CIGARETTES ARE RAD FOR WOMEN BRUSHING UP THE OLD HAT. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Has De­ cided Views Subject. cn AN Hi / 7/A * 7 y //Á S ' .LL —From New York W orld. A SYMBOL OF FREEDOM. Th# Liberty Cap Oates Away Back to Early Greek Times. From very early tiuios oue of the tils, tlngulslilng m arks of a slave, both In Greece and oriental countries general­ ly. was the lack of any covering for the head. Accordingly the cap cam e to be considered the insignia of liberty, and w hen slaves were given their free­ dom they were presented w ith a cap as an em blem of it. In Sparta the helots wore a cap of dogskin, and this w as reckoned a badge of servitude, but upon gaining their freedom this w as replaced by a enp of a different m aterial, of another shape ami ornam ented w ith dow ers A sim ilar eustom w as observed In Rome, w here the presentation o f the pileus. or cap. was alw ays a part of the cerem ony of m anum itting a slave: hence arose the proverb. "Servos nd pileuni voca re ' Also on m edals the cap is the symbol of liberty and is nnsually represented as being held in the right hand by the point W hen a cap w; s ex[»n«ed to the people's view on the top of a spear, as tn the case of the conspiracy against Caesar, it w as intended ns a public in vltation to them to em brace the liberty th at w as offered them T he Goddess of Liberty on Mount Avenfine was represented as bolding a cap in her hand as a sym bol of free­ dom T he Jacobins wore a rod cap dnriDg the French revolution, and in England n blue eat» w ith a w hite b ir­ der is used ns a symbol of liberty T he custom which prevails am ong nnlverslty students of w earing a cap Is said to have bad Its origin In a wish to signify th a t the w earers had acquir­ ed full liberty nud were uo longer sub­ ject to the rod of their superiors. The Bird of Death. In New Guinea there is said to be a venomous bird called the bird of death. It is about the size of a pigeon, with-ai tail of extraordinary length ending in a tip of brilliant scarlet It has a sharp, hooked l>eak and frequent* m arshes and stagnant |>ools. T he ven­ om w ith which it Inoculates is dis­ tilled In a set of organs which He in the upper mandible. Just below the o|>enli!gs of the nostrils. Under them, in the roc. f of the mouth, is a small fleshy knob W hen the bird sets its beak in the flesh of a vl -tim this knob receives a pressure which liberates the venom and Inoculates the wound. ERROR IN N AM ES. Wife of Democratic C andidate Givoa Out Lottar Taking Strong Stand on Smoking Habit. New York.—For the first tim e since Woodrow W ilson becam e the Demo­ cratic presidential candidate has Mrs. W ilson appeared. She attended In person her husband's dally conference w ith roimrters, although heretofore she has m ade special request* that she be net quoted jio r w ritten a Unit in the papers. W hat Mrs. Wilson wished to have fully understood was th a t If she U>- comes the first Indy of the land she will net. as has been said in n widely | distributed Interview, have package« i of cigarettes In her personal desk a t the W hite House and Indulge in sm ok­ ing them w ith her callers. T hrough Governor W ilson, Mrs. W il­ son asked th at publicity be given to a letter she had w ritten to the editor of the State Journal a t Columbus. O., repudiating an alleged Interview w ith ber iu w hich she defended cigarette smoking for women. T he Interview had conie to her in a letter signed "Am erican C itizen,' which said: t> » r W adam -I can scarcely think of ,ny of *T**t*r ca,*ml,y than to ,h" youn* auch Wl,n” en the nntlon to rsad preachm ent na your Interview ofTera them. I am a w orkingm an, and 1 aee m en loae ■ th e ir Jobs aim . 