BON TON '¿¿âsS BAKERY and RESTAURANT Meals at all hours ' ■ • C. Ullom, Proprietor The best to eat at the handiest place to eat. Now TINWORK and PLUMBING For Sale 8RICK, CEMENT, PLASTER W. A. Weddle M ON UM EN TS Marble, Granite or Bronze Scientific American. MUNN& Co 361 J. City M eat M arket B(Ì6 £ a n d B6 AND BAILEY & BERG, Proprietors Baptist Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m and at 7:30 p. m. by Rev. A. C. Eat on. Sunday school at 10 a. m., A. J »cot* humming. Frances and l were the crude customs of the mother conn Caldwell, supt. 11 Y 1’ U at 6:30 p. m. ■trolling on the hillside, part wood, putt try. there lived s man named Fisk. Mrs. Eaton, president. j|x»n. He low was the river. Its banks HI* home was near the sehoolhousc. ■ ml Hats turning from browu to and since he was always klud and green. The question with me was. good nnturvd with the boys ho I»» Catholic Would It la» a suitable, prudent, wise thing for me to ask France* to !>e my | came s favorite with them. C h i ' k - h ok riiK I mmacclatk C onckp - Now, a boy, though Ills brain Is not wife? What I mean Is. Did aha come tion, Stayton; Rev, A. l.ainck tp to the standard I required In a matured, knows a groat ileal about priest tn charge. High inass second certain things upon which men know wife 7 fourth and fifth Sundays 8:30 a. in., First and foremost 1 wished to get nothing. The lx»y Is very observant Priest’s address: Sublimity, Oregon, Frances' standard for the umu she within hls little field. He can tell you r B oxifack ' s C atholic C hohcii , would marry. 1 was not sure 1 was | the exact numlier of chickens Farmer in Stayton Hotel Dining Room Sublim ity; Rev. A. Lainck, rectorj up to her standard I would .sound her. Cole has and the number of cowa In These Low mass 8 a. in., high mass 10:30 "B itb y has taken the valedictory at ; Farmer Morgan's pasture». schoolboys knew that the horse wns a a. m., first and third Sundays in the .‘ollege," 1 remarked. great favorite with Mr Fisk. He month; high mass 10:30 a. ni., see- -So 1 hear.” end, fourth and fifth Sundays. Ves­ •‘Do you euthtise over valedicto­ was eonstantly coming home with a new animal, and the stork on hand pers at eventide. rians?' was always disappearing. Hls nl>- “Not especially." "W hat kind of men do you enthuse » sences fgvm home wen» frequent, bnt Christian not long, anil cm every return he >ver?’ Bath Tubs, Lavatories and Services will be held every Sunday. "My idea of a man I could love Is brought a horse with him. Older per all Lanitarv fittings— Farm- Preaching at 11 a. tn., and 8 p. tn. not extravagant. He should lx» phys- son* were more Interested In hi* ers-W e carry a line of Sunday school at 10 a. m.. Mrs. W. H. 'tcally aud mentally and morally means of livelihood. Ilut ns tn that nmtter he wns unapproachable and al Hobson, superintendent. Y. F. S. C. E. drying. He should lx» a leader, not a together uncommunicative. pumps, leader water sys­ follower. Bravery Is, of course, out» at 7:30 p. m., Mrs. R. L. Dunn presi­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. One morning there was great ex- dent. Ladies Aid society meets each »f woman's requirements. I should rttement among the Ixvrs. New* hsd like him to lx» absolutely fearless." Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., Mrs. G. D. 1 caught my breath at this catalogue come thst a hand of horse thlrvce Thomas, president. R. L. Dunn Pastor. af requirements. Since she had paus­ which had traveled those parts for JACOB SPANIOL ed, 1 supposed It was finished. Hut years had been captured and that their frleiul Mr. Fisk was leader of Methodist »he continued: "Physically I should wish him tall, the gang. The mystery of Mr. Fisk Methodist Episcopal Church, order of rather slender, square shoulders aud was solved, lie hail turned out to l * services: Bible school at 10 a. m., thin hips. HU hair should be Jet black a horse thief. Every one was Interested and excit­ A. S. Pancoast, superintendent- and fall over his head In a profusion ed and nl«corlx»d In Hie denouement. Preaching at 11 a. m. ar.d 7:30 p. tn. I of short curls. HU eyes, like his hair. Rilt the hoys, since the culprit had