The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 13, 1913, Page 4, Image 8

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Alaskan Dog Races Thrillers Militant Suffragettes in Riot
Sporting World Know« No More Exciting Events Than Con*
tests over Snow and lev Trails
English Women, “ Betrayed” by Premier, Become Trouble*
some Political Factor in England
The world of «port furnish««» no The difference is so marked that even M ilitancy among suffragettes In
moro exciting contest than the «log between two team s the trail for one l.ondon has again assumed alarm ing
races ef northern Alaska. True, the m ight be decidedly easy while for the as|>ect. I.od to believe that the prime
entire course ia not visible from any other utmost impassable. Now but m inister's cabinet would present the
one position and the finish is often 15 minutes is allowed to elapse be­ so tirage amendment before |>atlia
devoid of an excitiug climax. Yet tween starts. Alaska is still talking! ment, m ilitancy has been singularly
this ia no deterrent to raciug f.xudom of the wonderful final spurt made by t|Uict for some tim e past. Ou .lami
and the start of every race is the ¡Scotty Allen iu the first race, wheu ary ¡.'7 (“rentier Asquith announced
sten« of excitem ent, while the entire the last TO miles was run in 0 hours that, although he desired to fulfill
population turns out at the finish to and ltd minutes. ¡Scotty won the race his promise to the women iu tho pre
hail the victor and console the loser. in 1900 and has since been oue of seutation of this bill, the knowledge
Announcement that the first team will the factors with whom the winner hav that it would have no chance of |>aa
start a t 2 o ’clock in the morning is had to figure.
; sage forbade such a cobrse. Mrs. Kin-
the signal for a general lighting up Telephone connections are Kept up eline t'ankhurst, leader of the milt-
of bouses and a peering out of heads. between all stations along tho course| tau t faction of the suffrage move
W hen the bugle proclaims the start of and the progress of each team is re- j ment, declared at once that the with-
the first team , the streets are ported hourly. The greater part ofI draw al of the bill was the result of
thronged about the judges' stands fonr days it consumed in the race, a conspiracy of which Prem ier As
and every available balcony is fairly [ The fourth day the streets again qnith had actual and positive know!
alive w ith hum anity. For the trial of swarm w ith |>eople to watch the fin edge. “ T he ausw er to this treach
strength and endurance is on, the ish. One of the rules of the race is cry ,” said Mrs. Pankhurst, “ is mill-
price ia thousands of dollar* and many th a t all the dogs must return. If tu n e y ."
bets on the race are recorded.
one is incapacitated it must be car
So, the window smashing campaign
G reatest of all the races is the All- ried in on the sled and any th a t I*er is ou again iu earnest. Women and
Alaskan sweepstakes, 412 miles in ish must also lie brought in. Thus the their sym pathisers throng about the
length over a difficult trail. Across skill of the driver in raring for his fashiouable streets and pay as little
the peninsula from Nome to Candle, dogs becomes an element in the race, rcv|iect to the costly plate glass fronts
from B ering Sea to the Arctie Ocean as well as the endurance of the ca­ of high priced jew elry stores as to the
and return, the trail leads through nines. More than one contest has four paned side-lights of the less pre­
canyon and over m ountain, a tortuous beeu lost because of the loss of dogs. tentious. Mail boxes have again come
course fraught with unexpected and The Solomon Derby over a course into prominence as the special ob-
unseen dangers at every turn. The of 65 miles has just been completed. jerttf of attack, the m ilitants drop­
racers know nothing of the weather John Johnson winning w ith his team ping acids into them with disastrous
th a t will greet them at each new of Siberian wolves in six hours, one effects upon mail m atter. S treet
stretch of track. Today the sky is and one half minutes. Scotty Allen speeches serve constantly to stir up
___ city
__^ _ is came in fourth. 5\hile not the great the flames of discontent and to wideu
clear at Nome, tomorrow
wrapped in a blizzard. The start mav *’** race of the north, this derby is tho breach between contending fae-
be m ade under sunny skies, while 20 OBe
most exciting and calls for tiens of the suffrage movement. For
miles su t the team s may be forced to speed on the part of both dogs and those who favor a quiet cam paign
seek shelter from the blinding storm. man. An average of nearly eleven through an aw akening of public senti-
The snowslide comes unannounced, miles an hour for six hours is a rec ’ ment give po sym pathy to the mill-
buryiag dogs and driver or sweeping ord th at only the best trained team s .ta n ts . A ttem pts have been made to
them into the canyon far below, from can make. The dangers and hardships forcibly cuter the house of commons,
whence ascent means th e loss of hours are perhaps less than those of the »n action th at called into requisition
of tim e, if not serious injury. Snow- long race, but the skill required taxes extra guards of police and resulted in
blindaess may visit dogs so that they the experience and resources of the several arrests. It is said th at Chris-
label Pankhurst. said to be tbo brains
cannot keep the trail, or, their feet best drivers the north affords.
