HAVE WE YOUR ----- BANK ACCOUNT ? The hank that a young busin«-»» man seeks to place his money with is of supreme importance. with his chances for success. It has much to do We are serving some of the largest concerns in the city but don’t hesitate be­ cause your balance may be small. Keep a few hundred to the Rood all the time show us that you are in earnest and that you do business in the right way. Then, when you need assistance, we’ll be pleased to have you come to us. W* loan money on good real estate to clients of this bank, Stayton State Bank WANT TO SELL? Let Us List Your Property SOLD ONE PIECE THIS WEEK HAVE T W O MORE ON THE STRING * a 67 Mores, 1| miles from P. O., well Improve«). Price $56 per acre. Terms. Town Lots, Box 100. $60 to $60 each. II down, f t a week. 119 acres 1 J mi. from U iwm . Well improved, best land In t h e valley. Pries 117,260. Terms. Special- Nah It Qulek—140 screa 6 ml. from town, on R. F. D. and Cream Router, 4 ml. to school, well improved, good buildings, fine orchard, running water, a n up-to-date farm, others would ask batter than $100 per acre. Our price only $86 pvr acre.| Terms. 15 acres Inside corporate limits of Slayton, all cleared. Price 12400,Terms. 8 acre tract, only a short distance from main strrVt Stayton, well improv­ ed fine for aubdivison, can double your in six months. Price $4000 Terms. 9 room modern house, 4 big lots, all well improve*!, only 4 blocks from post office in city o f Slayton. A bargain at $2800, one half down. For Sale- 97 seres 3) miles south of Stayton, 60 acres under cultivation,- good buildings, hay, grain, stock and farm tools complete goes with t h e place. Well improved, running water. Price $8500. Terms. 25 acre tarm 1 mile from town. Good bottom land. One half under cultiva­ tion. Good improvements. Price $4000. Terms. r 103 acres, 6 miles from town. Good improvements. Price $45 per acre. 94J acres 2 miles from town. One half under cultivation. Balance valua­ ble timber. Well improved. . Price $70 per acre. Terms. 3J acres inside corporate limits. Close in. well improved. Price $1700. 33 acres, 4 mile from railroad, mar­ ket Hnd school. Good 6-room house and outbuildings. Price $4000 Terms. Good mill site, including water right in town of Stayton. Price $550. Terms. COME IN AND TALK Farmers Co-Operative IT Realty OVER Co. S. H. HELTZEL, MANAGER Over Stayton State Bank Stayton, Oregon REPUBLICANS’ THIRD TERMER'S EXTRAVAGANCE JOKE ON LABOR 1 j — " Government Cost More Than Brandéis Shows Right to Or­ Doubled Under Roosevelt. ganize Is Not Recognized. DEMOCRATS' GREAT RECORD. THE PLATFORM IS SILENT. “ United We Stand Divided We F a i r N A T IO N A L REPUBLICAN TIC K E T. P r o id n t- WIIH.IAM HOWARD TAFT, Ohio. Vice President - JAMES S. SHERMAN, New York. Presidential Elector* TINWORK and PLUMBING Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Lanitary fittings— Farm­ ers-W e carry a line of pomps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. E. V. CARTER, Ashland M. J. M«;MAHON, Portland PH IL. METSCHAN, Jr., Portland JOHN L. RAND, Baker. JACOB SPANIOL S T A T E REPUBLICAN TIC K E T Startling Figure* Which Show That the Co*t of Our National Existence and the High Co*t of Living Must Be Noted Lawyer Expo*«* th* Flimcin*** of Prom-*** Mad* to Workingmen by Porkin* and Hi* Candidate, Who Stando Por Private Monopoly. Reduced. Under a proper downward revision “The new party pledges Itself to so­ of the Republican tariff a*-b«.-dule» the cial and Industrial justice and specific­ people of tho Unltwl States would save ally to ‘ work nuceusingly for effective $ 2 , 000 , 000,000 ouch year, or over $loo legislation looking to the prevention of 1 occupational diseases, overwork. Invol­ per family on manufactured goods untary unemployment and other In- alone. Jurlous effects incident to modern In­ President Taft's veto«* of the wool dustry, • • • but nowhere in that tariff bill and the steel tariff measure long and comprehensive platform passed by a Democratic bouse COST * • • can there bo found one word TU B PEO PLE OF TH E U N ITED approving the fundamental right of S T A T E « ABOUT $050,000,000 PEIt labor tc organize or even recognizing this right without which all other ANNUM. The cost o f conducting the federal grants and concessions for Improve­ ment of the condition of the working­ government MORE T H A N DOUBLED man are futile. The platform promises between