F. M. H ENLINE DIES SUDDENLY BUSINESS LOCALS. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL^ CAPITAL For Sale—20 pigs about seven week» old. K. Minten. 62tf JA C O B S l* AN 10 L Tinning and Pioneer of Stay ton Neighborhood plumbing of all kind» 33tf Claimed by Heart Disease.— I F H Thompson. M L>. physician and surgeon, Slayton, Oregon. 43 W hat O u r L a w m a k e r s Are D o* Funeral is Held Here. Dentistry Dr. W, N. IMntler, office ing and O th er Interesting -------- over Deutrich’s Hardware Store. 49tf E v e n ts . F. M. Henline, an old resident B. F. Pound, D M D. Dentist. of of this vicinity, died suddenly of ^’ce K°°m 6» Boy lilook, Stnyton. 39tf heart trouble at Salem, on Thurs- ""lk delivered at your door t>i Washington —That the Canadian and the the funeral funer?' w vea« per quart. W. K. Jephcott, Stay reciprocity agreement muit stand or day last, and as; 1 ton. Or. 1 2 tp fall a» a whole In the Mouse commit- held here on Saturday, Rev. For Sale Cheap iwo Singer Sowing tee on ways and mean» was made Hunsaker preaching the funeral machines in good running order. Mrs. j clear by Chairman Payne at hearing* sermon. Louise Henkel, Kingston, Or. 62t4p before the committee. The deceased was born in Pe­ Up to date work at Mack’s shop. A A proposal of Fordnry for an oria, 111., in 1845 and came to new man, Key Morris of San Francisco, amendment of the lumber schedule Oregon in 1851. In 1865 he was v ill be with us permanently. Give us a and unother in reference to a possible amendment of the item making bar- married to Miss Charlotte Cole, trial. Dog licenses are now due and will be- ley free were met with the uuequlvo- who died on April 3, 1910. The come delinqueut March 1st. All dogs, cal statement that the committee family has always resided in this $2.o0 each. Pay at Fisher & Richard- would summon no change of nnv vicinity. sou’s store. Item. Deceased is survived by three Send them to your friends. Brewer’s Notwithstanding this, the pressure children, Mrs. Mary Thomas at post cards are tine and the price for the : brought to bear on the committee Portland, Sylvester, at Dallas: present is only 10 cents per dozen, j has resulted in the granting of hear- mgs to all persons who appear In and Harvey at Salem. Mrs. S. Brewer Drug Co. Painting and papCrhauging of all Washington prior to 6 o'clock next Burson, a sister, lives in this city. ,, „I -n- ,i - , „ kinds. Prices reasonable, all work guar- Thursday afternoon This date waa Mrs. Mary Phillips anothot & 1 >U! t_au or write me at Buster fixed to permit TaclOc Coaat lumber­ lives near Albany and a brother House, Stayton. E. J . Fry. 51t4p men to reach Washington and make is in the Soldier’s Home at Rose- Pay your electric light bill within five statements. Tariff Board Bill Dooftfbd. days after the end of the month and burg. Due to the promise made In the All the children were here to ¿et a discount of five per cent. Stay- Senate, the committee on flnnncu will ton Electric Light Co. 35tf attend the funeral. submit an early report on the Presi­ Funniest cards you ever saw at the lowest prices you ever heard of. Only ten cents per dozen for Comics and other lines at the Brewer Drug com­ pany’s store. We can place your money on first mortgage real estate security at a good rate of interest. Office over the Chica­ go Store, Salem, Or. Phone 1552. John H. Scott Company. A few choice lots still for sale in Annex Xo. 1 to Hollister’s addition to the town of Stayton. at reasonable prices, address, Mrs. Maud Hollister, 921 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 51tl2 THOMAS & SON GENERAL STORE Clean-Up Sale Is On Underwear Dept. Reductions all next week in order to make room for the large shipment of spring goods that will arrive in a few