'St every .lay because they a re Incapacitated for w ork by the uac of (n s cigarette If sm oking does this for stro n g men w h at will tt do for girls and wom en? 1 ree! Free! F n For a Limited Time Only, BSBOT ■ a Year’s Subscription to “The Toledo Blade” Along* with all new or renewed subscriptions to the Stayton Mail, we will <>*ive absolutely free, a year’s subscription to America’s greatest weekly, 'Hie Toledo Blade. By paying the regular subscription price of your local paper, you will thus receive without charge the most attractive and worth-while weekly in the country—a paper priced at $1.00 the year. America’s Greatest Weekly THE TOLEDO BLADE Best Known Newspaper in United States. Circulation 240,000—Popular in Every State— No Whiskey Advertising The seventy-eighth year of its existence finds the Toledo Blade more popular than at any other period during its long and suc­ cessful career. It is read each week by more than a million people. The Blade’s field is national and it goes into every state and territory in the Uuited States, thereby giving it an unquestionable right of claim­ ing to be the greatest national weekly newspaper published in America. The Weekly Blade is distinctly a family newspaper. The one object ot its publish­ ers has always been to make it fit for the American home, lor the fireside, and o f interest to every member of the family. To fullfil this purpose it is kept clean and wjiolesome. The news o f tne world i s handled in a comprehensive manner, and the various departments of The Blade are edited with painstaking care. The House­ hold page is a delight to the women and children; current alfairs are treated edit- orally without prejudice; the serial stories are selected with the idea of pleasing the The “Interview ” w as indeed a cor­ dial indorsem ent of tiie wom an smok­ er. H ere are some of its assuring phrases, all credited to Mrs. Wilson: “A woman w riter for a syndicate of Sunday newspai»ers asked Mrs. Wood- row W ilson if she ngree»l w ith G er­ trude A therton's opinion of the sm ok­ ing of cigarettes by women. She sm il­ Baby Seals. Baby seals are a t first snow w hite. ingly exhibited three cigarette boxes which makes them invisible on the piled in the corner of her desk, all but white Ice on which they ore born. em pty. T belr eyes and noses are, however, •• 'W hy shouldn't n w om an smoke if black, and when the little ones are she enjoys it?’ she queried. suddenly alarm ed they close their eyes, “ ‘Why hasn't she Just as much right bury their noses and lie quite still. It to a cigarette ns a m an? C ertainly I is only when they grow and begin to ngree w ith Mrs. A therton th a t any ex­ seek their own food th a t they become isting prejudice against women sm ok­ dark and sleek. ing is to the last silly and absurd. “ THE STAYTON M AIL” and “ ‘Sm oking cigarettes Is a question g reatest num ber of fiction lovers; the Question of m anners, not morals. It prom otes Too Full For U tterance. Bureau is a scrapbook of inform ation; the F arm ­ “lie Invented a dandy story to tell good fellowship. “ T H E TOLEDO BLADE” stead columns arc conducted with the purpose o f hi« w ife when he got home after m id­ " ‘Some women feel th a t a cigarette night." giving the patrons a medium for the exchange of calm s their nerves and helps their "Good one. was ltF ' brains into w orking order. Personally ideas and inform ation on furm topics. No d ep art­ both for "A peach: it would satisfy any wo­ sm oking diffuses my thoughts instead m ent is neglected, but every featu re is taken care man.” of concentrating them. I enjoy it ns I of with the idea of m aking The Blade w orth many “ Pid It satisfy her?” enjoy after dinner coffee. Both are tim es the price of subscription —one dollar a year. “It would have, but he couldn’t tell pleasant w ays of ending and finishing Sam ple copies m ailed free. Address, It.” —Houston Post. off; both ndd to conviviality and good THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. fellow ship.’ ” The editor of the Ohio S tate Journal, it w as clear, had l»een much Incensed nt the apologies for the cigarette habit : am ong women attributed to Airs. Wil­ son. as be w rote on Aug. 10 an edito­ which lie calle»l for the defeat is of the utmost import­ of rial G In overnor W ilson or a repudiation from Ids wife. If there w as no mis­ ance to the habitual smok­ take It, he wrote, “ Mrs. Wood- er. We have solved this row W nloiit ilson shouldn’t be m istress of CHICAGO IN ITS YO U TH . Everlasting Yeast. question for him by pro­ the If W the hite Ohio H ouse.” editor was em phatic Mrs. A yeast th a t is alw ays ready, I d hot viding for his use the Cig­ W ilson