Here’s a PILL that will Did you ever po on a visit and have tho difference in at­ mosphere. combined with a change of food. sjHiil that visit? Did you suffer from headaches, become nervous and ir­ ritable. lose your appetite, have stomach trouble and have your sleep broken? Then take with you a supply of A . D . S. Little Liver Pills. They »re hamlv to carry, easily taken and will quickly remove all »unpleasantness. Prompt, hut gentle in their action, they stimulate the liver to renewed activity, cleanse the system o f waste matter, increase the appetite and aid digestion. PRICE. 25c the bottle. The STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by E. M. Olmsted and W. C. Parry ------------------- ^ ------------------------------ ------------ ------- —— Besides good goods you get good treatment at our store. Always We wait on you promptly give you what you want, never tease you to buy anything. Entered as second olsaa matter st the postolflee at Stay ton, All comtnumeation# should be addressed to T iik S tayton M ail . S U B S C K I I ' I’ I O N S , d t l.n o p e r y e a r it» u i l v a i i o o A d v o r t l H l n g K m toss o n ct p p llo t o l l C ards of T hanks i .50 O bituaries - $1.00 up. Positively n il pnf>crs s to /t/ta l on e x p iratio n o f subscription. M c A lp in N o te s p o p u l a r it y Lois Ashby spent a few days in Salem last week. Mrs. W. H. Humphreys visited at Grant Ashby’s Monday. B E A U C H A M P S DRUG S TO R E Miss Lida Caspell of Salem is spending her vacation with the home folks. Mrs. Geo. Caspell and daugh­ ter Lida have gone to Wilhoit Springs for a week’s stay. T h e tempting kind of chocolates that are irresis­ tibly delicious, i n many flavors, Bon-Bons a n d Candied Fruits, and all the old-time G O ODIES that are loved by young and old. Five pounds of our delicious candy in a fancy box makes a charming gift. Dolph Humphreys, who has been sick for some time, was ta­ ken to Portland for treatment a week ago. Boyd Ashby and family and Will Humphreys and f a m i l y were entertained at the K. G. Ashby home Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Thomas and child­ ren who have been visiting rela­ tives here the past week return­ ed to their home in Stayton Sun­ day. The Gem Confectionery J. A. H E N D E R S H O T T , Proprietor Subscribe for The Mail Baptist Preaching every Sunday at II a. m and at 7:30 p. m. by Rev. A. C. Eat on. Sunday school at 10 a. m., A. J Caldwell, sopt. B Y P U at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Eaton, president. W hen Hcird Pressed for money it is well to know just where cash can be saved in necessary pur­ chases. Shoppers know that we have a reputation for giving the biggest val­ ues in town, and they also know that our prompt at­ tention to all patrons is proverbial, and this is the headquarters for polite service in every department, whether one purchases or not. It will pay you to shop here for goods in our line. S tre ff Hardware C o. Catholic C hurch ok thk I mmaculate C oncep - tion, Stayton; Rev, A. Lainrk priest in charge. High mass second fourth and liftli Sundays 8:30 a. in., Priest’s address: Sublimity, Oregon. t . B oniface ’ s C atholic C hurch , Sublim ity; Rev. A. Lainck, rectorj Low mass 8 a. m.. high mass 10:30 f . in.. lirst and third Sundays in the m onth; high mass 10:30 a in., sec-J end, fourth and fifth Sundays. Ves ! |H-ra at eventide. Christian Services will be held every Sunday. Preaching at 11 a. m.. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mrs. W. H. Hobson, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7:30 p. m., Mrs. R. L. Dunn presi­ dent. Ladies Aid society meets each Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., Mrs. G. D. Thomas, president. R. L. Dunn Pastor. Methodist GOOD BUSINESS necessitates carrying in stock the goods for which there is a popular demand; also a variety o f those goods, priced right Our patrons know what a complete stock we carry. They often buy things here that they cannot find elsewhere in town. They know the assortment we carry, and they are familiar with our reasonable prices. Our Patrons Need No Invitation to Return But W e Invite Others to Give Us a Trial Just n o w we are positively giving a heavy discount on Men's Trousers and on Boys' Suits. W e have but a few left and must close them out. y o u r Our sacrifice is Methodist Episcopal Church, order o f services: Bible school at 10 a. m., A. S. Pancoast, superintendent- preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Epworth League, Sunday, 6. p. m., Clark Mace, Pres. Ladies’ Aid Society, Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. R. Gard­ ner, Pres. Pastor o f the church, E. Sutton Mace. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Portland, Oregon, July 20th. 1912. Notice is hereby given that Charles j H. Maginnis, assignee o f Elizabeth Gillen, administrator o f the estate o f Henry H. Jones, whose post office ad- | dress is Portland, Oregon, did on the Pith day o f July, 1912, file his applica­ b a s eb a ll Qualitiss In ths Gama That Endaar It to tha Publio. There must be special qualities In a gnuie that can take uml keep such a hold on millions of hard headed, healthy Americans from lelug to such advantage on tho side of efficiency. If polo be mentioned to controvert tills It certainly cannot compare In the uoxt three advautagi'N to lie mentioned, and the Inferiority of the circus the astute reader can figure out also from wliat follows: Second.