SPECIAL OFFER H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Send fifty cant* In stamps and ro- t'oive Sunset STAY TON. BIRTH O F C O L O N E L BOQY. -the Pacific OKKGON four months, beginning Monthly for with the Jan- uury issue, nnd receive free,the beauti­ C. H. BREWER, M. I). ful Christmss number containing full page picture« in color. IB T h i« num­ ber alone la well worth the fifty c en t« PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON In adilltlon, we will «entl you, without charge, the fiirnou» Sunset Indian !*>*- S t a y t o n /O regon Dr. Frederick Andersen PHYSICIAN and trr. Hand your order to Fred Ixxk ley, | Northweat ManaKcr, Sunset Magazine, 004 W ell« Fnrgo Building. Portland, Oregon. SIJUCK()N ! IN A I. N O T IL E O F AD M 1N IS TRATOR PIIONE 1584 To Whom It Muy Coneern: Notlee ia hereby gtven that thè underslgned, Win. Ilumhurg, one o f thè adininiatra- tor* ol thè estate o f Ottomur I.uettleh, 6. f. KORINEK. V. S., B. V. Sc. | ilcecHMti, It uh tl.iii day llled hia final V e te rin a ria n ueeount ir. «aid i tate, and thè Itonor- able County Court o f Marion County, Tr all domcatic animala, h I m Tuberculin teat. Oregon, haa fixed and appuinted Muii- duy, Fehruary 3, 1913, at thè hour o f Telephone 3x7 10 A. M. o f aaid day, a l thè County Ot/Uc at S la yton S tablea Court Houae, in Marion County, Ore­ STAYTON - - - - O KEG O f gon, na thè tinse and place forth eh ear- ¡■a* .. . . ------------------- in|( o f aueli objectiona tu aueh final ac- count, ami for thè actllement Ihereof. Win. Ilumburg, one o f thè adminis- trators o f thè ostate of.O ttom ar Luct- [DENTIST tich, deceaaed. Carey F. Murtin, Attorney for Fa­ Office over Dcidrich'e Store Phone 2162 Stuvton, Ore tate. Duted Dee. ZI. 1912. 1-23 S U B L IM IT Y , O REG O N Wilbur N. lMjilkr, D.M.D. S. H. HELTZEL I A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O TIC E. Notice is hereby given that the un­ der gned has been duly appointed A d ­ N O T A R Y PUBLIC ministrator o f the estate of.Allen Dripps * *- ...,| Probate W ork a Specially deceased, by order o f the County Court h'a Hardware Store. o f the State o f Oregon for Marion county duly mude and entered o f re­ cord on the lHlh day o f December 1912. All persons having elaiina against aaid Estate are hereby notified and required C O N T R A C T O R a n i » liU Ii.D K K to present the same duly verified with l’ Un« and S| t citicutio; Mudi'and Furn­ pro|>er vouchers to the undersigned at his place o f business in the city o f ished on all Contract Work. Opponile* St r e ff'« Hardware. W ater SL Silverton Marion county, Oregon, or to his Attorney W. II. Queener at his STAYTON : : OREGON olliec in the town o f Stayton, Marion County Oregon, within, six months from the dale hereof. M. R I N 6 Ü Dated this 26lh day o f Dec. 1912. Frank thicker Administrator o f the Undertaker a n d Embalmer eatute o f Alien Dripps deceased. W. II. Queener. M torney fore-state. Third and Marion Streets M l A T T O R N E Y -A T L A W A. W E D D L E J. STAYTO N . OREGON NOTICE 0 F F IN A L SETTLE­ MENT. TINW O RK and PLUMBING Bath Tubs. Lavatories and all Lanitary fitting»— Farm- *• cam a line of „ pump , ••ader water sys­ tems. etc. Gasoline engines. JACOB SPANIOL Stayton ButcherShop N e w and up to date. Clean and Sanitary. 3rd and High Streets, Stayton Casteel & Brower, Proprietors N o tic e to P u b l i c N O T IC E I S HEREBY G I V E N T H A T T D K undersigned Administrator o f the Estate o f Sarah J. Mulkey De- ceasod, ha i filed in the County Court o f the Stutu o f Oregon fo r Marion County his Final Account o f his A d ­ ministration o f said Estate and that satd.Courl on the lgth day o f Decem­ ber, 1912 mude and entered o f Record un order fixing the 20th day o f Januury 1913 at the hour o f 1 o ’clock in the afternoon o f said day at the County Court room in the city o f Salem Marion County, Oregon, us the time and place for the hearing o f said account und the settlement thereof und any objections thereto. A ll persons interested in said Estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place und file objections to said account if any und contest t h e same. Dated December 19, 1912. C. C. Mulkey, Administrator o f the estate o f Sarah J. Mulkey, deceased. W. 11. tjueenei, A t t 'y fo r Estate. 