The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 29, 1912, Image 4

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necessitates carrying in stock the jwods for which there is a
popular demand; also a variety of those goods, priced right
Our patrons know what a complete stock we carry.
often buy things here that they cannot find elsewhere in town.
They know the assortment we carry, and they are familiar
with our reasonable prices.
Our Patrons Need No Invitation to Return
But W e Invite Others tp Give Us a Trial
He Owes It to His Family to Have 'Rmkl0” Bravcr? 01 " " Prille
His House la Order.
0ur Earl> Nav»-
Date,! July 25th, 1912.
Mrs. A . Gehlen, administratrix o f
the estate o f George Gehlen, deceased.
Carey F. Martin, attorney forestate.
Just n o w
wc arc positively giving a
heavy discount on Men’s Trousers and on
Boys’ Suits.
y o u r
Department of the Interior
W c have but a few left and
must close them out.
Our sacrifice is
g a i n .
Gardner & Hobson
SALEM, SEPTEMBER 2 to 7, 1912.
$18,000 offered in Premiums o n
Livestock, P o u 11 r y, Agricultural
and other products.
U. S. L A N D O F F IC E at
Portland, Oregon, August 2.1912.
Notice is hereby given that Oscar A.
Burih, of Scio, Oregon, who. on Ja n ­
uary 19, 1911, made Homestead Appli­
cation, No. 02SSH, for SJNK1 and N’J
SET. Section 24, Township 10 S, Range
2 K. Willamette Meridian, has tiled no­
tice of intention to make Final Commu­
tation Proof to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register
and Receiver at IT. S. Land Office at
Portland. Oregon, on the 2*ith day of
September. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Thurston Thomas, of Scio, Oregon
Byron Wolf, of Gates, Oregon
William Brotherton, of Scio. Oregon
Manley Smith, of Portland. Oregon.
H. F. Higby, Register.
First Pub. Aug. 8.
Last Pub. Sept. 5.
T o r I n d t g c s l l .»
Btiv i« T u b i t i s
I A *-
Races, Dog Show, Shooting Tour­
nament, Band Concerts, Fireworks,
a n d M a n y Free Attractions.
M arks
D e s ig n s
o p y r ig h t s
A c .
Send For Premium Lists and Entry Blanks.
Reduced Rates on all the Railroads.
Anyone »ending a «ketch »»^1 description nm?
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention le probably p'tient able. Ci>Tmunicrv-
11 < me strictly confidential. HANDBOOK ot. I’utenu
tent free. Oldeat agency fur eeotirlntr patinit*.
r.itrnt* taken thr<>m<h Munn A Co. recelrt
fpr -utl notice, without c harge, la tbo
For particulars address
Scientific A m e ric a n .
Frank Meredith, Secretary, Salem , Oregon.
A handsomely Uln«treted weekly.
-tlatlon «»f any •clenittlc ««»urnai.
Term s. f:i r.
y.-tr; lour lûontllf, |L duld by ult m?w»*!e*U r*
& Co.36,8'',*d- New York
Brauet» Office. (BS F S U W u h lu s u i». U . C.
your property or any part of it? We’re in
the land transfer business, and we can be
of assistance to you.
W’e are listing prop­
erty throughout the Santiam valley, and if
you have anything to sell you had best list
it with us.
We do outside advertising,
and are in a position to exploit your land
without cost to you. Our circulars reach
places where buyers are to be found, and
we would like to land one f o r you. Jt
costs you nothing to come In and list your
property. Examine our co-operative plan.
Thorp Mr» auy number of men who
tiro the moat Indulgent of buab*uda
uml fill bora, providing n good living
for their fa mill«*« nud who jo t live up
to tho limit of tholr Incomes, with
never a thought for tho future nud
never nn effort to protect tholr loved
one», and their bullion In case of tbelr
To such men, aa well aa to those
who are provident, but who keep put­
ting off the arrangement of tholr bust
ness affairs to meet auoh on emer-,
gency. the following aetndble auggoa
Ilona b j Wlllla Frederick Dlx In the
New York Independent may I*» of 1“
la your house really In orderT Out­
wardly. perhaps, yes, since your wife
Is a good housekeei'er, but how about
your own peraoual affairs? Your liw
yer has perhaps drawn your will for
you. and your personal accounts are
businesslike, but have you looked that
will over recently, and In the case of
your death la there aome one In your
household who la sufficiently familiar
with your account book to understand
your system?
Hare you tried to Imagine Just wbnt
condition would exist In your family
Immediately after your deatn. and
have you carefully provided Tor that
condition? These and a number ot
similar questions must he auswered
satisfactorily before you can say that
your bouse Is really In order.
