The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 22, 1912, Image 2

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A n Infernal
Published every Thursday by
E. M. Olmsted and W. C. Parry
Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Station,
Marion county, Oregon, under the act o f Congress o f March ;t, 1S7V>.
All communications shoukl be addressed to THE S t a y t o n M a i l .
pipe or be satis
lied in the choicest Roods.
W c priJe ourselves upon
our cigars, cigarettes, and
tobacco I o r smoking or
It is pure, and
ail o u r goods are finely
grown and prepared lor
Miss Marlindale, looking over Ilia
paper, remarked to her moth­
1'reaching every Sunday at II a. m
and at 7 :.'tO p. m. by Rev. A. 0. Eat
oil. Sunday school at 10 a. in.. A. .1
“ Dear me, so I am to bo married!
Caldwell, supt. B Y I* U at 6:30 p. m. Listen to this: T h e wedding between
Mrs. Eaton, president.
Positively J i l l pji/K'rs on expiration o í su hscript ion.
Schuyler Van Horn and Helen Martin-
the market. No inferior leaves are intermixed, as the most
dale w ill tnko place ou the 15th Inst, at
critical smokers of our goods will tell you. Give us a first
SL James' church.'
Schuyler Vun
The Medford Sun wants to know "W hotv Wilson is at
Horn! I'm to get a husband w ith an
trial— it will make you a steady customer.
his wife: she can probably tell.
C hcrcii or riiK I mm u i i u k C onor f - 1 nrlstocrntle nnmo anyway."
lion. S ta tio n ; Rev, A. I.ainck i "W ith so many people In the world,”
priest in charge, H igh mass second said Mrs. Mnrtlndnle, "to tlnd names
The Cleveland Plain-Dealer advises all its readers to vote for
fourth and tifili ' l i m i i v s Sail! a. III., for. lt'a a wonder there are not a dos-
l ’ ricst’s address: Sublim ity, Oregon, en Helen Martlndalca and as mauy
Taft, pray for Roosevelt and bet on Wilson.
T. R o n i pa c k ' s C a t h o l ic C h c k c ii , Schuyler Vau Horns.”
Miss Mnrtlndnle said nothing more,
Sublim ity . Rev. A . I.ainck, ree|prj
Some stranprer tilled up with booze and tried to butt a fast train
Low mass S a. m., lugli mass 10:30 scanning tho society columns, thus
J. A. H E N D E R S H O T T , Proprietor
off the track near Turner, one day last week, with the usual re-' a. in., first and third Sundays in the turning to the advertisement o f lln
m onth; high mass 10:30 a. ni., see­
Nevertheless the odd nnnounccmeut
n n i, fourth and fifth Sundays. V es­
o f tho forthcoming marriage o f oue of
pers at eventide.
her owu unine affected her. A certain
The Independence Enterprise wants to know if the “ devil” is
Dick Owens and she had been wlmt
dead. Ours isn’ t, but he is off on a vacation and we are madder
In slang called "s|>cvins" for some time,
and she thought how would she feel If
Services w ill be held every Sunday.
than a hornet.
sho saw a matrimonial announcement
Preaching at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m.
with the name Owens substituted for
Judging bv the number of marriages, and engagements in and Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mrs. W . H. Van Horn.
or money, it is well to
Hobson, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. E.
There was no lndls|>osltlon on tho
around Stayton. the deadly hammock microbe is getting in its de- at 7:30 p. m.. Mrs. R. L. Dunn presi­ part o f Mr. Owens to see his name In
know just where cash can
dent. Ladies Aid society meets each print linked with that o f Miss Martin
vastating work.
be saved in necessary pur­
Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., Mrs. G. D. dale, nor was.M iss Marlindale herself
Shoppers know
Thomas, president. R. L. Dunn Pastor. so indisposed. Tliere was, however,
Those overworked and overheated statesmen (?) at Washington
a harrier between them In the person
that we have a reputation
o f n certain Mnrtln Wyukoop, who had
should spend their summer in Oregon. It has been so cool here
for giving the biggest val­
made a great deal o f money out o f
so far that the ice factories have only worked half time.
