\*1 ! ff7 ? > Or*»0" THE STÄYT0N MAIL S T A Y T O N , MARION C O U N TY , OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 19th Year, No 4. 1913. 4 Serial No. 886 STAYTON YOUNG TWO NEW BUSINESS BUILDINGS Killed b y Palling Woodrow WHson, Tree at dates W ill Next Week Become MAN DIES IN ARE PLANNED FOR EARLY SUMMER Camp United States President PORTLAND Excavating Completed for C. A. Beauchamp's New (Special to The Mail) (jates, Feb. 27-Clifford Wolf, non of Ed Wolf of this place, met a tragic end yesterday at one of the Hammot d Lumber company’s camp* near here, when he was crushed by a falling tree. Death was almost instantaneous. Un­ lighted from the north side. Th$ ex- dertaker Ringo oi,Stayton was'commu­ ocptionally large show-window space nicated with, and necessary arrange will give Mr. Beauchamp unlimited op­ ments are being made for interment. portunity to display his window dress­ ing skill, and that he has plenty of ability along Ihl« line Is ev!fenced by the always tasty windows of his pre­ sent store. Structure— Stayton Mall to Have New Quarters Tbr work of excavating fur 4i. A. Beauchamp'» now building is practical- ly Aniahed, and sumo of the concrete blocks which will be used In the con* Biruction work have already b e e n made, kn that with continued favorable weathir, t h e early summer should sec the structure completed. The new S ta y to n M ail B uilding. building will adjoin tho Thomas-Mayo Another new structure that is plan­ Co. store, and will fill out the block be* tween Ida and High streets, which ned for this spring is an addition to the will then be a solid row of handsome Farmers k Merchants Bank building, a lease for which has been contracted Are proof structures. tyr The Stayton Mail. The present T o H a v e T w o S to ries. The ground space to be covered is '¿ft bank building is to be extended eant to by 09 feet. The building will be two the alley; giving a forty-foot frontage stories, with a fourteen-fool ceiling on on Ida street. The same scheme of the lower floor, which will be occupied architecture will b e continued, con­ by Mr. Beauchamp'* drug store, and crete blocks being used i n the con­ with a modern, well-lighted hall above. struction work. The new section will The store will front to the north and have a floor space 26 x 40 leet. cast, and will have 119 feet of plate Will Bo Fire-Proof. glass windows, with entrances on both The Mail’s new quarters, while not the i orf h and east sides. Concrete large, will be adequate for the needs of blocks will be uaed in the construction the paper, and will be a decided im­ work, malting the building flre-preof provement on its present location. The and modern in every way. The stair* building as planned will be flre-proff, way to the upper floor will be from the well lighted and convenient in every north side, about 70 feet from the cor­ respect. ner. No work has as yet been done on the Big W in d o w S p a c e. addition to the bank building, but it is The main room of the drug store, expected that the new portion will be which is to be 25 * 66, will l>e backed completed and ready for occupanoy in by a n up-to-date prescription room, the early summer. Lloyd Brown Answcfe (he Call of Death M onAy Morning I SURVEYING FOR STREET WORK HAS COMMENCED The surveying crew of J . W. Morris of Portland, who was last week em­ ployed as city engineer by the Stayton council, came in Tuesday and immedi­ ately went to work. When the survey is completed, the engineer will be in a position to make an estimate of the z- mount of street work to be done al< ng Second and Third streets, and the bids of paving companies will then be railed for. UNN COUNTY GIRL DIES News that haj saddened the entire younger set of this city was received here this week, when word came that Lloyd Brown had passe i away Morday morning February 24th., at his home I t Lents, Oregon. Death way xluc to an attack of diabetes, although ihe de- e :ased had been in failing health for some time. Lloyd Brown was one of the most popular young men w h o ever lived here. He was a schoolmate of many of Stay ton’s present business men, ; nd though his interests have been lo tte d e'sewhere for the past few years, ihe friendships he made here have I ten lasting, and the news of his death I as caused widespread sorrow. Mr. Bro'vn, who was a grandsoi of Mrs. Lee Brown and a nephew of l ie Brown brothers, leaves a young wife and two infant children. The p 'Jpfe had been married less t h a n three years, most of which lim ^tjiej^ spent i n and around Portland, where Mr. Brown w a a a designing architect. Mrs. Brown, who was Miss Elizabeth