THE GOOD OLD SPRING MEDICINE No v lilmxl pure, rich in color mu) full o f red corpuscles, and inrressed circulation the system thoroughly clcanaod o f Impuritiea and invlffors- ted. That'« what you need this miring free yourself from the con­ ditions ariaing from an Indoor life —gather renewed energy and vigor for the coming sumrnur inontha, A bottle of Nyal’ s Spring Sarsaparilla will make you feel Kke new Clennaoa the blood and makes it nourish the system stimulates the liver, kidneys uod hliullW and naaists them in their functions. If will route your energy to lop notch, brighten the eyes, clear the brain and give you that springy step accompanying perfect health you will feel it too. You won't enjoy the summer—your work will hang in fact uvurything will be unpleasant unless the whole system is cleansed and placed on u new basis. - Nyal’t Spring Sarsaparilla will do it—and wc never heard o f a case where it failed to do as we say. All this for $1.00 loo full doses to the bottle. We expect to be here in business a good many years. The only way we can do It is by treating every­ body right. That's our policy. Beauchamp's Drug Store ELOCUTIONARY R ECITAL AND ENTERTAINMENT Choice Recitations, Readings, Music Humorous, Serious, Comic, Pathetic Come and enjoy a pleasant evening at the STAYTON O P E R A HOUSE Friday Evening, Feb. 23 8:00 P. M. Sharp Admission 25c and 10c Given under the direction of the “ Loyal Sons” and ‘‘Loyal” Daughters” Sunday School classes of the Christian church, for the benefit of the church Gallery Fund. A special Price on Amer­ ican Steel Wire Fencing C O ME IN AND SEE ME BEFORE BUYING SEEDING TIM E IS C LO S E A T H A N D » - I handle and carry in stock the Ken- ^ tucky Double Disc Drill Guaranteed h to work at any time of the year. C0UN7PX CORfiESPONI FOR THE MAN WHO SHAVES HIMSELF . We carry razors, Strops, hones, Brushes,Mugs, and an excellent line of creams and toilet waters. None better on the market and our prices are moderate. W H A T ’S THE USE of wasting your health, time and m oney in using reme­ Mrs. J. Bohnsack and daugh-i Happy Hollow ter left for Portland Wednesday.j dies that you know nothing about? You can purchase one of our Family Remedies which are prepared for just Mrs. J. R. Shaw and son Law- j your disease, and which are adapted to the needs of this Ernest Kelly of Boise, Idaho, is a guest at his father’ s home. j erence left for an Albany visit l particular section of country. If your name is not already Monday. Mat Burnet and wife of Silver on our books, w e invite you to open a monthly drug Last week M. G. Sheperd pur- ^ Cliff were visitors in the Hollow account with us. chased the house occupied by J. i Sunday. W. Brock. Alma Phillips and Winnie Cas­ Mrs. J. W. Taylor of Detroit teel were shopping in Stay ton visited at the home o f C. T. 1 Friday. Baseman last week. A1 Rossiter o f Portland is visit­ Get your Easter Cards and Post Cards Here. Gladys Hill and Christina Tate ing his cousin Charlie Rossiter of New and popular designs. spent Sunday and Monday at the I Happy Hollow. home of J. T. Potter. J. M. English and family spent Work is progressing rapidly on j Saturday and Sunday at the Sig- J. T. Potter’s mill. Two mills in j mund home on Fern Ridge. Mill City. Watch out for street | Miss Ella Williams who has cars next. been visiting in Stayton the past SALEM OREGON Mill City is having more new [ few days returned home Satur­ walks laid this year than for the; day. last three years. Keep the good ; All the young people of this vi­ work going. cinity as well as many of the old. A very enjoyable time was had j er ones drove to Fern Ridge on at the home of Gordon Dunn’s! A Grand Feast of Bargains---Closes FEBRUARY THE 29TH Saturday evening to attend the COME OR SEND US YOUR ORDERS NOW dancing party given by Frank Saturday evening, the occasion Siegmund. Ail report a most being a suprise party on Miss FLANNEL- Outing flannel, TICKING— Blue Striped tick­ Flava Dunn. I enjoyable time. ing, heavy and worth three stripes, checks and plaids. Jas. R. Barkley the famous j times price asked. 4c yard Humorist and Cartoonist will be 9c yard North Santiam at the Opera House, Friday, Feb­ GINGHAM S-D r e s s Gin­ ghams, soft finish, checks, BONNETS- Ladies’, M i s s e s ruary 23, 1912. a n d Childrens Sunbonnets, stripes, plaids, colors Grandma Chance is spending a Polka Dots and Stripes few days in West Stayton. 8 l-3 c yard Squabtown 5c each DRESS GOODS—Serge dress Quite a number attended the goods: tan, navy, Copenhagen CAPS—Men’s and Boys’ caps dance at Shelburn Saturday night Several boys from our neigh­ K ,e. they 10c each 22c yard Master Cleo Chance has a sore boring town of Hootville came hand caused from a bum from a home late Saturday night singing “ Putting Down the Rye.” stove. B r e w e r Drug Co. THE CHICAGO S T O R E WHITE Miss Ca’ line Blinkins broke The “ warble” of the “ Bull Frogs ” is now heard about the out a front tooth at a taffy-pull “ berg. ” Does this mean spring? l a s t Friday night Ca’line.s mouth looks like a graveyard G. Wolfe was called to Salem now, with one tombstone miss­ on account o f the illness o f his ing. daughter who resides there. Sam Simpleton, old Sim Sam- Mrs. S. Faulkner has been quite pleton’s son, wants to get mar­ sick the past few days, having ried. Sam will not shy at any­ , been under the weather for some thing that can