Happy Hollow James Mulkey o f Silvcrton drove over Saturday to attend the dance. YOU U SE N? / MOW MANY, MANY T lM IS YO U N IC D ’ SOMETH IMG O f THIS KINO. TO KILL LICE ON A COLT 0 « CALF. | TO TBEAT A CASK OF MANGE OB RINGW ORM ,TO WASH OUT A CI*T OB A SCR A TCH , T O ^D ISIN FECT A WOUND OR A RUNNING SORE OR GALL,, HOW OFTEN YOU COULD MAKE GOOO USE OFJ A RELIABLE ANTISEPTIC IF YOU ONLY MAO II KEEP KRESO DIP N?l ON NANI YOU WILL FIND IT THE SEST KINO OF NSURANCE AGAINST LOSS FROM PARASITES AMO DISC*SC. ITS A REAL NECESSITY ON EVERY FARM.' T M ia i 1» ALWAYS GOOO MONIV IN HEALTHY, THRIFTY, WELL KEPT > STOCK. LOUSY. MANGY, DIRTY, NEGLECTED ANIMALS ARE A LOSING GAME ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE . . , * U S t A 4 0 0 0 OIP ANO YOU WILL NAVE NO TROUBLE. B E S U R E Y O U H A V E T H E R IG H T KIND« .NO QUESTION ABOUT IT If YOU USE KRESO OIP NOE u n '¿ er *ir u M t u n s x i& v b i P A R K S . DAVIS fit C O . Q S T B Q iT , STOCK. paicmt Beauchamp’s Drug Store r You want Satisfaction Albert RahcriH has moved to his farm near Silver Creek for the Hummer. S u b lim ity S h ots COUNTRY COMES P. M. Hermens entertained his father and two brothers this week. Ed. Ditter and Phil Steffes re­ ported a good catch o f fish last Sunday. I Mi»» Iza Geer of Silver Cliff A number of our young folks upent Saturday and Sunday with ! the home talent play given at Me Downing are hauling bridge tim­ attended the ball game at Shaw bers from Stay ton to Thomas. Alpin Friday evening. Mi»s Alma Phillip«. • Sunday. I^ewis Ray received his diploma Allen Phillips came over from Mr. and Mrs. Antony Frazier B. Prange and family visited last week. This makes four to Staiger m i l l to spend Sunday ^*1 Falls visited at the An- at the home of John Zuber Sun­ pass the eighth grade from here. with home folks. drew Hsher home Sunday. day night. Mrs. P. H. Lambert and daugh - A. It. Siegmund and wife of The Misses Ava Darby, Jennie Frank J. Riesterer made a trip King and Mabel Rogers called at ter, Hazel, spent Saturday even­ Gervais were visitors at the J.M. to Stayton last Saturday. He the Frank Doerfier home Mon­ ing and Sunday with Mrs. Bren­ English home Saturday. traveled by hand. ner. day afternoon. The Misses Josie and Mamie Mrs. Baker spent a few days Miss Elsie Darby, who has John Huber and family a n d Bostrack of Silver Cliff visited at Portland last week where she been visiting with relatives in Mrs. Jacob Huber and E t h e l friends here last week. visited her daughter. Southern Oregon f o r several Smith were guests at the Shank Miss Edna Kelsey of Lakeview, Joe. Susbauer’s new bungalow weeks, returned home Friday. home Sunday. Mich., is a guest o f Mrs. D. L. is progressing rapidly. T h e The Fisher and Hegethwiler F..T. Thayer shipped his old Kelly at the Kelly mill. sawmill burned to the ground a - ; threshing machine from Kingston house is being built by B. Prange Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richards of and sons. bout 5 o ’clock Saturday morning. ' last week. He will soon have a Fern Ridge came over Saturday While cranking up his gasoline The origin o f the fire is unknown, fine new outfit. evening to attend the dance. engine last week, Ed. Meier had Theodore Fisher went to Port- Tuesday morning G. H. Ray Frank Carter of Whiteaker vis­ land Monday to make arrange- was awakened by a commotion the misfortune to dislocate a sus­ ited the different homes and de­ pender button. ments fon new machinery to re­ among his live-stock, and on in­ livered meat Thursday as usual. The Fuller family of Shaw, who place that burned Saturday. vestigating, found two dogs af­ are going to Florida next week, Warren Richie o f Turner, dep­ ter his sheep and goats. T h e paid a farewell visit to their num­ uty assessor for this precinct, was a Happy Hollow visitor this dogs had killed seven goats and erous friends here. week. crippled six and killed one sheep. • Herman Riesterer and Ben Ben Short and little daughter, Gescher were busy all last week, Ralph Kuenzli of Salem visited Norma, of Hood River are visit­ supplying half o f Sublimity’ s home folks Sunday. ing at the Casteel