t t THE SÎAYTON MAIL, STAYTON. OREGON Editorial Booster Page of Stayton Mail. ROCKY POINT. Will W llllS Y L U fllM Mi«) ton Mail l'orr*>|><>ii»(“ father’» last Wed nesday. Recognition o f the Strongest and Weakest: Let This He Our Platform. streams and .nowhite mountmn. rioe. "*‘w ' l " » " * " ' Th" M**'1 '• * « • » • X Mr. and Mrs. Mei ble passed thru our O’er looking foreal, lake ne»tli inmnier| il’ur,ml «"•* •* crmlit t o l l * home town E n t e r e d a t t h e p o s t o fiie e tit S t a y t o n . O r e g o n , n s burg Thursday on their way to a larger »«ure skies; m a ll m a tte r of th e s e c o n d c la s s . fort hi ml Journal: Slayton Mail, 15 town. Where fragrant (lower# bloom and j year# old, moved into new quarter#; Norri# Hunt railed at Mr. Hill’a Subscribers W ill Confer a Favor on the Publisher by Paying Up When Due. give perfume to every one a good local newspaper. \ \ eil nesday and purchased atine rooster CHORUS ©ìifcbler Dntcfer! while at the house. 9tnu gebt e« mir nodi in mein» * * O there ts where 1 want live, in • ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « ♦ ♦ • « « » « * Subscriptions When Coming Due Are Shown by Cross X Mark Once Only. Q|j Rocky Point. Carry Nutt of Uni.in Hill wa# s alte Dagc |d)ier nod), mie rnt weije Salomon: e« fumntf ni) © ftw e r un i ealler to our city Wed nesday. i 0 there is where I want to live, in lurtle midi perfiebre. grand old Hocky Point. The Union Hill Dramatlo chili ...et Wann idi it)rtf uf bfm llfif ©ifter bel* $ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ m e ♦ ut thè eh urch for prnctice Those wlia fer flffoil, mie uf fm alte. Do fjnb my home, there joy ha# come and Baptist ailendetl weie l.ucilennd ld n y Itobarda M fdiun fli bar © riffe frifflt, alle delight to he, Sund.y Mol.ool at 10 a. m. H. N Imi Aslihy, Mae and Ihek Tate, Marion »*»»*» ©ittWeiWer, WOf HI 1 1 mir mi* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ With gentle, conrtant, happy oues Huntley, Su periti tendent. UNI TED STATES MAIL. Hunt, Wayun Aslihy, and Max Hill banble turili. Se froge, rt> idi nrt endearing life to me, v V — rn Woljichrn fjät, nifi iPorlrinf)js.ni By cherished choicest charm# of love èu iifrtmifd)i\ CM bdb iufdjt flrladjt, Catholic s am R. m - ».a» a m. i , . . . . Miniti. By I via and El win Carter and wie id)’« flflfif bob un bann bie p m. .• *’ p m to hopeful spirt» known. Ctlt'ROH or THK I mmacklatk CoMCXI’ Clarence Hunt. #:«5 p.m. 2:15 p. m 1 ©riff* in b’r Off fleftrrft. Cn Writ«* 7:;*> a m. .*2:S0 p m. Turner. Salem. C on iam i lion, Stayton; Rev, A. . Lainck, CHOHVS mfitfd) bun «flftttaiin alPfr Mfint »ii T ari a.ni. 2:#U p.m. l.Ton* ami Mehs.ua Tom Hill was a 8uhlimity caller SAIO a.in. vtx. a m. priest in charge. High mas# second, g ì li* «uni. Scio. Ac.. fllnWif, |e bratidjl jn 1 d)t ju iaflf J:45 p.m. My heart is there, 1 want to live in • , fourth and tilth Sunday# 8.30 a. m , Saturday it has been solved why it Ifr. bann Ifit ab Mutt rn STBorfdit Outgoing m ail» d ose 1 « miuute» ticiorc lim e grand old Kocky Point. »latcil, except when m ali »lago i» laie. Hour» Priest’s address: Sublimity, Oregon. takes Mr. Hill so long to get toHuhli bruf. ®c Mrfibt bfnmiffl: Shedufed are approximate onijr, dependent on I Sly heart i# there, I waut to live In! mity ami hack the reason is he has to arrival time o( «la«e». Mall Intended for . s ,,if?fi Iiftnfr $an«jörfl! Ofr- S