P etzel’s C a m p TESTED HIS NERVE Mrs. Witick and Miss Baldwin A Blind Struggle For Life In the called at the Sweet home Sun- ' day. Depths of the Earth. i Mrs. Barr spent Monday with LOST IN THE DARK IN A M IN E. j Mrs. Goodie, her mother. Clyde Maybe a n d Forrest Thrilling Experience of ■ Workm an Berry attended the concert at Who Found Himeelf After an Eaple* j Stayton Friday night. elon Alone end W ithout a Lig h t In Born April 3rd toMr.nnd Mrs. tha Suffocating Coal Hola. Tim Sweet a daughter. This is a Duke's Mixture Umbrella W hether vou smoke D uke’s Mixture in pipe or cigar­ e tte , it is delightfully satisfying Everywhere it is the choice of men who want reai natural tobacco. In each 5c sack there are >ne GTlli Cl h a l f ounces o f choice Virginia and North Carolina tobacco pure, mild, rich— best sort o f granulated tobacco Enough to make many good, satisfying cigarette*— the kind that make* rolling popular And with each sack you g e t a present coupon and a book o f cigarette papers free. G et an U m brella F ree The coupons can tie exchanged tor al sort* of valu­ able presenta The isr includes not onlv smokers’ article* St f,ouU Mo The STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by E. M. Olmsted Entered as sec "d d ass matter at the postoffice at Stayton, • . Oreç n, under the act o f Congress o f March 3, 1879. *1 opponent! of free sugar, which in­ dicates some sweet scrapping. A man by the name of Fear was found to have four wives a in Cl ieago. With Juliet, we would ob» ferve, ‘‘What’s in a name?” The flood at Dayton destroyed the only stamped envelope factory in the country, and for some time to come every fellow w II have to lick hi own stamps. Tu I h > lost In tho woods or on tha plHlna la n fearful ex|x*rience, but there Bert and Oren Morris were the victim baa the heavens above him g a m p c a lle r s F r id a y nod can nt least see hla way about The terror* of a similar adventure In O lir Cook s p e n t a fe w days at the utter blackneaa of a gns filled coal home, and such a breakfast, but mine are thus described by a corre l ,„ __ ln .; i„ .. .i «pendent of the Toutb’a Companion: ^ n 0 0 n 0 n b n d »y* t h e M l3S0S I wae working alone In a "room” on ** rame came to the rescue and the second south entry o f the mine everything Went lovely. It was A o’clock, the time for tiring the Cecil Lake has been quite sick afternoon blasts. T h e,m an who was "driving” the entry lighted his fuse with measles. and canto back through the entry call­ Vclney Gates was a caller at ing out "I'Tret" One a fte r another the other miners set off their blasts and the Steward h o m e Saturday cam e along the entry until they reach­ evening. ed my room I lighted my fuse, watch- | ed It sputter for a moment and went I’art of the camp boys spent I out Into the entry to wait for the b last Sunday at Lyons. Several seconds (Missed, and there was no explosion. My fellow miners Monday the harmony of the passed out of the entry and left mo camp was rudely disturbed, when alone. I went back Into the room and found that the Mast opening was clog­ Dick Brown showed his authori­ ged so that the fire could not reach the ty. and with one meaning look, powder I had to remove the tamping and recharge the drill hole. By thU and a feW w o r d s ’ separated the time the mine was filled with dense, crew, two were put adrift on the ms laden powder smok* fwm the ether skidd road, two went alone to hla»*«. the vast woods to work, and the In lhe «titling smoke I recharged the hole, tumped It, Inserted the fuse, majority were sent down stream lighted It from my head lamp and hur­ with a cold dinner as boomers ried to the mouth of the room. The for the Santiam. Have mercy work was hastily done. When the powder exploded the rush of air extin­ Dick and don’t do it again. guished my lamp. On Monday, Sport the valuable The darkness was absolute, and there Is no darkness so dense ns that of n dog of Mr. Brown was cut on an mine To my consternation i found