The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, May 23, 1912, Image 2

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K in g s to n
k il l e d
Published every Thursday’ by
L M. Olmsted and W. C. Parry
M. S. Titus made a business
. trip to Stayton Monday.
E ntered aa second class m a tte r at the poetortice a t Stay ton.
Marion county, Oregon, under th e act of Congress of M arch :5. 187*.».
AH com m unications should be addressed to TMB STAYTOK M a il .
Miss Bertha McKenzie visited
the Misses Harold Sunday.
S W B S C K I I ’ 1 ' I O N S . S i ." O p e r y e n r i n a d v n n c e
A d v e r t i s i t n J K a t< .'s s o n n p p l i c n t i o n
CAltug o f THANKS S .6 0
OtUTl AKIKS $1.00 up.
P ositively nit papers sto p fe il on expiration o f subscription
E. E. Lee and wife of Stayton
called at Vern Corbin’s Tuesday.
C. J. Ruettgers and family vis-
| ¡ted at Frank Bell’s at Sublimity
Miss Hazel Bates spent Sun-
Evidently afternoon with Misses Eva ufcul
' Ethel Walker.
A scientist says card playing stupities the mind,
he never held anything bettor than a pair of deuces.
Miss Della Harold and brother
ait' spending a few days
Every time Harry Thaw says he wants to got out of Matte-
in Salem.
wan asylum the papers print it just as if it was news.
Miss Ellen Hickman spent Sun­
day with Misses Ida and Lena
In Japan they are teaching the children to write with both ' Sandner.
hands. Dp they expect them all to become politicians ?
Marion Christman of Crabtree
- visited friends here the first of
The trouble with the Mexicans is they can never tell which i the week.
side is licked, so they most always have to fight a second battle to
^ FI- lhomas and wife visited
. . . .
Clyde Thomas and wife of Jor-
decide who won the victory.
dan Sunday.
Miss {Blanche McElroy spent
Now let Thursday evening with Mrs. V.
the colonel speak up and tell if there is anything in the realm of J. Phillippi.
Mrs. Raleigh Harold and sister
possibility that will cause him to subside.
Miss Leta Neal visited friends at
Mill City Saturday.
The superior court o f Washington permits the editor of 'the
S. H. Williams and C. C- Titus
Washtuena Enterprise, who was unfortunate enough to incur a 30 and a w ife spent Sunday at the
days' sentence, to leave the jail every morning to hustle for news M S. Titus home.
and get out his paper. In doing this, asks the Statesman, d o e s
Nick Geymer and C. J. Ruett
visited at the McKenzie
the court recognize that newspapers are a necessity of life? Or
home Sunday evening.
does it imply that making one is a fair equivalent for time in jail ?
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan of Mt.
pleasant spent Thursday after­
Baker county has 1304 busy
noon at the Crabtree home.
Joe Brand and family and C.
It has been practically settled
J. Ruettgers and family attended
N ewberg’s streets are to be that a course in manual training
church at Jordan Thursday,
paved this summer.
and domestic science will b e
Mrs. Walker, T. C. Follis and
taught in the Albany city schools
Wood is selling at $8 per cord
Arthur McKenzie were callers at
the ensuing year.
hauled i n f r o m Sumpter to
the P. P. Crabtree home Sunday
Mr. Whisler of Medtord and
| afternoon.
Dr. Bailie of Phoenix had a de­
A mother bear and three cubs
Miss Hazel Downing, Clyde
bate recently on woman suffrage
were sighted within eight miles
at Talent, in southern Oregon. Downing and Irvin Corbin at-
of Baker last week.
Both sides claim the honors.
1 tended the ball game at Stayton
The state grange in session at
The Crew of thirty men who ^unday’
Roseburg rejected G o v e r n o r have been employed on Mount
Miss Hazel Phillippi of Scio,
W est’s highway bids.
Hebo planting trees, recently and Clyde Phillippi of Bend, Ore.
Chehalis high school won the completed their work. In all. are visiting their brother V. J.
interscholastic track meet for dO.OOO small trees were planted. Phillippi this week.
southwest Washington.
That the railroads aré looking
Remember the school picnic
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Robinson of for lar*e crowds at th* r o u n d u p here Saturday, May 25.
Oregon City are credited, with at 1 endleton this all is indicated gram at 10..10.
by the arrangements they are and bring your well filled dinner
raising a four-legged duck.
making for accommodations.
