ASTORIA’S FLAGPOLE CONGRESS REMEMBERS PATHFINDERS REPORT REACHES EXPOSITION RIVERS AND HARBORS GREAT DEVELOPMENT The hugv flax-pole presented to the Pathflnders who went over the route Appropriations for Oregon River and Panama-Pacific International Kxpoai Harbor improvements, that seem to be to be* followed from Portland to Lake- tion hv the citizen» o f Aateria, has forthcoming amount to over $2,300,000. view for the convention of the Central reached San Francisco in one of th e 1 The bill has passed both houses of Con­ Oregon Development League August giant raft» of the Hammond Lumber gress and has been approved by commit­ 20, 21 and 22, returned full of enthusi­ Company. It «as sent by mayor Heml-1 tees, awaiting only the President's sig­ asm for the country they found in In­ erson of Astoria, as that city’s contrib­ nature. The biggest single item i s terior Oregon. C. C. Chapman, Secre­ ution to the 1915 Exposition. The pole $1,000,000 for the mouth of the Colum­ tary o f t h e Oregon Development was originally intended for the Astoria bia work, while the lsiwcr Willamette League, says that portion of the state Centennial Celebration, but it was so is scheduled for $!S0.000. Tillamook is developing rapidly and that the set­ long and hea\y that it was impossible Harbor and the Nehalem River and tlers are prospering. to raise it. The dimensions of the flag­ harbor improvement each get $100,000. Secretary Chapman says Central Ore­ pole are as follows: “ Douglas Fir, a The Dalles-Celilo canal is listed f o r gon will welcome the Portland excurs­ perfect piece of timber; base 56 inches, $700,000. ionists with open arms when they come top 23 inches; estimated weight 93,061 to Lakeview in August and each town pounds. Cubic contents 1958.52 cubic is preparing a warm reception. He ALASKA PROGRESSES feet: contains 23,515.46 solid lumber says the journey down through the in­ feet, length over all 246 feet. The terior will be one long to be remember- e special Flag, which is to be flown from Territorial government is all but a i and that all Portland people who this flag-pole, is to be furnished by the reality for Alaska now, and will soon I want t o learn* more o f their state ; should participate. From indications, citizens of Astoria. It is. planned to be realized in the future. Both the J there will be a large party go from the hold appropriate ceremonies when the House and Senate at Washington have Rose City. pole is raised and old glory is unturled passed similar measures, which should from its lofty peak. be easily reconciled. It is understood Mrs. John Amort is visiting in SI ihw that President Taft will sign a home a few days. Wanted — Two or three bushels of rule bill as soon as it is put up to him. S. M. Armstrong came in from Port­ plums. Phone the Mail office. The measures adopted provide also for land yesterday. an Alaska Railroad Commission, to de J. F. Mouncc of Salem was in our termine if government owned railroads Riley Thomas spent a few days i n city the latter part of last week. in Alaska are feasible. Portland last week. S. H. Burson accompanied by his son w A Weddle and family motored to Died—The infant c h i l d of Peter Frank drove to Dallas last Saturday. Saltm Suni]ay aftornoon. Burkhardt and wife, yesterday. Griff King of Albany was in Stayton Many autos are to be seen every day Art Brown and family of Independ­ bound for the mountains for an outing. ence were in Stayton a few days age. on business Tuesday. Quite a number of farmers trorn Jor­ W. A. Weddle and wife, Mrs. Beulah dan valley were in town Monday o n Gerkins, Miss Emma Frank and Dare business. Slooer expect to go to Wilhoit Springs Saturday evening, returning Sunday. Ben Gehlen had a little accident with the delivery wagon Tuesday. No one Dr. Beauchamp and C. A Beauchamp hurt though. were fishing on Thomas creek Sunday and report a catch of 114. Seems like Mrs. Forette of Dallas is visiting at some people can catch fish on Sunday. the home of her fcusbard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Forette. Harvey Wright of Aumsville dropped F. A. Pietrok, over in Linn county, j a wagon holster on his right foot the expects to start the threshing season i o th e r day, breaking several small bones of the member. Dr. Beauchamp re­ on Saturday of this