1-16 Rucker Bros., have a good express Wagon with springs, suitable fur piano Or heavy trunk moving. See them. Work teams for hire with or without drivers. Satisfaction or your money back. L ivery teams night or day. Phone 2)4. Stage line to Kingston and West Stayton. Commercial Stables RUCKKR BROS., Proprietors. . ......... A . .. ...... ....... PATR0N1ZK HOME INDUSTRY BY B U Y IN G Y O U R Bread, Cakes, Pies, and Doughnuts of the BON TON Bakery and Restaurant IN STAYTON HOTEL ANNEX Dr. Miles’ Anti-F'ain Pills will help you, a s they have h e l p e d others. Good fyr all kinds o f pain. I ">nl to relieve Neuralgia, H ead­ ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, K idn ey Pains, Lumbago, L ocom otor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache. Carsickness, Ir r i­ tability and fo r pain in any part o f the body. “ I h ave a lw a y s born subject to n eu ralgia ami have suffered from It fo r years. W h ile v is itin g m y son and s u fferin g from one o f the old attacks, he brought me a box o f Dr. Miles- A n tl-P a ln Pill*. I used them ns d irected nnd a fte r takin g them It wns tho first tim e In years the neurnlgln ooased fro m tho use o f m edicin e.'' MBS. E. C. H O W A R D , 403 G reene at.. D owagtsn. Mich. A t all ctruoqlsts. 25 d o te . 25c. M IL T S M E D IC A L CO.. E lkhart, Ind. BUSINESS D IP LOMACY. Origin of the Torm That Hoa a Part at Golf. "W h o la Colonel llogy T ' That la tha first ipu-stloii usually asked by tha ra- crult when ha steps on (ha go lf links Professionals nod veterans never tiro i t explaining that be la the Imaginary opponent, with the fixed «core for each hole, but few can tell how the nnme originated. It generally Is accepted thnl an Eng. Ilslimnn waa first to set forth the Idea. In Dceeinber, I KUO, tbe scratch score o f the Coventry cour»« waa taken, being the score that a good aeratcb player would take to each bole o f the grounds, making no inlatukea. but also fluktug nothing nor being fortunate with any special dashes o f brilliant play. At tbe time they called this "the ground score.’' and later several tour­ naments were given under the system The unme. however, followed soon, and Its origin wns a curious nos. Dr. Thomas llrowue. It. N., went out to play against a friend. Mnjor Charles A. Wellman, nnd they agreed Instead of playing directly against each other to play against the ground score and decide their match accordingly ns each fared In this way. It ao happened that nlxmt the same time the bogy song was tielng sung by the late E. J. Lon- nen at the London Gaiety theater, and everybody else waa singing t t Tbe words o f the refrain were: Hush! Ilushl Ilushl Mere coines the bogy man! So bids your head beneath the clothes. He'll catch you If he can. There wua the Idea In golf. “ Hi?*!! catch you If he can!” And It flashed across tbe mind o f M ajor Wellman when he was playing this game and was getting “ caught” by tbe ground score. "W h y,” said be to bis friend Browne, "this player o f yours Is n reg­ ular 'bogy* man." A considerable piece o f golf history was made in that chance remark, for "b ogy” was from that moment established In golf. Some time laier “ colonel’* was added.—E x­ change. W het •'Berry, but That Is ths Rula,* Cast One Bank. “The making o f rules for the carry­ ing on o f business is a good proposi­ tion, but Ironclad rules sometimes in­ jure as much as they help," a New York bankrr^leclared recently. “ Here Is an illustration: “ One of tbe depositors In my con­ eern lind saved many yeurs. Ills bank book, tattered and yellow, waa full to the lost lines with entries that ex­ tended prac-tlcnlly since bis wedding day. Aud when the time came that he must take out a new book be asked to save tbe old one. “ 'Horry,' the teller said, 'but it’s a rule o f the company that when a new book Is Issued ws must take up tbe old one.' “ ‘ Hut you don’t understand.' ths de­ positor argued. T h a t old book is nothing to you. It Is worth a whole lot to me. Many's the night my w ife and I have sat up with that, looking over the entries, planning fo r tbs fu­ ture when all tbe additions we had planned would he made In I t W e’vs seen our little account grow from $10 to $100, from $100 to $1,000.’ Ills voice grew a bit bosky. *Wby. that little book has been s sort o f Bible to us. It has represented our every hope lu Ilf*. W e have planned by It, dream­ ed by I t May I not keep ItT "T h e clerk smiled sympathetically, but shook his bead. " ‘I cannot violate one o f the Iron­ clad rulea o f the establishment* he answered, and the man turned away. “ A month went by, and then one day ; a check for the man'« entire balance , came Into the bank. He bad transfer­ red his account to another Institution. • The matter came to my attention some way. and I heard the story o f the torn and tattered bank book. That night. In the little bulletin which we send around our place, was a notice that wns written by me: " ‘ Hereafter there shall not be an Ironclad rule In this bank that la too strong or too heavy to resist breakage. Kindly consult the caahler on matters A W ALRUS ON LA N D . o f diplomacy In tho future.’ " —New The Awkward and Bulky Creature Is York World. Almost H sipiss* As might bo expected, a walrus la W OMEN O F F R A N C E about ns helpless on land as a canal- boat It Is with no little difficulty and They Are ths Bosses Evsn Though tho much bitching and floundering that he Mon Won’t Admit IL drags Ids huge bulk upon a sandy shore Tbe women o f France have been de­ even with the boosting be gets from scribed as the backbone o f tbe French behind by the breakers as they roll to nation. Tbe remark applies more to and dash against him. tbe middle claea than to tbe aristoc­ His hind flippers are o f little uae on racy. Tbe bourgeois«, truly a helpmeet land, and on sand or pebbles, where to her husband. Is In fact more often a his front fllpimsn do not hold wsll. the manager and as a rule efficient tax that labor o f floundering forward Is so grent capacity. It Is she who carries on the that be never stirs beyond the edge o f little shop, while her husband, pernapa the water nud usually lies with bis nominally tbe head, runs errands at body hnlf awash, with the salt spray her bidding. Not that the Frenchman dnshlng over him like torreuts o f min. would udmlt that; nevertheless It is the On solid rock or Ice be gels along truth. It may be, too, that he has busi­ much belter, and often n herd will ness Interests elsewhere as well. Tliua spread several rods back from tbe wa­ he may work fo r the railway or for ter's edge. some other enterprise. The females nnd younger walruses In Paris one enters an attractive lit­ have fur less development o f neck to tle picture or Jewelry shop on the Rue lncumt>er them slid therefore enjoy de HI volt. A smiling Frenchwoman more freedom o f motion than the old comes forward to cajole the tourist Into mules, who actually seem a great bur­ buying all sorts o f fascinating things den to themselves. These creatures he really (lues uot » a n t It U the same are strictly social In their hnblta and at the shops where are sold kodak always go In herds, whether traveling, supplies and poetesrds— not a man to feeding, fighting or resting ashore. In be seen except as a purchaser. the days before tbe slaughter o f nil I f one ferrets out a little hardware living creatures beenme a ruling pas­ store nnd goes In to buy rope or nails sion In the breast o f man the I'acitK or anything o f thnt sort, there may be species Inhabited the whole o f Bering a man. the proprietor probably, to hunt sea nnd strait In herds which often for Just what Is desired, but even then contained thousands and even tens o f his w ife sits at the desk. guanllDg the thousands o f Individuals. money drawer nud keeping a close watch over all that Is happening. Gave Himself Away. Likewise nt the butcher's madame A man who Is steadily employed sits In state at the receipt o f cash. finally had a dny off nnd decided to go j The case Is the same at the grocer's, fishing, taking his luncheon with him where she gives out change and keeps When he reached the creek ho discov­ the accounts. No mere hireling Is to be ered that he had dropped the lunch trusted with such weighty matters. packet somewhere on the road and - All customer« should atop to greet the hastened back to look for I t Present­ mistress o f the shop aa they enter nnd ly be met n husky negro, who waa must on no nccount forget their “ Bon looking happy nnd picking bis teeth Jour, madame!” on departing. These "D id you find anything on the road little courtesies are among the essen­ ns you came along?" asked tho gentle- tials with the French, and If the for­ man. eigner forgets or neglects them he fre­ “ No, snh," answered the negro. “ 1 quently fares badly.