ax which was carelessly left, for the matches In my “Jockey box” so those who might run into it. damp that they would not Ignite. Then I became really alnrmed. I was Dick Brown, Volney Gates and two miles under ground without a light Frank Bass made a busines trip In an atmosphere so heavy with gas to town. that It would not sustain llfo for any length of time. I dashed Into the entry, ran against a pillar and was knocked nearly sense­ «far less. I staggered to my feet and groped T * ia r ^ down the tunnel. Iu a coal mine great Call at the Stayto n Optical Parlor and oaken valves or doors close the en I- trances to the vnrlous tunnels. Tho have that headache and eye trouble re­ air enters through the main entry and Is sucked out of tho mine by great lit ved with properiy fitted glasses. We guarantee our work to be as good fans at the opposite end o f the mine a fter It has been distributed through as can ^ obtained in Portland or eise- tbe workings by means of these valves * where. Prices reasonable for first- and crosscuts situated near them. I reached a door, pulled It open and class work. We have had many years’ experience ! passed through. Beyond It two ton- j nets came together nt n right angle. as an eye-sight specialist in Eastern One led toward the open nlr, the other cities and several years on the coast. Into the depths of the mine. My We use the latest improved instru­ sense of direction was entirely gone, ment* for testing the eye. Call and and t could not tell which to take. It see us before going elsewhere. Office was all chance. I went ahead and aft­ n ext door to Lancefleld’s Shoe Store. er a time reached another valve. Hours, 8 to 12, 1 to 6, 7 to 10. If I oDly had a light! One glimpse Stayton Optical Co. of the number painted on the door Dr. Eaton, Manager. would tell me where I was. I tried to feel the number with my fingers, but In vain. I pushed ti)rough the door and entered another tunnel, down YOUR LAST CHANCE which I walked for hours, ns It seem­ ed. My head was bursting with pain from the gas. Don’t delay in having those photos Then I heard the sound of running water. I knelt-dow n, dipped In my you are thinking of, made. I expect to leave Stayton about May hnnd and found thnt I was going up stream and consequently deeper and 1st and if you have any work in my deeper Into the mine. 8o I turned I line it would be well to see me about it back, reached the valve and felt nlong , ‘ Don’t put it the pillar until I found the other tun- | in 1 the next two weeks. riel opening The gas had by this time off to the last minute. I k *gun to affect my brain, and I reeled ! Ut J . F . Lau Photographer. and staggered as I walked. I left the j Irnck and walked In the “sump” wnter up to my knees, keeping one hand on ¡i the wall to steady myself. HOW’S YOUR SOLE I passed through vnlve a fter valve | and tried to keep count, but my brain refused to perform that simple task. i W atters the old reliable, is back in At last I pushed through a valve si/] the shoe shop for the winter. Come felt a blast of fresh, cold air. W '.th in. .t f that breath of oxygen my reo iw , re­ turned With renewed courage l push­ ed forward. Many times in fo’ ,lowing We have an exceptionally fine club­ that life giving current of nlr 1 plunged through narrow cross cuts, stumbled bing offer to make Mail readers for a over masses of sjnte, fell |nt0 wnter short time. holes and bruised myself by striking Offer No. 1. against the sharp corner 4 of the coal vein, hut I was steadily creeping n e a r The Fruit-Grower & Farm er $1.00 er to the surface. The Kimball Dairy Farm er .50 Suddenly I stumbled agn|nst a loaded Poultry Culture .50 eoal car That m e a n 't ^ a t I was In the main entry, but ho „ fnr f rom the en- The Stayton Mail 1.50 trance I could no' £ tell. I worked my AU Four for only 1.80 « ay nlong the ' string’ of loaded cars In addition to the above we will send and began to r Srpinl an Incline. The fresh air awep ,t ,p(Wn the tunnel In n the Woman’s World for oriiy $2.00 for g.