OrrtC'"* THE STAYTON MAIL 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 9 lh Y e a r , N o I I . ST A Y T O N , MARION CO UNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913. RAILROAD FROM SALEM IS IN THE AIR LINE IS TO BE BUILT BY WAY OF STAYTON Promoters Claim That Road Will C rou Cascades By Way Of Mmto Pass To Bend SAWMILL FOR GATES A aawmill having a capacity of 35, Out feet of luml>er a day ia to be con­ structed within the next few months at Gates according to reliable Information given an Albany Herald representative one day last week. The mill Is to be constructed by Dr. J. C. Mott a prominent resident of Sa­ lem und formerly a well known lumber­ man of the Northwest who la the own­ er of 20,000,000 feet of timber along the North Fork of tho Santiam river in the vicinity of Gates. The construction work on the pro­ posed plant will begin within a few months and will lie rushed to comple­ tion. The mill will employ a large force of men thu year round and It is expected will develop into one of the largest lumber mills in t h e Upper Santiam country. That the mill ia to be constructed ia positively known and aeveral represen­ tatives of Dr. Mott are now In the vi­ cinity o f Gates selecting a desirable aite for the buildings. The mill will be erected chiefly for the purpose of turn­ ing the timber owned by Dr. Mott into lumber but the mill will also handle other timber. Considerable incercat is being awak­ ened over the proposed railroad from Salem lo Bend, Oregon, by the way of Slayton and the Santiam valley aays the Htatcaman. The Oregon Railroad company which filed article! of incor|M>ratlon February 24, ia raid to be bark of the project, but the namea of officer* and dirertora have not been Riven out for publica­ tion. J. It. McNary, attorney f6r the rompat y, ia authority for the atatc- m rrt that work will be commenced within a few weeka. The money, it ia aaid by partiea who are aup|>oacd to know, haa been provided, and it ia in­ timated that the conatruction will be West Stay ton haa started a cannery. completed under the auperviaion of the Hill ayatem. Gredin* will 1« com­ In order to have a home outlet for the menced within a few weeka, or immed­ products which the irrigationista rinse, iately after the contract baa been let, they have found a cannery essential. aod the company propoaea to complete They have therefore incorporated the the work aa noon aa poaaible. Four­ teen milea of right of way haa been a«, West Stayton Canning Company, and cured, and there ia nut little doubt re­ have just elected their directors, five in garding the poaaibility of aecuring a number, and their officers, vis: D. M. complete right of way between here Mclnnia, I. R. Hammer and Lida W. and Rend without much difficulty. Tnia line of road will cover a atrip of j McGowan, aa President, Vice President Plans are country that ia undeveloped, yet valu­ ! and Serretarv-Trcasurcr. able, and will place Salem i n touch \ now being drawn for and bids solicited with rich aectiona of Eastern Oregon. j on building and plant. While it la not definitely announced The Willamette Valley Irrigated that the Hill ayatem ia hack o f the Land Co., who developed the irrigation project, it ia generally believed that project here, donated the site. The the purpose of the road ia to furniah a ! buildings will have a frontage of 100 feeder for the Hill linca, and to pro­ i feet. Tomatoes, beans and berries will vide m« ana of tapping the great tim­ 1 be the main things the first season. ber belt aituated on the woatern »lope of the Cascade range. URGE CROWD AT KLECKERS The line, i f completed through to Bend as announced, will cross t h e mountains over the Min to pasa, the A large crowd was at the Struett & only available pasa between here and Klecker store last Saturday in antici­ the proposed destination. The survey was completed through this route sev­ pation o f securing the free suit or eral yeura ago by the Corvallis & East­ cloak offered by the management. ern Railway company, but lack of Mrs. Herman Marking was the fort­ funds is said to have retarded the pro­ unate lady chosen, but as she was not gress of the road, and no futher effort ! in the building at the time, the second to secure a line through that territory , choice, Mrs. E. M. Olmsted, secured has ever been made. I the prize. CANNERY STARTED AT WEST STAYTON OREGON BLAZE STARTED IN OLD SMOKE HOUSE NO MORE NEBRASKA HOGS Serial No. 893 STAYTON HORSE SHOW IS NOW READY Since Isst August not a hog has been The spacious rooms o f t h e S. C. imported into this state. This is the Stewart residence were well filled last encouraging news made public the past Wednesday evening when Mr. ami Mrs- week by C. C. Colt, head of the Union Stewart, assisted by Misa NanStewert, Meat Co., Portland, who says Oregon entertained the Iowa people who were farmers are going extensively into the present at t h e State.! Reunion and business of livestock