m ay be torn by the sharp ice. Any -------------------------------------- ---------------- of the movement, is in Loudon d irect­
ing the movement from some secret
of a hundred disastrous events may
happea to rob a contestant of the
For decades the womeu of England
coveted prize.
have been lighting for equality of
For days before the appointed start
suffrage w ith the men. T heir cause
bookmakers are busy recording bets
has gaiued steadily during recent
on the race. Saloons which, in the
suffrage with the men. Their cause has
far north, are more like clubhouses
than anything else, are the scenes of The following complexion beautifi- gained steadily during recent years.
great excitem ent and the telling of er is recommended by Valeska Sur- From 1886 until 1912 every suffrage
bill presented has passed the House
tales by veterans of th e trail. Every a tt, a famous actress:
man has his favorite and the relative “ One in my profession has an ex­ of Commons until last year. In near
m erits of huskies, wolves and mama traordinary opportunity of finding out ly every instance the m ajority has
lutes play no small p art in the gen­ the best there is in complexion beau- been substantial. L ast year th« m i
eral discussion as to the outcome. On tifiers. I t was a long tim e before 1 jority against it though slight, re­
the p art of the racers themselves, the found something which I could call a vealed the truth about the suffrage
contest represents far more than mere real beautifier, and I had to figure movement, according to those opposed
speed. The experience, endurance and it out and make it up myself. The to m ilitancy. The m ilitant movement
quick w it of the men count heavily, result was really astounding. This began in 1905. From th a t year it has
been carried on w ith varying degrees
while the selection of dogs is a m at­ is the formula:
ter of weeks. Canines are selected “ Let half a pint of w ater come al­ of ferocity, finding a elim ax last year
and tried, rejected or set aside for most to a boil. Add tw o tablespoon­ in window-smashing and mail-box­
fu rth er trial. Another team is brought fuls of glycerin. Keep stirring, while tam pering campaigns th at far eclipsed
out and pot through a system of cull­ adding one ounce of aintone, until it all other efforts of the kind in behalf
ing until the required number of is all dissolved. Then let cool. I f of the suffrage movement. This cam ­
sturdy creatures, selected for strength, the cream is too thick to pour easily paign had its effect upon the House
speed and endurance, is definitely de­ from a bottle, thin it down a little members, for they refused to support
term ined. Then follow trips over the w ith more hut w ater. The cream will the bill they had w illingly endorsed
trail, trials of speed on short courses be w hite and satiny. A fter bathing in previous years. As a result of these
and tests of strength on difficult in the morning, hold a wet, hot towel violent measures a num ber of the
grades, until, when "the day arrives. | to the face several tim es for several leaders were arrested and three of
each contestant enters w ith the best minutes Hub this cream on the en­ them were sentenced to nine m onths’
m aterial th at his experience has been tire face, liberally. Let the cream term s in prison.
dry on the face. Repeat this again
able to select.