make a rustle like I time. a skirt. Girls wake up! This is Can, t tell by th e’looks or the your chance, Sam is a good pro­ | tune of Mr. Frog how far he can vider, he just butchered a lump- jump; maybe same can be applied jaw steer and two sickly shoats to the weather. last week. A party was given at the G. Squabtown has been trying I Wolfe home, quite a number for several weeks to raise money ! being present. Games were to fix our streets and some o th -! played and various other amuse­ er good things but a few of our | ments indulged in. A good time merchants are so tight and hide-1 was reported and the crowd de­ bound that they can’t shut their parted at a late hour. mouth and eyes at the same time. One is bound to fly open. Pink Nubbins came h o m e drunk the other night and tried to play a tune on the piano with j Calvin Goddard was an Albany an ax. His wife took him by the slack of the pants and threw him visitor Friday. out on the woodpile. Pink stay­ Mrs. Henry Kaplinger is on ed out till he sobered up and the sick list. came in with an armful of wrood Mrs. P. W. Brant visited in and made his peace. Fox valley last week. - Squabtown Squawker. j Henry Reints spent a few days in the valley last week. J U S T IN W e are agents for a big Chicago tailoring house and have just received our new line o f spring samples in Men's Tailored Clothing They are made to order, in latest styles, patterns and fabrics. An endless assortment to select from. CHAS. GEHLEN «“ J & , Stayton Cash ProduceCo. Mill City Locals C EM EN T , LIM E, BUILDING P L A S T E R A N D LA N D P LA S T E R are new lines. I hand­ le them in lots to suit and sell as i low as can be bought anywhere. A COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL HARDWARE ALW AYS ON HAND A T ------------------------------------- DEIDRICH’S HARDWARE I ■xm STORE Master Cupid often feathers his arrows with a nice box of Con­ fections—they go a long way in gaining marked at­ tentions from a lady. So, sir, if you arc seeking to ingratiate yourself with some fair one, here is your chance. Get a nice box of our pure and delicious chocolates, bonbons or caramels, and send them as an advance agent of your esteem. You'll win the lady all right. The Gem Confectionery J. A. H E N D E R SH O 1 T , Proprietor Mrs. A. A. Shaw visited in Al­ bany Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Clyde Bress|er of Detroit was a city visitor Friday. Miss. Flava Dunn visited at her brother Gordon’s Sunday. Mrs. Alexander of Albany is visiting her mother Mrs. B. B. Butler. Dr. C. L. Ransom returned from his Southern Oregon trip last week. R. S. Shaw and family return­ ed from a month’s trip in Calif- 1 omia Saturday. Mr. Elliot of Lebanon visited over Sunday at the home of Gor­ don Dunn’s family. J. A. Rankin and F. R. Olin l attended Masonic lodge at Stay- ton Tuesday eve. James King and wife of Al­ bany visited at the home of F’. Wesselenski last week. W e Buy _ E G G S , P O U L T R Y , H O G S. V E A L , HIDES, Etc. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR PRODUCE-Farm ers Bring Me Your Produce and Get Cash in Return. G U A R A N T E E F A I R T R E A T M E N T LEE KERBER, Matnager A number from here attended Edna called at the Lambert home the Leap Year Ball at Stayton Sunday. last week and report a fine time. G. W. Caspel and wife called at the A. C. Barrow’s home Sun­ A few from here attended the Clifford Harold called on Mr. day afternoon. & dance at Kingston last Friday Thayer Tuesday. night and had a fine time, so Mrs. Andrew Fisher and Miss H. Senz and wife spent Sun­ they say. Violet Anderson called on Mrs. day in Sublimity. J. King Monday aftenoon. Spring seeding has been delay­ Mrs. P. Lambert spent Sun­ ed on account of the rain, but it Miss Ethel King spent a part day with Mrs. W. Frames. is to be hoped that we will have o f last week with her sister Mrs. Mr. F\tson spent Thursday ! some nice weather soon. M. M. Gilimour at Union Hill. night at the M. F. Ryan home. A number of our young people Mrs. Ida Huber spent Monday attended the dance at Victor afternoon with Mrs. F.T. Thayer. Point on the 14th and report a Linn Lambert, who was injur­ very pleasant evening. ed last week is recovering rapid­ The Misses Charlotte Gretty, L. C. Nott and wife spent Sun­ ly. • | Bertha Mollet, Annie and May day at the C. J. Seibel home. Bessie Shank spent Sunday Lew Doefler is spending a few Tate called at the C. J. Seibel night with her friend Marguer­ days with friends near Mehama. home Sunday afternoon. ite Ryan. Miss Anna Slagel who has been G. W. Slagel made a business Frank Lambert was seen out teaching near Salem has resign­ driving Sunday with a new bug­ trip to Salem one day last week. ed her positon on account o f her Miss Jennie King attended the health and is now visiting her gy horse. reading circle in Sublimity Satur­ sister Mrs. E. Palmer. A program was well rendered day. at the school house last Friday Andrew Fisher and wife were Farm for sale—2 miles east o f Jor­ afternoon. dan. 362 acres, 2 houses with out­ H. Senz has been working in visiting relatives in Stayton Sat­ buildings. Price $55 per acre. Suit­ able for two parties. Stayton the past week helping urday. fit. Pleasant The many friends of Elmer Dawes of Portland will be griev­ F. Van Erman. ed to hear of his serious illness. Oak Grove Mrs. W. H. Tate and daughter 2-29-x Joe Schwint.