—Visibility A person who uuderstuuds the game sees almost ev­ ery play perfectly, lie sees the deliv­ ery by the pitcher, the preparation and swing of the batter, the ball dashing away, the rush, grasp and recovery of the Intlelder, the race of tho runner down tlie line, the catch of the base- man and Is ready to dispute with the umpire whether the ball arrived a tenth of a second before or a tenth of a second nfter the runner. Third.—Sustnlued suspense. An Eng­ lish student of American affairs, en­ deavoring to make his countrymen un­ derstand the hold of the game, stated that If they would imagine the most Intense moment In the fifth set of a tennis match being ptnyod for tho championship of the world they might get an Idea of the Inteuslty of Interest that pertains to n ball game at almost any time in any one of the nine In­ nings. Fourth.—The democratic background. The Interest of watching the experts Is .Inseparable from the fact that almost every boy In the United States Is brought up to play the game Itself. One sometimes hears It said that watchlug the gnmo Is less deal mb la than playing It. which Is creating an ! absurd dilemma, ns the clerk In a great I town, who may be able to spend two hours of healthy Interest In the base­ ball park, could not possibly be ludulg- 1 tng In the game himself and also be cause watching the game makes one a!! the more eager to play It If he has the chance. Just ns playing It makes J him all the more eager to see how It Is , played by the greatest experts in the world.—Norman Ilapgood lu Metropoll tan. WINES, LIQUORS. ____CIGARS SALEM BEEKONTAP Your Trade Solicited— W e ’ll Treat You Right Banking Here Is Pleasant and Safe Safety of your funds is not the only advantage tnis bank can offer. In addition to the un­ questioned safety that our strong directorate, business-like management, and well chosen sé­ curités give to our depositors' money, this is a pleasant place to do business. You’ll like the way you are received if you bring your account here, and we hope to see you do that soon. W e'll try to make the connection mutually helpful. THE STAYTON STATE BANK P a t r o n iz e The Bureau Saloon A GREAT R O Y M ULLIN1X, Proprietor C lubbing O ffer GET THE BEST and PUREST Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, one year . . SI-50 The Stayton Mail $1.50 T o t a l ..............................................$3.00 Both Papers One year, . LIQUORS ON THE MARKET We make a specialty of Family Tr&de and w ill be pleased to have you order for anything in our line. $2.00 Thl wéekly Oregon Journal Early BASEBALL RETURNS Received Here Daily. Publishes the latest and most complete telegraphic news o f the world; gives j Phone 2x42 Stayton, Oregon reliable market reports, as it is pub­ lished at Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to date for each issue. It also has a page o f special matter for the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or more o f comic each week, and il goes to the subscriber twice ever) week—104 times a year. The Stayton Mail Gives all the local news and happenings and should lie in every home in this vicinity. The two papers make a splendid com­ bination and you save $1 by sending your subscription to us. We can also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal, in con­ nection with THE S T A Y T O N MAIL A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity [is solicited. You are assured of a safe deposi­ tory and courteous treatment at this bank, by ample capital and long experience in the banking business. tion Serial No. 03571, to enter under the provisions o f Section 2306, Revised OVER e s YEARS' Statutes o f the United States the NEJ 8 S., R. 4 E., Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ly the lands above described, or desiring Gardner & Hobson to object because o f the mineral char­ acter o f the land, or for any other rea­ son, to the disposal to the applicant should file their affidavits o f protest or contest, in this office on or before the JOB WORK IS OUR SPECIALTY KNOW of BAILEY & BERG, Proprietors E X P ER IEN C E SEJ and SWJ SWJ o f Section 9, Tp. ] g a i n . WE “ Bee” » “ Bee” Marion county, Oregon, uinter the act of Congress of March 11, 1879. — - glad to have people come in and look around. ------ — I THE HOW 18th dav o f Se itember, 1912. H. F. H igby , Register. First Pub. Aug. 15. Last Pub. Sep. 12. P aten ts TRADE MARKS D es ig n « C o p yr ig h ts A c . An von« «»»tiding APkAtrh find f1o«er1ptlon m»iy quickly lUMwrtAtn our opinion free whether an Invention I* probably nitLcntfthlft. ('o*n mutilen- ionantrlcflyconfldontiAl. HANDBOOK 01. Patenta ut fre«. oldeat agency fo r aecuring pntei mia. I’/itont« taken through Munii A, Co. ra receive $prrial " rial notice, without charge. charge, In the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton, Oregon Capital $25.000,00 Scientific Am erican. A handaomefy lllfintratcd weekly. ' i I m M