Dunn, has several relatives aad count­ less friends in this vicinity. The body was brought t o Stayton Tuesday and prepared for burial. The funeral was held under the auspiees of the local I. O. O. F. lodge o f which Mr. Brown was a member, Wednesday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. Lee Brown, Rev. Rossell officiating. A large number of sorrowing frien s accompanied the remains to the §tay- tor, cemetery where interment was made. *. Lloyd Brown was regarded as one of Stayton’s own sons, as he came here at an early age and grew to manhood in this city. So many and so intimate were his friends here, that his passing has thrown a shadow of sorrow over the entire community. Miss Theresa Ann Sandner was called by death last Sunday, February, 23rd., after an extended period of ill health. Prom painting by Seymour Thomas. Interment was made in the Kingston cemetery. Rev. RouseII officiating. Miss Sandner, who was twenty-five years of age, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sandner, who reside in The Cherry City Flouring Mills of 1 wish to announce to the public my Linn county, two miles beyond Kingr- Millinery opening will b e Saturday Salem have placed with the Thomas- ton. March 1st. Mayo Co. and with the Chas. Gehlen Everybody invited. Co. their line of strictly hard wheat P. Deidrich sold a Van Brunt drill I am in the Stayton and Robinson t o Roy Brenner and a Double Land .Jd stand. flour, branded the Cherry City Patent. Mrs. J. W. Memfield. Roller and Pulverizer to J. P. MertS Do not overlook those 1‘Jc coupons as Mrs. Mary Jane Jack died Sunday W. H. Hobson received the sad news last week. Those Linn county boys they are good for the price indicated John Amort and wife of Shaw spent know good farm implements when they Feb. 16 th., st the home of her dsugh- last Sunday of the accidental death of at either place above mentioned on a the week-end in Stayton. see them. tor, Mrs. Susan Hook, of Mount An- his brother-in-law, J as. J. McIIaley of I sack of Cherry City Patent. This flour gel. Mrs. Jack had been in declining Heppner, Oregon. Mrs. Hobson o f is guaranteed or money back. Try one health for several years. Deceased Stayton and Mrs. E. C. Peery of Scio sack; you will then use no other. The was born January 16, 1H87, and came who is a niece of Mr. McIIaley, left price of this strictly Hard Wheat flour across the plain* from St. Joseph Mo., Monday to attend the funeral which is »1. 40. Save your Coupon and get a when a young girl. The wagons being was held on Wednesday of this week. sack for »1. 30. heavily loaded, she was forced to walk The death of Mr. McHaley w a s b; S. H. I1ELTZEL T he Cherry City Flouring Mills have most of the way to Oregon. The emi­ caused by the overturning of an auto, a strictly modem and up-to-date plant grant party was attacked by Indiana driven by his adopted son, on a curve Fine business property, building is and make a Hard Wheat flour that Good 6 room house o n First street A double birthday reunion took place on several occouiona. After six months near Heppner. 2-27 25x50 and is newly built. A new 6 can’t be beat anywhere. at the home of W. J. Hewitt on Sun- of travel they arrived in Oregon and Mr. McHaley was the vice-president Stayton, a snap at »1000. Terms. room ltiodern cottage on same lot goes the girl 'lived AitW Ai WiiWflc ofl 4.hi (ft a Sank in the eaateta Oregon town, One full block in Stayton, improved day last, the occasion being the birth­ A GOOD IMPLEMENT Robert Allen donation claim, n e a r and a prominent man in the financial and situated in the center of the town. with this. Both will rent for »30 per day both of Mrs. Hewitt, and of ^Irs. what ia now Marquam in Clackamas circles of Morrow county. He will be This is a bargain as it can be cut into month. Price »3200, Terms. La Toon, who recently came here fbom county, until her marriage to William well remembered by the older residents eight lots and t h e money doubled. 