SHARP SHOOTER HERE Gus IVri't, advertising m at/ of the Peters Serai-smokeless cartridges was in town yestervlay gave an exhibit» ion of fancy shooting. He was certain ly a vvizarvl with a gun anil perfor med | some very difficult foals. Perhaps the most nerve trying one was to outline an I n d i a n s head with ’ ’illot hides on a target twenty by thirty inch«». About 200 shots were required for this piece of work. Mr. Diedrtch, who handles the l'eters shells has the orgmal tar­ get. BUYS WHEAT FARM 99 “My New Studekaker 4 There’s a note o f pride in the remark. To ow n a Studebaker bu -gy is t > ow n the finest, classiest looking, lightest running vehicle on the road. Slender, y tv.rdy w heels, flexible bent- reach gear o f the ■ Studebaker pattern, well proportioned, graceful lines, upholstery of the kind that m akes you want to lea if l>ack and enjoy yourself, and the Studebaker double ironed shafts, strong and shapely. Why wouldn’t any man be proud to own a* Studebaker ? F a rm W * D u m p W » so n s D e K re rr W«agon« H a io sm T ru ck s P o »y C s r r is g - 3 * • » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a : STAYTON MARKET REPORT Hons ....................... Springs .................. Broilers .................. Roosters . . . . . . . Mixed Chickens Geese ..................... 1 t l l l SS ................... .. Turkeys Dressed Turkeys \ 1 I» to M 12 to 13 12 to 13 . 8 to t> 12 to 13 I 13 to 14 17 22 JUST IN. New Dress Goods BORDERED ' EMBROIDERIES In wide and narrrow flouncing. 12 to IS li e 10) Live Hogs, Choice 8 to8) Live Hogs, Heavy Rough 7) Eggs 16) Corrected Thursdays but subject to change without notice. W. H. Tate, who has just returned from a trip t o Eastern Oregon has, purchased a tine wheat ranch o f 440 Dr. Brewer re|iorts n daughter born j acres near Redmond, Crook county. to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweet April 4, of Mr. Tate, who is one of the prosper­ Stayton. ous farmers of the Waldo Hills, al­ Frank Mack'antl wife have been ov­ ready owns 600 acres of the rich sod of the Willamette Valley just north east er to Weal Stayton for a few day» ut of Sublimity. He believes in Oregon j the home of A. L. Rrigga. Mr. Briggs ¡a reported quite poorly. and Oregon has been good to him. For Sale-young team of driving mares. 3 and 6 years old. Would ex­ CARD OF THANKS change for larger horn*» or mule». For particulars address Box 183, Stayton, Ore. To the many friends who hs^ve shown ' Mrs. Lloyd Brown and children re­ us such kindness and consideration in 1 turned to their home in Portland after this hour of our bereavement we wish an extended stay with relatives here. to offer our hcartfeit thanks and appro- j Mrs. Chas. Brown accompanied her elation. home. Myra E. (Crist and Family. VOILES AND R A T I N E S LA tES Shadow, all over laces. DRESS TRIMMINGS New Ecru Bandings, Rufflings,Braids, Stickerei Braids and Novety Braids. FANCY RIBBON New Bulgarian designs. Set our Deulcr or urite us. Frank Mark got the dozen flies offered Miss Ceeile Wolf is here from Port­ by the Brewer Drug Company for the land. STUDEBAKER largest trout last week. JolT Bilyeu W. F. Klcckcr is in Portland on busi­ caught one of the gantey fellows IS NXW YORK CHICAGO OAiLAS KANSAS CITY TENVE* IC N SE A fO U S SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, OKE. ness this week. inches in length hut us it happened he G. C. Eckstnun was a Turner visit­ did not have the right kind of a hook, or Sunday. so the prize went to Frank. Frank Lesley motored to Salem one day last week. R ET O R T O F T H E C O N D ITIO N OK TH E R ET O R T o r T H E C O N D ITIO N OF TH i: A. Sower of Shelburn was in Stay- ton on busires yesterday. Farmers and Merchants Bank Stayton State Bank Jack Jones spent the week-end with Hai vey Krump our horsoshoe- a t S ta y to n , in th e S ta t* o f O re g o n , a t th e o f S la y to n , i n th e s te l e o f O re g o n , a t th e close home folks in Cottage Grove. of b u s in e s s A p r il 4, 1913. o f b u s in e s s . A p ril. 4 th . 