\ i THE STÄYTON MÄIL * - PAKT TW O S T A Y 'D )N . M A R IO N ' t O L ’ .N 'T Y, O R F .i.O N , IIH UNDAV F K liK I’A K Y 2 7. 1918 . mTm *~~ ~ ~~~~ FO U R '“ " t i T PAGES Public Playground Is Glacier National Park Famous Resort in Northwest Has All the Grandeur of Wild la north»™ Montana, 200 ml la* thin groat rvaort, the tourlat must not i pared to go much of the distance on awaits the traveler and guides atand mirror below them forest, rock and north of Yellowstone National i ’ark, enter the park with the ides of eu ford, sometimes clinging to the tail ready with horses to pilot him into snowy peak. The spectator ig awe- naeistance up the the wilds. And such n tripl Words struek uud his wonder becomes and- lies oaa of Uncle Ham’a nswest play Joying its splendor from an automo­ o f bis pony for bile. It is too rugged for that. The « gain grnsping a« fsll far short of the power to express' Ible, while the stoical guide merely grounds, Glarlsr National Park. Com pony must be depended upon if one steep in -line snd bush soil twig by the side o f the nar the sentiments snd emotions that plods ahead. Hurprises meet him at prising 913,000 art»« auil embracing would enjoy to the full the thrills row trail. But to him who makes the arise in the heart of the traveler. In I every turn while he gropes mentally ia its eoufines most o f thd natural , that come from looking down front veuture sud achieves the heights the silent wonder he rides on, drinking in for words to express bis feeling, beauties that characterise ithers 0f mountain peak seemingly fathomless] reward is abundant, tho beauties that rush out to meet Over 250 lakes lie here and tkere among tke green kiHs. Lake Mac­ W onder Dream c? Scientists is tke great mountain resorts, with mag Donald lies two miles from Belton uifieeat lakes shimmering in Hod's that Humanity M ay be M ade and is connected with that station by On S p erry Glacier in the W o n d erfu l ‘P a rk tn M ontana free suelight at the bases o f giant Free from Disease and Pain a road. Prom the head of this lake mountains, snow clad and rugged; a ] trips are made on horseback to Gua- HERR is being dreamed a wan­ sight I-ake. Iceberg Lake, Logging, total o f 00 glaciers vsrying in area der dream. These days men Quarts, Bowman and Kintla Lakes, from a few scree to five square miles; ere seeing a vision o f univer­ each with its own individual beauty fine, trickling mountain streams that, and points of interest. In some the sal happiness, a world e f per­ begianing ns nothing, widan out into finny tribe abound, as atao in the fect men and women and happy eyed, tumbling torrents that find their way making, foaming torrents, to bury through the passes. The guides ars strong-limbed children. They are lift­ themselves in the bosom of some lake ready with information ns to the best ing the veil that hangs between the to or te rush on west, north or south places to east the fly. These are but day and the tomorrow of science aad into the Pacific, Hudson May or the ! a few of the bodies o f water to be showing to ns the golden vista of a found within the confines o f this world that is free from pain. They Uulf ef Msaico; green, reatful glndee dream, these men of science, and they great resort. lying along the bank of mountain | work. It in well that they do dream, As for glaciers, the most exacting lake or etream and enticing tbs pass j tourist ran find the heights o f sub­ too, for it is o f dreamers that the lag tourist to a loll on the grew that ; limity in sheer wells of solid ice. blessings of former ages came. The will recall the clover days o f youth, j The trail leads zigzag over shell rock abyss between the abstract and the Alt these has the Almighty dropped I that threatens *.o precipitate h o rs e concrete is /i*st B bridged j P W B but P I by tke and rider into the canyon below, but natter sf which dreams are. down into the lap of nature that His | istence come# when The dream--ra o f the wonder dreei the reward o f persistence children might spend a p u t of their one stands face to fae« against the work in terrai of berteris end bacilli, dnys in healthful recreation. white wall o f Sperry Glacier, from microbe* and serum*, veeeinee and cul­ Mach has been written o f the | under whose depths flow tiny rivu­ ture*. Taev do not, perhaps, really lets, the beginnings o f greater ex­ know that they are dreaming, yet, eo grandeur of the Alpo and every year panses o f water below. And if he fanciful is their endeavor that eehl tourists from