Midw eek Prayer and Bible Study, I **»uld be black. T'ndrr hU dark niua- tiecn their friend, wore not quite cer­ Wednesdav, 7:30 p. m. Epworth *“cht‘ at ,he »>artln* ,,f h,s »1« >» » tain Hint they were pleased at It. League, Sunday, 6. p. m.. Clark ■mile hU white teeth shouhl ap|x»ar lu They preferred to wait to see what contrast." Mace, Pres. Ladies’ Aid Society, Refreshing surely inis to me. 1 am wns to lx» done with him. Some of Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J . R. Gard­ no fighter, rather short and pudgy, tny them argued that horse stealing was ner, Pres. Pastor of the church, E. hair aud eyes are the hue of well pull- | very sinful and Fisk should bo pun­ Others contended that he Sutton Mace. si molasses candy, iny teeth are uot ished. very attractive unless one prefers gold should lx* punished, bat they hoped he ! tn Ivory, but the geld harmonizes with would get oT. Altogether, there wns OVER 6 5 YEARS i uv satidv mustache. At first blush 1 no settled opinion alxiut the matter. There was no Jail In the village, and EXPERIENCE ’ wus quite crushed under this list of the thieves were lodged In a room In beauties aud virtues, but at Frances bringing forth so many manly charms the tavem, the doors lx»lng locked and Now is the time to order a monument the very opposite of my own make up holted. The same day nt noon the court convened In the parlor of the tavern to V.* ran furnish 1 1 got mud. I “ Would you like to hear what kind of try the offenders. The Judge, the law- I yerx and other official* assembled. and a fierson tuy ideal woman Is?’’ I asked. T rade M ark * D e s ig n s “No. 1 don't need to hear, since I I the sheriff went f o r the prisoners, leaf­ ing the crowd. In which the hoys were C o p y r i g h t s A c . Abo build Stone ir t oncrete Walls to luiow already.” ATtron# «ending a «hetrh and d e s crip to r mm j conspicuous, to await their coining. nnlekly ascertain our opinion free whether an order. L»o«Tf fall to get prices bebr« I was surprised, for I had uot told Invention 1« probably patentable. Communicn- the sheriff did not return, and a i: us strictly conUdeuUaL HANDBOOK o n rn re n ts you buy her. Indeed, beiug rather practical, . Rut . * free. Oldest agency for securing patents. I had no I d e a l I was glad she .„aid ?ho.m "rose without that the prisoners J’ lient« taken tnrouirh Muiin «% Co. receive rp iai n otice, without c harge. In th e L . L. THOMAS, , give it to me. Nevertheless, since I had escaped And why should they not have es- had H|Hikcn In a nettled tone. 1 was not STAYTON. OREGON. ca|x*d? Not through the Ixdtod door. «lire but she had retaliation in mind A handfwamely llJn stfatei weekty. T.nreest rfr- f “She Is tall and thin, lias oue of those There war uo necessity for escaping ,r : fou r moiitba, 9L. ôold by all new»dealpr». bony, skinny necks that require pufiipg that way when they had a lietter. All B roidw iy, M . R i N U 0 or high collars. Her hair you would they had to do was to step out of a I î r a c c h O ffice, CM F S t , W a .h iD e t.jn . D . C. , .all TitiiHi, but it s red. nothing but window on to the roof of a shed and Undertaker a n d Embalmer | red. Her eyes are gray and the whole thence down to the ground. Having contour of her face cold aud cutting, been In a hurry, they bad dropped cer­ STORIES Oi- ,.£ N R Y . Third a n d Marion Streets i Her voice is pitched In a high key and tain articles, which Indicated their route. They had fled to a wood behind A Pro m ised V is it a n d l:na D ro ll Way It rasping." STAYTON. OREGON* “ Yonr description is particular the tavern and were donUless now hid­ W a s Evadad. ing there. The wood waa oak and Wherever oue goes one hears a story enough to dascribc some Individual.” hickory, with an undergrowth In which “You wouldn't recognize her from of ihe late O. Henry, the writer. Ev­ the hoys had chased squirrels and bad my description. You would say she ery oue In magazine circles hereabouts started partridges. Among the crowd ¡ him. and most had had n per­ has the figure of a Juno, the head of a that went on the hunt for the horse ? FARM AND CITY BARGAINS sonal experience or two. Somehow ev­ Venus, that her