1913. er is reported on the sick list. R ssw -R cm . John Kiphart and daughter of Linn RESOURCES L oan« a n d rtl-c o u iit» ........................... I 60.SUS It. county were in town Friday. Henry Siegmund and family Loan« 8 u d d i s c o u n t s ................................ I 61.062 90 O v e rd ra ft» « t c n m l a n d u n s e c u re d 122 Ss Ovc r ira fU , s e c u re d a u d u n s e c u r e d ... 1.801 03 B oud» a n d w a r r a n ts ............................. W. H. Tate of the Waldo Hills was were in last Friday doing their 1,000 00 R o rd a a n d w a r r a n t s ................................. 15,CM) 00 B a n k in g h o u s e ........................................... 6,471 17 seen on our streets Monday. trading. K a n k in g h o n s e ............................................. 5.500 00 F u r n itu r e a n d f ix t u r e s ........................... 3.0.54 62 Machine bolts, log screws set screws F u r n itu r e a n d f ix t u r e s ............................. 2,500 tO D ue fro m a p p ro v e d re s e rv e h a n k s .. 13.»AS tS) Mrs. Clarence Hunt sjtent last i O th e r re a l e s ta te o w n e d ........... ............. 2T,3.'t0 0 A. L. Shreve. C heek» a n d o t h e r c a s h H e m s ............. » > II full stock. l> .e frt in bank.« » n o t re s e rv e b u n k s) 317 3 i C ash o n h a n d ............................................ Saturday and Sunday at the Mil­ 6,471 S7 Mrs. Anna Davie of Rogue River is Due fro m a p p ro v e d re s e rv e b a n k s . 9.*39 ~o E x p e n s e s ............................................ 1,606 15 ler home. c heek - a n d o th e r c a s h ite m s ............. 215 22 O th e r re s o u rc e s ........................................ 15* 05 here visiting relatives this week. C ash o n h a n d ................................................ 7,290 So John a n d George Zimmerman o f Watch Sublimity grow. Every­ T otal . ............................ »91.21» 71 E x p e n s e s ....................................................... 1,109 53 Sublimity were in town Monday. O th e r re s o u rc e s ...................................... 1,674 52 body is busy making garden and L ia b il it ir s . A. P. Hirons and wife of Shelburn planting spuds. T o ta t,6S5 06 C a p ita l s io e k p a id in . . . ..................... I 2.7.000 00 P n d iv ld e d p r o f its .................................... 1,2*1 IS were Stayton visitors Saturday. P o s ta l s a v i a f s h a n k d e p o s it s ............. 3-5 66 L IA B IL IT IE S Jos. Koenig and family were E. Weddle and Luster Sandman 5,000 00 k t « id i n ............................... S 25,01© 00 !>epo»U» d u e S la te T r e a s u r e r .............. visiting at the John Zuber home 42,»ao 3h were down from Mill City Tuesday, I • -1-cl P r o f its ..................... ............... 1,260 21 In d iv id u a l d e p o s its s u b je c t to c h e c k ■ " - ■■ D e m a n d c e r tific a te s of d e p o s it............ »72 00 iu d iv i :u a l d e p o s its s u b je c t to A. C. Barrows and wife and Mrs. last Sunday evening. For Sale—One five passenger Ford The W. O. W’a. will initiate a tine c h e c k ........................................................... 6*,006 $7 T im e c e r tific a te s of © 4-4 sen tried their luck fishing last irict Deputy Samain is horo to over gain, inquire at Slayton Hotel. B ill- p a y a b le fo r m o n e y b o rr o w e d . ., 11.0C© C© S la te o f O re c o n ) Ed Chrisman of Linn county made a C o u n ty of M a rio n i ' '* see the Job. Jeff Bilyeu showed ua a trout Tues­ Monday in Mill Creek. They re­ 1 , 8. L. S te w a rt, c a s h i e r o f th e a b o v e n a m e d trip to Stayton one day last week. T otai ............. * ......................... $133.685 06 h a n k , d o s o le m n ly s w e a r t h a t th e a b o v e s ta t e ­ « O re g o n f ,t At the Methodiat church next Sun­ day that measured 18 inches in length Mr. a n d Mrs. Thomas