The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Wi: . a Population of Only 1,500
It Has City Ownership.
flnefors. Hext in fine come the fore­
men o f construction ganga, the clerks
employed at headquarters and dually 1
the cantonniers, or patrolmen.each hav­
ing from four to ■«•veil kilometers of
Lesson VIII.— First Quarter, For Reasons Why France Has Best
Feb. 20, 1910.
Highways In Europe.
All Assisted In Aiding Pond Croak,
Okla., to Publicly Conduct Watar and
Lighting Plants, Making It tha Boat
Kept Town In tha State.
T*xt of tho Lscson, Matt, vii, 1-12.
Msmory Verieo, 7, 8— Golden Text,
Matt, vii, 1C—Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
> I•.t»•«»!» years ago tint Aral street
II r I i I h <>f I’outl ('reek. nut) in Una south-
««■r.t ..f Kanaaa c ity , in « r a n t county.
Oktn.. warn tho campfires o f the set- SWiicftter Irticfer
•I' to . say* the Kansas City Ktnr. That
ßftidjtc Sum m er foot’# gefteeftr,
win ihu nliiht o f tli« o | h ' ii I iii ;, wlimi imfj bit* S&lrtt but uim ergrf); id) îoecfj
tlioii oiik I n of home seekers rushed mvu net nirij on roeflem '¿cifl, aturr
madly netow I hi* Iirnlrlo. The 4.000 or id) beni c» mar im Juni.
2 c fl ftät
moro persons, moatly men, who Mop­ |d)im aft Ijappnc feile, i$ cnocr nie net
ped on the town alie o f Pond Creek fumine, un jo bab id) fcU öefdjtoäfc
were uot disponed to give the atreet flnr net in ?ld)t germinine. 3d) ftab
lighting tjueittlon even na much na a jiifdd (ìefal)t: ¡L'cft fe grfte, roemn SU*
thought. They were Interealed In find­ leb flrfjt, bann get) id) noe pi) m it!
ing homes, cMtahllnhlug 11 hualuena und '.'lioer ciel Ücit fjen bran glaljbt un
supplying the liiitiiedlato nsceaaltlaa o f fen arg angemgr. ïtfie bann bie 3^**
herbei mar, alme baft ebbe# gebdppcnt
Sixteen yeiira after the opening n hot. bo ben fe imenb angelofjt, a3
vlalior stopped In Pond Creek several mann r# ilme arg leeb mär. îlincr fe
day*. Ilia ilrut night there was u rev* fen fen biffel bcjjcr gemorre, n# mie
elation. Here was u town o f 1,300 In­ fe Dorbnn mare. — î a f t bie SBelt mol
ha hltauta enjoying everything that ho en Gnb neninit. bei glûtjbc fdjier alle
enjoyed In the city. There was an Seit, befof)«, bie Schrift fegt fo; amer
electric light at every corner, nnd on mann e i gefd)of)iit, fed meeft 9?ic*
hla way downtown he passed com­ manb. ffn SProfeffer fiot botnol# Diel
fortable hoiiies, surrounded by groves Reit brrmit Derfmmmelt fo r muSjii-
o f trees and largo lawns, kept green madie, uf melier W eg at bie Grb un*
by the city water. On reaching Main nergef)t, nn er fegt, baft fell uf finf
S l ic e !
the \ Isltor noticed several berfd)iebene ?irte gefchflie faint, Gut-
groups o f men talking lu front o f tho metier#, fegt rr, fliegt m ol en ftomebt
postofltce and the tw o drug stores. mebber nn# tin Dermnblt 9lflc# ¿u
They w e r e ijulet enough. No hands S dim ifbim m d. aber bie Grb fliegt in
Were inarching down the street, but bie © u nit nei un Dcrbrrmit ci# maun
why was the street so brilliantly light­ fe jirfdd en Olitmmiball mär — un
ed t
nffobr# m ir all hermit. Gn brifter
"Is then* anything going oil hero to­
m mrdit fei. baft bie ©tiempaaier
i hero would be a wild west allow lu anSgebt un bie Grb fid) net mcl) urn*
tow u tomorrow, the 1'ond Croeker told brebt: bann bate bie fPlenfdie uf b'r
eene S e it gebrote merre un uf b’r
"Hut you don't put up lights like annere Derfriere. Vierten? médit e5
those for a show?”
fo fumme. baft r# fee Siege met) gebt;
"Not unless the show conies to stay, bann bät be# W aller all ufbrocfne un
and then mayhe It might claim them.”
m ir erne eb. GnMich, mrent er, bät
'I he city man had just one more ques­ (in Diele ^ h r f lilfobrS f
bie Sunn
fee Sicht
"H o w do you do It with only 1,B00
population to pay the bill?” he asked.
".Municipal ownership."
