B U S IN E S S L O C A L S . J A C O B S P A N I O L - T i n n i n g and plumbing o f all kinds SStf EAST SALEM VS. STAYTON JUNIORS GARDNER & HOBSON, HAVE GOOD STORE The junior team o f Stayton held an interesting session on Sunday last. F H Thompaon. M D, phymieian and Both teams worked hard for the victory Stayton Concern Carries Up (O surgeon, Stayton, Oregon. *3 and had Cole, who releived Robertson Date Line at Low Prices. Wanted—Stock hoga. Phone or call on the mound for Stayton been in the box earlier in the game the verdict may- on Geo. Spaniol, Stayton. H tf This same boy D entistry-D r. W. N. Pintler. office have been different I You m - will ... be gyeatlv surprised Cole will bear watching. He has a over Do id rich’» Hardware Store. 49tf when you step i^to the store of variety o f benders that would putale q i ' & u * There you B. F. Pound. D M D, Dentist, of more experienced players than ^ j fin d ^ T u p tO d i S 'atOCk' " o f ~ 1 mer- fice :oom 6, Roy Block, Stayton. 39tf visitors o f Sunday, which combined | ch a n j is am i a t T 0Xc e e d in g ly lo w ; ft*. . u - L i— .. , Wanted - T w o or three copies o f the with very fair control makes him a the jclass o f L Roods, art^ 03 S yton Mail o f March 16. Leave or formidable antagonist. The boys from f t afe quoted at less Salem seemed totally unable to solve ^ an gaje p| send to Mail office. and in the main the problems presented to them by the P 1 . l ^ ifch merchandise " For Sale—A t a bargain, family or Their stock of, " * Ì V m r e s p p o S u - ufU ally b rin " g hotel coffee mill and a computing S~>«- I j“ ? - -------- r -------- 7 - * tier's Store. Stayton, Or. 1 sible for the majority of the ' nine runs shoes ------ is ----- c e r ta in l , ^vorth anyone’s Trotter piled up by the East Salemites, but time to look OVe , ¿They have an For sale -Tw o young milch cows, with the advent of a new pitcher the e x c e lle n t lo t 01 and ends both fresh. Also billiard Uble. Call the locals gained Courage and fell upon . . u * _ , . w ' nK or write David Msngle, Stayton, Ore. the pitchers troin the cherry City for a , small matier o f six runs. It was the CUll p rice. J 10t2p best game seen on the local diamond Hosiery, ' W h it Wanted--A pasture o f 100 to 200 this season for although errors were t jons a re WO i ii i * j ,, o f "enuntrv acres with water in it suitable for quite numerous the energy and interest in the game displayed by both teams buy a l ‘ KmdS Ol COUntTJ horses and cattle. atoned for their tack o f knowledge o f produce, such as Bacon, Lard, Mayro McKinney. Turner, Or. the fine points o f the game. W e hope etc. Gardner & Hobson can THOMAS-MAYO CO. TOILET ARTICLES M E R C H A N D IS E ü bet: the m e juniors ju n iors in m action m iiiu u again again soon, please you with prices and qual­ $80.0) per month salary and expenses, tojsee The score; Salem 9, Stayton 6. ity. a llt f to men with rigs, to introduce our Poultry Remedies. Don’ t answer unless you mean business. Eureka Poultry M fg. Co.. (Incorporated.) East S t Louis, I1L Special rates— For the next thirty days we will launder all famiy washings at one third discount and on all piece and bundle stuff we offer a discount o f 10 per cent Stayton Steam Laundry, Stayton, Or. 9t* School AT I f you have well located land or busi­ ness proposition for sale at a reasonable price, write ms st once enclosing self- addressed envelope for reply (owners oniy.) Address, J. C. Ross, 816-2nd Ave. So., Minneapolis, Mina. 9t4 Pay your electric light bill within five days after the end o f the month and get a discount o f five per cent Stay- on Electric Light Co. 35tf JETER GETS 1800 — In the case o f W. L. Benham vs. J. B. Jeter, tried this week at Salem, Mr. Jeter was .given judgement for 5800. This was s condemnation proceeding to secure a right o f way through a small portion o f Mr. Jeter’ s property for the irrigation ditch. About one and one- fifth acres will be used by the ditch company and about an acre o f this amount is a fish pond, through which the ditch was dug. MASONIC SILVER KNIVES AND FORKS— 2.10 Manicure Set.................. 1.69 Entertainment 2.35 Manicure S et.................. 1.83 9.85 set 24 pieces............ 5.35 Toilet S e t.......................3.98 :.3.50 1.50 Collar and Cuff B o x ... 1.09 ° 6.25 2 .7 5 .................... 2.00 set Oyster Forks At 8 O’ClocH irf the Evening Recitation* Dialogues Instrumeptar& Vocal Music ..................... 5.23 " ..................... 4.98 86c Silver Bon Bon filled . . . 67c 35c M irr o r ........................... 24c 2.98 . 1.39 8.4‘J 3.10 8.69 3.75 Toilet S et....................... 2.67 7.00 •• 4.25 Silver Cake Plato 2.75 Set Brushes................. 