home t h i s residents with oak wood. No cold A bird of unknown species was week. shoulders for them. seen about town recently. Walter Casteel, accompanied Leo Gray, who with Joe Baker Everybody is getting busy with W. D. Bevier left for Portland has been running a ranch east of j by his mother and sister Winnie, Monday I and Miss Ella Williams, drove to their onion fields this week. Sublimity for some years, left Stayton Sunday to attend church Some of the boys played with Lance Stewart a n d Clifford this part of the country last Wed­ nesday for Portland and Seattle. sendees. the West Stayton ball team Sun. Wolfe left for Quartzville Mon. North Santiam WE T H A T IS W H A T O FFE R Y O U IN Gates Gleanings “ BISHOP’S Ready-Tailored CLOTHES” Roy Hall pitched a winning Kenneth McCleary moved to game for Shelbum Sunday. Score Camp 10 the first of the week. 17 to 3. H. 0. Bevier went to Hall’s Rev. Dunn’8 singing class or- camp Monday, where he is em- Adam Burns is reported quite ganized recently is progressing ployed. I ill with pneumonia. rapidly- The Hammond Co. have re­ McAlpin Notes Satisfaction absolutely guaran­ teed of All-W ool Materials, Hand-Tailoring a n d Perfect Style and Fit. Our prices are very reasonable for the best clothes made. $ 15 . 00 , $ 18 . 00 , 820 , $ 25 . 00 , $ 30.00 Salem W oolen Mills Store S A L E M • ..................................................... m m • O R EG O N Miss Beatrice Crawford of Sa­ sumed work at Camp 6, where Orlo Humphreys visited at the lem spent Sundav at the home of the big fire was last summer. J. King home Sunday. Miss Mabel Albee left Monday her parents. Mrs. I. V. Kane returned Mon­ Harry Chance caught a fine day morning after a week’ s visit for her home in Aumsville. Max Hill called at the W. H. string o f trout out of the waters with her mother at Waterloo. of the Santiam. He knows how Humphreys home Sunday. R. Edson returned from Port­ to ’ ’get the hook.” land Saturday, going on to W. H. Humphreys and wife F. Mack of Stayton traded his Quartzville where he is caretaker spent Sunday in Aumsville. , ranch near here to Mr. Munkers of the Lawler mines. A mot King and Miss Shafer for ^jg property in Stayton. L. T. Dike started to Pendle­ passed through our streets Sun. Frank Mack and wife o f Stay- ton Monday as a d e l e g a t e to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nott were ton, accompanied by Capt Briggs Grand Lodge I. 0. O. F. He was shopping in Stayton Wednesday. of West Stayton, visited t h e accompanied by Mrs. Dike. Mrs. Will Humphreys visited town Sunday. Angus Shaw and a friend of Stayton friends for a couple of Rev. Fleischman of Silverton Mill City drove up Sunday for a days last week. 1 preached Sunday morning and days fishing. After catching a Orlo Humphreys is home a- evening at the Christian church. few fish they started for a new gain after a few weeks s t a y He sang several selections, being place, when the horse became assisted by Miss Rosa Sperry. near Aumsville. frightened and ran away, scatter­ ing things for two miles. The Dr. Pintler’s auto broke down horse was unhurt but the buggy near here Sunday and he went was slightly damaged. back to town on three wheels. C fQ O ¡3 Men’s Summ * Ht. Pleasant gery N O W T H A T W A R M E R W E A T H E R IS H E R E , V O W W IL L W A N T YO U R S U M M E R TOGS. Comfortable Negligee Shirts Nobby Summer Neckwear Mrs Joe Morley attended the Mr. and Mrs. H. Senz went to surprise dinner given in honor of (Too late for last week.) Shelbum Tuesday. i Mrs. Broughton at Victor Point Fred Hester has purchased a Mr. and Mrs. Senz and family 1 on May 14. nice buggy and driving horse. Chas. McElhaney and daugh- went to Scio Sunday. The Gates band was reorganiz­ Bessie Shank spent Sunday j ters Elva and Lois went to Stay- ed yesterday; most all old mem­ ton Saturday to attend the teach- with Mabel Townes. bers. er’s Reading Circle. Mrs. W. R. Ray i s visiting at Work i s expected t o start Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam w e r e Lebanon a few weeks. cleaning the Quartzville road at I called to Scio last week by the Frank Lambert is to work