week. ports, however, that he will soon be a- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Branch of Me , bout again. , Coy, Oregon were visiting at the home Dr. Beauchamp reports the new ar­ of her brother, W. J. Hewitt this week. rivals as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Titus Curt. Hawiey and family of McCoy Archer, of Kingston, a girl; Mr. and came over in his auto Tuesday for a Mrs. Fred Holt of Stayton, a boy; Mr. visit with his sister, Mrs. H. A. Beau­ and Mrs. Julius Titze of Fern Ridge, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ritzinger champ. of Union Hill, a boy. Johnny Fehien caught the champion trout so far this season. It measured 17 inches in length and gave Johnny the fight of his life. BIG G EST A T T R A C T IO N The Riggs and Nendel barn *.s rapidly being filled with hay. About 63 tons already iias been put in and the barn w;ll hold 15 tons more. In the statement of the heirs of Eli­ jah Weddle in last week’s Mail a mis­ take occured. Bonnie Collier, daugh­ ter, should read, Bonnie Collier grand­ daughter. Having sold our lumber stock and leased our mil! property to Jos. Petzel, we have discontinued our lumber busi­ ness i n Stayton. In o r d e r t o close our books and complete the trans­ fer of the business, we request all per­ sons owin g us to call at once at the mill office and settle their accounts. We have only a limited time to settle this matter, so we will appreciate your promptness. 8-8-12 Lee Brown & Sons. The infant rhild of Henry Smith is seriously ill with pneumonia. Forrest Mack and wife returned from the moss camp yesterday. HARVEST TilME IS HERE j I 1 1 B y | During this season you need many things, and you want just the right articles, some- times very quickly. Whatever you may need, remember we have it—just the right thing, in the right quality, at the right price. We are headquarters for all staple articles, a n d other goods you want at harvest time. HANDBAGS-SEE THEM! A new line, which includes some extraordinary values, from 75 cents to $2.50 1 - B 1 Dishes Now at thie Red Tag Prices \ Salmon, per doz. Corn, per doz- Tomatoes, per doz. | Oysters, per doz. SPECIAL DISCOUNT GONTiNUED! T h is is a seasonable reduction in Goods you need right now. 2 0 % OFF ALL LADIES’ WHITE WAISTS 20% OFF Our general line of merchandise is as com­ plete as any in town. You know the quality Just !n $ 1.10 $ 1.00 START THE DAY OFF WITH A SMILE and you will prolong the smile and have a pleasant day, if you come here to do your shopping. In the first place, y o u will be sure of the most courteous treatment, whether y o u arc a buyer or merely cur­ ious to see our goods. Sec- ________________ oj'dly, you are assured of 'STAR.ffHÙk'iVìl, the finest qualities being oliered you at the lowest mar­ ket prices. One visit confirms our claim to serve you well. S tre ff Hardware Co. (comic) Mr. Imper who used to be here with Downing’s pack train will make daily the cheese factory, has returned from trips from Detroit to the Hot Springs “ The Mad Miner” A sensational Wisconsin and will make this country his future home. during the summer. Special trips to drama. the lakes. For further information Song— Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Armstrong are write J. M. Downing. Detroit, tf “ He’s My Pal” With beautifully the proud parents of a ten lb. boy who came to their home yesterday. Dr W. F. Kleckcr is expected back from colored slides. Beauchamp ia in attendance. his eastern trip to-day. Admission 10c. Double Show. Open 7:30 Edward Smith of Mt. Pleasant got _ For Sale—Pure-bred white Orphing- S tc A V tO fl 1 H C c l t r C his hand crushed in a pulley while load­ 8-15-x ing hay last Saturday. Dr. Brewer was tons. Inquire C. D. Stayton. called and dressed the injured member. Joseph Petzel and Theo, Rizzo were Miss Helen Luthy, who has been vis­ in Salem Monday. iting her brotherC. A. Luthy and fami­ For Sale- Modern story and a half ly, returned to Salem to-day. Mrs. Luthy accompanied her for a few days rcaidence, cor. Ida and Second Sts. (’all tf. Mra. M. J . Kitchen. stay in the capital. A new line of LADIES' $ 1.15 OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE To=Night (Thurs.) ALL MEN’S PANTS . $ 1.60 TH O M A SM A YO CO ¡ This groat institution opens its doors Dr. Brewer reports