weeks. $1.75 Gents' Wool un'wear $1.38 1.50 “ 44 44 1.23 1.25 44 44 44 .98 56 piece Dinner Set J. & G. Mckin, regular 14.25, sale 12.10 103 piece Mekin Dinner Set, regular 26.65, reduced to 22.45 54.90 set Haviland China, re­ duced to - 47.35 4.25 press cut if lass Water Set 3.20 44 Berry Set 3.15 4.20 44 Water Set 2.25 3.00 44 Berry Set 3.20 4.25 44 Salad Set 2.38 3.50 44 44 1.87 2.50 4 4 44 1.37 1.75 44 Cake Set 2.47 3.25 dent's bill for the creation of a tariff board. It will be forthcotfling prob­ ably in the latter part of this week, OSCAR W. UiVOERWOOD. and the prospects are that It »¡11 re­ ceive a stormy reception. A la b a m a C o n g r e s s m a n Who Will 3.50 Men’s Sweaters, sale 2.95 Several members of the committee, Hoad Ways a n d M e a n s C o m m itte e including congressmen of both par­ 2.50 ” 44 44 1.97 ties, are opposed to the bill, but they 1.50 44 44 44 1.23 decided at a meeting not to wrangle over the bill In committee. They con­ foe-- D ep’ t . sidered . to be the better pol'ey to f* \ These are regular prices: return It to the Senate so that the , 43 We have a nice line for ladies Issue could he settled in an open fight . • Jk . v i Broom c and gentlemen. on the floor. [ V J 77c Five gals. Kerosene Borah Advances Direct Election Bill. 3.75 values reduced to 2.97 \ ■ - M t Better grade Headlight ^ gal 1.00 •4 «4 Senator Borah, supported by Pro­ 3.00 245 gressive Republicans and Democrats, 4 4 44 F. A. Robertson has installed at his * 4 *. 2.50 1.98 44 44 garage a big Bowser hydraulic gasoline made tremendous advances through 2.00 1.63 tank and plans to keep a supply of the the lines of the old guard Republicans 44 44 1.50 1.15 and placed the resolution for the pop­ oil on nand at all times. 44 44 ular election of senators In a most .75 .62 Guaranteed Pure Lard, no bet­ advantageous position squarely in ter at any price, ; lb. pail 85c front of the enemy's goal. SNOW BURIES EAST Postal Banks Have Won. Ten pound pail • 1.65 Huge Drifts Hide Chicago and Tracks "If the necessary appropriations | We have some very pretty dinner Can’t Be Cleared. 10 lbs. good Table Syrup 45c were available, I would establish a sets that will be sold at reduc­ Chicago.— The snow storm that postal savings bank tomorrow in 500 5 44 44 44 25c tions all next week. struck this city, Ailing the streets additional cities and towns of the 1 sack Corn Meal - 30c with huge drifts, delaying railroad United States." This statement was 3 lb. pkg. Washing Powders lec 42 piece set English ware, reg­ transportation and temporarily tying made by Postmaster General Hitch- ular 8.40, reduced to • 7.25 Columbia Wheat - 30c 9 by A m e ric an F re e s A sso cia tio n . up strect-ca- and elevated train ser­ eock in view of reports of the first vice, has passed on to the east. month’s operation of the postal sys­ The loss to traction, telephone and tem. The reports are most gratify­ Eight Slain in Coal Mine Riots. te’rgraph companies ¡3 estimated at ing to Mr. Hitchcock. Salt Lake City.—An armed upris­ 11,000,000. Surface transportation Hltchcok has recommended to Con- ! ing of Greek coal miners at Kenil­ companies came to a practical stand­ gress the appropriation of $1,000,000 worth, Carbon County, Utah, was still for several hoftrs. to be immediately available for the suppressed after eight men had been extension of the postal savings sys­ killed, one man mortally wounded and Try the Stayton Mail for job print­ tem to be a considerable number of several others slightly hurt by flying postofflees. ing. Up to date in every particular. bul'ets. Secretary Hitchcock Investigates. i Inefficiency, insubordination and mismanagement have developed in the railway mail service and are likely to result In an upheaval, per- naps in a reorganization, of the entire > service. Postmaster-General Hitchcock Is --JJ ■¡.