The following ure o few practical
suggestions which, t.T you think them
over and act u|>on them, tuny be the
menus of saving you or your family
from aome seriously Inconvenient
plight or actual trouble and loss
first of all, make a point or keeping
your wife tor some member of your
household) familiar with your system
of iH-rsonui accounts
Is-t her know
where your safety deposit box Is,
where yon keep the key, where your
letter Hie relating to these business
matters Is kept and Just whut your
relation lo your business Is ? ou know
It Is quite possible that you will die
Keep your lire Insurance policies In
your safety de|»oslt box. where they
will not tie burned with your house,
and keep In the same package with
them. |ilatis and sp e c ific a tio n s of your
house, so that the Hre Insurance com
panic- an know definitely Just how
much it would cost to replace It With
your furniture Insurance policy keep a
detailed Inventory of your household
effects, with statement of their xnlues.
It would be Impossible for you to do
this from memory after the goods have
been destroyed, and much needless
trouble would necessarily ensue with­
out such a list. And do not rely wholly
upon your agent to renew your policies
as they expire. Keep a list of tho
dates of expiry In your nrcount book,
where you will see tbem frequently
Suppose yon should lie run over mid
killed today Have you looked Into the
law of your slate to ascertain whether
or not your safety box would be seal­
ed. nnd If It would be senled are there
any documents In It which your family
would need before It were officially
opened by your executors In the pres­
ence of a state officer? Your executors
may take n year to settle up your es­
tate. How ntiout rendy money for the
use of your family?
When n man draws np his will It Is
seldom that he appreciates the fHct
that his ensb In bank and the Interest
accrued on his Investments up to the
date of his death become principal and
cannot lie used by tils family to pay
their current expenses following his
An excellent way for a man to tie
sure that his fntnlly. upon Ills death,
will have ready money at once, free
from all eompllcatlons. Is to take out.
In addition to his regular Insnrnnee, n
polley for say $1,000 or $2.000 I d favor
of his wife or some member of his
This sum will have nothing to do
with the legal formalities necessary In
connection with the nettling up of the
estate and can be Immediately collect­
ed and put In use
Pistolaa and Doubloons.
The pistole was much used In Spall
arid Italy
Originally equivalent to
nboitt eleveD old French llvres, until
about 1730 It seems to have been mere­
ly nn Irregular piece of gold. In com­
mon with the moldore. the sequin nnd
the doubloon Its value varied at dif­
ferent times and In different countrlen,
usually being, however, about $3.75
Farmers’ Co-operative Realty Co.
S. H. HELTZEL, Manager.
Stayton State Bank Building,
To all whom it may concern: Notice
ia hereby given that the undersigned.
Administratrix o f the estate o f George
Gehlen, deceased, has this day filed her
final account in said estate and that
the Honorable County Court o f Marion
County, Oregon, has fixed and uppoint-
ed Tuesday, September 3rd, 1912, at PROVISION FOR THE FUTURE.
the hour o f 9 o'clock a. in. o f said »lay
at the County Court liouso in said
A Faw Vary Sanalbla And Vaay P ra c­
County and State, aa the time ami
tical Suggaationa to tha Man Wha
place for hearing any objections to
* Doaan't Stop to Think About What
such final account and for the settle­
May Happan Whan Ha la Qona.
ment thereof.
Stayton, Oregon
A Southern Antidote.
If Americans need an nntldote for
restlessness they enn find It among
the mountaineers of the south. It Is
said that when a native Is asked to
hurry tic replies, “Don't forget there’s
s whole day tomorrow 'tnin't been
fetched y e t”—Detroit Free I’ress.
The Recapture and Daatruetion of tha
Philadelphia In the Multi of a Hoetile
Fleet Ware Called by Nalaon “the
Moat Daring Act of tho Aga.”
Stephen Decutur, tho prldo of the
eurly American linvy, entered the sen
lew when the naval aplrlt was at Its
lowest ebb. lie was without training
ns nn officer when, nt twenty, lie lie
gnu the cureer that was to bring III ill
fame. Before Decatur was twenty-live
lie hnd been twice honored by presen
tat Km of u sword by congress, and al
twenty-tiro be was a captain In com
ninint of tbo uotilo frigate Constitution
Ills deed» of valor make n narrative
like n dimtilng rouiauce. Ilia qualities
were those tho naval officer today cun
emulate with profit to tdinself and Ids
country and every patriot regard with
satlsfiictlou There are few names on
tho scroll of faino with a brighter lus
ter than his. 0
From childhood Stephen loved the
sen. At nil early age he begun the
study of shipbuilding mnl nt seventeen
helped construct the United Hintes frig
ato United States, which ho was one
day to command. The war with
France brought him tils first great op
portunlty. I>ecatur was lta most pic­
turesque sen figure.
When, lu 1S0I, all the nnvy except
six ships was dismantled nud 75 |*‘r
eeut of the officers dismissed Iterator
was kept lu the service, nud he fouud
speedy use for the naval lore ho had
For centuries the Bnrbary states had
supportisl themselves by piracy. Most
nations. Including our own, paid them
shameful tritmto to win piwfrvtion
from these pirate ships. In May, 1801.
tho pastm of Trlisdl declared war on
the United States and begun to seize
American vessels thut were cruising In
the Mediterranean Four Yankin' war
ships were sent to Tripoli and Decatur
along with them ns first lleuteunut.