America travel into wishes to attempt the climb, the ex syllable* and black and white word- tke far country to see what the Old eitement and perils o f the iee moun etchings do not tell the story. World has to offer as a balm for Think, then, that the human body is tain are his. weary, work laden hearts. And some a citadel, fortified against attack from In this great playground, every in havn never viewed tho grandeurs of terest o f the tourist is safeguarded. without and garrisoned within. There out own America, while others come The streams are his for fishing, subject are. of course, a* always in real eita- bach with the declaration that Am­ t ) reasonable regulations, but all game dels. traitors within the walls. Agtin erica can boast mountains as grand, birds and animals are under the strict as always, there are defects in the experiences ns thrilling and air ns est protection by the government very walls. The men of science call bracing ns the moat highly touted The hook and line only are permitted the microbe inhabitants “ malignant” factions of the Old World. Those who for fishing and all firearms are ex nnd “ benevolent.” The population is hove visited Glacier National Park eluded from the park. A careful in­ cosmopolitan. F ot instance, ia the ■* pronounce it without compare and It, vestigation o f the streams were fish liva of the month there may be half a along with Yellowstone, Crater Lake. rs ■_— -r— ---- r— ci— --------------— — r abound has been made by the gov- hundred different sorts of mierobeo. Yoaemitc sad the countless other distances to the shimmering little lake Kntrance to the park may be gained him on every hand, when, lo! tbe eminent and the information thus ob- perhaps all “ benevolert,” perhaps scenic attractions o f the United below, or feel ia the ecstaeiee that from Midvale on the east or Belton Practically alwayu there are party has turned a bend in the trail tained ia at the disposal of the tour not. Mtntes, is doing much to make gen­ cent« from a face to face encounter on the west. Tho government is rush- and there, beforo him lies the placid ist Automobile roads are as yet few among the hordes opon hordes o f the eral the cry “ See America first.” with a sheer wall o f iee, or taste tho ing work on roads and bridges and surface of a lake, nestling between and tmvel in thin manner if limited microbes each one o f us harbor* While everything possible has been delights o f virgin solitude in forest tho tourist it afforded every comfort. 1 pine-clnd hills that tower upward to and carefully regulated by the gov treacherous ingrates, always on the di-ne for the comfort o f visitors to and on lake. And he« must be pro At either place a modern chalet meet the sky and reflect in the biue eminent. nlert to give comfort and aid to the enemy that attacks from without, ever ready to take part in internal upris­ ings. On the other hand, there are the leucocytes, loyal always and prepare«! to battle for our health with invader or traitor. The leucocytes are some times known as phagocytes, eaters of i r k KILLIHHKII, captured by the Bulgarians from tho Otto ! cells, for they devour their enemies. Under the proper conditions, the leu mans after one o f tho blood- ! iest battles of tho war, has coeyttes can take care of all “ malig nant” . microbe* by themselves, un been renamed Lozengrad. Kirk Kil j lieteli means ” 40 churches.” The! aided. It is when the odds are against them that disease comes and men must word “ kirk” was left tho Turk^ bv the crusaders, as it is the sumo ns the I bring aid. old Neotch word o f the same spelling j It is from the study o f microbe life, nnd is akin to the German ” kirche.''| ns outline«! in unscientific terms above, that physicians have made of some of . . . their dreams golden truths nnd are Frank Butcher was arrested the ; pushing on, year by year, to the ultima other day at 1ms Angeles because he to thule of their hoj>es, a world without was a man. For two years be had lieen diesase. The latest development of the employed ns n domestic, under the theory o f vaccines is a remarkable 'name of Miss Anna Butcher. Of thin«'. It is no le>s than this: a man is rourse, he wore woman’s clothes all cured by his own disease. The modern this time and nous penetrated his dis physician makes a culture of a sp«> guise. His peculiar style o f vanity cifie disease germ. That means that was Butcher’s undoing. He went tn a he takes some of the microbes who are hairdresser to hnvo the wig lie wore causing trouble and lets