the close o f President Cleve­ s*x.'ial and Industrial Justice, bnt deu|i'e of the Unltorl States workingmen are striving to secure for pay a tax FROM N IN E TO SEVEN­ themselves through organization. In­ deed. the Industrial policy advocated TY-EIG H T PER CENT on food and by the new party would result In the ordinary household articles used In the denial o f labor's right to organize. homo by every family, rich and poor. “The new party stan«Is for the per­ Tho total cost of running the federal petuation and extension of private government In I860 was $55,000,000. monopoly In Industry—that private Tlie amount appropriated at a single monopoly from which the few have session o f the Hltty flrst congross for , ever profited at the expense of the the fiscal year U til— $1,027,133,440.44— many and for the dethronement of was inoro than double the amount— which the people have, in the past, $054,400,055.13—appropriated for the fought so many valiant battles. That fiscal years 1807 and 1808 at both ses­ cursed product of despotism, the new sions of the Fifty-fourth congress, the party, proi>oses to domesticate In our Inst congress of the sec-ond Cleveland republic, proclaiming. 'W e do not fear administration. commercial power.' Certainly organ­ Only eight years elapsed b«»tween the ized labor has had experience with the close of the s«K-ond administration of great trusts which should teach all President Clerelntwl and the beginning men that commercial power may be so of the s«-o»nd administration «>f Presi­ groat that It Is tbo part of wisdom to dent Roosevelt nnd yet the nmouut ap- fear I t ” proprlntisl during the four y«*nrs of tho The above declaration was made by latter — $3.842.203,577.15 - was more Louis D. Braudeis before the conven­ than double tbut appropriated In the tion of the American Federation of four years Mr. Cleveland was nt the Labor. Massachusetts state branch, at helm—vl*. $1,871.500.857.47 Fitchburg, Sept 18. For 1010, the last fiscal year provided O f Supreme Importance. for In congress under President Roose­ lie urges a careful *tudy of the new velt, the hlgbwatcr mnrk In appropria­ party platform, particularly Its effect tions -$1,044,401.857.12—was reached upon labor, noting not only YVILAT IT President Taft's «»stliniite to the Inst CONTAINS, but W H A T IT OMITS, session of «-engross for government : adding. "When yon make that exanil- support for the fiscal year was $ 1 , 040 .- j nation yon will find that there Is a 648.026.55. i significant omission and that this skill- In other words, governmental ex­ ! fully «leviped platform T A K E S FROM penses for the FOUR YEARS of Presi­ LABOR MORE T H A N IT GIVES.” dent Cleveland's administration (Dem­ Labor Record of Tru*t*. ocratic) were only $830.801,531.92 more Mr. Brandéis then lays bare the la­ than President Taft's (Republican) esti­ mate of th«* amount necessary to cover bor record o f the mists, declaring that the ex|>etises of ONE YEAR of Presi­ "great trusts—the ste«d trust, the sug­ ar trust the beef trust, the tolwcco dent Taft's administration. Congressman John J. Fitzgerald of trust, the smelter trust and a whole New York, n Democrat nnd chairman troop of lesser trusts—have made.the of tl>e committee on appropriations, in extermination o f orpiaized labor from addressing the house Aug. 2«l so ns to render the after It began its operation. Us exc'ou- most effective and comprehensive re- • Uve committee passe d this vote, ♦hicb suits.’’ was offered by Char tes Steele, a part­ Mr. Fitzgerald then called attention ner o f Oeorge W. Pisriüns In the firm to the fact that the Democratic party | of J. P. Morgan & C««.: plt*lgc«l Itself If Intrusted with power “ Tim.' we are unalterably opposed to to do two things—REDUCE T A R IF F | any extension of uulon Inh'r and ad- DUTIES A N I) RETRENCH PUB­ viso SYthsIdlnry companies to ,*nke firm LIC EXPEND ITU RES L>y eliminating ' position when those qoratlons «'omeup waste in administration nnd the aboil- I anti any that they are not going «‘o rec- tlon o f useless. Inexcusable offices. ogn'.zo lt-*-thnt Is. any extension o ' un­ ion In mills where tliey do not n.'w The Republicans talk about tariff I exist." revision, nnd yet when a Democratic Union V,*n N ot Wanted. house In fnlfflllng Democratic promises | The result was that the bnlk of to the people re«luccd the tariff, a R«?- | American union laboring men In the Iron nnd st