During this war the Lulled States
man of war 1’hlludclphln went aground
on n reef In Trl|>ol! harbor and was
captured by the pnslm. Decatur vol-
uuteerisl to go by night Into the harbor
and destroy the Philadelphia.
He seized a small native vessel called
a ketch from the Tripolitans nnd re-
named It the Intrepid. With seventy
¡ilckt-d nun as his crew and accompli
D ie d by another mniill vessel, the Siren,
to act ns escort, the Intrepid milled
from Syracuse ou l-'eh. 3. 1801. on li»-r
hazardous errand. Inside of the Trip
oil liarlsir he could set) tho Phiindel
¡»bln moored close to the heavily arm
ed castle of the pasha nnd tho batti-rb-s
around tl*e harbor, the whole mounting
115 guns.
Twenty-four Tripolitan ships of war
lny between the Philadelphia uml I he
shore, nil fully tnnitued and ready fur
an uttuck.
Tho hour agreed on for Dccntur's ni
tack was 10 o'clock at night As the
Intrepid entered the harbor It appeared
to be only a native boat, and Utile nt
trillion was paid to her. Her crew
were hidden lieblnd her rails, cMm li
Ing, with tbelr arms In their bands,
ready for the desperate action The
little vessel drifted uear the Philadel­
phia. nnd the crew watched with In
terest what they supposed was n little
ketch drifting in. Decntur was now
lulled from the Philadelphia nud want
rd to keep off. Ills pilot, an Italian,
was Instructed to reply that they had
lost their anchor and wished to run o
Hue to tho frigate for the night
This request was granted, and Deca­
tur's ruse thus far worked well Tho
crow began to pull tho ketch up to tlis
frigate, but us they came nearer tlie
men In the Philadelphia saw the t-ue
character of the ketch and raised ttie
alarm. It was too lute, for Decatur
was near enough to lend tits men In a
«Warm up the side of tho Pblladelplils
and over her bulwarks.
The Trlisilltnns lind no time to de­
fend tbcmaelves, and they were cut
dowu or driven overbourd until no*
one remained on deck, lu five min
utes Decntur was In undisputed com­
mand <>f the ship Means of combos
(Ion had b e e n brought, and as the
Philadelphia could not he moved slie
was set on tire In various places The
flames were pouring from her batches
when Decntur anil his men left tier
deck and shoved off In the Intrepid
without the loss of a tnnn.
The guns of the Philadelphia were
all loaded, and ns they became hot they
were discharged, ami their shots took
effect In the town. The conflagration
cast a red glare on the castle, mosques
and minarets, on the butteries and on
the shipping In the harbor, whose
crews had been so startled by the sud­
denness of the attack that not n shot
hail been fired to stay !t.
No less a naval hero than Admiral
Nelson pronounced It “the most daring
set of the age.”
The hero of Algiers was killed In a
duel by Comtnodore Barron on March
12, 1820, nnd the whole country mourn
»d one of the greatest seu lighters tile
American nnvy bns ever had.—Chlcngo
Took It.
Guide fas girl offer* him n tip)—We
In Holland etiquette demands that nn ire atrletiy forbidden to receive tlpa,
unmarried woman walk on the right lud I don't like to refuse such n
of bet escort, wtdle a married woman "harming woman anything.— Fliegende
takes her husband's left arm.
D u tch Etiquette.
Lost time Is never found again, Bhd
We are nil building a aonl house, yet
what we call time enough a l w a y s with what different and what various
proves little enough.
BAKERY and =
hours *
Meals at all
C. Ullom, Proprietor
The best to eat at
the handiest place
to eat. Now
In Stayton Hotel Dining Room
T IN W O R K and
Math Tut»«, laivalnrit*« mul
all Lanitary Atting«— Farm-
ern-W e carry a linc of
pump«, leader water »ya-
tems, etc. Gasoline engincs.
For Sale
W. A. Weddle
Now is tha lima to orikr a nonum-nt
W« can furnish
Marble, Granite
(om rrtr
Also build
Walls It
erdrr. Don't fall to grt p r im lx-tor#
you buy.
M . R I N G 0
Em baluur
Third and Marion Streets
HUY NOW There will be
a rapid increase in land val­
ues and now is th a time to
B U Y .
Nothing more safe on earth
than earth itself.
J. T . K E A R N S
The Itcalcstate Man
City Meat
o f Stayton
Jos. Sestak & Sons, Props.
fresh, Salt and Smoked
Highest Market Pri<e Paid for Stork amt
Real Estate ^
I f you have property to sell come
in ami list it with us, and we will
find a buyer. W e already have a
number o f choice farms listed. I f
JR o d< ir. i., make an Invi tmi nt
it w ill pay to see us.
W c Sell the Earth
Office next to Stayton Hotel
Better let us do your printing you
may find it ehea[ier than you expect.
Stayton ButcherShc
► i -
New and up to date.
Clean and Sanitary.
.Ird anil Hijrh Streets,
Casteel & Overlander, Proprietors