The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 27, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 6

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for. Had wo lived, I should hnve had
a tale to toll of tho hardihood, endur
aaco and courage of my companion*
which would have stirred the heart of
Captain Scott, British Explorer, and Members of His Party Succumb in the Far South every Englishman.
“ These rough notes and our bodiea
would have don« better ia tbe weather ! secure the final supplies.
which we encountered at this time of
“ Surely misfortune could scarcely must tell the tale, hut surely, surely,
the year.
have exceeded this last blow. We t r a groat rich country like ours will see
“ On the summit, ia latitude 85 de­ rived within 11 miles of our old One that those who are dependent on ua
grees to 88 degrees, 10,000 feet lower, Ton I'amp with fuel for one bot meal are pro|>erly provided for.
la 1846 Sir John Franklin tailed we had minus 30 in the d.iy and minus and food for two daya. For four days R. Scott, March 23, 1912.“
to tho Arctic with two ahipo. None 47 at night pretty regularly, with con we have been unable to leave the teut,
These few words, manly and unaa
of tho party wan over anon alive
tiasous head wind» during our day the gale blowing about us. Ws are miming, mark the finest monument to
again by civil land man. Many ox
Captain Scott and the
marches. It ia clear that them cir­ weak. Writing is difficult, but for the memory
podltlona failed to find trace of cumstances came oa very suddenly and my own sake 1 do not regret this jour brave men whose lives ended with him.
the miming explorer and hla men our wreck ia certainly due to this sud­ ney, which has shown that Englishmen Forma! honor will, of course, be paid
until I860, when Captain McCUn- den advent of severe weather, which can endure hardships, help one another them. The world stauds ready to do
tock brought back the record of Sir does not seem to have had say satia and meet death with as great a forti that. Already England has held ms
John’s death in 1847. with relics factory cause.
tude as ever ia the past.
Wa took morial services for these men; already
Indicating that the entire party
“ I do not think human beings over risks; we knew we took them. Things England has aaswered that appeal, “ to
had periahed la King Will lama rame through sneh a month as wr have have come out against ua and therefore ! mo« that those who depend on us are
Land. In 1870 the bodies were come through, and we should have got we have no cause for complaint, but , pro|wrly cared fo r.“
found by Lieutenant Schwatka.
through in spite of the weather but for bow to the will of providence, deter
Surgeon Atchinson, in charge of the
In 1881 lieutenant George W. the sickening of a second companion, mined still to do our liest to the last, relief party, gathered the records and
DeLong and lieutenant Charles W.
t'aptaia dates, and a shortage o f fuel
“ Rut if we have been willing to give effect» o f the dead and read burial
Crtpp. United States Nary, and
in our depota, for which I cannot ac our lives to this enterprise, which is services over their bodies. A cairn and
more t*»« half the members of the
count, and finally but for the storm | for the honor of our country, I appeal cross were erected to their memory,
Jeanette expedition perished in an
which has fallen
on within
11 miles ■ to our countrymen to see that those over the tent la which they were bur
attempt to reach the Siberia! comet
o f this depot,
at which we hoped to ! who depend on us are properly eared j led. A record o f the finding of the
after their ship was croaked by
In 1884 lieutenant James J.
Gunsight Lake and Going-to-the-Sun Mountain in Glacier 'Park
Lockwood and 18 member» of the
Greeley expedition died of starva­
tion near Cape Sabine. Tbe others
of the party were rescued by Cap
tain W. S. Schley, who afterward
became rear admiral.
In 1887 Lieutenant S. A. Andre
left Spitsbergen In a balloon, with
the intention o f drifting over the
polar regions. Two days later a
carrier pigeon brought bach a mes­
sage, but no other word from Andre
baa ever reached the world.
In 1907 Dr. Mylitu Erichsen and
two companions died o ff the north
east coast of Greenland.
Tbe Scott Tragedy is the only
disaster in tbe history of Antarctic
exploration, so far as is known.
Antarctic Has First Tragedy
HE world is mourning Captain
Robert F. Scott, British ex­
plorer. He reached the South
Pole. More than a ye»r ago
Captain Scott and hi» party came to
the coveted region, January 18, 1912.
At the pole Captain Seott and hi» men
found the tent and records left by
Captain Roald Amundsen when that
explorer started back from the object
o f his expedition. That date was De­
cember 17, 1911. about a month before
Captain Seott reached the goal. News
of the timgedy o f the Antarctic, the
first of its kiad. was brought to civil­
ization by Captain 8 e o tt’a ship, the
Terra Nova, whirh had gone to Cape
Evans to meet the expedition and
bring it» members back, providing they
had completed their task or were ready
to return. From the shore party left
at the Cape Evans base it was learned
that Captain Seott and the four men
with him had reached the pole, but
had perished on their way back. Cap­
tain Seott, Dr. Edward A. Wilson and
Lieutenant H. R. Bowers had made
tbeir war bark to within 153 milea of
Cape Evans, when they were canght
by a blizzard and avercome. This was
about March 29 of last year. They
were then within a few milea o f a food
depot, whore sustenance and shelter
would have been theirs. Previously
Petty Officer Edgar Evaas and Cap
tain L. E. O. Oates of the Inniskillen
dragoons, who had been in charge o f
the expedition’s ponies and dogs, had
Evans was the first to
die. His death was the resnlt o f con­
cussion of the brain, sustained by a
fall February 12. Oates died from ex­
posure March 17. Six other men, al­
though they had been through a peril­
ous experience, were found to be safe.