Methodist Episcopal Church, order o f patent nfedteine and whose suit was
ues in town, and th*y also
favored by Miss Mnrtlndnle's father.
services: Bible school at 10 a. m.,
It was the old story o f wealth and all
know that our prompt at­
S. Pancoast,
Gov. Wilson thinks that a majority o f the Common People
wealth can accomplish against, to say
tention to all patrons is
l ’reaehing at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. the least, the mediocrity o f a small In
him to be President, so he kindly asks them to foot the bill,
Midweek Prayer and Bible Study, come.
and this is the
ly Smut, Governor, if a Majority want you to be President,
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Rut since this Mr. Wynkoop was
headquarters for polite service in every department, whether
League, Sunday, 6 . p. m., Clark short, fat. bald and homely and Dick
should there be any Bill of Expense?
Mace, Pres.
Ladies' Aid Society, Owens was tall, slender, curly bended
one purchases or not. It will pay you to shop here for
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. R. Gard­ and handsome Miss Mnrtlndnle. who
goods in our line.
The Polk County Itemizer registers a kick against the trend of
ner. Pres
Pastor o f the church, E. w hs too young to look far Into the fu ­
Sutton Mace.
all political parties toward Woman Suffrage. We will bet a four
was her father who. with the usual
dollar pup that the Editor o f the Itemizer is an old bachelor with a
mntter-of-fnetness o f age and expert
ence. stood In the way o f love's young
grouch as long as a fork handle and twice as big around as a bolog­
It wns 5 o’clock In the nfternoon
na sausage.
Mr. Mnrtlndnle had come back borne
from business and wns sitting In the
The Oregon Courier comments on one of its exchanges calling
E. E. McKinney was transact­ library looking nt the evening paper
the “ Bull Moose” party, the “ Bull Mouse” party, and wonders ing business in Aumsville Satur­ The doorbell rang and nn express
package was handed In and receipted
t .. :;.er it was a mistake or malice. We then turned to the front day.
for. It wns a square parcel about big
Norris Frank called at the E. enough to hold easily a large sized ap
page o f The Courier and discovered a headline that read ” S. P.
pie, addressed to Miss Marlindale. The
Buys Electric Lint. ” Is that a new kind of antiseptic bandage C. Downing home Wednesday butler carried It to her room and plac­
ed It upon a table before her. She
Bro. Brown or did you hit the wrong key?
looked nt the address and wondered
Miss Emma Snyder o f Salem what the package contained, then took
is spending a week at the W. H. up n pair o f scissors to cut the string,
when she heard a fnlnt ticking. She
Tate home.
took the thing up and carried It down
----- -
Simon Boedigheimer and son Into the library
•'Father," she said, ''some one, 1
Threshing has begun at Mon­
Ben Thayer was in Stayton on Joe called at the J- Boedigheimer j know not who, has sent me a package,
home Saturday
roe. and the yields are reported Mondav.
and 1 can hear n tickin g"—
“ Drop It!"
as “ fine.”
Alfred Peterson lost a valuable
Frank Haberman was a Scio
Tho package fell from Miss Martin
horse by being kicked while run­ dale's hands on to tho floor, where It
visitor Friday.
lay motionless. Sir. Mnrtlndnle made
Corvallis has just completed
ning in the pasture.
a dash for the door and. seizing bis
Geo. Ray was a Stayton visit­
two b i g main sewers, paying
Mrs. W. H. Downing spent daughter's arm as he passed, dragged
or last Tuesday.
1115,000 for them.
Saturday afternoon visiting at her with him out o f the room, not stop
plug till he had put n wall between
Maggie Smith visited Sunday
the E. C. Downing home.
them and the package.
A Eugene doctor killed a deer.
"W hat do you think It Is?” asked
Mrs. L. M. White and baby of
He also paid the owner f o r it.
k , i?
Spent Sunday Salem
staying a t the J. T.
“ An infernal machine, o f course.”
It was a pet and wore a bell.
“ Who could have sent It?"
w,th Mabel Tha>cr
Hunt home while the latter haa
"Y ou r name on It Is a blind. It was
Mrs. R. Brenner spent several gone to the Yellowstone Park.
Intended for me. There uro several
Indications now are that the days with home folks last week.
u .
u ,
. . „
salmon catch this year will be 40
Helen Hunt accompanied Dr. reasons why certain persons whoso de­
mands I have Ignored might send me
per cent short of the average.
