The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 09, 1913, Image 6

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The undersigned will receive sealed
b Is at our office for fiOo cords of first
at d ;-i'eond growth fir wood to bo deliv­
ered during 1913 in the Woolen Mill
yard. Bids to be opened Jan. 11, at 10
a. m. Right reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Santiam Woolen Mills,
John P. Wilbur,
M ameer.
We have put on a stage to West
Stayton, morning and evening, which
meets the north and south bound trains.
Stayton Stables.
»M s s s s a s t
Furnished by the Stayton Cash
Produce Company
Roosters.. _____ ____ .7 to 8
Mixed Chickens.......... .. . . .
Geese................... . ........... ....... 10
Ducks................................ ....... 10
Dressed Turkeys . -------
Veal................................... 11 to 12
Pork.............. ................. Sè to 94
Eggs.................................. .........24
Corrected Thursdays but subject
to change without notice.
The Commercial Stables will p u t
four horses on the stage from here to
West Stayton and will make good time
despite the bad roads. Leave 6:50 a.
m. and 5.50 p. m. Patroniie the Old
W. F. Kleeker made a business trip
to Sublimity Monday.
All the People should go to
the People’s Store.
. l i l t 's ’ l a x -
F o r i n J I g is tl' ii >■
s t iv e T ab lets.
1 will trade my equity in a first class
r’oae it’., for Stayton
property or acreage.
Inquire of
Box 18, Kingston, Ore.
dairy ranch,
Joe Highberger of Sublimity was a
Stayton visitor Tuesday.
Annual Jan. Clearance Sale
Many Items Reduced
W e are invoicing and overhauling our entire stock
and m ust make room for the large shipm ents of spring
goods that will begin to arrive in a few weeks. T h e
past year has been a very prosperous year and we are
looking forw ard to this year as being a record breaker.
In dry goods we have bought in m uch larger quantities
for spring than ever before and this year we hope to im ­
prove the dry goods end of our store so that it will be a
credit to Stayton. In invoicing we find m any lines of
broken sizes and in some things overstocked.
For Sale—Pure-bred Airedale m ale!
pup. Also some baled oat straw at $6 John Silbernagel’s team became
WANTED—Hogs, veal and hides,
a ton.
A. Forrette
It frightened one day while he was plow- for Portland trade.
Highest market
ing on his father's farm near Jordan
prices paid. Casteel & Brower.
Notice—The annual meeting i*f the one day this week, and in the mix-up
Stayton Mutual Telephone Co. will be John got the worst of it. Ur. Brewer
Mrs. L. S. Bennet of Linn county
held in the City Hall Jan. 10, at 7:30 is attending to the injuries,
was trading with Stayton merchants
p. m. Be there.
J. M. Ringo, Sec.
_____ ,___________
Dr. M iles’ A n ti-P a in P ills for sc ia tica
dress shirts. A fine bunch
of 51.00, $1.25, and $1.50
shirts go at
A t A ll T im e s
The People's Store for Bar-
Walter Cassidy and wife of Aums-
g ain s.
ville were Stayton visitors yesterday.
See the Stayton optical Co. before
going elsewhere. I n the Lancfield
Miss Leona Forrette of West Stay-
Have your window cards and signs
ton was in town Monday.
painted by L. J. Moses, People’s Gro­
S. C. Stewart of Lebanon w a s a
John Huber and wife of Linn county
Stayton visitor last Friday and made
For Sale—Stock of New and Second
were Stayton visitors Tuesday.
The Mail office a pleasant call.
Hand Goods. Will sell cheap on ac-
Tony and Pete Laux left for San | count of going east. Bring in your
Francisco Sunday for an extended vis­ I repairing and upholstering at once.
Henry F. Smith,
Stavton, Oregon.
C lubbing O ffer
W e have too m any mens
See w indow display,
January sale at 10 per
cent less on all
um brellas
Paul’s Letter to the Church at Ephe­ age by Parcels Post Jan. 1st..
morning at the Methodist church. “ Is among which were five pounds of seed
Both Papers One year,
$ 2.00 the World Growing Better or Worse” potatoes sent to Iowa.
will be the subject i n t h e evening.
The public is cordially invited. The
Geo. Neal of Albany visited at the
The Semi
young people’s service at 6:30 p. m.