-ile I kept r erring ahead. In the ho[>e the five papers. of seeing dp yiight, but none appeared Stayton Mail. I wonder«’ , why. I broke Into a run, nnd In aD 0t|IPr minute I had emerged .< It y I)/ M i l « « * T o h ^ n r l o f f r\ i •(. from the m|tlp (ln,i stood gazing nt the A n tl-P a ln P IIU , > seld o m fail. stars. 1 t was jdmost midnight, nnd 1 had 1/ ,ft my room shortly a fter D o’clock , D e a fn o s s C a n n o t B e C u r e d T h e G reed y O ne. ^ ‘raveling through South Africa, Mr. udley Kidd, the author of “The Es- * enflai Kaffir.” once accused a native of being greedy. The native turned State Printer, Duniway and Governor West are writing some eyes of reproach upon him. very ‘’genteel” letters to each other. Old sports why not repair “ Me greedy, linns?” he said. " I f takes two Kaffirs to eat a sheep In a day. hut to a back alley and have ¡t out and be done with it. only oti** Hottentot. Hottentot greedy, y 1 ■ 111 — - - - - ■ ■ — ----- __ not Kaffir " Subscribe for tie Mail. $1.oG par ye, ,r. The question every morning Is not how to do the gainful thing, but how to do tlie Just thing,—John Buskin b y lo ca l applications, r ..i tlmy cannot reach tho diseased porllan i t tho car. T h em Is only ono v.ay t i cur - d -a fn -s:i, and tin t la by co n stitu tio n al r medics. D ea fn cc* Is caused by an Inllam-.d condi­ tion o f th * m ucous fining of tho E u sta ­ ch ian Tube. W hen th is tube Is Inflamed you hav e a ru .nblln g sound or Im perfect tie-rin g , and w hen It Is en tirely closed, D cafn- n H tho resu lt, nnd unless tl-o I i - llam m ail n ra n bo tal - l out and this tube restored to Its norm al rondo Ion, h e arin g will bo destroyed fo rev er; nine c a s - s c u t o f trn a re caused by C a ta rrh , w hich l.i nothing but nn Inflamed condi­ tion o f tho m ucous su rfaces. OREGON WOOLEN MILLS CLOTHES stand hard usage and rough wear be­ cause they are made of the right kind of material— wool from our own state— No shoddy in them, there can not be-Oregon don’t use it. SUITS TO S u T t from $12.50 to $ 2 2 .5 0 Guaranteed to be all Oregon grown pure wool. You couldn’t get better at any price. YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ Suits ranging in price from $3.00 to $7.00. A pair of pants free with every boy’s suit. YOUR INSPECTION Is invited on all of these g o o d s They will stand the test. FISHER & RICHARDSON With The Same Make of Gun one nation destroys another. It is how fo m an­ age the gun that secures success: therefore, it is not the gun alone b jt th : knowing how to manipulate it. N o man succeeds in business with his back to­ wards his business. He must face the problem with determination and tact. He must select the goods people w ant. He must determine first that values arc the objects sought, and prices m u s t be in unison with s u c h m e r c h a n d i s e . Under these conditions and considerations Gardner & Hobson have selected their spring stock of which is now arriving daily. merchandise, T h e stock consists of D R Y G O O D S, L A D IE S ' W E A R , G R O C E R IE S , and in fact everything kept in a F I R S T C L A S S M E R C H A N D IS E S T O R E . - W m -~ A Lets Get Together m ' p On tin.’ lumber question for our mutual benefit. Every satisfied customer we make is better for us. _ i E v e r y bill of lumber you buy here means a better and more lasting job for you. So even if you leave out our interests you will be con­ sulting your own by giving us your next lumber order. JO SE P H PET Z EL Vfn rUl slvoOno Tfnndr.-i l-nllar« lor«nr«*« of peafn.-s* reatiftc-t by catarrh)!! si cannot h--re rod by N otice—To the party who borrowed For Sale—one (food Mingle open bu* Uall s Catarrh Caro. Bend f< ♦ circular«, f.-eo. my spray pump, please return it at gy and harness’, F.3 .CT!E.VEY, SCO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Dmnot"'t. T.'e. 4-3 once, as 1 need it. Chas. Streff. Claude Darby. MM Iteut k aaiif n ils ter oousUsaUoa.