raising. those who helped to win the prize by During 1911, more than half the to­ giving the best stunt of the occasion. tal number o f hogs received at the The Hawkeye state will go on record Portland market came from Nebraska. ai having captured both prizes, there Last year, this number decreased to a being a larger number of Iowans pre­ remarkable extent, and now it appears sent than from any o ther'state, Ore­ that Oregon will not need to import gon barred. The prize cake—a delic­ any more pork in order to feed its own ious fruit cake o f enormous propor­ The Fire Was Extinguished In Short Tine people. On the other hand, we may Program Of Sports And Prizes Will Com- tions -anil candy were served v.ith soon lie in a position to make substan­ punch. By The Volunteer Fire mencc At 10 O’clock Aod tial shipments outside the state. Music a n d conversation made the Mr. Colt submitted figures showing Department last Ail Day hours pass quickly and those present that the livestock industry in Oregon is have reason to be glad that the Stew­ five times greater than fruit growing arts, who were bom i n Iowa, lave and greater than wheat, wool a n d come to Lebanon, Oregon, t o live. — A fire was discovered in the smoke dairy products combined. Everythingis ready and the weather Lebanon Express. house o f the Stayton Meat Market promises to be just right for the big­ Tuesday afternoon and in a very few H. Amort and father o f Macleay, gest, best and buisest day for Stayton minutes the hose wes connected and CURTAINS COMPLETED Oregon, have purchased through Mor­ for some time. Saturday April 19th is twostreama of water were rushing into the day and Stayton’s Fifth Annual the blazing building. Although the en­ rissey & Harriger, a tract o f l a n d Horse Show is the occasion. E. E. Woods, who has just complet­ tire interior was ablaze when discov­ three-quarters of a miie west of the There will be fun and frolic for ev­ ered, the fire was out in less than ten depot, and expect to build a home there eryone as well as instruction in look­ ed the scenery and curtains o f the minute»|after the alarm was rounded, in the near future.—Orland (Cal.) Reg­ ing at the many fine horses of the Stayton Theatre, owned by Frank L - 1 - which sjieaks well for Stayton’s Vol- ister. jey and leased by T. Rizzo, has mad i a Santiam Valley. uttecr Fire Department. The day will start a t prompt 1 0 work of art of the interior of the stage The financial loss will not be very o’clock with a parade in which eques­ as well as the drop curtain in fro t. heavy a s t h e building was a cheap trians are especially invited to be pre­ You will have to see it to appreciate .L. frame one and not very much meat was sent. The Victor Point Band will lead “ Zeke, The Country Boy” will be ai. in it at the time of the fire. the assemblage. the Theatre on Sunday night, the op -• ; Mr. Sestak sustained quite painful After the parade, Dr. Withy combe ing night for the new scenery. Dc a : burnB on his hands and one side of his will address the erswd on an appro­ miss it, it’s high class comedy in four face as he ran into the lower part of priate topic. acts. A gold medal to the school boy or the blazing building with a chemical As soon as lunch is over, and by the fire extinguisher just as the alarm was girl oetween the ages of 10 and 15 who way Stayton wil! be well prepared to sounded. Everyone is to be congratu­ writes the best composition, not to ex­ take care of all comers, the horses will FOOD SALE lated that the fire was no worse than it ceed 800 words, on the repair and main­ bejudged. was, as if it had occured at night the The judging will be followed by the whole block would have been consum­ tenance of earth roads, is to be award­ riding and driving contests, sports etc. The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth­ The baseball game between Stayton ed by Logan Waller Page, Director, ed. and the Chemawa Indians in the after­ odist church will hold a Cooked Food The origin of the blaze was simply Office of Public Roads, United States noon and the dance in the evening will Sale in the Stayton Housefurnishing too much fire in the smoke house which Department of Agriculture, Washing­ give entertainment to ail. no matter Co’s, store on Horse Show Day. Sab stands just at the rear of the Meat ton, D. C. All compositions must be what their tastes. starts a t 10 a.m . Buy your dinner Come to Stayton Saturday and enjoy Market. submitted to Mr. Page before May 15, yourself. ready cooked. 1913, and the medal will be awarded as To the Loyal Boys of the Stayton soon thereafter as the compositions can Fire Co.