t . BuxtrArk’ii C atholic C hurch , point» beyond town» bulleUned »hould be grand old Kocky Point, »ee the ladle# all lumie dial Inbbft bodi. baft id) tidi bfnmiffl reckoued accord.ns to route LONO MAY IT W a VEI Sublimity; Rev. A. I.ainck, rector Sdjtm Kd Tate wa# seen on our street» brrfi. bficlji id) fllftd) $)id) Low inns# S a. m , high mass 10:30 Some sweetly sympathetic thought oit birle Sobrf Ir« id) t r i ©riffe un id) a. in , tlret and third Sundays in the | early Sunday morning, brighten dreams of night. Paper W ill Stop If Blue Cross Appears ♦ Churches of Stayton t Stayton Time Card Fami fd)irr nrt warte, bi* bte JW* tuia funiml irbe ©od), ©te Tu bann Irgfdjte Summer lanqf »irt ONDS are the equivalent of credit, plus cash, and 90 «mg their fltght iirfdjririur bofd)t, mar id) baiifl, ^ . r . To kindly visit eartu, and leave their percent of all the business of the country is done on dewey kisses on märfdd Dcrl*id)t (ifftormr. 9 Tau bob J. T Hunt and daughter Helen, id) amrr nefrbnr, bah Du nod) am Christian credit. CHORl# called at (lie Kohard l.m..eat Oak drove firme bifdjt unb bnfj Du bofdjt Dei Bonds do not constitute a mortgage on your property, The flower# growing around tne homes Services the tirât and third Sundays ©iftrr nrnime Ioffe grab mie Du alle* Preach | «»tunlwy. Uev S. K. Childers, pastor, weil auBfltidfl. So en nnfer alter merely a tax, and all property is taxed. A man might as well in grand old Kocky Point. it.g at 11 n. .... and 8 p. in. Sunday Mr. and Mr*. Jake Stniger called at ©ianti! bab id) au inir jelmert flffabt To remind us we are still remembered school at 10a. i»., Mrs. \V. H. Hob* the Rohard home one evening last argue: “ Well, my horse is taxed (bonded): therefore I can unb icb bab flrnb mei SPlftnb uffle- »on, superintendent. Y. P. 8. C. K. week. not sell him, because he is in bond and will be taxed again iu graud old Rocky Point. mnd)t. bafj td) Dir fdjreime mot. I\or - at 7:30 p m, Stephen Taylor, president MnrtinSmith of Oak Grove wa« seen Arab plehn rau«jufumme: mie batfdjt next year. I have no wish to ramble, nora foreign Lillies Aid society meets each W.-d- D ii flleidje, Dei ©orbitiflbau* ufju* on our streets Saturday. By issuing these bonds we, in our lifetime, can enjoy land to see: » nesday at 2:30 p. rn., Mrs. (juick. pres geme un Dei iremetb mit mir ¿u Mr. Tucker of Macleay, wa# In our madie Y Cüd) bin ni ©infralì, ebaut the advantages of good streets and city improvements: we My home, it is the dearest spot of all ident. city last week. this world to me, finfjifl Cfobr alt. roieg 175 ©unb in can almost immediately have enhanced property values, ’Tis a place where true and helpful mei Strunipforfe, bob en nett fife MSthOfllSt C. J. Hunt railed at Mr. Gilmore« which will enable us to double or treble our resources, or love, so many deed# have done. fitiiufcl net meit oun mo bie YlUen* first Methodist Church, Stayton. Rev. F. Hall Reeves, pastor. Preaching taun ficibr gebftltf merb, mit en bif- assets and, lastly, our money, if we want to sell. CHOR PS first and third Sunday» 11 a. m.. and Tom Tate wa» »re., on the Heaver fel Warte berbei un regni nod) nt Those who come after us will help bear the burden of I want to liva ! want to die ingrand old every Suhday evening at 7:.’» ; S. S. Glen »toe* farm S.iurday. Cot. ©i« bo antic bob id) ni Panbt)* 10 a. m., A. D. Gardner, superinten -1 fd)iU>pd)f flfbaltc — jufdjt for JJfit* all these good things, and with a growing city (which will Rocky Point. dent; ^ons meet every F.iday at7:30 Alberl * r‘" ,k “ H,,e m I' °< oerbrfib; amer mann mir en ©argen be made possible by a bond issue), there will be 1 ^ taxpay­ I want to live I want to die in grand p. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Schmitt this week. madie fenne, bann geb idi ffH uff. ers 20 years from now where there is only one today. old Rocky Point. Methodist Episcopal service# at Me- >|r Thot.....of S.lvei creek U.ught an. ma «Du au fdjaffe braudje bälfdjt. hama second and fourth Sundays 11 \ some haled straw from Albert Downing miir fo en biffel ju helfe im fiauß, Should these bonds be not issued, there will be no more a. m., at Lyons same days 2:30 p. m. | fetter im (Hang balte. ¡Roble bolp< this week. taxpayers then than now, and the moss will be still thicker bie ?tfd) fortbragr un im Summer Francis Prangs, the Sublimity u.er b’r (Harte un bie ©lume tenbr De« on our slumbering brows. > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ « « « » « ♦ I Following are the schools making the letter merb Did) gut fubte, mie td) chant called at Mr Hunts tin* week. Look at Portland! Look at Salem! Look at Albany, or highest average in the Marion County au« ent« nun Deine ©rief gefehlte spelling contest of Feh. 4, 1910: J T. Hunt took his drill over to bab. Suppohfen, Du fummfd)t nädp Eugene, or any other of a score of cities we might name! " A ” division, one-room schools. Sublimity Friday lor repairs. fte ©unbog nimer, mich ¿u febne ” B” schools, having more than one Such places have invested, and profited thereby. t^abr bie ^ämilten Strofi nau« mit Some of the hoy# gotgume one night Stayton conditions are not exactly the same as those in room. bic fieftric Car bi« näcftft Aum i?äbr* this week and went coon hunting they Pet. Principal. Dist. grunb un bann frog iitfdjt noch b’r other places: local conditions must govern any issue. But report very good luck. “A" T. TUI WID THU s*< ©oQt) Schee, un eenig ebbfr fann Did) W. J. Smith 95.3 106 W. Hurt of Union Hill »a# seen on in mei .$au« birefte. De« ©eiter n ~ 3 4 8 u Marie Garrow 7 91.3 « * our streets this week. merb fid) bann Putt felmert finne 7 (3 8 <> I O 11 1 2 85. r 91 R. L. Young 9 iau nergefj net. ©lit Piel Cieb. “ B” Mr. Gilmore called at the Hunt 1 3 * * I S 16 1 7 18 1 0 Dei ©onp." 71 99.1 home Saturday afternoon. 2 0 2 1 2 2 23 2 4 2 6 26 be smaller— certainly so by comparison— than we are today. Rebecca Smith Dunnerètag nodiemol! hab id) ge­ M. Anna Nash 99 94.9 27 28 20 30 3 1 Mrs. Hunt and son Norris, were fällt. mie id) ben ©rief griffe hab. In the news article on our front page we cite a score of Nellie Colby 91.7 77 Sublimity callers Saturday. Die meent ©ißni«! Cicc,*i*ionortii«fourteenti> Warwick home over Sunday. contaii.su number of i..iresti.tgariicli s geme. (Hrab mie id) mir gebenft hab. 175 ©unb hot fe gefaht! (Vb wett fe Vila* I’ hillipi will soon occupy on the subject of »praying, ii.i.rketing offices, sidewalks or depots. We venture to sav iust i his T * wife. * ? ¡ I T T T wap ° HurccHfifijI ' ""” ,“’"' r 3a J n that i d i JUM lie ' attiick in Phillip* property. i« 2 7 5 . So en Unmufter! Die ijjerj* and packing of fruits, in addition to gegrb gnu} mit ©peí imermnchfel (fti one peanut shell placed between the collar and the epidermis |every »«»»#« *