voice was the music of thieves were no such eager persona ns 4 BUY NOW—There will be ery story Illuminates the man. They the zither.” the boys. Had they lieeii suffered to "Is she a real person?" are not merely bumoroas tales, but a rapid increase in land val­ lead there Is no doubt that the fugitives “Certainly—Maud Baxter.” them one catches n glimpse of would have soon lieen raptured, but ues and now is the time to • through I rememliered that I had seen his characteristics, hls broad humanity ... the sheriff, whose stupidity had ed to something more of Maud nte y than ____ ' B U Y . or his generosity or hls love of the city. ,, , . . ‘y their escape, officious, pompous, nppre- . authority ‘ Robert H. Davis, the magazloe man. re- *■ rances. I plucked up a little cour- dative of I . his ordered the Nothing more safe on earth 1 la ted that on one occasion he weut age. If Frances was really l>ent on boys back while he organized and sent than earth itself. n-vislting with O. Henry down on Long marrying a god. why had I made her ^ f l i e s 'o f men. angry by my attentions to Maud? Island. Boys are especially unsafe creatures J. T . K E A R N S “It wns a very hot day,” said Davis. But, no. Surely Frances would not to Ignore. No one like* to be relegated “We bad climbed an everlasting hill. desepnd from the steps of the throne to the reer when he aspires to go to the The Realestate Man of Stayton Another greater bill stretched before on which tier king sat to trouble her­ front, and, after, all, boys nre but mln- us The sun was a disk of brass, and self about n pudgy mnu with molasses | lature men. The little fellows got to- hair. Nevertheless It wns very dust and heat and clicking Insects rose candy . ,1 . . . , . . . ,. gather, and It was at once evident (hat sidelight that , , , , from the ground. We sat on a fence to delightful „ this i , sudden t > _______ _ . . I ,b e ,r**,m * ° t »hey had received hnd was thrown in by means of Maud. It rest turned their sympathies from pursuers " ‘Is there anything else I can show appeased me wonderfully. to pursued. Among them was a young­ “You haven't heard what kind of a Jos. Sestak & Sons, Props. yoaT 1 asked him. ster tall, lithe, with wiry lunacies. He “ ‘Yes.’ said Henry, wiping hls fore- girl I would really prefpr—not oue you wns famous in the school athletic* nnd Deafters In head ‘Show me a return ticket to descritte for me. but one I have in waa a champion runner. He conceived my own inind." New York.’ fresh, Sait and Smoked the idea of hiding in the bush and ns Since I accompanied this with a “On one occasion he bad promised to soon ns started up by those beating It } plaintive—plaintive Is the only word spend the week end with Gilman n a il to personate their old friend Fisk and at his country place In Jersey. Mr. that occurs to me—look, she conde­ attempt to outrun those who would scended not to exorcise a Xnntlppe Hall bad invited him several times. Highest Market Price Paid for Stock and chase him. WbeD Henry finally accepted Hall gave for me, but let me give my own pic­ From the articles dropped some of Hides. ture. him the most precise directions. the thieves were known to I k » half I “The girl I could love," I said. "Is dressed. 8o the boy threw off his coat " T a k e a 3 o'clock train on Friday ST A Y T O N . OREGO N afternoon,' said Mr. Hall, ‘and I will alxiut your height and build. She has and pulled Ids shirt out over hls trous­ meet you with the carryall at the sta­ your eyes and lienutiful chestnut hair. ers. Then, circling nrouinl, he found i She has your amiable dl«[>o*ltlon. tion.’ a convenient place In which to hide. | "At 11 o'clock on Friday morning Mr. Fortunately for me her Ideal of the Suddenly n shout arose and the chase plan she could love Is not so high ns Hall was called to the telephone in hls commenced. country borne. The boy at the railroad yours or I should lie left out In the “There he goes!” If you have property to .