them propa­ '•marcelled.” The hairdresser knew gate in a test tube, beyond the habitat at once that sho was working on a of the human body. These germs he wig. Then, she looked more closely at kills by heat. Their dead bodice he the face of her customer mid discov­ injects back into the body of the pa­ ered a slight stubble, evidence o f a tient. He will nse a few million man’s beard. Hhe called a policeman germs, but that need not be alarming, and “ Anna” wns taken to jail. for a million germs would have plenty Bntrher told the police that he found of room on the head of a pia. Aho, it difficult to get employment as a . the microbes, being dead, cannot mul man, •‘ and, lienides, I like tn do tiply and the tissues o f the body are housework.” able to cope with them. A specific an • • • tulote is produced by nature’s inter­ One of the next questions to he put nal chemistry and this either destroys to the Supreme Court o f the United the troublesome bacteria or renders States is this: “ When is an orange them helpless before the savage rush r ip e !” This question comes op ns of the phagocytes. Chronic colds, in­ part of an np|>ea! from the recent do fluenza, bronchitis, carbuncles, dl* eision of the Florida supreme court up­ eased teeth, even pimples, can be holding as constitutional the state law treated this way. The physicians prescribing the age of an orange and speak of the specific that the body its maturity before it can he shipped makes for itself as "autogenous vi­ out o f Florida. — ✓. rus.” • • • / The possibilities o f this form of The London Board of Trade an­ treatment are illimitable. The man nounces that the whaling ship Hcotia with the chronic cold ot the frequent hss been engnged to patrol the ice re­ and persistent attack of tonsilitis ean gions in the North Atlantic, for the thus be made immnne from his pn»^ E H A V E two horses left and keep them for emergencies, hut really have no use for them.” T hat’s a purpose o f notifying wireless stntions tienlar type o f minor ailment, as the on the const nnd steamers o f the loca­ statement made by a farmer who is working a 400-acre ranch in the west. All o f his farm work is man who is vaccinated for smallpox tion o f icebergs and other dangers. cannot contract that disease and as the done by gasoline pow er; his is a truly horseless ranch. Gasoline tractors do his plowing, harrowing, The Hcotia, which was formerly en­ man who submit* to the typhoid vac­ cultivating, sowing, harvesting and threshing. When produce is to be taken to town gas power pulls gaged In Antarctic exploration, has cine is safe from that scourge. been equipped with a powerful wire the wagons. When the farmer goes to town on business he rides in a four-evlinder runabout; when his family The story of the wonder dream is less outfit. not all told here. The telling will not takes a pleasure ride they drive a six-cylinder touring car. His case is typical, fo r the auto has taken the place • • • be completed until it is said that the o f the horse on hundreds o f country places, lightening the work o f the farmer, putting him in direct communica­ Albert Perkins, whom, home is in a scientists are growing new bouse, are little town in California, ij said tn tion with the town, making life more enjoyable and work less arduous. Even the ordinary automobile, leaving transplanting bones, are grafting skin, have purchased his freedom from his are making whole men and women of out o f consideration the special, gas-driven farm machinery that Yankee ingenuity has placed at the disposal wife for hi,000. The husband lacked crippled wrecks, are, even, promoting o f the agriculturist, is used to do much work for the rancher. It is made to furnish power for all kinds of grounds for divorce and offered the morality with the surgeon’s scalpel. It ♦ 1 , 000 . The woman accepted and a machinery, by the simple expedient o f taking its wheels o ff the ground and adopting a system o f belts. Tt is is a great thing, this dream, a wonder (Continued on page two) used in stacking hav and in a thousand other wavs. fnl thing. There is more to be told. Golden Days for Mankind Looking It Over K The Farmer’s N ew H ired H and Is a Willing W orker B l a m e h u r r y b a c k , now , To ™ e A U T IE , I W ANT Y o u to r u is t h e : THRESHING MACHINE .1 m e if i a i n t t h e h a n d y h i r e d m am on the FARM , I TAKE EM p ic t u r e » show or ta k e the e g o s To m a r k e t , i ' l l b f t T H E Y T e a c H me m , lk t h e cow s , next T hing you know