' V|M
ia ieco\ ering B. L. Steeyes a n d
f a m i l y such a thing Are you suro you heard
from a bad siege o f whooping their to Tillamook, Fort Stevens it ticking?"
W A S T E OF S U P P L I E S .
and Mt. Hood. They will return
Mabel Boice, 1 1 years o 1 d
A B u n n »,» Problem and the W ay One
“ Go and telephone for the police.”
Factory Solved It.
Miss Efhe Ray is assisting Mrs. about September 1st.
A t that moment there was another
swam the Willamette a t Port
In one manufacturing |>lnnt the su­
riug at the doorbell, and who should
land last week, in sixteen min­
perintendent found that III* men were
appear but Mr. Dick Owens.
; ers this week.
Branch were quietly married in
lit, derided
"Ob. D ickP called Helen. "H u rry cnrelcis with a»,i|i|,ll»-f*
Miss June Kearns o f Stayton | Salem last Tuesday. They will past the library. There's an Infernal that too much material wan kept ou
Mechanic« found It Semi* Weekly Oregon Journal,
machine lu there
Homebody. I don't hand In the «hop
The Hodgkins disease, whatev- spent several days with Mabel make their future h o m e on a know who, sent It to me.’’
an easier matter to throw away «ligh t­
one y e a r ...............................$1.50
farm near Aumsville.
er that is, has claimed a victim Townes last week.
Mr. Owens stood a few moments ly damaged or «polled work nnd begin
have the best wishes o f their gaping at Helen and her father, who on n new piece tliau to take precau­ The Stayton Mail . > . $1.50
at La Grande, Leo Hering, 23 T . „ ,____ e .. .,
, .
,___ ..
I he hum o f the threshing ma-
were In the rent- end o f the hnll, then tion« In turning out their work, re­
many friends.
dymg from it.
. -__
. .
*. ,
m ark« n writer In Business. lie there­
asked If he might see the thing
; chine, which was interrupted by I
T o t a l ..............................................$3.00
Without waiting for n reply he walk­ fore devised n «to re« order which made
Gun men held up Ulrich Bru- the ram’ has resumed-
ed Into the library, looked nt the pack­ every foreman responsible for raw ma­
. $2.00
age lying on the floor, picked It up and teria! Issued to IBs department. New Both Papers One year,
ter at Portland as he was lock-' Linn Lambert is home after
put It to bis ear. lie smiled
Being materlnl could hot he had from the
ing up his saloon a t 274 Front working several weeks at Green’ s
something o f n mechanic, he knew general store except on requisition, and
Street, and got away with $38.
i bridge near Jefferson.
Louie Priern made a trip t o that the ticking wns too delicate for the general store would honor no rrqul
nri Infernal machine. It wns probably sltiou unless It was O. K.’d by the fore
Lee Downing went to Stayton Salem one day this week.
man. These lists were kept on file nnd
a watch.
Albany is wide awake. The
Tuesday, where he will work on
J- Morley and wife visited at
lie carefully opened It and found that totaled nt the end o f each month to eu Publishes the latest and most complete
Commercial club there has ar­
It wns o watch—« lady's watch—and able the superintendent to make com­ telegraphic news o f the world; gives
the river for some time.
the Egean home Sunday.
ranged to place advertisments in
with It wns n visiting enrd with the parisons.
reliable market reports, as it is pub­
This put the foreman on Ids guard
Pone Ray and wife have re-
J. Peterson and wife called at names o f Mr. and Mrs Joseph 11.
the states from which the great­
Ward, persons o f whom he had never not to till out n requisition for some lished at Portland, where the market
turned home after spending sev- the Gilhan^home Sunday,
est emigration takes place.
Helen pnd told him o f tho thing which he did not absolutely need, news can be and is corrected to date
eral weeks at the springs.
