R 0 L 0 SIGNS OF SICKNESS Durable. Silent. Easily Maintained. O Gardner & Hobson Have on display at their store the finest line of Baptist LADIES' W H I T E WAISTS Q l f I P T Q _ SILK> m e s s a u n e , w h i t e , v o i l e , Preaching every Sunday morning a t II o'clock b y Rev. A. C. Eato Sunday school a t 10 a. m., H. N . Huntley, supt. B Y P U a t 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Eaton, president. O IV U V 1 * > WALKING SKIRTS,UNDERSKIRTS E M B R O ID E R IE S -an ^ W A IS T ^ N G F O R SP R IN G , including silk and silk mixtures that has ever been brought to Stayton. T V A Q BLACK, GREEN, AND ÜLALiS^ LiKEhN, GUNPOWDER GUNPO V I SASSAFRAS. COFFEE IN STAYTON THE BEST 30 CENT The prices are right because the goods were bought R K iliT . No matter how lean your purse you can afford some of this selection. S E E THEM. Gardner & Hobson Deafness Cannot Bo Cured b y lo c a l a p p lic a tio n s, a s th e y c a n n o t reach Use disease«! p o rilo n of to o c a r. T h e re D o n ly ono w a y to c u r - d .«fn« sa, a n d t h a t la by c o n s titu tio n .1 r m edic*. D e a fn e s s Is c a u s e d b y a n In lla m o d c o n d i­ tio n o f t h e m u c o u s lin in g e-f th o E u s t a ­ chian T u b e. W h e n th is tu b e I 3 Inflam ed y o u have a r u .n b lln g so u n d r r I m p 'r f e c t h e - r ln g . and w h e n It ts '- a 'l n l y «i ced. D c a f r .'s s Is th o r e s u lt, e n d u vlcaa th o In ­ fla m m a tio n c a n be ta l c:i r i t a n d th is tu b e r e s to r e d to Us r. rrr. 1 co n d itio n , h e a r i n g w ill b e d e s t r o y 1 f - r e v r r ; rd ro c a s e s c u t o f te n a r e n e ? 1 t — f i t a r r l i . w h ic h Is n o th in g b u t m Inflam ed c o n d i­ tion o f the ra u c o u s s u rfa c e s . V7oTrdlrlTo«>neTIc.ndrr'l Iv«]’»-» f rsnyenxo cf B r it n r r * ira n s -l hycatarrM tl rurann-u h- --.rtxl t j , B a ll » Catarrh Coro. Bend fo rc irc u lin , f . F. 1. C ncIiE Y , ft CO, Toledo, o:do. Bold by p rasst -J, Tic. Tfcke Hall's t sstily ITUs for caosUpaUoo i Stayton j Butc'ner Shop FRESH and SALT MEATS Pure Lard at All Times Highest Market Price Paid For FAT STOCK W . A . R IG G S Stayton Oregon O V ER «8 Y E A R S ' E X P E R IE N C E P atents trade marks D esign s C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anyone nendlnf e «k»trh end deeerlptlor mey qnlokl? ascertain otir opinion f r a whether an Invention le prohnblf patentable. Commnnlra- I Iona Rirlotl? confident lai. HANDBOOK 01 . Patente ■ont free. Oldest affette? for serurln*peter.» r . Patent« taken through Muun it Co. receive rrrruü i ' Ttcvu notici* without ehnr«e. In tbe Scientific A m e ric a n . A handiom etf lUnutret*! weekly. T.erveet etr dilation of en? «Denude Journal. Terme, 93 n rear t four month«« |L Sold L?all n«wtd«fth»ni. NBüKïrateJï» For S ale—young team o f driving mares, 3 and 6 years old. Would ex ­ change for larg er horses or mules. For p articu lars address Box 18.3, Stayton, Ore. _ C a th n lir w C hi r c ii o f t h e I m m aculate C o n cep - ti«)n, S ta y to n ; R e v , A. L ainek priest in charge. H igh mass second fourth and lifth Sundays 8:30 a, m., P riest’s address; S ublim ity, Oregon, H t . B o n i f a c e ’ s C atholic C hurch , S u b lim ity ; Rev. A. L ainek, rector! L«iw m ass 8 a. m., h igh mass 10:30 a. m., first and th ird S undays in th e m o n th ; high mass 10:30 a. in , sec- en d , fourth and lifth Sundays. V««s |«ers a t eventiile. Christian Services will be held every Sunday. | Preaching a t 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school a t 10 a. m., Mrs. W. H. Hobson, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. E. a