S. H. Burson home the first of the
Publishes the latest and most complete
Pigs for Sale—10c per lb. delivered.
telegraphic news of the world; givts Good stock. Phone or see M. H. Titus,
Amateur night Saturday evening at
reliable market reports, as it is pub­ 1-16.
Stayton Theatre. A big program will be
given. Three reels of pictures will be
lished at Portland, where the market
V. G. Cole o f Linn county was a included. Admission 10c.
pews can be and is corrected to date
for each issue. It also has a page of ' Stayton visitor yesterday.
For cardwriting and sign painting
special matter for the farm and home,
an entertaining story page and a page
Mate Titus of Kingston called at The see L. J. Moses, People’s Grocery. It
or more of comic each week, and it Mail office yesterday.
goes to the subscriber twice ever)
week—104 times a year.
Don’t Forget t h e People’s
weekly Oregon Journal
The Slayton Mail
I? v u
Popular Mechanics
IT "
GREAT Continued Story of the
World’s Progress which you
may begin reading at any time, and
which will hold your interest forever.
250 P A G E S EA C H M O N T H
300 P IC T U R ES
200 A R T IC L E S O F G E N E R A L IN T E R E S T
The "Shop N otes” Department (20 pages)
give« en-y ways to do things—how to make
useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc.
"Amateur Mechanics” (10 pages) tells howto
ir.akc Mission i jm .'ure, win less outfits, boats,
engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves.
$ 1.5 0 K R Y E A R . S IN G L E C O P IE S 15 C EN T S
Ask your newsdealer, or
W R IT E EO N n n
O VER 6 6 Y E A R S'
P atents
oc M arks
D e sig n i
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
Anron* w irtlng a ak^trh and doRortptlon may
quickly nuccrtain our opinion free wf.ethcr an
IrnrcnMnn Is probably imfenffible. Commonlr«.
nona Rtrlctlyf'oiiUdeiitial. HANDBOOK or* Pat pii l »
gent free. Oldest agency for perorili# pater f a .
1’nfenta taken through Munii A Co. receive
tp'cial notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A hpndpocielf r.'nttrrtod «'•■»l'r. f '«ut clr-
enlatton of any .d e n u d e 1-urnal. . 'J'- rmg. | 3 n
r : fo u r lu'.oU i-, SI. S .I.l bjr*Ji 1 r > r dealer t
DKtUB. D. C.
Branch Office. CM W SU Washington.
Kctf York
Mineral Survey No. 755
Serial 03725.
U. S. Land Office,
Portland, Or., January 6, 1913.
Notice is hereby given, that Wake­
field, Fries & Company, a corporation,
of Portland, Oregon, the claimant,
whose postoffice address is Portland,
Oregon, has made application for a
patent for the Wakefield and Mother
Lode Quartz Mining Claims situate in
Quartzville (unorganized) Mining Dis­
among the sufferers.
trict, Linn County, Oregon, as describ­
ed by the official plat herewith posted,
For Sale or Trade—172a. 100 rods of and by the field notes op file in the off­
Beiver in Tillamook Co., part bottom ice of the Register of Portland Land
| land. Electric line will g o through Office, Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning a t
place. Good improvements. Choice
dairy farm.
Springs o n every 40. Cor. No. 1, whence the 4 Sec. Cor.,
Price $3000. Terms. Henry F. Smith between Sec. 15 and Sec. 22, T. 11 S.,
Stayton, Oregon. R. 4 E. of W. M.. bears S. 33 Deg.
56 Min. E. 1371.76 ft.; thence N. 49
All ailments yield readHy t o o u r ! deg. 18 Min. W. 1500 ft. to Cor. No 2;
drugless system. In the office next to' thence N. 40 deg. 42 Min. E. 600 ft. to
Cor. No. 3; thence S. 49 deg., 18 Min.,
Lancefield Shoe Store.
E. 1500ft. toCor. 4. thence S.40 deg. 42
Henry Smith has received an appoint­ Min. W. 600ft. toCor. No. 1, the place of
ment as Deputy Sheriff for this part of beginning, containing 20.661 acres.
