The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 06, 1913, Image 1

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19th Year, No 5.
Serial No. 887
M ay Construct Road, Salem to Bend via Stay ton
$500,000 Company Incorporates For Purpose o f Building Line
S i-
Rum or T hat Hill H as Secured Control o f Corvallis & Eastern, G ives A dded Plausibility to Plan
Entertained at Airs. Woodrow Wilson, the WIFEOF RANCHER
New Lady of the Land
Gap at Head of Santiam Is Logical Pass to Eastern
(Special to The Mail)
Weat Stayton, Mar. 6— Mrs. Caaaie
Oregon Country— It is Thought Hill is
Behind Present Move
York was the guest o f honor at a pleas­
Mrs. W. H. Downing, Wife
of Sublimity Farmer,
Passes Away
ant party held at the Mclnnis home
here Wednesday evening.
Mrs. York
has been the guest o f Mr. and Mrs.
Mclnnis and the affair was arranged in
Two new developments in regard to
T h e company announces a capital
• pnwible railroad through Stayton oc­ stock o f $600,000.
The incorporators
curred the laat o f the week, and the are J. F. Mounce, A. L. MacLeod and
possibilities they afford are tieing dis- (I. A. Kyle. J. F. Mounce has been
cuaaed with much interest locally.
her honor.
The time was pleasantly
•pent at cards, music and conversation
and at midnight a dainty luncheon was
Great sorrow was occasioned
served, to which all did ample justice.
the residents o f the Waldo Hill.: this
week by the death o f Mrs. .^i g jsta
Downing, wife o f t h e Hon. , \ L H.
Downing, who passed away £a^j*iay,
operating in and around Salem for the
Ttie first was a rumor that the Hilt l a a t eight months, making public
hail secured the Corvallis & merely the contemplated construction
Eastern, and would take charge about o f a short local line from Salem t o
March 1. The story, as told, is that Stayton. G. A. Kyle la an engineer o f
llarriman gave the road to one o f hia national reputation, and was assistant
daughters, who offered it to the South* to Colonel Steevena who started con­
March 1st. Death was due to l i g h t s
descase, and the deceased had been in
a critical condition for several days.
Mrs. Downing
The Greatest Aggregation o f Jubilee
He ia Singera in America will Positively Ap­
to have a lease o f it; that the Hill peo­ at present in Chicago,
MacLeod ia in pear at the Opera House in Stajton,
ple slipped in and bought the property Portland. Both men will he in Salem Saturday Night, March 8.
This Company has had twenty-five
and that It will change hands as stated within a week and the detaila o f the
o f undisputed success. They car­
Whether a fact or not, the story la railway project are expected t o be
ern I'acifle, but the company preferred struction o f the Panama canal.
made public when they arrive.
ry a band o f their own and challenge
Probably « Hill Mov«
anyone to produce anywhere, dancers
Company incorporates
Next came the announcement tn Sa­
There ia little doubt that the propos­ who are their equal.
$ Big Vaudeville Features 6
lem and Portland pa pars that article« ed railroad construction ia a Hill move.
will Laugh and get Fat for Two
o f incorporation had been filed by a J. F. Mounce, who began the prelimi­
company that proposed to construct a nary operations here, ia believed to be Mortal Hours at these Singers, Musi­
Waldo Hills since her marriage in 1903.
She was 49 years o f age.
The funeral services were held% Mon­
r • m
Mounce b e g a n cians, Dancers, Comedians and Fun-
railroad from Salem to Bend, by way a Hill forerunner.
o f Stayton and through the gap in the operations in Salem laat fall, by pro­ makers. There will be no Disappoint­
Cascades east o f this city. This story curing right o f way between Salem ment, no Postponement. Out-of-Town
It was his inten­ people are especially invited to come
is also exceedingly plausible, especially and West Stayton.
if the feeling that the Hill people are tion to build into Stayton, but he ex­ and see the greatest o f all, the Nash­
behind this move proves true. Interest perienced difficulty in procuring right ville Jubilee Students. Remember the
is heightened by the fart that Louis o f way between West Stayton and date and place, Stayton Opera House,
Saturday, March 8.
Hill is now in the Willamette Valley on Stayton, a distance o f four miles.
busL ess. Regarding t h i s proposed
It 1 s understood that construction
road the Capital Journal has the follow­ work on the line will begin without de-
ing to s*y :
General Development
Rout« Proposed
John Rucker had the misfortune to
Next week E. Woods will commence
get a bone broken in his leg last Fri­ I work on the Stayton Theatre curtain
day in a runaway.
Although thrown and scenery.