2 acre tract, 3 btocks from Stayton On another page will be found the ad the east, and with her husband is visit­ Allen Jack, about 18 months after her of Stayton, aa he resided here at one Price, »4000. P. O. Price $1500 cash. ing the Hewitts. Nearly thirty rela­ arrival in Oregon. Mrs. Jack’s maid- time. of the John Deere Manure Spreaders tives were present, and a pleasant 3 acres improved, 5 room house.barn, 103 acres, 6 miles from town. Good an name was Mary Jane Weddle, her for sale by P. Deidrich. Investigate social time was enjoyed. Singing and orchard, etc. Close in, and in city improvements. Price »45 per acre. parents having been prominent resi­ J ob . Klecker and wife, Ed Blakley, limits of Stayton. Price »2600. Terms. this modern larm implement and if you conversation made the time pass quick­ dents o f St. Joseph, Mo. — Silverton Paul Blakley a n d Frank Sicgmund Two 5 acre tracts inside city limits cannot afford one yourself, get two or ly. The usual congratulations cohwu 1- For Sale — 97 acres 3J miles south of Appeal. of Stayton. Price, $800 each. played at a dance at Shelbum Satur­ three of your neighbors to go in with ed the very successful gathering, if Mrs. Jack was a sister to the late day night. Joe saya that fiftj couples Stayton, SO acres under cultivation, 15 acres inside corporate limits of you and secure the most up-to-date, good buildings, hay, grain, stock and Elijah Weddle of Stayton, and an aunt were on the floor at aix a. m. when Stayton, all cleared. Price $2400,Terms. labor-saving machine on the market at Frank Thayer w a s in from Linn of the Weddle nrothers of this city and they played the Home Sweet Home farm tools complete goes with t h e county last Saturday. a nominal price. place. Well improved, running water. 80 acres, 6i miles from town, good of Newton Weddle of Scio. waltz. Price »8500. Terms. building, orchard, over half under 25 acres unimproved, partly cleared, cultivation, a good buy at the price. i mi. from town, river bottom. Price, »40 per acre terms. »1625, Terms. 6J acres, just outside the incorporat­ 94J acres 2 miles from town. One ed limits of Stayton, on Salem ditch, half under cultivation. Balance valua­ 100 fruit trees, 1 acre strawberries, 100 loganberries, woven wire. Buildings, ble timber. Well improved. “ Last January I started the new year right by opening good house and barn, running water, Price »70 per acre. Terms. well. $2000. Terms. a checking account with your bank, and paid all bills in th is , 33 acres, } mile from railroad, mar­ A share of the banking business Beautiful Home in Ashland, Oregon, way. My check stubs soon showed me the leaks in my poc- ket and school. Good 6-room house and of Stayton and vicinity outbuildings. Price »4000 Terms. to trade f o r Stayton property. A ketbook. Several times, I avoided paying bills twice, for good opportunity. is solicited. 6 acre tract, only a short distance cancelled checks are legal receipts. My money was right at* from main street Stayton, well improv­ Special—Nab It Quick—140 acres 6 my finger tips whenever I wanted it, but it was absolutely* ed fine for subdivison, can double your mi. from town, on R. F. D. and Cream n six months. Price »4000 Terms. Routes, A mi. to school, well improved, safe where no one could steal i t It p u t system into m y^ You are assured of a safe deposi­ good buildings, fine orchard, running 9 room modern house, 4 big lots, all water, a n up-to-date farm, others spending and increased my credit" ^ tory and courteous treatment at well improved, only 4 blocks from post would ask better than »100 per acre. office in city of Stayton. A bargain at Our price only »65 per acre. Terms Why don’t YOU start a checking account? Y oudon’t?_ this bank, by ample capital and »2800, one half down. Price includes Stock and Farm Machin­ need much to start with—just bank your pay, and pay all long experience in the banking 25 acre tarm 1 mile from town. Good ery. bills by checks. You’ll soon have a surplus. bottom land. One half under cultiva­ business. Gobble this!—Lot 100x100, on edge tion. Good improvements. of town. For a short time only, $125, Price »4000. Terms. »90 cash, terms on balance Act quick­ 65 acre farm, one half mile from ly- M town and Ry., well improved. Price, I also have a small well improved »4875. Terms, »1000 down, bal. 5 yrs. farm near Sublimity for sale. Terms. 40 acre farm, well improved, | mile from market’ and Ry. Price, $:I300. FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., Terms, »1000 down, bal. 5 yrs. S. H. Heltzel, Manager. 235 acre farm, 3 mi from town and Ry. Well improved. Price »65. nor a. C. W. Dunagan and wife of Wash- Terms. ougal, Washington, are here for a few Stayton Oregon * 120 acres, 1 mile from town and Ry. weeks. Mr. Dunagan will take care of the Stayton Laundry in the absence Well improved. Price »85 per acre. of his father, E. Dunagan. Terms. MILLINERY OPENING SILVERTON WOMAN HAD FORMER RESIDENT DIES RELATIVES IN STAYTON IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH WATCH THESE BIG REALTY OFFERS v*. J APPOINT AGENTS DOUBLE REUNION What One Man Told Us: Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton, Oregon C a p ita l $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Stayton State Bank $23,000—CAPITAL-- $25,000. l