THERE IS GOING TO BE SOMETHING DOING AT Struett & Kje c ker’s They’re going to give away ABSOLUTELY THE BEST LADIES’ SUIT OR CLOAK IN THE HOUSE, UNRESTRICTED Come in at any time I CHOICE. NO LOTTERY, NOTHING TO BUY. and learn of this absolutely unique method of securing a new suit or Every lady in or near Stayton is welcome.—In order to make Iß cloak. rns ! an extra inducement to have you see and compare our stock of goods L, 6 we have made the following reductions. Space will not permit f O F T H E PUBLICATION OF ALL OF THE BARGAINS V GROCERIES m |, L 18 t I SHOES 30c Coffee . . . 23c $5.00 Ladies’ Shoes $3.25 4.00 “ “ 2.75 20c Catsup . . . 10c 3.00 “ “ 1.98 Gold Dust 2 pkgs . 35c 5.00 Mens Shoes 3.95 Tomatoes dozen . 85c Corn dozen . . . 90c 1 One lot of Mens Shoes 98c Soap 12 bars . . 25c Cream of Wheat . 19c HATS Crackers per lb. . 8c $3.50 Mens Hats $2.75 K. C. Baking Powder per 2.50 Mens Hats 1.95 c a n ....................... 19c 2.00 Mens Hats 1.45 y M ENS SUITS $28.00 Mens Suits $18.95 20.00 Mens Suits 13.95 15.00 Mens*Suits 10.75 BOYS SU ITS $7.00 Boys Suits 5.00 Boys Suits 3.00 Boys Suits $4.95 3.85 $ 1.95 SUITS AND DRY GOODS Calicos per yd . . 4c Ginghams per yd . 8c 36 inch Percale . . 12c All Outing Flannels 9c Ladies $10 coats . 3.95 Childrens$4,$5,coats 2.45 $22.50 LadiesSuits $ 13.95 18.00 " “ 10.45 he salt or cloak will be given away at 5 p. m. Be on hand. Bring us your butter and eggs. I l •r -: Highest guaranteed prices paid for all farm produce T &. KLECKER STiWTON’S BEST STORE Lx STHYTON, OREGON