WAKEFIELD LODE. Beginning at
Marion county. Mr. Smith will still
Cor. No. 1, whence the i Sec. Cor., be­
continue to reside in Stayton.
tween Sec. 15 and Sec. 22, T. 11 S., R.
Dr. Brewer removed the tonsils and 4 E. of W. M., bears S. 66 deg. 42 Min.
adenoids from the nine-year-old son of I W. 404. 35; thence N. 49 deg. 18 Min.
Mr. a n d Mrs. Jos. A. Martin near W. 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 2, identical
with Cor. No. 1, Mother Lode of this
Shelburn, last week.
survey; thence N. 40 deg. 42 Min. E.
600 f t . to Cor. No. 3, identical with
Clifford Jarvis was quite seriously
Cor. No. 4 of Mother l,ode of this sur­
injured in his left shoulder New Year’s vey; thence S. 49deg. 18 Min. E.
eve by falling while returning from a Cor 4,thence S. 40 deg. 42 Min. W. 600
party. Dr. Brewer attended to the ft. to Cor. No. 1, the place of begin­
broken bones.
ning, containing 20.661 acres.
Containing in all 41.322 seres, and
The case of Shreve vs. Shreve for forming a portion of Sec. 15, T. 11 8.,
I dissolution of partnership, in the Cir­ R. 4 E. of W. M. The names of the
cuit Court has been settled out of ; adjoining claims, as shown by the plat
I court.
of survey, are the Humburg (unsd) on
the S. W.t and the Queen of Hearts
(unsd) on the S. E.
Beware of Ointments fo r
H. F. H igbv ,
Catarrh That Contain Mercury
a s m ercu ry w ill su re ly d e str o y th e se n se
o f sm ell and co
c o m p letely
le t'd / d
rie era n g e th e
11. K. Sargent, attorney for Claim­
w h ole sy ste m w h en en terin g p t h r . , 0
th e m u cou s su rfa ces. Such a r tic le s sh ou ld ant, 918 Ch. of Com., Portland, Or.
n ever be used e x cep t on p rescrip tion s
The above notice to be published in
: from rep u table p h y sicia n s, a s th e d am age
i th ey w ill do Is ten fold to th e good you the "Stayton Mail,” published at Stay-
i can p ossib ly derivo from them . H a ll’s
; C atarrh Cure, m a n u fa ctu red by F . .1. ton, Marion Co. Or. which I hereby
j C heney * Co., T oledo, O., co n ta in s no
j m ercury, and Is tak en In tern ally, a c tin g designate as the newapaper published
I d irectly upon th e Mood and m u cou s su r- nearest the above described land.
! fa r e s o f th e rvst»m . In b u y in g H a ll’s
C atarrh Cure 1, su re you g e t the g en u ­
H. F. Higby.
ine. It 1s tak en In tern ally an d m ade In
Toledo. Ohio, by F . J* C h en ey & Co. T es-
I tlm o n la ls free.
Bold b y D ru g g ists. P rice 75c per b ottle.
I Take B a ll’» Fam ily P ills for constipation.
Last Pub. Mar. 6, 1913.
Mrs. Frank Mick returned from Al­
Gives all the local news and happenings bany last Friday, where she had been
and should be in every home in this visiting her mother.
The two papers make a splendid com- j Jim Lee of this city has been visit­
bination and you save SI by sending ing at the Wm. Brotherton home in
your subscription to us.
Jordan through the holidays.
We can also give our subscribers a
good clubbing offer for the Daily and
Considerable pneumonia is reported
Sunday, or Sunday Journal, in con­ in the Jordan neighborhood. The wife
nection with
and two sons of Hainan Shelton are
Thomas-M ayo Co
a fine as­
sortm ent
of yarns and floss in 4 and 8 fold and
Eider down.
$3.00 sus will be the subject next Sunday packages in all were mailed that day,
We tailor for the partic­
W e have
Norman Queener of Pendleton was
E. E. Lee returned from a week’s
here last week visiting h i s mother, business trip to Portland this week.
Mrs. M. J. Queener.
