The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, July 25, 1912, Image 2

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    The S TA Y T0 N MAIL
Published every Thursday by
E. M. Olmsted and W . C. Parry
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Entered as second class matter at the poatoffioc at Stay ton,
Marion county, Orecon, under the net of Congress of March 3, iSTth
All communications should be addressed to T hk S tayton M ail .
$ .¿0
such county laws the same is ex­
empt from taxation in Oregon.
Such local county law may be
enacted, amended or repealed at
O biti ' aries - $1.60 up.
Positive fr nil papers stopjxJ tut expiration o f subscription.
have heart! many comments on the single tax amendment which it is
propped to submit to the voters at the earning election.
While most o f these
comments have been very emphatic in a t tuiic,
great familiarity with the pn \ s:
the amendment in full without
- ot
he measure.
- cue
not shown
For this reason w e
ament fo r or »c.i ast, but for the convenience
of those who wish «»en lig h ten tuanseiv.
any regular general election, or
'In subject.
The Proposed Amendment
Section 2 o f Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Ore­
gon shall be and is hereby air «.mica to read as follows:
Section 2. Provision shall l>e made by law for raisin# revenue
sufficient to defray tin expenses o f the state for each fiscal year,
and also a sum sufficient to pay the interest on the state debt, if
there be any
The word person as used io this section includes
natural persons, trustees. agents, receivers, companies, partner­
ships and other associations for profit, estates, joint tenants, cor­
porations and collective assessments to the heirs o f deceased per­
sons. The name public service corporation within the meaning of
this section includes every corporation which has a franchise from
the state or any municipality, or which in fact serves the public as
a quasi public corpora.:on, or which to enable it to serve the pub­
lic, is granteu the right o f eminent domain. The word franchise
as used in this section includes licenses, permits and all privileges
granted to a corporation or person.
(a) To provide a part of such revenue the following annual
graduated specific taxes are hereby levied:
First, upon every public service con»oration on the total assessed
values within the county greater chan ten thousand dollars ($10.-
000), of all the franchises and rights of way under and by virtue
ot which such corporation operates in the county:
Second, upon every person owning lane! and natural resources
and interests therein within the cou ty the total assessed value of
which is greater than $10,000:
$2.50 on each 1000 above 10,000 and not above 20,000: and in
addition thereto:
$5.00 on each 1000 above 20.000 and not above 30,000: and in
addition thereto:
$7.50 on each 1000 above 30,000 and not above 10,000: and in
addition thereto:
$10.00 on each 1000 above 40,000 and not above 50,000: and in
addition thereto:
$12 50 on each 1000 above 50,000 and not above 60.000: and in
addition thereto:
$15.00 on each 1000 above 60,000 and not above 70,000; and in
addition thereto:
$17 50 on each 1O00 above 70,000 and not above $0,000; and in
addition thereto:
$20.oo on each looo above 80,000 and not above 9o,ooo; and in
addition thereto:
$25 oo on each looo above and not above and in
addition thereto:
$3o.oo on each looo on all above
o f the registered voters of the
county. The county court shall
give at least 60 days notice of
every such special election.
(j) No public service corpora­
tion owns or shall own a vested
property right in its franchise,
but every public service corpora­
tion holds and exercises its fran­
chise and all its corporate rights,
powers duties and privileges as a
trustee for the people o f Oregon
and for the people o f every coun­
tv and municipality in which it
operates or by which it is grant­
ed o r allowed a n y corporate
powers, rights, privileges o r
(k ) I f any person or corpo­
ration shall at any time in any
manner transfer o r convey any
franchise or any land or other
property or any interest therein
or any part thereof to any natur­
al person as trustee, agent o r
dummy with intent to evade or
hinder the levy or collection of
any tax, said trustee, agent or
dummy shall thereby become the
owner of such franchise or pio-
perty; Provided that if any per­
son or corporation shall convey
any franchise or any land or ot­
her property or interest therein
or any part thereof to any corpo­
ration or fictitious person for the
purjiose of evading any provision
of this section the same shall be
thereby forfeited to the state of
Oregon for the benefit of the ir­
reducible school fund.
(l) All provisions of the con­
stitution a n d laws in conflict
herewith or with any part there­
o f are hereby repealed in so far
as they conflict herewith. This
section is self-executing. Laws
may be enacted to aid its opera­
tion. but not in any way to re­
strict its effect.
N o rth w e s t Clips
China pheasants are getting
very numerous in all parts o f the
(b) The amount o f said specific tax collected in each county valley.
shall be applied by the county in the following order:
First, for the county’s share o f state revenues;
Dufur is t o have a regular
Second, for the county general school and library fund:
high school course when t h e
Third, for the county road and bridge fund;
school year opens.
Fourth, for other expenses o f the county;
Fifth, forany public purpose approved by the voters of the county.
Dallas is trying oil o n h e r
and finds that for the
(c) The said specific tax upon the owners does not exempt any
days, “ it smells.”
o f the afu-esaid values from the regular general and special tax
levies of the taxing districts in which the property is located. Said
Camps are being established
specific taxes shall be collected by the tax collector at the same
preparatory to beginning work on
time and in the same manner that other ixes are collected.
the railroad from Eugene to the
and all the assessed property of an owner is subject to sale for his
unpaid taxes. On any total of assessed values to one person a re­
mainder o f less than one hundred dollars shall be disregarded.