«ell come staUoD droningly Informed him that cold.” “Stop, thief!” ip and list it with us, and we will "Did It strike you that my Ideal was there was a telegram for him, signed “Go for him!" find a buyer. We already have a very high?" ‘O. Henry.' “You, there; head him off!” number of choice farm3 listed. If “Rather— a combination of Alexan­ “ ‘Read it,’ commanded Mr. Hall, and you desire to make an investment These and a babel of other words der the Great, St. Francis of Asslzzl the hoy’s sleepy voice buzzed over the it will pay to see us. were shouted while the runner, like n I nnd the Apollo Belvldere.” wire. deer, (lodged between trees, darted j “Oh, that's how it looks to yon! “ ‘New York,’ he read, 'Twenty-third around thickets, following a route over We Sell the Earth street substation. Western Union Tele­ Really, didn't you know whom I had which he had often chased or been In mind?" graph company, 10:30 n. m. Addressed, chnsod by bis companions. The white, We came to a rustic sent and sat Gilman Hall. Far Out. N. J . Dear inll of Ills shirt preceded the pursuers ! Otiice next to Stayton Hotel Hall—1 have misled the 3 o'clock train. down It was not more than a minute like a guiding white cloud. Now they 1 before I felt for her hand and held It. 81gned, O. Henry.' saw It. Now It wns hidden. But they “Who did you have In mind when "Neither Henry nor n a il ever refer­ came no nearer to It. The boy led you described that godlike creature?” them beyond the wood, and there B etter let us do your printing you red to the telegram or the evaded visit "I don't care to make you conceited." In subsequent talks.”—New York l e t ­ across nil opening, hls white shirt wns may find it cheaper than you expect. Oil. heavens, could she by any pos­ ter to Cincinnati Times Star. seen mulshing Into mint her forest. sible means so torture her description What mattered It to the young ath­ to bring It down to me? What mat­ A Boswell and Johnson Story. lete that the next day when hls trick tered It? Did I not feel a thrill pass­ Boswell once asked Johnson if there was discovered he must take a thrash­ ing through her hand to mine and were no possible circumstance in which ing, A thrashing was nothing com­ running np to my heart? suicide won Id he justified. Well, the rest of It was about like pared with the delightful exeltcment New and up to date. "No,” wns the reply. of that chase, to say nothing of the re­ what had preceded except that our "Well,” says Boswell, “suppose a Clean and Sanitary. words more nearly described our feel­ venge for the insult Hie pompous sher­ man has been guilty of n fraud he ings. And I who had set out with iff had Indicted upon him and hls com­ was certain would he found out." the Idea of doing something sensible panions. But the boys' old friend Fisk never 3rd and High Streets, Stayton “Why, then," says Johnson, "In that or nt least In a sensible way had done case let him go lo some < ountry where something natural In the usually silly returned to thank them for their hav­ he Is not known and not to toe devil, way such things are brought about ing saved him from the punishment he deserved. MemfieUi & Casteel, Proprietors where Lie is known." ■ _ u n . % TOE N6W YOTI i WINES, LIQUORS, eiGARS SALEM BEER O N TA Your Trade Solicited—W e’ll Treat Y ou Riyjiit Banking Here I s Pleasant and Safe Safety of your funds is not the only advantage tnis bank can ofler. In addition to the un­ questioned safety that our strong directorate, business-like management, and well chosen se­ curités give to our depositors' money, tins is a pleasant place to do business. You’ll like the way you are received if you bring your account here, and we hope to see you do that soon. W e’ll try to make the connection mutually helpful. THE STAYTON Stayton ButcherShop Iii i: S T A T E BANK Mutts” Place JO y US ¿C CORNISH , Proprietors Salem and Hop Gold Beer on Tap G O O D and C 0 L D , Just As You Like It All kinds of the best table wines and family liquors at right prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MEATS THOMAS & LEE I ! A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity [is solicited. You are assured of a safe deposi­ tory and courteous treatment at this bank, by ample capital and long experience in the banking business. Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton, Oregon C a p ita l $25.0 0 0 ,0 0 Subscribe for the Mail