These men had been sent to make geo
logical investigations to the east of
Cape Evans. Tbe records o f Captain
Scott were recovered by a relief expe­
Under the head of Captain 8cott
was a written record of the trip, kept
up until the very moment o f death.
In his diary was found what the in­
trepid explorer called a “ Message to
the Public.”
This message is quoted
here, word for word:
“ The risks are not doe to faulty or­
ganization, but to misfortnne in all
which had to tie undertaken. One, the
loss o f the pony transport in March,
1911, obliged me to start later than I
had intended and obliged the limits of
the stuff transported to be narrowed.
“ The weather thronghout the out­
ward journey and especially the long
gale in tbe 30 degrees south, stopped
The soft snow in the lower
reaches o f the glacier again redneed
the pace. We fought these events with
a will and conquered, but it ate into
otir provisions reserve.
‘ * Every detail o f our food supplies,
clothing and depots made on the in­
terior ice and on that long stretch of
700 miles to the pole and back worked
out to perfection. The advance party
would have returned to the glacier in
fine form and with a surplus o f food
but for the astonishing failure o f the
man whom we had least expected to
“ Beaman Edgar Evans was thought
the strongest man of the party and tbe
Beardmcre glacier is not difficult in
fine weather. But on onr return we
did not get a single completely fine
This, with a sick companion,
enormously increased our anxieties.
“ I have said elsewhere that we got
into frightfully rough lee and Edgar
Evans received a concussion of the
brain. He died a natural death, but
left ns a shaken party, with the sea­
son undnly advanced. But all tbe facts
above enumerated were as nothing to
tbe surprise which awaited us on the
barrier. I maintain that our arrange­
ments for returning were quite ade­
quate and that no one in the world
♦ f
• t t f
J OkJliftOi
O b ì 0 C a
i c
\ \
-Ì ' r, -
'C Ú U / U M '¿Z *u ¿
We want you and each member o f your
5 F
f a m i l y *° drink a cup o f the Best Coffee ever roasted
since the Arabians discovered this King o f
food beverages
Kindly mail
and post-paid a cup of
Coffee for n family of.
' a V
" a
Failing Building
contract was filed with tbe county
recorder according to the terms of
which Mr. and Mrs. l'erkins agree to
stay away from each other.
The Chicago |Mi|lce have finally done
something. Teddy Webb, the “ auto­
mobile ban dit," necuaed of murder and
robbery of the holdeat aort, was rap­
tured a few dava ago, after a revolver
battle with policemen and detrrtives.
Webb telephoned to a friend for
money. A telephone operator overheard
the ineRsnge and notified the police­
men. Webb »a* to meet the friend at
a certain street corner
A hundred
•let rrtiv». were hurried to the ueigh
horhood. The corner was surrounded
ou nil sides. Webb recognised the of
fleers ns he approached the rendezvous
and trjed to escape, but was raptured
and clubbed into submisaios. There
were enough officers around to attend
to that.
Legislator, frequently take long
trips on the people’s time and money,
but nothing like the journey just made
bv three men in Alaska has attracted
the attention of the taxpayers. Terri
torial Senator Breeding and Represen
tntives Gaffney and Aldrich hare just
arrived at Valdez, after traveling
2,000 miles on sledges, drawn by dogs.
They left Nome January 7, on their
way to attend the meeting of the ter
ritory 'a legislative assembly. The 700
mile journey from Valdes to Juneau
wil be made by steamer. There was
no other way for tbe three legislators
to make their long trip.
The Robinson Crusoee of the future
will have a soft time of it for the
isolated islands in tbe Parlflr where a
voyager might (toasibly be cast away
have Keen stored with supplies by the
various governments which claim them.
Food and clothing hava been deposited
and matches in sealed boxes have been
left where they canaot but be fouad.
These islands, however, hava not been
stocked with “ Fridays.“
n erd
you m oney.
Let ua desn-
quoting you
figures on you r next job .
Twenty seven years honest dea l­
ing back our stall-meats. See
our catalogue for prices on
ready-made houa/s, hern«, chit k
an coops, windows, doom, etc.
Catalogues and Plans of Hawses
on request
Northwest Door Co.
P o r tla n d , O r e g o n
Turn Your Ideas Into Money!
1 sell patents, stale nghls; also have
several openings for good inventions.