—London Spectator. didn't find nothing. Couldn't n dog have found It and eat It up?” —Every- Ths Human Voioa. body's. One's surprise at the fact that no tw e persons' voices are perfectly alike Claopatea’s Pearl. censes when one Is Informed by an au­ Most persons know the story thnt Is thority on the subject that, though told of Cleopatra to Illustrate her lux­ there are only nine perfect tones In urious habits o f living—thnt she dis­ the humnn voice, there Is the astound­ solved In her wine n precious penrl. ing number o f 17,502,186,044.415 differ­ No one scorns yet to have questioned ent sounds. O f these "fourteen direct what must have been the effect upon muscles produce 10.383, and thirty Indi­ tho drink, but scientists scoff at the rect muscles produce 173.741.823. while possibility o f such solution. The fact all In co-operutlon produce the total Is pearls are not soluble In wine. The given above. most powerful vinegar affects them slowly and never entirely dissolves Unconscious Sarcasm. them, for the orgnnlc matter retnnlns A Scotch visitor to the Carlyles, In behind In the sha|»o o f n spongy mass that Is larger thnn tbe original pearl.— Cheyne row. was much struck with the soundproof room which the sago New York Press. had contrived for himself In the attic, lighted front the top. and where no W illing to Help Him. sight or sound from outside could pene­ "W h y don't you want to let me bold trate. “ My certes, this Is fine!” cried your hand?" the old friend, with unconscious sar­ “ What good would It do you to hold casm "H ere ye may write and study my hand?” all the rest o f your life nnd no human “ It would make me glad and give being Ite one bit the wiser.” me courage perhaps to—to say some thing that I —I —er” — Not to Bo Bitten. "There! Please hold both o f my Andrew Cherry, the actor, once re­ hands " —Chicago Record-Hern Id. ceived an offer o f nn engagement from tt theatrical mnnnger who had not pre­ H tr Mark Down Mania. viously treated him very well. " I have Mrs. Ben h am -Y ou are nlwny* mak been bitten by you once." he wrote, Ing mountain* out o f molehills Ken “ and am resolved that you shall not ham And you are always .narking make tw o bites o f A. Cherry.” —I-ondon mountains down to molehills. — New Telegraph. York Press rn Not a Permanent Return. "I see your married dnughter Is home again." "Yes. but only for a visit, my dear— only foi a visit. '-D e tr o it Free I're e * I Consistent. "T h at big fellow certnlnly does act In « very silly wny.” "Perhaps, being stont. he thluks to match K bis conduct ought to be fatu­ ous.’—Baltimore American. The Best at the Best Price THAT'S WHAT YOU MAY EXPECT TO FIND AT Til-S STORE. In our lorn? experience in the general merchandise buti- ne*«, it has always been our endeavor to meet the deman da for quality Roods, and meet them with reasonable prices. In fact we have built up a reputation for doing just that, and we point with pride to the record growth of our business. In addition to our reputation for quality, we are known for the complete and timely stock of general merchandise we carry. We deliver promptly to towr: customers, and our far­ mer patrons always find us ready to fill their orders. “The Quality Store. CHAS. G E H LE N — — ss A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity [is solicited. You are assured of a safe deposi­ tory and courteous treatment at this bank, by ample capital and long experienee in the banking business. Farmers & Merchants of Stayton, Oregon ^ - * * id ^ ^ ^ ^ Capital $25,000.00 $ 53 , 000.22 to those who act as the local representa­ tive of E verybody ’ s M agazine a n d T he D elineato r —all in ad­ dition to liberal commiss­ ions. Let us show you how you can B E IN G G IV E N A W A Y S e c u re a S h a r e simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and neighbors and collecting the renewals o f our present subscri­ bers. Try for THIS month’s prizes. There are lots of pri­ zes that can be won only by persons living in towns same size as your own. Write at once to the BUTTERICK PUB. C0% Butterick Bldg., New York City. N otice WE W ANT A L L K I N D S OF P R O D U C E CHICKENS. DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS PORK, VEAL, LAMBS, AND HIDES W e pay the highest market prices in Stayton. I f you cannot bring your produce in, notify us by phone, and we will send the wagon fo r it. STAYTON CASH PRODUCE COMPANY 0. B. Trask Manager. Stayton Oregon THE PASTIME G EO. W A R F O R D , Proprietor THE BEST BILLIARD PARLOR IN TOWN NEW TABLES THROUGHOUT—IVORY BALLS First Class line ol T O B A C C O , C IG A R S , C IG A R F .T 1 ES HOT SANDWICHES" AT ALL HOURS