t 6:45 p. m., Miss Florence Morton Pres. Ladies Aid society m eets each W ednesday a t 2;30 p. m., Mrs. G. D. Thomas, P res., H. E. Rossell, pastor. Methodist Mcthfxlist Episcopal Church, order of services: Bible school a t 10 a. m., A. S. Pancoast, superintendent- Preaching a t 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Midweek P ray er and Bible Study, W ednesday, 7:30 p. m. Epworth League, Sunday, 6. p. m., Clark Mace, P res. L adies’ Aid Society, Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. R. Gard­ ner, Pres. P astor of the church, E. S utton Mace. Motor enthusiasts o f Salem 1 are planning an automobile show for April. The heavy work on the Port­ land, Eugene & Eastern at Oan- by, is about completed, says the Irrigator. OUR LIFE SAVERS. In “Court«, Crim inals and the Ca CAUSED BY SIM PLE AILMENTS. Best Low Cost Pavement on the Market. An Insids View of ths W ay Crim inal C a tss Aro Handled. Symptoms That May Alarm and m orra” A rthur Train, tho author, once Humble Heroes Who Do Brave an assistant d istrict attorney lu New Yet May Not 6c Serious. York city, says th a t our present system Work Alonj Our Coast. Spots Bofors ths E y ss, For Instanos, May Moan Brain Diaaasa, but ths Chancas Ara Thousands to Ona That Thay Arias From Soma S l i g h t Causa. • W . I CHECKMATING JU STICE. of adm inistering Justleo offers no du torrent to tho em bryonic or profession «1 crim inal. T he ndm lulstration of Jus tlce Is a clover gam e betw een Judge and law yer In which the moves are made with a view to chcckm ntlug Jus tlce, not In the trial courtroom, but be fore the appellate tribunal tw o or flirts* years henco. "My young feller,” aald a grizzled veteran of the crim inal bar to mo long years ago a fte r our Jury bad gone out "th ere's lota of things lu this game you ain 't got on to yet. IV> you think I care w hat this Jury do«««? N«>t one mite. I got a nice little erro r Into th«« case tho very first day. and I've set back ever since. H'(xi*e we are <*on vlctcd? I'll g«>t Jim here [th e prl«on or) out on a rortttlriite, amt It'll tie two years liefore the court of app««ul» will get around to tho case. Meantime Jliu'll lie out m aklu' money to pay uiv my f«>«>. Won't you. .Urn? "Then your wltm>ss««s will t>e gone, and nobody'll rem em ber w hat on earth It's all about. You'll be down In Wall str«*et practicin' real law yourself, and the Indictm ent will kick around tho of­ fice for a y««nr or so. all coverixt with dust, and then some day I'll get n friend of mine to come In quietly anil move to dismiss. Anil It'll lie dls- in Used. D on't you worry! Why. a thousand other nm nlers will hnvetH«en committed In this ««oiiuty by tho time th n t hap|xu the other en symptoms. nnd nlw ays Ihe aw ful drive of enow som ething to do w ith I t S|«>ts before tho eyes may signify ami elect, ripping the ouruxtilug wave brain disease, hut tho chances are one into tatter» of foam nnd »pludrlft hundred thousand to one thnt only PAINTING A HORSE. Surely no man could lire In thnt. some very slight causo ts responsible, Instinctively the llfo snverx moved such ns a torpid liver, w eariness of the T h s Schem» T h a t Dsllghtad Dotjill« nearer the ixlge of the su rf nmt (x«cr«x1 Upset M sissonlsr, nervous system , Insutflclcnt sleep or ahead for some sign of life T he tush I some little congestion of the brain. In other days, on the Boulevard wax fringed w ith »klm Ice, «harp and Flashes In the eyes form nnothcr Maleaherbe*, Edouard Detalllo and (««luted, th at cut through m blm r boot source of anxiety, and they are really Molsaouler, Ids m aster, lived In ad and clothing as If through p