Semi-Weekly Oregon loumal,
D. M. Mclnnis of West Stayton was
Window cards and signs painted by in the city on business-Tuesday.
one y e a r ............................... $1.50
L. J. Moses, People’s Grocery.
The Stayton Mail . . . $1.50
Mrs. Dora Shreve sent the first pack­
T o t a l ......................................
it is well to be dressed ’’up to
the minute.” The business
nun in particular should
“ look to his clothes.” Clothes
dont make the man, hut a
¡1 well tailored suit helps make
|| a ttood impression.
8 1-3 to 35c the Skein.
C om Flakes 3 for
Good C andy per lb.
. 10c
3 1-2 lbs W yondotte
Easy M onday Soap 8 bars
50c bottle of Vanilla or Lemon extract
E l « l u i i v « R e p r c ir n la llv « (or
All colors.
Diam ond C. Soap 8 bars for
Cleanser per can
. B akers Chocolate
A rm & H am m er Soda per lb.
I 1 Suit of overcoaC
ate rial
N o w is the time to feed stock food and poultry food and we have bought the bigges
supply ever and are ready for the big rush on everything for chickens, horses, cows, hogs
Thomas-Mayo Company
Lyons and Fox
Rev. Ketchum filled the pul­
pit Sunday.
Services were well
And now it is raining, w e l l
attended both morning and even­ that is better than the snow and
Miss Ethel Smith spent Sun­
Grandma Gardner is still very
day at the H. Shank home.
sick, she will be 93 in Feb.
Herbert Shelton and w i f e j Will Abel, the Lyons h o t e l
spent Sunday with their brother man is in be<J wiih La^rrip^c. t t
Floyd Shelton.
Grandma Shelton is still quite
Miss Neva Thayer spent Sun­ sick.
day with Dorothy a n d Maud
John Surry and his bride are
visiting with his parents.
Clyde a n d Floyd Downing understand that they intend to
Bpent Sunday at the Lee Down­ make their future home in Al­
ing home.
Geo. Ray, D. Townes, H. H.
Townes and Mrs. L. H. Townes
were Stayton visitors Saturday.
Miss Elsie Thayer returned to
school at Monmouth Saturday.
West Stayton
Mr. Lerome a n d family o f
Portland have moved in the Per­
kins house.
Ruby Adams visited w i t h
friends in Portland over Sunday.
Nick Schmitz and wife spent
Sunday evening at the F'orrtftte
M* Titus and wife of Kingston
were over Sunday visitors at the
Will Titus home.
J. II. F’orter and s o n were
transacting business i n Salem,
the latter part of the week.
Arthur Branch a n d family
spent Sunday afternoon at the
Albert King ¡3 again moving F\ Fery home.
logs on Stout Creek.
Peter Blone a n d family o f
The Artisans had a very pleas­ Stayton have taken possession of
ant meeting Wednesday night. th<*ir new home at this place.
Dr. F^schleman, Supreme Medic­
Mrs. R. J. Kusy is visiting her
al F’xaminer was there and ex­ parents at Marion this week.
amined several for beneficiary
W est Stayton Warbler
Holidays over, Misses Mabel
a n d A d a Thayer, M a b e l
Crystal Shank and
Marguerite Smith have returned
The W, A. of the F. V. S. A.
to school at Albany.
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Frank Flaberman and wife of Jennie McRea for an all day
Munkers visited at the M. Ryan meeting. A pleasant and profit­
home last week.
able time is anticipated by all.
Miss Lizzie McCart and Miss
Dave Monroe is back from the
Madge McVey o f Harrisburg logging camps.
spent the holidays at t h e H.
The dance at the Lyons hall
Shank home,
last Saturday night was a suc­
And will have an installation of off­
icers anti a banquet on Wednesday,
January 15, All members and their
friends arc invited to lie present as an
open meeting will be held efter instal­
W. R. Ray was a Stayton vis­ cess.
C. Ullom,
itor Tuesday.
Miss Sena Shelley is staying
Fax Thayer has returned from with Mrs. Shelley and going to
a visit with relatives a t Hub­ school as she wishes to take the J. W. Mayo spent his vacation in
Portland last week.
18th. grade exam, this month.
Mrs. J. A. Hendershott is ¡siting at
John Robertson of Mt. Pleasant
the A. C. Peterson home near Shaw. | a Stayton viaitor Monday.
Miss Osborn a nurse who Is staying
at Sublimity was trading with Stayton
merchants Tuesday.