In support of th e m ilitant move­
E very precaution is used to protect a t night. Any good druggist will sell ment it is pointed out th a t every
the life and health of the dog. Tiny
movement for rights in the past has
moccasins are carried to place upon than fifty cents.
been accompanied by sim ilar tactics.
wounded feet; dark or green colored “ There is nothing I could bay The American colonists gained free­
veils are at hand to protect the dogs
dom from taxation w ithout represen­
from anow-blindness; beef, mutton a fte r using this. I use it on my tation by means of dem onstrations
and soup serve to nourish and hands, arms, shoulders and my face. such as these. U niversal suffrage for
strengthen these intelligent creatures E very re d . spot, freckle, all mnddi- men was gained in England by the
on whom so much money is staked. ness and sallowness vanish, and leave use of the torch and the bullet. The
For the w inter trail is dangerous and the skin as pure and spotless as mar suffragists who have adopted m ilitant
too many precautions cannot be taken. ble. E 'e rv woman should use it. The tactics declare they will use rocks
O ften dogs and driver are found starv­ result will very soon show itself.’’ so long as they are effective in
ing and nearly frozen within a mile
bringing about the end they seek,
A ll H abit.
of their own camps. In one of the
this declaration bearing the ominous
great races a gale drove a driver and The telephone girl from the city
his team out upon Bering Sea, where was fishing one day during her two
they were compelled to spend the weeks' outing in the country. Some
night in a driving storm. B row n’s one from another boat calle«!. “ Hel­
roadhouse is known as the “ House of lo!"
a Thousand Bow-wows,’’ because the Just then she got a bite.
entire num ber of entries in one of “Line's busy.” she answered.—
the races was compelled by a bliz­ Country Gentleman.
zard to stop for 18 hours at his sta­
Gingerbread Nuta.
tion. Y et, it is because the most dar­
$ 1.50 an acre p er m onth buys
ing courage ¡ b required for these con­ Put one pound of brown sugar, one
tests th a t they commond so much in­ pound of honey, and the grated rind of
10-acre farm , th at will m ake
terest. The world admires such feats half a lemon in a saucepan over the
you in d e p e n d e n t for life.
of sterling manhood.
Located in M oses L ake Valley,
fire and let simmer well together. Re-
The race from Nome to Candle, and jnove from the fire, add a fourth of a
east of fam ous W enatchee
return was inaugurated in 1908. Be­ pound of butter, one ounce of ginger,
cause of the great expense involved one teaspoonful of soda and two pounds
For illustrated booklet,address
and the extrem e hardship of the of flour. Roll out thin, cut into rounds
coarse, support for the venture was and l>ake about tw enty minntea in a
slow at first There were ten entries slow oven.—E. I. L.
in this race, which proved one of the
1 0 6 P i k e S t.
most exciting of the series. The teams When w ater has spilled on a valu­ D e p t. M
were started tw o hours apart, which able book lay a blotter on each sid e! S E A T T L E , W A S H .
was found to be a m istake on account of the first wet leaf and iron u n til],
of the great variation in the w e ath e r.'d ry with a medium hot iron.
Helping the Tfpd Croat
hiut that the torch and bullet may
follow unless the vote ia granted. Tho
movement is assuming gigantic pro
|M<rtions, although iu some quarters
m ilitancy has served to make cue-
The W omen's Hocial and Political
Union, from wlioae ranks come the Aspetta of Cattle Production
greater number of m ilitants, is a pre­
tentious organisation. Tho central of­ The w urid’a cattle production and
fice, located in the S trand, comprises population have n very im portnut in­
23 rooms and furnishes employment fluence
upon the cattle feeding buai-
for 110 persons, all under salary. Here
and a clear conception of world
“ Vote# for W omen,’* the ofilcial or­ m-se,
influences will aid in forming
gan of the m ilitants, is edited, and { a wide
estim ate of conditions.