McMinnville according to the
(d ) Water powers shall be assessed in the county where the register has put up 48 buildings
same are situated on the value per hor3e power of the water claim- this year, most o f them resi-
ed or appropriated and the assessed values thereof shall be listed dences.
by the county assessor in the assessment rolls separately from the
The Multnomah county court
values o f the lands and improvements in connection therewith.
has iet a contract for the erection
(e ) The assessed value of all personal property and o f all im­
of a public library in Portland.
provements on, in and under land in counties taxing such property
It will cost $336,365.
shall be listed by the county assessor in the assessment rolls separ-
a,‘ ''
( f ) Every franchise and every right of way o f a public service
corporation shall fi assessed and listed for taxation by the Board of
State Tax commissioners,
y and apart from the assessed
value of the personal property and impro env its of the corpora­
tion. The proper
and amount o f suc! as
1 franchise and
right o f way values in each county in which 1
corporation ope­
rates shall be certifl- d by aid b a d to the a esc -o • of air! county.
U. o f O. glee club will
make its annual tour this year
about Thanksgiving time, instead
o f at Christmas time.
Lane county Social ¡Bis named
a full county ticket and adopted
a platform on which the doing
away with the state senate is a
(g ) The Board of State Tax commissioners shall consist o f the
prominent plank.
It also en­
governor, state treasurer and secretary of state.
, governor :s
dorses the income and inherit­
respons.ble for enforcement of 1h> tax and assessment laws ard
ance tax schemes.
for that purpose he is authorize to employ necessary assistance
and to instruct and direct a severs and prosecuting officers. Said
Excited by Che running away
board is hereby authorized, subject to the general laws, to pr<- of a team behind which she was
scribe all convenient rules, forms and blanks to enforce the provis riding. Mrs. C. H. Fuller threw
ions o f this section.
her baby cut. It was picked up
(h ) Natural grow ths, deposits and o t h e r natural resources not a few minutes later, none the;
expressly provide 1 for h rein shall be assessed as a part o f the worse for its fall.
No one else
land on, in or under which the same arc situated.
, hu. i, critnor. This at Uose burg, j
-1 tmm*
-rr-im )TW i '
at a special election if such elec-1
tion is demanded by initiative |>e-
tition o f not less than 15 percent
Graduated Single l ax
a id improvements on. in and un-
dec land in their county, but ex­
cept as such property may be
assessed and taxed by and under j
S U B S O K H ’ T I O N S , $1.<10 p e r y e a r in u ilv n n o o
A aIvertisstu y. K iit . s o n n | ip lle < itio n
C ards of T hanks
(i) The people of any county
m ty at any time by a county law
assess and tax fiersonul property
— i—
— SIX—
■M unV M M M
are what count in any business. The Farmers’ Co­
operative Realty Co. was organized with a view to
getting results— quick results— results satisfactory
to both buyer and seller. And it has already made
a good start along lines that will bring the most
direct and comprehensive results.
is the first step to this end. To find a buyer, one
must first have something to sell. With the al­
most unlimited amount o f desirable farm property
¡NNj in the vicinity o f Stayton, some o f which is or will
be for sale, we anticipate no difficulty in being able
0 to list plenty o f realty bargains. In fact, a num­
ber o f splendid chances have already been placed
with us. Here are just a few o f them:
41 Hcri'8 near Sublimity,
O re.,
new 6 r<x>tn house,
house 20x60, 1J acres young ore haul, some
cultivation, 'J acres o f lim ber, balance can
spring in pasture and well at htuse.
new barn,
be readily cleared and cultivated,
Price, $4,000
67 acres near Jordan, 16 acres under cultivation, 10 acres cleared bpt
cultivated, IS acres can be readily cleared, balancu timber, new 5 room house,
and new barn, good fences.
Price, $56 per acre.
acres tract inside corporate limits o f Stayton,
improvements, close to Stayton school.
1} acres unimproved land, partly cleared, good
city limits, | mile from City Hall, Stayton.
good house,
Price $1.700
Price, $250
monthly payment, Lots adxl'KJ fur $50 to $60 each on above
they will never be worth less.
just outside o f
Tt rms.
Desirable lots for sale on installment plan,
and other
term. .
See or write
Property listed with us will be given all exploi­
tation possible.
'The advertising that we will do
locally will be only a small part o f our extensive
publicity campaign.
By circulars, newspaper and
I'j magazine advertising, we intend to reach people
who are dissatisfied at home, and who may be in-
Pj| duced to come to Oregon.
Every year thousands
o f these desirable citizens come West, and through
the medium o f the Farmers’ Co-operative Realty
pi Co., Stayton will hereafter get its share o f this im-
to list your property with us; and remember that
^ we are in a position to make a quick, satisfactory
sale for you.
Come in and interview our local
H manager. Let him explain our co-operative plan.
ras* m
y.vmmma, r
m n u
S. H. HELTZEL, Manager
Stayton State Bank Building