There are more than 7500 auto­
It is understood that already
mobiles in the state, ranging in
applications have been filed with
value from $200 to S6000.
the officials of the Clackamas
Ill-feeling still continues over Southern for every position of
the proposed Willamette river the company from superinten
steel bridge near Corvallis.
A. Frank was in Portland on
dent to section boss.
last week.
Senator Beume has withdrawn
Taft says he will quit if Ohio goes against him.
Northwest Clips
Rocky Point
his objection to the confirmation
of Leslie Scott as U. S. marshal
o f Oregon.
C lubbing
O ffer
Three grocers of Chico, Cal.,
have been poisoned by eating
toadstools, which they thoug
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal,
were mushrooms.
0ne y e a r ..............................$1-50
The state running congress has The stayton Mail . . . $1.50
been postponed from June until
some time in August, the date T o t a l ....................................
not settled upon y e t
Both Papers One year,
Four men were burned to death
in the forest fires at Dempsey’s
logging camp near Bird’s View,
The Semi
in Skagit county. Wash.
W eekly
Oregon Journal
Our school closed Friday with
appropriate exercises.
Adam Burns is quite sick with
pnemonia but is improving.
W. H. Downing and wife were
Capital city visitors Saturday,
Helen Hunt went to Salem last
Saturday for a short visit with
W. E. Tate of Union Hill was
sacting business in Stayton
H. Tate and C. P. Darst
\7Z ^
Thé Nile temple of Shriners o f Publishes the latest end moat complete
Geo. Downing has gone to the
Seattle attracted the most atten |
graphic news o f th e world; gives
, tion of any delegation attending reliabh m ark et rep o rts, as it is pub­ Hot Springs to run a pack train
this summer.
the Los Angeles convention.
lished at Portland, w here the m ark et I
The old Christian church at news can be and is corrected to d ate ! M. W.' Hunt went to Salem
I t « 1,0 has a pm^e of Wednesday to visit his sister.
•fiugene will be removed a n d or each
the farm and home, Mrs. B. L. Steeves.
transformed into a girls’ school
page and a page
in connection with the Bible uni­
Mrs. W. H. Humphries of Mc-
n. e - h w eek, and it Alpin visited at the home of her
*oes to the subscriber tw ic e every son, Pearl, Sunday.
M. J. Lazelle, editor-in-chief of
104 tim es a year.
the Oregon C i t y Enterprise,
W. A. Weddle and family of
seeks new fields of labor. He
Stayton called at the A. Frank
The Stayton Mail
was too big for the job, says the
home Sunday evening.
Gives all the local news and happenings
A, C. Barrows of Oak Grove
and should be in every home in this
and E. C. Downing attended the
Fred Hibbs of Nenamusa Falls ' vicinity.
Jersey cattle sale of R. L. Burk­
expects to put an auto truck in
The tw o papers make a splendid com­ hart of Albany on Monday.
commission soon, as a freight
bination and you save $1 by sending
and passenger car to and from
your subscription to us.
A young man at Reno in the
The shortage of the wool crop
on account of scarcity of feed
and storms in tyarch t -oughout
Montana. Wyoming, etc., w i l l
mean good prices.
We can also give our subscribers a
good cJuhhmg offer fo r the Daily and
Sunday, or Sunday Journal, in con­
nection with
University of Nevada recently
won second prize at bread mak­
ing. Ht has already had seven
offers of marriage from the fair
M A I L , divorcees of that famed city.
an o th er .
Feasley W ith a Dullat In Hia H aart
Shat H>a Opponent Dead.
In hi* liook "V igilante Onjra and
Way»” N athaniel I'ltt l-augford. the
author, tells thin «lory of a typical
double tragedy of those tluie«:
'One of the iuo«r m emorable tight»
In Nevada took place hetwaen Martin
tta rn b ard t and Thutuaa I Vu«l«y. Pen*
ley wna a itinn of striking presence
and line ability, lie hml licen «er
gvnut at arm a lu the Nevada «»«cinbly
In a quarrel with llarnfanrdt at O a r
aon City be hud lieen wounded In the
arm. Itnth ilnriihardt and IVaaley
claimed to he ’chief,’ nlwnya n autll
cleat oauae of quarrel between men
of their «tamp. Meeting IVusley one
day n fter the tight. R nm hnrdt taunt-
Inglj aaked him If he wna aa good a
man then ax he waa a t Oaraon
•• T h is.' replied IVaaley, ’la neither
the tim e nor place to teat th a t ques­
"Soon a fte rw a rd w hile Peaaley wee
«ented In the olttce of the Ormaby
House In Carson engaged In converse
tlon with aonie friend» B ernhardt en­
te rs ! and. approaching Urn. aaked.
