sums of $10 and under, cash; over $ i0, one year's time "V September 29 to October 4 The Saturday September 20 4 Head of Good Work Horses 1 Yearling Colt Deering Binder Holman Fanning Mill Cider Press Good Mower New Moline Wagon Oregon State Fair J . W .K i p h a r t . Every available member of tho agri­ cultural ataff and experiment station force of the Oregon Agricultural col lege are out In the field Judging at the county, school and grange fatra. The demand k :a been so great title year on the college force that It haa been Impossible to meet It, despite the fact that more than 40 people have been put Into the service. The col­ lege Is requested to send representa­ tives to judge livestock, horticultural products, grains and grassea and other field crops, poultry, home económica exhibits and aven the baby abowa. [ ( f l l 10 GD SUNSET Y #»l 1 N « SHASTA I «0UTX3 < s |!g r "The Exposition Line—1915“ will have in effect from all stations Main Line and Branches, the following low Round Trip Fares Woodburn .. $ .70 Harrisburg . $2.15 Albany . 1.10 Junction City 2.30 Corvallis . . 1.55 Eugene . 2.80 All Other Points One and One-Third Fare SALE DATES September 25 to October 4 inclusive. October 8. 19 13 Final return limit All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds Further particulars relation to fares, train service, etc., from any S. P. Agt- John M . Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Subscribe for the Mail