There will be three or
out o f the buggy, John had the grit to four sets o f scenery besides the drop
hang to the linea until the horsca were curtain.
brought to a stop.
The scenery will include s
He had two pass­ street scene, two interior scenes and a
25 acres unimproved, partly cleared,
A traveling sign painter blew into 1 mi. from town, river bottom. Price,
town last Saturday and proceeded to $1625, Terms.
94J acres 2 miles from town. One
tank up. Deputy Marshal Fehlen ran
him into the cooler, and after search­ half under cultivation. Balance valua­
ble timber. Well improved.
ing him, left the paint spreader t o
Price $70 per acre. Terms.
pleasant dreams.
25 acre tarm 1 mile from town. Good
Soon after, smoke was seen issuing
bottom land. One half under cultiva­
from the City Bastile, and upon inves­ tion. Good improvements.
tigation, Mr. Dauber’s bed was discov­
Price $4000. Terms.
ered to be in flames. The fire was put
engers in the vehicle at the time and it woodland scene. The drop curtain will
out and once more the Weary One sank
ia extremely fortunate that no more be a special work o f art. It will con­
Diamond Ring, solid gold
into the arms o f Morpheus. Selah!
tain spaces for advertising which will
damage was done.
mounting to be positively given away.
For information call at Mack & Riggs
Dr. Beauchamp fixed up the injured be placed in an entirely new and novel
limb, but Rucker wilt be confined to manner. Mr. Woods will show a min­
iature o f hia scheme next week.
the houae for aome time.
Manager Rizzo ia to be congratulated
upon securing the high class work con­
templated by Mr. Woods.
W. A. Weddle has been employed by
the Petzel Sawmill as manager o f the
mill department and head sawyer.
will not do any contracting and build­
by S. H H E T Z E
The completion o f thia new line wilt
One o f the most promising o f the
C. 0 . Samain o f Portland, District
many railroad projects inaugurated in be the fourth new line entering Salem Deputy for the W. 0 . W. is here in
Good 5 room house o n First street
I n the last year the the interest o f the consolidation o f the Stayton, a snap at $1000. Terms.
the Willamette valley in the last two in two years.
years is that announced in articles o f new Fir branch has been built and the two camps at this place. He is an A1
One full block in Stayton, improved
Incorporation which have been tiled tn Southern Pacific steel bridge across the hustler as the Editor o f this paper can and situated in the center o f the town.
the office o f the secretary o f state by Willamette connecting u p t h e east testify, having been acquainted with This is a bargain as it can be cut into
the Oregon Railroad Company, which with the lines o f the Salem, Falla City 1 him some time ago in Southern Oregon. eight lots and t h e money doubled.
Price, $4000.
A line will
proposes to construct an electric line & Weatem on the west.
The W. 0 . W ’s should give Mr. S a -!
3 acres improved, 5 room house,barn,
from Salem to Bend, in Crook county. be constructed to Silverton and north. main all the support possible, and help
orchard, etc.
Close in, and in city
The line will leave the Willamette val­ In addition the Oregon Electric has build up their lodge to be a credit to
limits o f Stayton. Price $2600. Terms.
ley by way ~© f Stayton, traversing completed its line to Eugene, and the the town. A special meeting has been |
For Sale—97 acres 34 miles south of
Linn county and the Cascade mount­ road has been in operation for several called for Friday night, March 7.
Stayton, 60 acres under cultivation,
ains and joining both the Hill and months. Also the Portland, Eugene &
good buildings, hay, grain, stock and
Hnrrintan lines in the Deschutes valley j Eaatern will complete its projected
farm tools complete goes with t h e
place. Well improved, running water.
near Bend. It is believed to be a Hill line into the [prune belt south o f the
Price $8500. Terms.
was raised i n. and
about Salem, but had resided .in the
The subject at the Christian church
W. R. Munkers and w ife o f Lexing­ Sunday morning will b e ‘ ‘School o f
ton, Oregon, are here visiting his fath­ Christ,” Sunday evening “ A Christless
Reform ation.”
er B. F. Munkers and other relatives.
An attempt was made to burn the
Mr. Munkers is back in Marion County
school house at Gates last week.
for the first time in thirty years.
Mrs. S. H. Burson visited in North
finds much change in that time and is
Santiam Friday.
very much surprised at the improve­
Mr. Macey, a furnishing goods man
ments in Stayton aa well as the sur­ o f Corvallia, was here Monday looking
rounding country.
over Stayton with a view o f possibly
locating here.