‘Are you heeled T
“ 'F o r heaven's saka.' rejoined Peaa­
ley. 'are you alw ays spoiling for a
light r
“ 'Yea.' cried B am hnrdt. and w ithout
fu rth e r notice fired his revolver. The
ball passed through Peasley'a heart.
Seeing th a t be had Inflicted a fatal
wound, H am h ard t fled to the waah-
room, closing the windowed door a fte r
him. Peaaley mee and staggered to
the door. T hrusting hla pistol through
the aa»b. he tired and killed B a rn h a rlt
Instantly. Palling back In th e arm a
of hla frtenda. they laid him upon a
billiard table.
“ 'la B am h n rH deadT be w hispered
as life w as ebbing.
“ 'H e la.* waa the an sw er given by
tuHf a doxen sorrow ing friends.
“ ‘It la well. Pull my boots off and
send for my brother Andy.* an d with
these w ords on hla lips he expired.”
Three le e e n tisls Fer Suesess.
He who would succeed must arm
himself with thru* vital nnd moat net-
aesary wen turns- first, he muni have
ceaseless Industry: second, he itmat
b are lluiltlesa am bition of pur|a>aa;
third, he m ust posse»» unquenchable
euthu«laam, coupled with a determ ina­
tion to succeed Given these three and
something else beside#— the gift of Im
agination -and It m atters not. I be
lleve. whether the life of a man be
glus In a cobbler's shop or a grocery
stora or w hether It begins In such an
Illuminating Joyfulneas In beautiful
things aa (but which brightened my
•arljr childhood With any beginning
success will, of a surety, b# hi* who
makes himself truly deserving of I t -
lto w an l Tide In W om an's llom s Com
pan Ion.
Woman of S ahara Rule tho Mon W lh
Rod* of Iron
Tbo T uaregs, found lit the vltnyet of
Tripoli, are descended from tin- A m o
Haul of old. who In the fourth eon
tury took l.eptla from the ltom.ui«
afte r eight days siege
Among the T uaregs w rites Ilium
Vlacher In "A cross th e F ahnra.'' It 1«
man. tho brute, who hj nil the laws
o f tbo country has to oliey the women ,
Descent la traced through the m other
Woman show s her proud face to all
th e world, while the man goe« veiled
In th e pretence of n woman o f unhle
birth men cover their faro« and hen 1 «
altogether The women itive the rh t'
dren what little Instruction tlu-y h” •*
and train them to respis-t and «!*■•
T he stick he carries n " l the crest
Professional Frida.
A local pugilist was brought before
a police m agistrate charged with as­
s a u lt Said the m agistrate:
“ Prisoner, com plainant says th a t you
willfully and uallctonsly knocked bis
h at off ”
Dp spoke th e accused, pride In bla
"No, your honor; I d idn’t knock hia
h at off. 1 knocked him from under bis
but*K~Nuw Turk Tim es
w o o d e n ts>x I n t o w h f e b •
hla wife suffers hlui lx h:'i e tire nil I i--
man possesses and nil he retains If for
some reason his wife rtw*>*ns to th
vorco him
In Obnt when a man roe« out after
sunset he Is oannlly followed bv a n*
gro servant, «enl by Ills wife to dm-
his ate|M. nnd woe to him If he forge's
himself or eoines home too late! lie
will And th e door abut nnd m ust count
himself lucky If he la not put on to the
Hla Way.
“At th e beginning of each week Tlte- atrect altogether
The young tunn who In aplte of all
wad gives his w ife the money to run
w ants to m nrry m ust pnv a heavy
the bouse on darin g th e week.”
sum for the bride, to obtain which lie
“I supposa be asks her how much
la obliged to look for oth er means thnn
money aha w ants and then hands It
bla uaual work for the Arab trader
over 7“
T hus he Is forced Into taking part lu
“No, bo asks her bow little she can
one o f tbe minimi rhnxxlaa
get along w ith and band* th a t over."—
T he women decide when the right
Houston Post.
moment haa comer and the men sally
forth against aome luckless caravan or
Toe Muoh Nothing.
to the rich highlands of Tlbeatl. I>e
“T his cheeae la full of holes,' com
tro ll Free Press.
plained th e prospective purchaser.