a daughter born for the fall semester on September 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burkhardt of Courses of instruction include: General Agriculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus­ Union Hill. bandry, Dairv Husbandry, Bacteriology, L. L. Thomas and Doc. Korinek are Botany and Plant Pathology. Poultry expected home to-morrow. But will Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology, Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, they conre? Electrical Engineering, Mechanical En­ gineering, Mining Engineering, High­ Mr. Webster of Polk county ia here way Engineering, Domestic Science, visiting at the home of his son-in-law, Domestic Art, Commerce, Foiestry, Wm. Nendel. Pharmacy Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mrs. N. E. Duncan, who has been Mathematics, English Language and visiting with Grandma Miller, has gone Literature, Public Speaking, Modern to Albany and other valley points for a Languages, History, Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Educa­ short visit. tion, Military Science and Tactics and Geo. McRae of Fox Valley, while | Music. IN T O W N Catalogue and illustrated literature loading ties Monday, let one fall on his mailed free upon application. Address: foot, breaking several bones of his in­ step. Dr. Brewer reduced the fiacture. i Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. Program for Stayton Theatre— Miss Hedwig Lau, a trained nurse of School Year Open», September 20th. “ The Doctor’s Perfidy” (drama) Portland and a sister of J. F. Lau of “ Swedish Sports” (scenic) this city is here attending on Mrs. S- DAILY TRIPS M. Armstrong. “ The Cabin Boy's Dog” “ Love’s Stratagem” Extra— Handbags Lois McElhaney of the Waldo Hills Miss Crabtree’s and Miss Shelly's was thrown from a horse Sunday and Sunday School classes returned from sustained a severe concussion of the their outing on North Fork this week. brain. Dr. Brewer reports her much better at present. Trespass Notices for sale at this office, printed on heavy cloth, 10 cent* E. D. Alexander, wife and daughter each. tf Marion, went to Corvallis Saturday for j a brief visit with friends. Mr. Alex- Wess Riggs, Jess Shepherd, Riley! i ander returned yesterday, while the ot- Thomas and Levi Baily were up to the i hers will remain a few days longer. Mack moss camp picking blackberries j this week. Messrs. Pintler, Parry and Beau­ champ, and Misses Hobson and Alex­ Lura A. Thomas and wife and Dr. ander and Mrs. Beauchamp motored to W. N. Pintler and Miss Alta Hobson Salem Monday evening to see “ Beverly spent Saturday night and Sunday fish­ I of Graustark” at the Grand theater. ing on Rock creek. Joe Brewer a n d wife, Mrs. Allie Brewer and Bill Munkers started over- I land for Metolius, Oregon, this morn- | ing. They will go by the way of the i Lebanon route and will he gone for ! some lime. Gardner & Hobson . Henry Mutachler took a crack at an unruly horse with his bare fiat the oth­ er day and broke several bones in his hand. Dr. Brewer fixed him up. Hen­ ry says he will take a club next time. Well he needed a vacation anyhow. ^ Flour, Canned Gocids, Cured Meats j Mrs. Joe Fisher is visiting home folks in McCoy. Polk county this week. Fred Caspell of Portland was here a few days last week renewing acquaint­ ance. i ; ! Mr. Spalding of Portland is here vis- | iting at the home of his daughter Mrs. S. H. Heltzel. He will try and lure a j few of the finny tribe from their hahi-1 tat. FOR SALE CHEAP—A 24 in. Buffa- I lo Pitts threshing machine with 8 horse j power engine and wood saw. All in 1 good repair and ready for work. Would | take some cattle as part pay. For fur-1 ther particulars address, 8-15x John Girardin, Turner, Ore. Men’s Summer Toggery N O W T H A T W A R M U R W R A T H H R IS H E R E , YOU W IL L W A N T Y O U R S U M M E R TOGS. Comfortable Negligee Shirts Nobby Summer Neckwear a n d o th e r neat goods fo r s u m m e r use, w e have in g re a t v a rie ty a n d o u r usual q u a lity . He up to scratch a n d m a k e y o u r pick now. CHAS. GEHLEN PLU M BING S T E A M F IT T IN G T IN N IN G MILL W O R K All work guaranteed to be first class in every particular Galvanized and Black Pipe carried in stock. Briggs & Son WATER ST STAYTON JOB WORK IS OUR SPECIALTY WE KNOW HOW