COUNTRY A sh a re o f th e b a n k in g C 0 RRESP 0 B b u s in e s s o f S t a y t o n a n d v ic in it y [is so licite d . Shelburn News Y o u a re a s s u r e d o f a sa fe d e p o s i­ tory and cou rte o u s tre a tm e n t this b a n k , b y a m p le lo n g e x p e rie n ce ca p ita l in the at and b a n k in g business. Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton Oregon , day last week. They think of making Oregon their home. Luther Barber has been quite Miss Ivy Shilling» spent Sat­ sick with la grippe. urday and Sunday visiting rela­ Little Royal Merrel is getting tives at Munkers. better after his severe burns. He Miss Mamie Agee of Lebanon can see a very little out o f one is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. Os­ eye, but has not been able to born. open the other one. Alfred Blatchford, oneofShel- The entertainment at Fox Val­ burn’s merchants, made a busi­ ley school on the last day of the ness trip to Portland Saturday. term was a success. The pupils Mr. and Mrs. Geo Gibbons re­ and patrons surprised the teach­ turned to their home Thursday, er, Miss Kopecky, with a basket after an extended visit with supper. | friends in Eastern Oregon. Mr. Wiley is improving slowly. Ed. Stewart and family have Elmer Wiatt has been quite returned to their home after a sick but is improving. few months spent at a saw mill Mrs. Della Simons is visiting near Lyons. Mr. Stewart was her mother, Mrs. Woodworth, j called to Brownsville Friday to this week. the bedside of his father who is quite ill. C a p ita l $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 What One Man Told Us: “ Last January I started the new year right by opening a checking account with your bank, and paid all bills in this way. My check stubs soon showed me the leaks in my poc­ ket book. Several times, I avoided paying bills twice, for cancelled checks are legal receipts. My money was right at my finger tips whenever I wanted it, but it was absolutely safe where no one could steal it. It p u t system into my spending and increased my credit." Why jlon’t YOU start a checking account? You don’ t need much to start with—just bank your pay, and pay all bills by checks. You’ll soon have a surplus. Stayton State Bank $25,0 0 0 -C A P IT A L - $25,000 Stayton Com parative Digestibility o f Food Oregon EUREKA F louring MILLS Manufacturers of F L O U R and F E E D . G E O R G E S P A N I O L , P rop. REMOOELED-AND READY FOR BUSINESS There was Catholic church at Shelburn Sunday. Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: A n equal quantity o f bread (biscuit) was made with each o f three different kinds o f baking powder— cream o f tartar, phosphate, and alum—and submitted separately to the action o f the digestive fluid, each for the same length o f time. The relative percentage o f the food digested is shown as follow s: Bread made with Royal Cream o f Tartar Powder t______________ | 100 Per C en t Digested 1 Bread made with phosphate powder: II | 68*4 Per Cent. Digested | Bread made with alum pow der: | 6 7 % Per Cent. Digested | Petzel’s Camp These tests, which are absolutely reliable and Rev. H. A. Ketchum of Salem unprejudiced, make plain a fact o f great importance Last Thursday the old saying will fill his regular appointment to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream o f at the Presbyterian church on was verified that “ some people tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges­ April 20. Services at II a. m. have more luck than sense’ ’when tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found and 7:30 p. m. the old bridge between the Good­ to largely retard the digestion c f the food made from J. W. Miller was an Albany ie home and the road went do wn them. visitor Saturday. as the boomer gang were crossing Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it it, and completely submerged is the source o f very many bodily ailments. horses and gang. Mr. Petzel rode ashore on the back of one of his sturdy loggers where they Mrs. Cyrus o f Scio was in town stood wide eyed, a n d op en John McKenzie is visiting with mouthed, watching the heroic last week with summer hats. home folks. She carried a good assortment efforts of Mr. Brown trying to and did a good business while Miss Myrtle Kean visited at save himself and team. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Shaw left ^ere the C. J. Ruettgers home Wed­ Early Friday morning Mr. I for Astoria in their new auto nesday evening. Brown made a hurry up trip to last week. They expect to take “ What’s your hurry a trip to California. Mrs. Elmer Dodson visited Lyons. GET YOUR MONEY Dick!” with her parents several days | School started again Monday , last week. Mrs. Lake spent Saturday at with an attendance far below Kingston Kinks M ill City Locals i Claims, accounts, notes, bills or rents L. T. Titus was a Stayton vis­ home. j average. j collected on percentage anywhere. Just itor Wednesday. Mr. Berry took the Brown There are no more cases of 118 e that cannot ho cared by Mrs. A. L. Shelley and daugh­ with the work. I day afternoon. U a ll‘s Catarrh Cure. Send fo r circulars, lo-o. ter, Felicia, went up to see that Rev. MacLead was at New F. J. (TiBNKY, * CO, Toledo, Ohio. Fd Jacobs. Adam Susbauer and Bold by nrugjrlsts, T5c. new baby girl at the Hafner port last week attending Synod. Tako bull's l aau.y bills for coosUpstion. Geo. and Alvin Schmitt left for home Sunday evening. Lakeview, Ore.. Monday morn- Arthur Bros, were in Stayton j ing. Monday. Amos Branch and w i f e of Nick Highberger and wife vis­ Aumsville Spent Sunday at the ited at the Peter Welter home i Alvin Burns homo, near Sublimity Sunday. Norris Fnank spent Sunday at A bunch of gay youngsters j the E. C. Downing home. 565 T R A D E S T . SALEM , OREGON spent Sunday evening at the Ritzinger home, and by the A new plant equipped with the latest machinery. Milling select sound, an exceptionally good Oregon Bluestem Hard Wheat, by a skilled miller. time must have been had. -t I O F P R O D U C E CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS PORK, VEAL, LAMBS, AND HIDES We pay the highest market prires in Stayton. If you cannot bring your produce in, notify us by phone, and wc will send the wagon for it. STAYTON CASH PRODUCE COMPANY O. B Trask Manager. Rock Point Stayton Oregon Better Than Spanking Spanking will not cure children o f wetting the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C„ H. R o w a n D r u o C o ., D e p t . 1491 C h i c a g o , III., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing dis­ ease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c package se­ curely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader o f The Stayton Mail. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and Inability to control urine night or day in old or young. Tile C. H. Rowan Co. is an Old Reliable House. Write to them today for the free medicine. Cure your family, then tell your friends. The Mill of Quality Cherry City Flouring Mills Lyons and Fox Valley Ed Thompson and family arriv­ ed in Lyons from Nebraska one Take your coupon to your grocer and call for CHERRY CITV For Sale—One five passenger Ford auto in good running order. A bar­ gain, inquire at Stayton Hotel. 4-4 PATENT FLOUR, a sack will cost you very little more tha.i soft wheat flour.