- - LOOK! ' We Sheep Shearing Ma­ chine for sale by us. Iowa No. 2, $55. Birdsell Wagons, wood wheel farm trucks, steel wheel farm trucks as low as $30. lime, cement and satphur spray solution. Machine and harness oils. McCOR.vUCK Iidtfwr.i “All the World Loves an Oliver.’’ A neat bit of sentiment and a true one; but lovers must eat and, therefore, plowing must be done. Right here let us suggest that the Oliver Chilled Plow leads the procession for first-class work. BIN D ER S. We carry the McCor­ mick Binder and Repairs and we can furnish you M C O R H IC k M O W E R • with all parts and extras. YOU CAN’T BEAT OUR CULTIVATOR Five-tooth Cultivators, com­ plete with wheel, can be gotten here for $4.25. YOU CAN REACH US BY ’PHONE, OR SEND A POSTAL; WE WILL MAKE PRICE RIGHT. New vertical lift McCormick Mower and repairs and sections, all machines. “ Evil Communications Cor­ rupt Good manners,” hence you should fight shy of the pirates” who say their im i­ tations are as good as the hand Made Harness that is made in our shop. Stick to it and neither your manners nor morals will suffer. “ Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone.” But, all the same, “ Sum m er and winter shall continue, and seed time and harvest shall not fail,” Moral: Whether you laughjor cry, use the Stand­ ard Spring Tooth Harrow in preparing your ground. Use the Corn • ing Spreader; it’s before all others. We have several of these in use which give eminent satisfaction; pleased customers are our best reference. Buy the Honitor Drill. Adapted for ail kinds of soil, notably for the soil of Harion and Linn counties. Reduction is still on. Buy Plymouth Twine We will aug- jig. ment our present j s u p p l y with a big stock as the season advances. We have Ply­ mouth Standard, Plymouth Extra, Manila and Pure Manila Twine. BEV/ARE of giving orders for twine BEFORE getting our prices. W k ü ttm - n P U T YOUR M ONEY - » ____ “ * < .......i i . f point you. There’s a reason. J i THIS FINE BUILDING IS « ¿ ; 2 - OUR HEADQUARTERS, n E w m l m P f I -Luuv I ; JMN* I Korinek S i I é S ài 1 i «Mun 1 § IW W F ^ 1 j W W % IFITTE aRT^Ir JN,,TT | and your trust in the McCormick Hay Rake, and your haying will not disap­ j* “ Each heart recalled a different name, But all sang “ Annie Laurie.” North and South America, Europe, Asia Africa and the islands of the sea, compliment us by using vast numbers of Plymouth Twine. However much they may differ on other things all unite on the Plymouth Twine. S t a y to n , O r ego n . ir n iiü i M i iiniMiiiW'MirniHrrr One Shovel Plcws. Two Shove! Pb*7?. Wagon Jacks. Tongue Supports. Grass Seeders. Hand Com Planter. New Nelson & Lemoon Rubber-Tire-Setting Machine and can put new rubber tires on your old wheels. We will gladly quote you prices at any time. W H A T O N E H A N SAYS: “I would n’t do without your win- rower for less than $100. Finest thing out. Enclosed find my check.”—F. Herrling, Stay-ton. Oregon. A pessimist is a believer in “ hoodoos,” while an opti­ mist delights in “ mascots.” The Corn King Spreader is as good a mascot as any farmer could desire. > > Mielke, Carry: WHEN YOU ARE BUYING A HARROW Wt havc the all stccl harrow and it is the RodcHck Lear.. We also ha vc the C ton 60- tooth, guard rail, harre -, all sizes, at $13.75. No. 50 Canton Plow, at $11 Use the Bickmore Gall Cure for Sore- Shouldered Horses.