Mrs. L. C McCoy and daugh- wedding announcement, and be Infer­ and the first six months after adopting for each issue. It also has a page o f
red at once that It was a wedding this rule expenses In one department
Eagle Cap, the highest moun­
Albert Iiay returned from the ter Maud are visiting at the Mc- gift
Intended for the other Miss Mar- alone were rut nearly 20 per cent with­ special m atter for the farm and home,
9 U B S C K I P T I Ü N S , ¡St ö l » p o r y o u r i n t * « J v n t i o o
A d v e r t is in g K o t e s o n a p ]ilie (itlo n
C ards o f T hanks $ .5 0
O u t u a i u k s - $ 1.00 up.
The Gem Confectionery
When Hard Pressed
S tre ff Hardware C o .
Rocky Point
Men’s Summer Toggery
Northwest Clips
C om fortable Negligee Shirts
N obby S u m m er N eck w ear
and other neat goods for summer use.
have in
great variety and our usual quality, tic up to
scratch and make your pick now.
C lubbing
O ffer
Me Al pin Notes
Th Weekly Oregon Journal
tain in the Wallowa range, which
ft has been claimed is as high as
Mt. Hood, was measured recent­
ly and found to be 9700 feet, or
1600 feet lower than Mt. Hood.
springs yesterday, where he has Elhaney home this week,
been spending several weeks.
The Misses McElhaney enter.
Willis Huber, the small son o f tained the Misses Emma, Lily,
Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Huber, has been and Adelaine Priern a n d Mrs.
very ill with whooping cough.
Young, Messrs. Louie and Artie
Misses Josie and Marguerite
Two men, Walker and Will­
spent a pleasant Sunday
iams, members o f a government
with Mrs. L. Trask
geological surveying party, were
drowned in the Deschuttes river ar" dau^htor Jessie, of .Jordan,
near Sherar, last week, when
their canoe capsized.
J. Mc-
Caunsland, who was in the canoe
with them escaped.
, __ ,
. . ,.
Downing a pack train will make daily
trip « from Detroit to the Hot Springs
Notices fo r sale at th is , during the summer. Special trips to
* 1 ice, printed on heavy cloth, 10 cents the lakes. For further information
t f j w rite J. M. Downing, Detroit,
Priem’ Ed Parker, Herbert Hum-
>)hre>r’ an<J Tommy Tucker on
Sunday evening.
An Idea popped loto Mr. Owens'
head. H e would make some capital
with Mr. Martlndale.
" I ’ll take the thing borne with me,”
ho called, "and disarrange the clock­
"Don't!” cried nelen, In agony.
"Y o u ’ll he blown sky hlghl" called
Mr. Mnrtlndnle.
Nevertheless Dick went out with the
box, nod In half nn hour a telephone
message came:
"H n ve ofiened the box and removed
the cmitenla. I congratulate yon on
your escape."
"B y Jove!” exclaimed Mr. Alnrtln-
dale. “ What u man that Dick Owen*
And he forthw ith withdrew his ob­
jections to Mr. Owens as a son In-law.
Mr. Owens forwarded the wedding
For Rent An up-to date 17
room hotel. This hotel is loca­
ted on a good corner and is mod­
ern in every respect. The fur­
nishings are most complete.
interested, call o n o r write
George Bpaniol
fatayton, Oregon | gift to Its proper destination.
out sacrificing efficiency. The foreman an entertaining story page and a page
also claimed that It hud it tendency to
or more o f comic each week, and it
develop Ids men Into more skilled me
goes to the subscriber twice cvcrj
chunk-* bemuse they were under the
week 104 times a year.
necessity o f accounting for the work
they spoiled In machining
The Postmark.
Great Britain. It Is said, can. with
out fenr o f contradiction, claim the
honor o f having originated the post­
mark. Tho first one. which uns used
In Ixmdon ns long ago ns KW10, wns
a very simple nlTnlr, consisting o f n
small circle divided Into two pnrta.
In tho top portion were tw o letters
Indicating the month, whllo In the
low er linlf the dn.v o f the month wns
shown. No endeavor was made to do-
note the yynr, nnd It Is only by tho
date* o f the letters on which thcmni-k
Is Impressed that It Is possible to tlx
the date of Its use.—London .Standard.
1 he Stayton Mail
Given all the local news and happenings
and should he in every home in this
The two papers make a splendid com­
bination and you save $1 hy sending
your subscription to us.
W e can also give our subscribers a
good clubbing offer for the Daily ami
Sunday, or Sunday Journal, in con­
nection with