— We extend to you our grate­ be graded. The composition may be ful thanks for your prompt and effi­ based on knowledge gained from books cient work on Tuesday afternoon, in or other sources, but no quotations extinguishing the fire that threatened should be made. our property on west Third Street be­ tween Ida and Florence. C. A. Beau­ # PRACTICE GAME champ, G. D. Trotter, Sestak & Thom­ as, Geo. Davie, Fred Casteel, Jones & Cornish, Gardner & H o b s o n , R. J. The Lebanon baseball team did not Moses anil Mrs. J. W. Merrifleld. show up Sunday on account o f the rain. The game will be played later. T h e second Stayton team played a PANACEA for growing chicks. Special practice game with the first, and tied on chick food in sack lots. Cracked until a shower stopped them. Don’t fail to see the game Horse Corn, Bone Meal, Oil Meal. Soy Bean Show Day with the Chemawa Indiana. Meal. Dr. Hess’ and Clark’s Remedies. A delegation of farmers from A urns . It will be fast. The Stayton team will go to Mt. ville culled at tl^e governor’s office one Disinfectant and dip for chicken houses Angel next Sunday and try their skill day last week to get information as to against the Angels. Manager Thoma the manner in which to proceed in or­ has made arrangements for a round der to have their farms thrown out­ trip rate of $1.45 from Stayton, if a side the corporate limits of the city of party of 15 can be gotten. Better go. Aumsville. It appears that when the city was MORE SCHOOL PRIZES incorporated, the corporate limits took in a number of farms, and the owners Additional prizes are being offered of these farms are now finding them­ for the children's industrial contests to selves burdened with what they chum be held in connection with the State is an excessive city tax, ami are trying to find some way of getting relief. The Fair. Sums of money formerly offer­ governor’s office not being in a position ed are being augmented by attractive to render any service in the matter, premiums that will no doubt induce the delegation was referred to the at­ many added exhibits. A list of prizes torney general. will soon be issued and circulated by the office of Superintendent Alderman of the department of Public Instruct­ PENDLETON ROUND UP ion. COMMITTEE HAS EVERY THING ARRANGED FOR WHOLE BLOCK ON 3D I STREET THREATENED GOLD MEDAL TO BE GIVEN TO BEST PUPIL Poultry Supplies SHEET Anything You Want In Ready To Wear A T CHAMBERS & McCUNE’S You Are Thinking of NewSpringGlothes Right now your thoughts are naturally turned in this direction. The pick of the very best in Spring Attire in broad assootments, inexpensively priced at this store. Tailored Suits, Style Coats, Beautiful Hats,Form Fitting Shoes and Charming M illinery Await Your Selection. For Ready to Wear Articles You Should Choose From the Largest and Best Stock in the W IL L A M E T T E V A L L E Y . You want style You want comfort You are entitled to the very best. Everything new and stylish in Coats and Dresses for Babies, Little Girls and Misses. PRICES ARE NO HIGHER HERE AND A SSORTM ENTS ARE A LW A YS LARGER W e pay your railroad fare b o th way» on p u rc h s te i am ounting to $ 20.00 or over. All garments altered FREF, by expert tailors.—All purchases arc ship­ ped bv mail or express FREE. WE WELCOME YOU TO ALBANY’S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE C ham bers & M c c u n e Elks Temple ALBANY, OREGON m AUMSVILLE FARMERS CALL ON GOVERNOR Can AGENT FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS WRITE FOR MAY F A S H I O N I0WANS WIN CAKE 50C GARDEN SEEDS Buy them in Bulk. ALL m OREGON G R O W N . 1 MEN’S SHIRTS Dates for the Pendleton Roundup have been fixed definitely for Septem­ ber 11-13. The former successes of this typically western show are ex­ pected to be repeated, or even out­ done, since gieater preparations are being made for the coming event than ever before. SIGN PAINTER The Beauchamp building will soon as­ sume the proportion o f a structure. The concrete pillars are iri, the steel is here, and as soon as the concrete hard­ ens sufficiently the block laving will commence. “ZEKE” THE COUNTRY BOY-STAYTON THEATRE E. E. Woods, the’ Salem sign and j Mgr. Rizzo of the Stayton Theatre theatre pninter will be in Stayton for a I I c o u p 1 e o f weeks more. He announces the special engagement for II may be found at the Stayton Hotel by one night Sunday April 20th of the big any one desirous of having any kind of Eastern Comedy success, Zeke, The signs made, walls tinted o r artistic Country Boy, with their big concert | painting of any description. S itisfac- band and orchestra. tion guaranteed. The show is the largest ever to play here and ought to meet with a packed The series of sermons on Pilgrim's , Progress will be continued next Sun- house as it is a novelty production full i day evening at the Methodist church, j of high class specialties and a comedy The sermon will be on the fourth hit in four acta. The show comes highly reccomended j stage of the journey, "Pilgrim in the Valley o f iluinilation and his Might and is a guaranteed attraction. There are fourteen people in the company. I with Apollyon.” New a n d Nobby Patterns. Priced Right $1.25 and $1.50 m MOHAIR WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID THOMAS-MAYO 00.