from thia |<oint directions for the
D istribution—There are
cumpaigu go out to the 103 local cen­ a| Geographic
ters of organization. The place is fast proxiuiately 430,000,000 cattle in
becoming famous l>ecnuso of the per­ the entire world; in the Unitml States
there are (estimate«!) 71,000,000, or
sistent fight that is directed from about
16 per cent. However, consul
withiu its walls. Occasionally a copy ering ty|»e
su e of animals, it is
of the paper goes out o< the print estimate«! th and
a t ‘.he United Ntatea pro­
shop w ith blauk leaves, the printers
leaving three whole pages blank in duces one-third of the w orld's supply.
one edition for fear of prosecution. Katio of C attle to i’opiilation—
The fight is at tim es bitter, for its The Unite«! States contains ,77 cat
lie per capita; this in comparison to
generals are crafty and fearless.
The outcome of the struggle for 4.27 in A rgentine and .lit in Italy.
suffrage is very much in doubt. Tho Katio of numlier of cattle to area in
m ilitants are making many enemies this country la 23 cattle per square Madame Slavo Grouitch, in behalf
by their tactics, and yet their ranks m ils; Belgium 164, aud Canada 2.
of the Servian Ksd Crons Society, for
are continually claim ing new addi­ Decline of American Supplies— some time pest has been soliciting
tions. The “ peaceable" faction of the Shown In exports and m arketing a t funds in America to lie used in aiding
suffrage movement refuses to have principal «minte, exports have siuce the Balkan soldiers. Before her mar
anything to do w ith the m ilitants 1!HI6 shown s steady decline and must liege, Mudatile Grouitch was Miss Ma
and a division constantly exists be­ surely cease unless prm lurtion in­ bel Gonion Dunlop, of Harrison County,
tween them. M ilitants have gone to creases.
West Virginia,
T tk ,
: \ \
W e want you and each member o f your
fn r n il\
2 .
drink a cup of the Best Coffee ever roasted
since the Arabians discovered this King of
food beverages
T he most expensive m odem roasters operated by skilled coffee experts are preparing in
Portland a coffee that should be on your table.
T h e goodness. the rich arom a of the heat berries, ia kept in th e roasted grain. By a process
th at haa been perfected recently, it is possible to serve in the cup th e stim ulating coffee essence
that N ature planned for th e benefit of m an.
T he coffee berry ia ground, b ut still retains th e strength that m akss it the cheering,
stim ulating cu p that quicksteps a m an tow ard hia daily duties in the m orning and brings
com fort to hia after-dinner rest.
We know that you are anxious to know the name of this Coffee
W rite your nam e on th e «»upon in the corner, a n d m a il it right n ow b efo re y o u fo rg o t it.
Fill in th e n um b er of persons in your family, and by return mail w e will send you, p o rt paid,
w it h o o t a n y ex p en se to youroolf, a cu p o f co ffoo fo r omch a n d ev ery o ne o f y o u .
O f course w e will also send you th e nam e of the coffee.
I f y o u w a n t to tichio yo u r p o ta to a n d m aho y o u r rto m a ch
happy, fill out the coupon at once and send to
siich extremes ns to bori tinte lieta luto
thè prime m iuister's party. The Uvea
of membere of parlinmeiit bave tuoni
threatened by fanatica. The ehuucel
lor of tho exchequer, David Lloyd
George, haa lieeu threatened witli po
liti« al and social ruin uiiloas he
th n w a bis Intlueiice for an immediate
¡«stage of a suffrago bill. So thè
wai goca mcrrìly un, whiie iu thè
United Ntatea thè auffrage movement
1« st emli ly gaining ground tlirough
thè medium of peaceable ag'tation.
X ,,
X&X -
Kindly mail me
and poet* paid a cu p of
C o ie e for a family o f .
— -X
Straight Results, Coffee Dept.
Inter-State Publishing Co.
Failing Building
The Bread and Butter Question: Thick and Thin Order $1,000 Meal