ardnuent very startlin g But, w hile sometimes Joining house«. T heir workshop» al­ Helpless to aid the man wboqi they most touched each other. It liappeued due to eye disease, one of the com­ knew m ust,be («lunging itotuewlmrc out monest causes Is ca ta rrh of the stom ­ ttiat Detallle wan painting some caval­ In th a t angry w ater, they huddlixl to rymen furiously charging the enemy. gether ax men will when n life less I ach. Another little eye trotihlo Is blurred H e found It mx-esxnry to excite the b«xly Is about to bo cnat up before! vision, which makes n nervous porsou burse (Mixing ns n model to give the them They beard loo and wreckage think he Is becoming blind. It mny, a|«|M«nratice jif n frenzied gallop. Hut grind harshly: scattered debris washed of course, lie due to bad sight; but, it wua In vain th a t the Jockey, who up to their feet llrnve men all, yet happening now and again. It Is usual­ belli the bridle, xumcked his tongue; they saw nothing to do, Th*jF"kn«w ly cause«l by a sluggish liver or nerv­ th e anim al drowa«-«!. not to wlint lengths the oe««au would go I>««talIlo then ordered another do­ ous dys|H>psla. before giving up Its victim. Shortness of breath glv«*s rise to ex­ mestic to strik e upon a Chinese gong, At this Juncture n figure sprang from trem e distress, for the first thought Is l-'or fully five mluut««s the horse w as am ong them nml, u rapping a linen bout of consumption But this Is an effect terribly frightened, and the painter Ids w aist, ran to the c«lgo of th« surf. of a m ultitude of disorders, great and w as delighted. Hut the unlinnl*«ooti H e was F rank Ilayner of the Blue small. Congestion of th e liver, anae­ Ifcn n ie accustom«'«! to the tomtom Point station, nmt lie wua about to mia. obesity mny cause I t It Is coin- oml drowsed again. To sults from a disordered digestion, ca­ the cntnstropli«‘s of nn Immense bat splendid They watched Ilayner us he st«»» tarrh of the ntomuch especially, or lie. lie bud in<>unte«l a horsem an lu a from sluggishness of the liver. Jaun­ gray redtngote ii|>oii th*« lienst thnt In th e whirl of I j Initio*«. Ho w as half nuked. Ill dice or tem porary decrease of the served as a uuxlel. A s th e blows were lollies he had throw n off a» ho r-u blood supply of the brain. 1 And my struck on tho gong In tho atelier of patients who thus suffer turn their l«etallle the Imperial m ount «hook and The cold, tilting Into hi» flesh, tortni thoughts at once to som ething very snorted In n fiery w ay, which wan far him. Still the chance held off 'I l eu It «-lime Uie bit of wreckage, th e « lit :: j Srnv®« such ns locomotor ntuxla or from pleasing to Melssouler. So he visit«««! his pupil, and nn a r ­ Ing sailor, crashing Into tin« I- o ’ . Meniere's disease. Confusion of mind and sleeplessness rangem ent wns effected. Detail!«« was breakers, nnd Ilayner dashed forw ard I '«sit hy foot through thnt roaring tu give rise to th e f«atr of approaching to paint his galloping horse In the m orning and M elssonler Ills nnmovlng m ult of w ater, of plungltig beams nnd ; insanity. ** ** really wonderful how people xt«x«d In the nfternfsm . It wns In this llmlier, dodging the splintered »pun alw ays seize on th e most fearsom e ex- way th n t Napoleon 1. w as enabled to th at, leaping from giant com bers, made < planatlon. Hut sleeplessness mny be k«*t«p a firm s*«at In tho saddle.