Taxes arc now due and payable, with
ing thia summer, but will still do ar­ a 3 per cent rebate i f paid before
chitect and designing work in spare March 16th. Those not desiring to pay
hours. Phone him at 3x8 for anything It all before March 15th, may pay one
S. H. Heltzel made a business trip to
Miss Jennie King o f the Waldo Hills
in that line.
half before the first Monday in April, was in town Saturday.
Albany the first o f the week.
with no rebate, and the other half on
Mrs. M. E. Fletcher made a business
The last week o f reduction in price.
John Huber o f Linn county was in or before the first Monday in October, trip to Portland and Oregon City the
Drugless Methods at the Drugless In­
town Tuesday.
first o f the week.
stitute. Call now.
day afternoon f r o m
the Episcopal
church in Salem. The church waa fill­
ed with friends who had come to show
the last token o f esteem for the de­
ceased. Music was furnished by the
church choir which sang “ Lean Kindly
“ There i s a Bles-ed
Home.” Mary beautiful flowers were
brought by friends. Interment was fn
the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
T. B. «1’Jt-
ton, J. T. Hunt, Edward McKl*~ f .
William Tate, Thomas Hill, and TJisJ,
McElhaney acted as pall bearers.
Augusta Downing, beloved wife
W. H. Downing, departed this fife
March 1, 1913, aged 49 years, 6
and 3 days. She leaves a husband, a
mother, Mrs. Susan Newton, and a
brother, Cecil Newton to mourn .her
loss. The mother and brother are row
Fine business property, building is
residents o f Seattle. Washington.
25x50 and is newly built.
A new 6
Mrs. Downing was born on a farm
room modern cottage on same lot goes
near Albany. The family moved to
with this. Both will rent for $30 per
Salem in 1876, where the lived until
month. Price $3200, Terms.
her marriage, which occurred March 11,
2 acre tract, 3 blocks from Stayton 1903. During her residence in Salem
she made many friends, all o f whom
P. O. Price $1500 cash.
affectionately remember her.
103 acres, 6 miles from town.
During the brief time of her married
Price $45 per acre.
life her home has been in the Waldo
I also have a small well improved Hills, and she was active and promi­
farm near Sublimity for sale. Terms. nent in all social matters there, and in
the promotion of all good and laujt'tle
S. H. Heltzel, Manager.
Mrs. Downing was a very ambitious
woman, untiring and painstaking in all
J. F. Richards and wife o f Fern matters that claimed hei attention.
She had high ideals and her life has
Ridge were in town Tuesday.
been one o f usefulness, and has made
Joe Foltz and sister o f Jordan made
a lasting impression on all with whom
a business trip to Stayton Tuesday.
she was associated.
John Mack o f North Santiam was in
The funeral service was held at the
town yesterday.
Episcopal church in Salem, o f which
Pat Lambert o f Mt. Pleasant made a she was a devoted member. The inter­
business trip to Stayton Wednesday.
ment was in the I. O. G. F. cemetery
Mrs. Lula Carey o f Linn county vis­ by the side o f a number o f sisters and
ited at the home o f her mother Mrs. M. brothers who had preceded her.
She is at rest and we trust th at her
J. Queener yesterday.
and character may ever be present.
Floyd Rcbinson was seen again on
as a guide and monument to better and
our streets this week.
nobler manhood.
At the Methodist Church next Sun­
Her nature was a delicate one, but
day morning the pastor preaches an
few persons were gifted with a mind
expository sermon on an island exper­
more analytical, logical and clear. She
ience, “ A God, or a Man o r What?”
too was possessed o f a very quiet and
In the evening subject will be, The
gentle disposition, ever having a kind
Man with the Set Face.
regard for the best interests o f her
W. E. Nesbitt o f Salem made a busi­ neighbors and friends. It was none o f
ness trip to Stayton Tuesday.
hers to ever "murmur or complain”
Albert Roy, wife and baby are here ! while she sought to smooth down all
this week visiting Mr. Roy’ s parents.
disappointments. All who shared with
John Henkel has purchased a two her in this last illness can attest to a
acre place near Raleigh Harold's just blissful sweetness a n d a teachable
across the river, and expects to build a spirit.
She was a member o f the Episcopal
home in the near future.
Mrs. Cramer got the ftee hat at the church, walking worthy o f her voca­
Mack & Riggs Millinery opening last tions, “ with lowliness a n d meeknesa
Saturday. Over 150 ladies visited the with long suffering—forebearing one
another in love.”
store during the day.
An amiable life is a beautiful one. A
Miss Bob Morton spent Sunday in
real true life i none the less sublime —
but, then how pc tent is life, when one
Miss Stella Burson who has been in
can gather together, all the litt! _• de-
Eugene for some time returned home
(Continued on page four)