was certainly not less so. A ft­ w eather or cold, In town or on tho It Go* Ono W sskly Mail, by H orssbsak, This great institution opens its doors From th# East In 1832. the reporters had said they would farm , may tie had If nt each baking is ar that will meet his taste er gladly publish her letter to the Ohio saved a sm all quantity of the brand E xtracts from the first city directory for the fall semester on September 20th. in every respect, whether e»litor she asked for an hour's tim e In sponge before any salt has been nsed. of Chicago reprinted In the Record- (bourses of instruction include: General which to w rite one. T his w as w hat To tilts m ust l>e nddc«l nlxm t one-half Ilernld show, for the m» »t pari, a feel- he prefers a mild, medium she tbo sam e nm ount of sugar for n p re­ 1 ig of satisfaction In the com piler The A griculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus­ or strong smoke. It is D ear prepared: S ir—I have Just r<:ceive»l a copy of servative. I have used the sarno yeast directory appeared In IH-ii "O ur com bandry, Dairv Husbandry, Bacteriology, Jo u rn al w ith your editorial entitled In this way for tw o and one-half years only necessary for a real the "Sm oking W om en,” and I beg leave to In­ now. and it Is ns good as over. Freez- mon school*.” he writes, "are worthy ilotnny and Plant Pathology, Poultry Horticulture, Entomology, dignantly deny the sta te m e n t th a t I a p ­ lng does it no harm. No salt should bo of spe lal notice.” Itegiirdlng cuter- Husbandry, Of w om en sm oking elgaretfes. T he ' judge of cigars to try ours once—that once will make nim prove Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, I tn in m en for the stranger within tin- interview upr,n w hich your editorial w as 1 used. If In w arm w eather it seem s to a permanent patron, both for quality and low price. based Is a pure Invention. I Intensely dls- I be w ithout life, try It w ith a little gates, he 1.» ub!e to note deflulte Im ­ Electrical Engineering, Mecnanical En­ like the c ig arette sm oking h ah lt for w om ­ gineering, Mining Engineering, High­ en In fact, so stro n g Is m y feeling on the | flour and w ater, and It will be all provem ent. W hereas, “Iu early times sub ject th a t m y real danger lies In being rig h t This makes the flrvcst possible our Inns were m iserable In the ex- way Engineering, Domestic Srienro, u n ju st and unkind In m y Judgm ent of bread.—National Magazine. In ...e,” now "wo have eighteen hotels Domestic Art, Commerce, Foiestry, those who differ w ith me In this respect. ;— am i house* of public entertainm ent, Pharmacy Zoology, Chemistry, l’hysics. Ilut certain ly no w om an In o u r house­ A Problem Ha H adn’t SoNved. ! many of them large and splendid es Mathematics, English Language and hold ever h as or ever will sm oke. (Julie I In 1805 there w ent to P aris n young tab ,|«ric:o„ ,, nof |„ f Pr| ,, ,a „ . Literature, Public Speaking, Modern a p a rt from th e bad taste of It. I believe w ith you th a t It has an extrem ely Injurl- : Belgian named Do De Groof, Groof. who was I • Languages, History, Art, Architecture, J A. H ENDERSH O TT, Proprietor 1 I fully convinced that he . had solved the ou. efr*ct o n w , L S O N. f “ " T, - T VL,,C^ inL,h! ,n ,’, " 0h,r.1 M!! " o hazards a prophecy w hirl, hat problem of aerial flight. H e did not been more tlinn fulfilled when lie says: Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Educa­ t with some encour­ “If th a t’s so,” Interrupted old Rox- agem ent, but it must lie confessed th at ! Ira xr “ I guess th a t young w ife of mine a t present the prospects of the dram a George W. _ , ertin s la sure a " b u l l y ’ ley, m crely loves me for the enem ies I ’ve j are nut fluttering.” Progressive. T E L E P H O N E 2251 . | m ade.”—Philadelphia Ledger. THE QUESTION OF CiGARS buys y o u r local paper and a national p a p e r. You absolutely need the one, and you will appre­ ciate the other. $ 1.50 BRING IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY-- THIS OFFER is for a LIMITED TIME ONLY. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE The Gem Gonfectionery FALL and WINTER GOODS LADIES’ AND MEN’S SUITINGS