for once. ‘ serious illness and death of their Mr. Chrisman for a while. son-in-law, Mr. Young. People are burning their slash A good number from here saw ings anticipating the usual for Among the Salem people at- ‘ ‘Ole Oleson” at Stayton Friday est fires. j tending the drama Friday even- night. and other neat goods for summer use, we have in great variety and our usual quality. Be up to scratch and make yo u r pick now. ; ing were; Mrs. Grant Ashby and CHAS. GEHLEN N o t ic e WE W AN T A L L KINDS OF P R O D U C E CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS PORK, VEAL, LAMBS, AND HIDES Wi> pny the highest market price* in Stayton. If you cannot bring your produce in, notify us by phone, and we will aend the wagon for it. STAYTON CASH PRODUCE COMPANY Q, B Trask Manager. Stayton Oregon . e . f Mrs. Z. M. Bevier went t o : son, Mr. and Mrs. Will Humph- ^ 1SS Ma^el r ° ^ nes sPe^ bat' Halls camp Tuesday to visit at urday and and Sund&y Sunday Wlth h 0 m e |reys and Miss Grace, Mr. Rich- urday the F. I. Bevier home. folks. ter, Miss Gilbert and Miss Lois A fair sized crowd enjoyed the Ashby. The Will Frame family took a dance given by Messrs. Ritzburg pleasure trip through Jordan and Hester Saturday night in Sunday. Winkley Hall. Don Ray and Herbert Shelton R. Edson the caretaker of -------- are shearing she ep in our neigh- the Lawler mining property ar­ t Mrs. W. R. Jones is quite sick borhood. rived at Gates Monday and re­ at her home in Victor Point. Clifford Frank passed through ports six feet o f snow on the Mrs. Amanda King v i s i t e d here Monday on his way t o Summit I with relatives here over Sunday. | Kingston. Mr. Mon who has a lease on Miss Bertha Schaefer o f Scio M. F. Ryan and wife visited the Savage property in t h e | visited over Sunday with friends at the P. P. Crabtrtte home o n Quartzville d i s t r i c t passed here. Thursday evening. through Gates Saturday en route W. H. Humphreys and son. Or- Mr. and Mrs. M oyd Shelton to that place. lo, made a business trip to Salem and Fax Thayer \ vere Stayton Prof, and Mrs. I. V. Kane ac­ Saturday. visitors Saturday. companied Mrs. Kane’s brother Misses Jennie and Leona King Quite a crowd fi •om here were Carl Ellis to his home at Water­ visited at the C. J. Seibel home left on the Stayton side the other loo. Master Carl has been visiting at Union Hill Thursday. day when the ferr y boat sank. at the Kane home the p a s t A number from here attended i Frank Haberm ¿in and L e e month. Oak Grove The rain which fell this week seemed to liven up the whole community. It is claimed that said showers were the direct re­ sult of our new ‘ ‘Weather Bur­ eau” with “ Nosey” at the head as prophet The theory that peanuts are only raised to eat seems to have been exploded since a member of Sublimity’s “ upper ten” has been wearing them attached to his coattail as an ornament Strange noises, as o f walking posts and tilting sidewalks, mix­ ed with suppressed outbursts o f wrath, have recently been heard. It is to be hoped that nothing serious happened, but to avoid disaster, parties more or less not o f age should not be allowed to wander about after 2 a. m. with­ out a lantern. W e s t S ta y to n School closed Friday. John Rucker made a trip to Salem Monday. Robert Van Nuys was a Stay- ton visitor Monday. Miss Pearl Adams spent Sun­ day with friends in Jefferson. W. Benham was an over Sun­ day visitor at the Capital city. Mrs. A. H. Wolf spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ike Tripp. Mrs. Andrew Fery called on Mrs. Dlvely Tuesday afternoon. Forrest Mack and wife visited at the A. Briggs home Sunday. J. Condit and family made a business trip to Stayton Tuesday. Work has already begun on ths new store. It will be a modem building. Arthur Branch of Sublimity visited at the Hombuckl« horn« Tuesday. The Misses Adams were trad­ ing with Stayton merchants Tuesday. Chas. Lowe of Stayton was about the city Monday selling patent weedere. “ Chink” Homeyer of Jeffer­ son was visiting friends about the city Tuesday. A number of our young folks have been busy all week weeding onions for the company. —West Stayton Warbler