ÏH E STAYTON MAIL. STAYTON. OREGON m Comprehensive duuuuury of News, View» and Event* Written by Mall Correspondent* m FOR «R L ive W ires of ‘The G arden Spot* Attention,Company!! - ti 9R : FARMERS W àt ^ tion to our stock of new goods W. II. Enfila* was in hcr» buying up stuck cattle. TRIUMPH. W e desire to call your atten­ • t a r t o u Mall TRIUMPH Mur. 8 - Several of the . I have now arriving daily, believing young people of thin vicinity attended my stock received the entertainm ent at lndendence. All that Buggies, Carriages and Hacks. | | Do Come in please and look Highberger Sunday. our stock of Dry Goods, G ro­ ~K.'(i.\.Sigmund£andtwtfe v le lte d a tth c Kefurm Schu»£Sunday ceries, Shoes riuMie from here w h o " T T ^ ^ S ^ ? R dram a at Happy Hollow were J . E. itn-hards * ih I wife Paul Zolkoek, Caroline Francis and Lauaenee Hiegmumi and Jeaale Probat. Wagons, over. Buggies aud Surreys, made by the visit. International Harvester and I »ay it wa* fine. and Crockery Company Gardner & Hobson. Fine Linen Tablets moderate sized pocketbook. Will have sample of Auto Wagon Ocean Wave Washer 9.50 match. The 1900 Washer 8 Steel King Ball Bearing 7 15c to 25c at Stayton Pharmacy, PHILIP MEIER, m Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon. S C -ß c »s ' DON’ T BORROW TH E TIM E. You can have it your­ self a* a very small cost, considering our prices. Everybody can afford a m timepiece. E. R O Y, Tne Reliable Jeweler, Stayton, Oregon. BUSINESS D IR EC TO R Y 1r>, IS IS s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s # wé y ^ IL B U K V. PINTLE», D. M. D. DENTIST OAa* m m Wmt Keek'* Stava friend is an ac­ quaintance who does net tell ail he knows atout you." 11 c would i:c glad to see Electric Lights going into your house. W e believe if you got the habit you would be pleased also. “ .4 R a t io « ti n r t o c i o ; St Nicholas, for young people, ST A Y T O N M A IL , 1 Year, w ith : Breeder's Gazette, Chicago Porcîj Port!:; fc. Spray Pumps, Pruning Shears, Garden Drills. con. ano Journal (Semi-Weekly) $2.05 inum ai (Sunday) 3.00 • • •irnal (ihii’.y) 5.60 ' animal (Duily and Sun.) 8.00' (Weekly) 2.06 9.25 (Daily and Sunday) 6.50 Telegram (Daily) i .degram (S a t edition) 2.50 1.75 nal (Weekly) 4.50' rmal (Daily) esman (Semi-Weekly) ■ 2.00 - : r c /, D . 0 0 tesman (Daily) 9 nn 2.00 1NJ 'in th ly 2.00 ! lorries tend 1.75 it Poultry Journal . 5 (Daily and Sunday) 7.00 ;.rt"S (Sunday) 3.50 Week World, New York 2.15 iiM W . ig h s t s STAYTON, . OREGON W hen in S tayton CALL AT THE * IMPERIAL SHOP FOR TONSORIAL ATTENTION 1.80 4.90 3.90 2.50 60 YEARS’ E X P E R IE N C E P atents '( r R f W v « no H Tn«oc M snas DtsiGN« CO*> RIGHT* A c . J S S ffZ Z Z lS S S * * B i i î w n p u w i m»« ?" î ï '. L r , 7 7 ' opinion r r w w hether an George Davie, Proprietor. CITY MEAT MARKET Sestak & Stowell. F reah , 8 a l t e n d S m o k e d M EATS HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAID FOR STOCK AND HIDES Stayton. O regon W. H. Queener m v mutton ’• p r o h n b l f p * t e m « h |e f C o m m n n ir a . k- HAÌÌBtOo« ~ K S S Oldest Agency fo r eerunn« Datent« G r*. PstcM « t *ken JU voaih M unn A f V re i¿ V e ip te in l notice* w itn o u t cb«r«4. In th e Scientific American. A h»nS»onielT lllm rtm te«, w ee klf. le r r e e t elr- eulatm n n f » n r »i’ie n iin « Ina m a l. Term » I» ■ V o w b r« II newsdealer». Lawyer and Notary Public. Conveyancing, Collection* and Probate Bunines* A Specialty. B e n i Estate Sold and I.oana Negoti­ ated. Kire and Accident Insurance dtayton, PETER DEIDRICHS. lM /lM /lM /lM /tM /tf /if c if / Oregon. Chari«» l)ar*t, one of our moat pro*, pruua farnier* ha» ju*l got a phone on the In d rpndeu i line. He p u t hi» line up Thursday, a**i»trd by E.w in C arter an d H cb in itt Hroa. Alfred Peltreon hauled baled d ra w M onday. Mr*. M. W. H u n t of Portland ,Mr*. J . T i H u n t and Mr», H ill called on Mr*. l>ar*t Friday, itA tA tA tA tA tA tA tA tA tA t/ih if / l b LANCEFIELD’S SHOE STORE if/ New Line of Ladies’ Shoes U \ if/ (f/ Very elegant style. l'p-to-1 he-minute. Superior in duality^ if / t if/ if/ if/ if/ ÎÏAtAtAtAtAtAtAtAtAtAtAb if/ if/ If/ M A M A tA fA b M M s A. L. Shelley made a business trip to Stayton Saturday. Ralph Casteel spent Sunday with Andy Cornish and family. Nick Highberger spent Sunday with Pete- Welter. Charlie Staiger is busy cutting down trees and getting logs ready for his saw mill which he is going to operate this spring. Anton Rauman visited s t the Kitzingcr home Sunday. Theo Highberger visited Arthur Shelly Sunday. R I N G O U n d e rta k e r and E m b a l m a r o o ü i c Clubbing ° Rates. !!heCom r ner (Week'y) Century Magazine ($3.85) okxqob J.| M . Stayton E le c tric L ig h t Co. T T T fp i AT Hot Doughnuts and Full Line of Pies and Pastry at New U. and i. Bakery, Second Street, Stayton. Ciarenoe H u n t took a bunch ol •heep to hi* lather'* ranch a t Union Hill Thursday. How truly wonderful to***, And atrange indeed to tell; Hut drinking Kucky Point t«*, Both, make* aud ke*|>a you well. Complete stock of j » » ilßjR KOOKY PO IN T, Or., Mar. 3—T ha D ram atic club m et Thursday night. with Linen Envelopes to C. A. Beauchamp. r f r *? 1 ? : : > Yours For Trade, xu,inn Mall t arrc.|Hiii