The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 09, 1913, Image 5

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T H E -------------
People’s Grocery
Rocky Point
We sell for cash or its equiv­
alent. Bring us your produce.
We intend to pursue a policy of
absolute fairness, and you may
always expect square, courteous
treatment when you trade here. J
T ry
this little grocery.
0 C Fruit Sugar, 15 lbs.........................$1.00
Swuet Spuds, 7 lbs
. • * .25
Prunes, 4 !bs
Assorted Pie Fruit, 1 gal cans
. . .
Golden Cake Soap, 6 bars
Toiler Paper, 4 rolls
Coffeo, good
. 2 5 , 30, 35, 40c
Hams, per lb
Bulk Co;l Oil, 5 gal.................................. 90c
Onlcr.s, per lb............................................. 2c
■■■ 'Hll««l—
E. M. Kimball made a busi­
ness trip to Salem this week.
Alfred Peterson was a .Stay-
ton caller Saturday.
Henry Neal o f Blue Den killed
a coyote last week.
— —— — — —
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats,
Ov rails, and Some Good Shelf Hardware
which we will close out at prices that will
be sure to please the purchaser.
a People’s Grocery
T I . l J c . ____.
______ ___ - t C l ___________
Third Street, corner
of Florence
At a road meeting Dec. 28 Roy
Worth was recommended to the
county court as road supervisor
for the coming year. A special
road tax o f two mills was voted.
On the same date a school meet­
S E S T A K & ing was held to talk over the
T H O M A S , proposition o f a union h i g h
school at Jordan. The majority
o f those present seemed to be in
favor. A committee w a s ap­
pointed t o further investigate
ways and means.
It is hoped
that they will b e given t h e
Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock hearty support o f all progressive
There is no intelligent
argument against a high school.
If the arguments against it are
studied they will b e
OREG O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N
found to be selfish, unprogress­
ive or ignorant. As all good re­
A Directory of each City, Town and
forms and progress are accom­
Village, giving descriptive sketch of
each place, location, population, tele«
plished b y the untiring effort
(graph, «hipping and banking point;
aleo ClaMlfled Directory, com piled by
and energy o f a few, it is neces­
bualneae and profcMton.
sary for those belie\ 4 ir g in it to
talk high school in season and
out o f season and at all times.
I f you watch these columns you
may see a great deal more about
this subject.
Fresh, Salt & Cured Meats
Lard & Creamery Butter.
P O L K ’ S'
p Business Directory
B re a d m ad« w ith alum p o w d e r :
cows, one fresh, the rest will be fresh inside of two
ONE MARE- Good brood mare with foal.
j * m r»cj|
|mini r i i C M T C
wide tire wagon, one Storm buggy, one single har-
r H m fl
i m r L X I V I L n i d ness, one harrow, one 14 in. walking plow,
one Shar­
pies Tubular cream separator, one churn and small farming tools.
one heater, iron bedstead complete, child’s
crib, dining table, chairs, rockers, buffet etc.
Sums of $10 and under, cash; over $10, one year's time
will be given, purchaser to give bankable note at 7</<
3'X discount for cash on sums over $10.
F. M. SHORES, Auct.
H. C. Darby, a former Victor
Point boy, but now a druggist at
Roseburg was married one day
last week to Miss GoBsie Bald­
win o f Eugene.—Silverton Jour­
W. J. Domes o f McCoy was
fined $25 and costs for watering
his milk.
This should be a les­
son to others.—Statesman
Notices for sale at this
printed on heavy cloth. 10 cents
T o h ea d ofT a !■
Ant I-Pa in Pilla.
t r y Vr.
M iles'
.torn fall.
Clackamas county registered
472 marriages and 419 divorces
last yea»'. Venus beat Mars on­
ly by a small majority in that
Commercial Hotel
Under New Management
Good Rooms. . Hot and Cold Water
R. J. MOSES, Proprietor.
We don’t need a derrick
because the quality of our
lumber is already away
T h e workmanship
Miss Mack’s pupils have begun |
the picture study.
we put on it is of the best
Miss Mack reports one new’ J
pupil in the seventh grade, Dora
highest grade.
Work in the primary room is
advancing finely.
Mrs. Pratt
has a pupils record on th e' black­
board and invites the patrons o f
the school to call at any time.
contractors, and satisfies
and our timber is of the
1 Promptly and courteously at-
B tended to. T r y us.
Our lum­
ber is the kind that pleases
W e'll appreciate your business.
You Will Admire
Has put in a full line of Hay,
Grain, and Mill Feed, and can
now accomodate all orders for
feed of every sort. Your needs
O w T lC r
state division.
T h e L Courier
says . that
Portland couples
swelled the divorce column to a
great degree.
“A óqìii ot y o u r 'i r n c e r s
The Reading Circle will meet j
Saturday Jan. 11, at 1:30 p .m .
in the High School room o f the
school building. Miss Mack will
preside. There will be discuss- j
ions on “ The Recitation” a 1 1
teachers are invited to be pre- j
COWS AND HEIFERS- 4 extra good milch
W . F. DW YER,
Royal Baking Powder raised food is shown to be
of greatly superior digestibility and hpalthfnirw^^.
Mr. Nance passed the recent
teacher’s examination with good |
H e will continue t o
teach t h e fourth a n d fifth
Sale Starts At 1 P. M.
interest from date.
Bread nw U with Royal Cream o f Tartar Pow der,
School Notes
[From * series of elaborate chemical tests.]
Comparative digestibility of food made with
different baking powders.
An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made
with each of two kinds of baking powder— cream
of tartar and alum—and submitted separately to
the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same
length of time.
The percentage of the food digested is shown as
At my place on the JORDAN HILL ROAD, one
mile North West of the Jordan S t o r e , on
nUUotnULU llUllUO
E. C. Downing was seen driv-
Dr. and Mrs. Adams, home­
I in# home Saturday with a new
steaders on Thomas creek, spent
1 wagon.
the holidays at the T. H. Thom­
John Peterson and family o f as ranch.
McAlpin spent New Year’ s at
A great many school children
I the A. Peterson home.
o f District 61 are absent on ac­
j A- Frank a n d family spent count o f sickness.
Clara Mc­
New Year’s at the L. O. Rey- Donald and Hal Shelton have
! nolds home near Aumsville.
pneumonia and it has been nec­
1 L. O. Reynolds and A. Frank essary to call a physician. There
called a t t h e E. C. Downing seems to be an epidemic o f colds
home Saturday while driving a and grippe.
Wt* also have quite a good stock o f
Jordan Jingles
Fred Frank called at the
Frank home Sunday.
W i' have the best goods at the right prices.
every article in the hard­
ware line that you buy
Everything w e
handle i n stock is well
made, durable and abso­
lutely reliable i n every
particular. W e can show
you an infinite variety of
tools for all trades, cooking and household utensils, garden
and farm implements; and these offerings are made at the
lowest possible price.
S tre ff H ardw are Co.