■-■■B" thoroughly Incensed and makes no concealment of his indignation. Re­ cently he has been conducting a per- - sonal investigation. Rumors reached Washington from several points that | changes in leading officers of the ser­ vice were imminent. -’ I l i Jefferson City, Mo.—The Missouri . i His investigation, he indicated, had capltol building was totally destroyed j disclosed that orders had been Issued lit* by subordinate officers placing upon by fire. The total loss, Including the the employes unreasonable and in building and many records and state AT THE E V A N S some instances humiliating burdens. papers, is estimated at $1,000,000, with no Insurance. These were promulgated in the name Sunday, F e b ru ary T w elfth Lightning which struck the dome of the postmaster-general, although he knew nothing about them until shortly after 7 o’clock, spread the 36 CENTS PER PLATE flames to the roof. Because of the > after investigation. inadequate water pressure, the fire National Capital Brevities. A fierce attack on the coal land could not be reached, and no aid leasing bill of Senator Nelson was could be rendered for some time by Soup W hile the foot i gio v r .ig or.e p a ir o f ill- the local fire company. The peni­ i issued by Gifford Pinchot. Chicken u In ( hifTonado fitting ¿hoes m a y cr "e foot deform ities th a t Secretary Nagel has issued an or­ tentiary fire department was called w ill last through lift. Relishes der which is expected to remove any to the scene and the convicts worked heroically, scaling walls and taking Pfif)thoriey pickle* Pickled heel* | friction between the United States W e m ake shoes * -ri'.dren as w ell as for Celery and the Chinese government over the e Chicken a la Maryland as 11 u i thought to wearing government school sections 16 and 36 House records practlca'ly neecs tat- ed the work of the present session Pork with dressing embraced In the fort t reserves and qualities and style a3 the shoes being done over. to take in exchange .-ompa-t bodies fo r the older people. Vegetables of forest reserve lands of like area Mashed potatoes Green | eas Number 8520 W hen buying shoes — no The satisfaction and roleos' ct the and value. Ladies’ Pc tent Colt Dessert Semi-dress Shoe m atter fo r w h at m em ber o f the No matter what bill may , be passed $.'>5,000 mortgage on the 8 ttn r cld Lemon pie Apjde pie by Congress providing for congres- townslte foreclosure was cel. hr.'led fam ily insist on Cream dañóles there with fireworks in various parts | sional reappointment, Oregon will gain a third member of the House of the town. Tea Coffee Milk and Washington will gain two. Idaho, | The total rainfall recorded at Al­ however, will lose out If the caucus 1 ^any in January was 10X3 inches. bill is substituted for the Crumpacker More than half of this ra'n ’ail fell In three days, on one of which a new ; measure. For the first time in the history of , recor<1 wa* established. 44H IA W A T H A ” L IN E FO R C H IL D R E N The total enrollment In the Alii ny the government, the Vice-President of >:"* the United States exercised hi* con­ t ubllc schools for the £«' r : stitutional prerogative of casting a ter Is 1072. Till* is the nighe :t eu vote to break ties. By hi* vots he ro lment ever listed In the sch> ols saved frt Impending defeat tb* ship and Is an increase of 18 per cent over the enrollment Inst year. •Ubaidy bill. Sweater Coats. Umbrellas. Grocery TRY OUR LARD Dishware Dept We always pay all the market will stand for produce. Bread 5 cents loaf, delivered free STAYTON - - - - OREGON MISSOURI’S CAPITOL BURNS TO GROUND i MENU Children's Shoes Made asTheySl Ma The Got zi an Situe FISHER & liiuiiAROSOii THE EVANS