SATURDAY APRIL the 19th the day of the big HORSE SHOW, and in order to make THE DAY A PLEASANT ONE F O R THE L A R G E ------ ------------ ---------------- Nobby cuts for the young man in form fitting, full box backs, 2 and 3 button coats. The new pin stripes, checks and soft shades o f the new grays — — ---------------- — — J and browns, in all wool, worsteds, cassimeres and serges, ranging in price from $12.50 to $18.00. Mens high grade all-wool hand tailored suits, tailored in the best exclusive hand tailoring shops in America, and absolutely new. Prices ranging f r o m ...................................................... pi pTLliyp I iliilU Our Dry Goods Department has not been neglected. Your will find Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s accessories o f the NEWEST and BEST We have them TO FIT the large as well as the small men, women and children. styles and LASTS WORN FOR THIS SPRING YOU W ILL FIND IN ABUNDANCE AT OUR STORE. The new Our Grocery department has just been made complete by the addition of the R O Y A L CLUB LINE. THE STAN D A R D OF THE W O R L D FOR PURITY Music from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m STAYTON’S BEST STORE Music from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. i STAYTON, OREGON