Agents lor Little Wonder V acu u m ('leaner
to N stt U m fc.. • -
1 Onom
$5 A Month
------------------ A S K US ------------------
Seed aw Free Boatla
Lin Powers, a boxer, found out a
few nights ago that ammonia is not
good to drink.
Between rounds, his
seconds attempted to let him smell the
fumes of ammonia, that hia condition
might be bettered. Powers took the
bottle to contain stimulants and
seized it. He drank a healthy mouth
fill and was in ngonv nt once. A phy­
sician nmong the speetators soon re­
lieved Powers, but he was unable to
continue the fight.
Karl Learmore of Oakland got into
an argument with his wife. Because
he eouldn’t have the last word, or for
some such reason, he retired to the
rear o f their home and shot o ff his
indez finger. Hia father-in law there
upon whipped Learmore soundly for
this indiaeretion and mused his arrest.
In T w o Heights!
H a s L ik o c o r p B utto bm o lss
2% in.
2 in.
HIS is the new straight-front
shape. It does meet cloae— be­
cause it has the L in o c o r d B u t t o n ­
holes . T h e y are only in
f-sK a irz y
are so protected where the strain
comes that they\ d on 't tea r out.
Hence, ID E S IL V E R C O L L A R S
retain their style and fit to the em.
T h e D E L M A R , because it’ s baked
and so shaped in the baking by out
special V e r tifo r m P rocess, has the
vertical effect so much desired. Ha<
ample scarf space.
CEO. P. IDE & C O . Makars
Troy, N. Y.
RATS in the Cellar
MICE in the Pantry
ROACHES in the Kitchen
Nothing is mors disagreeable than a
home infested with vermin. Destroy
them with Stearns’ Electric Rat and
Roach Pasta, the standard exterml
nator for more than thirty years.
It kills o ff rats, mice or cockroaches
in n single night. Does not blow away
like powders; ready for os#; nothing
to mix.
This exterminator is sold
under an absolute guarantee of money
back if it fails.
Sold by druggists and general storaa
everywhere or sent by Rxnrene Prepaid
on receipt o f price. Pe aure to get the
genuine; ttc and t l.0 0 . H**arneT B lec
trie Paete Co.. Chleago. III.
w hat
M A T E R IA L , we can eave
For the first time in baseball his
tory, a dentist is to be made an at­
tache of a major league training camp.
Manager Mcjiraw o f the New York
Nationals has announced that he will
take a dental surgeon with the Giants
on their training jaunt into the
According to McGrnw, the
stomach troubles tlint many young
player« are bothered with on training
trips arc duo to j>oor teeth.
s e e
Boiled rice must always he lightly
handled. It should not be stirred with
a fork or spoon.
Write your name on the coupon in the corner, and mail it right now before you forgot it.
Fill in the number of persons in your family, and by return mail we will send you, postpaid,
without any expanse to youreetf, a cup o f coffee for each and every o n e o f you.
Buy your Building
M aterial direct from
th e F a c t o r y a n d
(Continued from page one)
Gunman—“ Ha! hn! I fooled ye all
right. This here gun ain’t loaded.”
“ Don’t mention it, old top. That
roll I gnve yon is stage money.” —Life.
We know that you are anxious to know the name o f this Coffee
Straight Results, Coffee Dept.
Inter-State Publishing Co.
Looking It Ooer
Allan, heard them blame the cost of
living on the middleman.
“ The only thing they don’t blame on
the first man,” he thankfully ob­
served— New York Bun.
The moit expensive modern roasters operated by skilled coffee experts are preparing in
Portland a Coffee that should be on your table.
The goodness, the rich aroma of the best berries, is kept in the roasted grain. By a process
that has been perfected recently, it is possible to serve in the cup the stimulating coffee essence
that Nature planned for the benefit of man.
The coffee berry is ground, but still retains the strength that makes it the cheering,
stimulating cup that quicksteps a man toward his daily duties in the morning and brings
comfort to his after-dinner rest.
Of course we will elso send you tbe name of the coffee.
If you want to tickle your palate and make your stomach
happy, fill out the coupon at once and «end to
attached to tho cross. A
«eiirch for tho hotly of Ci|iUla Oatoo
« a t of no avail. A cairn a n d crono
were left to mark tho approximate
scene o f his .loath, however.
The bodiea will probably remain In
the Antnretio, although there Is a da
maml in England that tha dead heroes
lie brought back for honorable inter­
ment in Albiou.
Still, there Is the
feeling on the part of Captain Scott’s
friends that he should be allowed his
last rest in the land of his Ufa’s work
He was not an old man. He was
born Jnne 8, 1888, In England, enter­
ing the navy In 1882. He engaged for
years in esploration ia the Antarctic,
after a splendid career as a naval o f­
, f .tMPf to
But forami Inhutton ,
Thr\ Dont Tear Out
__ __
Wh—gmg B r ......
Portland Branch
4 8
P o r tla n d , O r e .
When making baked or boiled ana-
tard the milk to he used ehould be,
scalded and net aside to tool. Then
make n custard in the ordinary way,
and it will he perfectly smooth.