—Cri de ns If to pin him, Uaytier worked to w ard bis nmn. To those on « e he d u e to n hundr(«d and one trifles a n d I’nris. was hidden tho g reater p art of the la most commonly the result of some Advertising Overlooked. time. Finally they saw hi» bond bob very Innocent cause, I t wns shortly before the funeral of ntxive n htg billow. Near him float«»? It niny tic occasioned hy nervous dyspepsia or catnrrh of th e stomach. n well known person, nnd n certain the w reckage l»»irlng It» stiff, motion ,o rl»ld liver, excitem ent of the hrnln manager bad Just placed a w reath In exx burden. Thu next Instant Itnyner from overwork, ten or coffee taken ns conspicuous a |x»sltloti a» possible vanished, awept under by n treinen late In tin- ««veiling, too much smoking. B ut he didn't like the look of the very duua w are. From tho huddled group on shore tcx> heavy h««d>-lothes, col«l feet, n bnd- small card attached thereto, and eo he ly ventilated room. I could go on for fa»tened on one considerably larger, n id i started forw ard, lint Albert l.a an hour w riting the common causes with "From th e ---- th e ate r” on It. Ilium, also of the Blue Point atatlon. "How doe* th n t look now?" he snld w as firs! to plunge Into the tumbling of this trouble. Confusion of mlDd mny result from to one of Ills com pany who sbxxl near seas. Tearing through them , In- too little sleep, n torpid liver. Indiges­ "Oh, It's nil right," responded the actor, reached Itnyner, who, Just cresting a tion, too little or too much blood In whose sense of hum or lx Just ns great breaker, snatched nt the sailor, now' the brain and other minor things thnt ns his unquestioned dram atic nhlllty. unconscious. And together these lie are of no real consequence. D row si­ "but why not add. 'Every evening at r«M«s of tho const hauled their man ness mnke* some p<«ople think they 8?’ " —Pelican. through tho rcnrlng tim bers nnd b e to are In for softening of th e brain or | th e bench nml to safety. soinp oth««r dreadful dlsens««. It most Not ten m inutes Inter the fro m well A Mighty N lm ro d . often arises from slow digestion, nn An Arl.znsns h nnter flr««d one shot broke In pieces. From shore the life Innctlve liver or from tem porary de- a t il dock of duckx nini hrouglit down | savors saw moti fall frinii tlii rigging. rre n se o f the blood supply of the hrnln. lliree. They feti In thè rlver He rnn five of them, who fell, ono by one, like The com monest onuse of nil these, dow nstrenm to where there wns n log black plum m ets Into the sen. Ona re­ though. I* nn oversensitive nervous nnd, ¡holding to It. cnught thè ducks nx m ained nlxrard. Then ho went, too— system th«*y flonted down. Ax he stood In thè u dark form clinging to tho wrecked Occasionally, no doubt, confusion of w ater fiali wedged luto thè lega of hla mast, now adrift. And again Itnyner the mind or drow siness mny be n symp­ tronsors so tlghtly thnt a» he wnded and Lnthnm (dunged Into tin- surf. tom of diabetes or other serious «11»- nshore a battoli firn off and klllcd a Now, w eakened by tln-lr cfTorix and *«ns<*. but s u c h cases. It mny be said, rabldt thnt wns slllln g oli thè batik.— tbo cold, they faced an even harder are tbe exception. task. Tho man torn from tho m ast Mt. Louis Post-D Ispntch. In nil th««xe <-ns««n tho only sensible nearly drow ned them with Ids fren­ rule Is to fait nn Isolnted symptom zied struggling. For tw enty m inutes No, He W asn’t Full, down to some simple nnd harmless "I w ouldn't shave myself todny,” tho uneven fight betw een the sailor enuxe If there 1» anything seriously said she quietly. and tbo su rf on one side and th e two wrong It will make Itself known by "W ant to Insinuate Ihnt I've lx«en Wonkened llfo savers on tho othel mnny sym ptom s wns wngod. Then n gr*«at gr«»-n drinking, eh?" he stormed. "No doubt any of the tilings erni "Not a t all, but th a t Isn't a cup of comber llfl«