o f Silver port a good catch. i t of M arlo n s m e n t is tr u e to th e b e st of m y k n o w le d g e a n d day morning, by request, the pastor and weighed an even 2 pounds. Makes Creek Falls were in town Monday. b e lie f. S. L. S t e iv a b t , C a s h ie r. f.’ie h n *d«on.» ’a - h ie r o f th e a b o v e n a m Edward Ditter made a trip to will preach on The Beginning of the ua teel like going fishing. b u b s c rib e d a n d s w o ru to b e fo re m e th is 10th r rh a t th e a b o v e state» Mrs. Laddner of Jordan was trading Salem last Monday to serve as Christian Era, a study in t h e first The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth­ d a y of A p ril. 1918. ■t d m y k n o w le d g e a n d with Stayton merchants Saturday. W akkkm KU'MAItteoM odist church will hold a Cooked Food a juryman but was released as a chapters of the book of Acta. In the N o ta ry P u b lic v . h M T A k rw ’jf, r » » h ! i r Stanley Stewart spent Sunday and grandjuryman to appear again evening the third sermon on Pilgrim’s Sale i n the Stayton Houafurnishing • i *♦ a n i K itorii to b e fo re m e th is f»ih C o r r e c t - A tU s»: Monday with home folks in Lebanon. Progress—Pilgrim loses h i s Burden, Co’s, store on Horse Show Day. Sale A . D. (iARPNEU A p ril 1313. later. The hill Difficulty, the Palace Beauti­ starts at 20 a. m. B u y your dinner L . s. L am bert 5. L. BTKW a KT H. Shank and Pat Lambert and wife D ire c to rs . N o ta ry P u b lic ready cooked. The City Election last Monday ful, and the roll lost and found etc. of Mt. Pleasant were in town Tuesday. C o rre c t—A tte s t: Bill Cladek who has been in Lebanon past, was very quiet and the fo i- G eo . 8 p a m o l 9 HT*'* C . H . R r * w fr R h e u m a Ur r for some time returned home Monday. lowing councilmen were selected; Di re c to rs. TP! C r. M il s ’ A r a Mrs. Chas. Cladek returned Tues­ B. Prange, Jos. Schrcvo, Jos. day after a week’s visit in Salem with Breitenstein, Jos. SusbAuer, Pet­ relatives. er Welter: Marshal: E d Meir, W. H. Hobson returned from a trip Recor(]er; j os. Ripp, Treasurer’; I to Portland t h e latter part of last S. H. HELTZEL J. P. Ditter. A good many of | week. the women showed their courage J. A. Richards and wife o f Fern Miss 2 acre tract, 3 blocks from Stayton 60 acres, 2) miles from town, well Ridge made a business trip to Stayton and cast their first vote. - improved. Price $70 per acre. Saturday. Adelia Prange holds the honerof P. O. Price $1500 cash. Miss Ida Becker and Mrs. Henry being the first lady to vote at a 2 acres partly cleared inside city lint-J 3 acres in town^f Stayton, for 30 Miller of Sublimity were Stayton visit- city election in Sublimity its, price $160 per acre cash. days only, $125 per acre. Cash. ors Monday. 15 acres inside corporate limits of Two 5 acre tracts inside city limits Mrs. Chance and Mrs. McLaughein of Stayton, ail cleared. Price $2400,Tcrms. of Stayton. Price, $«00 each. North Santiam were shopping in Stay- Good 5 room house on First street] 1 also have a small well improved ton Tuesday. j farm near Sublimity for sale. Terms. Stayton, a snap at $1000. Terms. Herschel Shreve who has been in COULD NOT BE MORE EDUCATIONAL AS FAR AS Glen McClellan and wife visit­ 25 acres unimproved, partly cleared, Portland returned home Thursday for 203 acres, 5 miles from town, well STYLES ARE C O N C E R N E D THAN ed in Crabtree a couple of days. improved, price $45 per acre. Terms. 