1.98 APRI “ 1.76 Berry Spoon......... 5.75 Toilet S e t .......................4.69 10.75 Toilet S e t ................... 7.69 r 5.00 Silver Knives & Forks 4.15 2.85 Tailet Set....................... 2.19 HALL OF M E R IT 2.12 1.17 W e P a y T o p Market Price for All Produce. 1.25 Hat Pin H o ld e i...............89c 76c M irro r.................. Comic Recitations by Prof. C. M. Kendall of Albany More N ew W hite Goods B7e 60c Hat Brush......................... 39c N o w in. Grocery Dept. Dry Goods Dept. Calico per yard 4c Gingham per yard 6c Ladies hose good quality, pr. 10c Burson hose per pair 25c Ladies chambry waist 47c Ladies linen waist $1.25 Good towling per yard 5c House lining bolt lots per yd 4 3-4c 3 lbs. washing powder 15c A m i & Hammer soda per lb. 5c 6 lbs. Arm & Hammer soda 25c Admission 15*25c One large can of syrup extra quality, full weight 40c Savon soap 13 bars 25c 3 packages rice flakes 25c 5 pounds of rice 25c Good coffee 2 pounds for 35c 3 pounds of onion sets 25c 2 five-cent boxes of matches 5c Proceeds go to Turner School Ljbrary \ NOTICE Just received another shipment o f new spring dry goods, consisting of silks, toweling, corsets, hosiery, waists, notions etc. We Save You Money. S-T-AYT-O-N » *’ Only eight more days at the Great Sacrifice Sale at Kleckers The entire stock is still in » \ Twelve pairs 560, were tak In IheCoumty Court of the (lu te of Oregon, Woolen Mills las for thu Count/ of Marlon. I n , the m etier of the K «t*te o f loseph K ttel, were given the oj deceased Notice I. hereby «Ir e n that the n n d er.l(n eil ing the blankets Notice of Final Settlement I the hands of E L L I O T T 7 B \ R . O T H E R S Who have noregaM 'fon the Merchant or his Goods. Come early and investi- I A gate the Goods and Pi ices.as it is your own fault if you don’t get what you . J \ want. K L E C K E R ’S STAYTON’S BEST STORE iolut executor, of the I*.t Will and Ttttament , , ■ T h of Jo»*j>h Kuel, dccru M , h »»e Sled iheir p ro m p tly returned > final account In the Count/ Court of the mate ol Oregon, for the Count/ of Marlon, and that Monde/. the Mb day of June, 1911 at IDo'cloek In lha forenoon of .aid da/ and the Court Room of .aid Court hare heen appointed tiy .aid M a rt a. the time and place for hearing objections to aald final aceouni an.I to the acttlement thereof. A ll peraona are hereb/ noil fled to appear and •how caoae, If an/ there he, wh/ «aid I atMS ahould not he flnall/rloH fd and .aid executor, finally dlachargtd. rr.T«n t. m r .i, <•! OA 11**1«* •TI..I., Date of flr.t publication A p ril in, I.A«t Ms/ I Kxecutera. Guardian’s Sale. V 7 i Notice Ii hcreh/ given that on and after Ma/ 16,1911, I w ill proceed fo .e ll the reel «.ta le (I• r. mutter dSftrlbed "t private .a b -a n d o n and after .aid date I » I I I reeel re M d . for .aid p rem lw ., which p rem lw . above referred lo are d o c rih e d a. fo llo w «, tow lt; beginning at the Northw e.t corner of the (le o rg e Neal and w ife 1». I.. C. No. 4», and run­ n in g thence .oiith V6 d e g iu e .c s .t /J.-M chain, « lo n g the we«t bounder/ lin e o f .aid Halm ; 1 thence ;ca»t 50.7* chain , lo the d l/ l.fo n like ] between the e a .te n d w .«t lialreji of .af- line of .aid ll. V. C „ 1« Ii chain , lo an In tcraugle on the north bounder/ of .aid Ii. I.. C., thence north 01 degree. Wert 10.», chain. : to «n angle oil the north bonodar/ of .aid P. I L. <., theace «outh S9 degree. W w e t , *0.04 ehaln«. to the place of Ix-glnnlng. Containing If.) acre., morn o r lea* and being a part o f the . Ponatlon Land Claim oi (ieorge Neal and wlfa, > ! In tow m h lp 9 .onth o l range 3 wear o l the | W illam ette M eridian In Marlon Count/, Oregon. I will sell either for cash or half cash s'ld balance to be secured by mortgage upon the premises with interest at the rate o f 7 per cent per annum. Bids may be made either by mail or orally. I hereby reserve the right to rejeet any and all Bids. This land lies near the ; town o f West Stayton. M a m n d a J. W a d e , Salem, Or. As Guardian af the Estate o f Millia A. Neal, Infirm. May 11 April IS, ets, valued at the Staytcn , JThe culprits unity of return- acing trial and nketa. A splendid *|Hrimcn o f the rhinook salmon was c Tom Smith on Monday evenin' small trout ro 1 and hook was the apparatus need* I to Ian I tl.c fellow« It took an hour to land him. WHY N O T Become acquainted with a Bank whose service is just what you require to fur­ ther facilitate your business? The Stayton State Bank Reorganized April 6, 1911 with $25,000 Capital Stock fully paid in cash. We assure you courteous and reliable service. Call and let us go over the mat­ ter with you. C H. BREWER, Pres