"Yea. air,” said the proprietor
Egg* Fer the Invalid.
“T h a t’s r ig h t”
Toast a piece of bread nice and
“H av en 't you got one w ith the boles brown, beat np ati egg very lightly In
full o f cheese?“ —Louisville Courier- a bowl, then boll one and a half cups
of milk, sw eeten and while hot pour on
the egg and add the looet cut Into
Who fears Is w orthy o f calamity.-
atuall piece»
Ben Jo noon
An Artiatie Flower Qroup T h at De­
ceived a Freneh Kin*.
The m anufacture of Sevres w are la
one of the oldest and most character­
istic arta of the French. The Sevres
potteries have long been under the di­
rect control and patronage of the gov­
ernm ent and are In receipt of an an­
nual subsidy.
A royal porcelain factory waa first
established at Vlncenne* In 174.1 under
Ixiuls XV. and produced many notable
pieces of ware, particularly bouquet a.
On one occasion. It Is related, bla m aj­
esty waa the victim of a practical Joke.
One of th e exceedingly lifelike bou­
quets having been placed In hla green­
house by Mme de Pompadour, the
king on bis next visit to th e place
stooped and In all good faith attem pted
to smell the rare exotic.
T he factory was tran sferred from
Vincennes to Sevres In 1750, since
which d ate It baa sent forth w orks of
alm ost Inestim able value. Porcelain
pastes, colored by m etallic oxides, are
now compounded th e re which resist the
action of the most flery furnace, and
the enam els and glaxes have a marvel­
ous transparency and luster. Almost
every tin t which can be Im parted to
porcelain is h e re — white, turquoise,
blue, all th e greens, th e delicate rose
pink which baa received the nam e of
I)u Barry and even scarlet, one of
the m ost difficult colors to retain under
the Intense heat of th e baking fur­
Sevres porcelain has alw ays been
an ex ten siv e prodnetlon, for th e roost
«killed a rtists have been employed la
its m anufacture. Form erly the finest
pieces wore made solely for royalty
and were sold only by royal permission.
The prices paid In modern tim es for
some of these specim ens have steadily
increased until they bnve become s ta r­
A Man Who Really Hatod^Womsn.
A will of n confirmed woman hater,
write« Virgil M. H arris In "Ancient
Curious and Fam ous Wills,” Is th a t of
a rich old bachelor who had endured
much from attem p ts made by hla fam ­
ily to put him under the yoke of
m atrim ony and who w rote: "I l>eg th a t
iny executors will see th a t I am burled
where there la no woman Interred,
either to the rig h t or to the left of me
Should this not l>e practicable In the
ordinary course of things I direct th a t
they purchase three graves and bury
me In the middle of one of the three,
leaving the tw o others unoccupied.”
Pernmlcnn. the prepared food used so
much on polar expedltlona. consists of
two parta lean m eat and one part fat.
with tw o ounces of raisins to th e
(icund. Only the choices; cuts from
the choicest l>eef nre used T he lenn
nnd the f s t and the raisins are ground
and mixed and then packed In her­
metically sealed cans. I t% eaten raw.
It la fro ien when th e tim e comes to
use It. and cooking would d etract from
Its n u tritive qualities.
S tartin g th e Feud.
'T h e baby likes to play w ith my
“But you don't tru at him with It
when you are out, do you?" Inquired
her ealler.
And thus a coolness arose between
two women who had been lifelong
friends.—W ashington Herald.
Tem per causes the greatest affairs to
he decided by the most paltry reasons.
It obscures every talent, ev
ery energy and renders Its victims In­
™ e “Bee” «« “B bb ”
BAILEY & BERG, Proprietors
Your Trade Solicited—W e'll T reat You Right
T h is is the season for building. We have al­
ready built up a reputation, and you probab­
ly havetoo;but perhaps you want to build some
thing that requires lumber. W e have on hand
10,000 ft. N o. 2, 12 inch boxing, rough
10,000 ft. No. 2, 12 inch boxing, sized.
A large stock of 6 inch ship lap.
Lee Brown & Sons
to any smoker, but they
prove themselves delicious
smokes on actual test.
Our Cigars are favorites
with the critical after the
first trial. T h ey are made of the choicest selected tobacco
in a cleanly manner. T h ey last long and are fragrant and
enjoyable, just try one and see if you can resist the tempta­
tion to buy a box.
The Gem Confectionery
J. A. H E N D E R S H O T T , Proprietor