1 mi. from town, river bottom. Price, an extended visit. A V I S I T TO O U R S T O R E . $1625, Terms. M. T. Miller ol Turner spent the first Lake Davis and family are vis- | Beautiful Home in Ashland, Oregon, o f the week with his mother Mrs. ¡ting in Lebanon for a few days. to trade f o r Stayton property. A 120 acres, 1 mile from town and Ry. Miller of this place. Well improved. Price $86 per acre. good opportunity. A man of wealth is looking gp Terms. Misses Lizzie Diveley and Leona 40 acre farm, well Improved, J mile land and prices o f ranches in Forrette of West Stayton were Stay- 236 acre farm, 3 mi from town and from market and Ry. Price, $3300. ton visitors Tuesday. this vicinity. Ry. Well improved. Price $65. oer a. j Terms, $1000 down, hal. 5 yrs. Dan Kintz who is working near Me- Terms. Some of the young folks at- i 6 acre tract, only a short distance hama passed through onr town on his tended the dance in Stayton Sat­ from main street Stayton, well improv­ 33 acres, ) mile from railroad, mar­ way to Sublimity Monday. ket and achool. Good 6-room house and ed fine for subdivison, good buildings. GREATEST ASSORTMENT TO SHOW YOU L. L. Thomas is here visiting. He urday evening. outbuildings. Price $4000 Terms. 3 acres improved, 5 room house,barn, has not fully decided just where he will j Mrs. James Thomas and child­ IN 65 acre farm, one half mile from orchard, etc. Close in, and in city locate, but it will be in Oregon. ren of Turner visited at the Ira | limits of Stayton. Price $2600. Terms. town and Ry., well improved. Price, Will Hanna, nephew of mail clerk T. < $4875. Terms, $1000 down, bsl. 6 yrs. M. Humphrey of the C. & E. died at Thomas home Sunday. 9 room modern house, 4 big lots, all 80 acres, 6) miles from town, good Mill City Monday of small pox. I Walter Cassidy and wife 0 f well improved, only 4 blocks from post Silks, Dress Goods, Cotton Goods, building, orchard, over half under [ office in city of Stayton. A bargain at ----------------------------Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Mrs. Carrie Beauchamp and a o n | Aumsville visited at the John cultivation, a good buy at the price. $2800, one half down. Harvey returned from an extended vis- \ Mack home this week. Notions, Rugs. Trunks, Suit Cases, Etc. Our Spring $40 per acre terms. it in Long Creek, Oregon, Saturlay. Millinery takes the lead in the valley. For Sale 97 acres 3) miles south of Stanley Ray and wife of Sil- Wanted -About 25 or 30 h e a d of Stayton, CO acres under cultivation, Special — Nab It Quick —140 acres 6 horses or cattle for pasture at $1.50 verton visited at the home of good buildings, hay, grain, stock and ml. from town, on R. F. D. and Cream TELL Ud YOUR NEEDS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY i farm tools complete goes with t h e Routes, ) mi. to school, well improved, per head. 1’. P. Crabtree, Kingston, tf \ their parents this week. j place. Well improved, running water. Mrs. John Robertson and Mrs. Byron good buildings, fine orchard, running Price $8500. Terms. Robertson of Mt. Pleasant were visit- , . The bridge crew of the S. P. water, a n up-to-date farm, othera the ing relatives in Stayton the latter part railroad are fast completing One full block in Stayton, improved trestle for the steel bridge. of last week. and situated in the center of the town. would ask better than $100 per acre. The Harmony Club will meet Mon- J The “I’ll Try Band” class of This is a bargain as it can be cut into Our price only $65 per acre. Terms day night at Mrs. Warford’s resident. eight lots and t h e money doubled. Price includes Stock and Farm Machin­ The Popular Store for the l>coplc Subject “ Advantage:! to be gained by the Christian church will give a Price, $4000. ery. the study Of music.” All under the program and supper a t t h e \LBA1\Y ORtlOON age of twenty interested in music are church Friday evening April 18. cordially invited to attend. , Everyone invited. ■■•sa B4NPVHM HOUSECLEANING TIME Induces one to think of new curtains. Look over our line of curtain scrims from 15c up. South B end, Ind. S u b lim ity S h o t s GROCERIES a r e always seasonabe. We keep ours fresh and the Quaity up to the BEST STANDARD. THOMAS-MAYO CO. ¿5 WATCHTHESE BIG REALTY OFFERS t o o l ny To Paris Your car fare refund ed on a $20 purchase or over READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS L adies , S t y le SEE US FOR _ J N orth S a n t ia m FO R M isses , C hildren C o lo r Sizes Hamiltons Store S. H. HELTZEL, Agent