Tho city man M>*»d lu tho middle o f Idicbt. meri; er ab net, un mann m ir
tho street. In front o f him were si* tob feti, batteri feil unS ab net. G#
great electric arches, reaching from i« amer bodi gut. baft tnir'8 nau
one sidewalk to the other. Kadi arch mille, hilft m ir net for emige 3ctte bo*
contnlued twenty live high power In­ bfeime fenne. —
candescent llghtx, while from tho
T ’r febm ir o fe lfe r bot redlich bi#*
storo windows otliors lighted the side­
baft le am 12. ïïîoDrmber tifem
walks. Merchants down tho street
rrfdite Sdmceftorm g ’ babt
wore washing oil the cement walks
Siefen. S ’r IDÎarS i8 en
with hose sprays.
Tho next tiny a business man ex­ Stern, idi tn’ rft n.TU net cm«meitbig
plained bow Pond Crock could afford mie Diele ‘Viillione W eile mrit roeg
these things electric lights and wa­ Dun ut*#. G# foli rth tP’ etrfche bori
terworks that much older nnd larger arnie, ma# grab fo fdimart fen, mie
places feared to dream of, much less m ir
S e hen Slieniftbiff, fWiegd*
roege, Sirftfcftiff, ''lutom obil#, £cle-
About six years ago the question of
grnf. "Telefon un ftonogräf#. grab
Ore protection and water supply was
mie m ir, un mann fe be# W oi eri eft-
agitated by a few o f the progressive
business men. Tho town council calied Stiftern nodi en bieffl eniprubfe, ober
n special election, and the people au­ m ir be? tinier, bann fenne m ir mit
thorized a bond Issue for $23,000. A ibne fchmiifee. 'Tierleidit i# e8 in cn
pumping stutloti was built, wells were bar 3obr meglidi. baft mer m it erne
sunk, mains laid, ami a steel pressure QViflnbn Dun beebe S eite balbmeg?
lunk was placed In n corner o f tho fum m e fam i, bann fenne m ir lo en
public park on Main street. Three îirofcffer mit ibne au#taufcfie. W ann
years ago a second Imtul Issue o f $15,*
feiler bann fo nodi ome 3 o h r mieber
(AH) was voted, but only $.'1,000 o f It
iiiricffnm m t. bann finne m ir b’r
was used, to extend the water mains.
au#. Guibau allrm ril mille
The entire water system 1« controlled
by n committee appointed by the coun­ mir. bnft e? bort ab fditm biditig ge*
cil, nnd the service Is both adequate fdmoet bot un bie îftim r un W ä b ben
ihr Tidnm ipcr# im iPobfdilittc rau?*
and excellent.
A promoter obtained n franchise for aebrodit mi on freblidie Reit gebot.
nu electric light plant. He planted a T ie Olrofte fen Pier- un fetb#lpännig
few poles nnd strung wires on them, S dilittr geinbre ober ben bie ftett um
but the old gasoline Inmps on Main bie flutom obilräbcr gelegt un
street continued to Imitate electric arc
lights. The promoter had failed, and
S u n göo lf ab Sdjneeballe gefeftmiffe,
the city was forced to assume the
control o f Its second public utility. grab mie bri n#. un lifent Tviuim Ijen
With the remainder o f the $13,000 je benSdinee mit emiPefc meggcmadit,
bond Issue the council purchased the baft fe ben fenne S dilittidm b labfe.
promoter'« poles and with them Ills
lln be# ?lHe# bot feiler {frofeifer
franchise, that still had some twenty gefebne. W ie er’# gefebne bot, meef?
years to run. An electric light plant idi net, atw r idi benf. er bot en bor­
wus built. It has been In operation botti ftarfe îfrin gebat. Ober bot er
for several months, und the entire
am Gnb bie gange S to rie jufdit ge*
town Is lighted. Now the business
braftm t? S e ll fennt ab fei. G# tTfbt
men nnd tho council are discussing n
plan to unite the water nnd electric 5?eit, bene fummo mumterbare S adie
light plnnts Hint both may be operated Dor im T ra b m aber bei W iftebf. T o
bob id) m ol gelefe Dumo î'rofcfTer,
from one power unit.
"W h o Is responsible for the munic­ ma# gem cent bot. ?r bat en ncier .fîo*
ipal ownership idea? Surely Route citi­ mebt crfuntie. Gr bot mette in’# 5Vtt
zen took tho lend in ndvocatlng these un mie er fcftirn be# Cidit auSgemadit
g’bot bot, gurft er nodi emol ju m
The business men who were asked
ÎÇonfter nan#. T o frtmt er on better
this question didn't know that any j
Stern m it eine lange biinrieScbman^.
one man in l ’ond Creek could be given
3n feiner grafte ftra ib bot er grob
credit without detracting from the
credit tliut others should receive. Hr- 1 mieber bie £»ofo angejage, bot en
cry nun was n booster, they explain- îtrcunb berbeigcijolt un ibut beSTing
od, and. while the mayors and council- giipiefe. S e hen fdfim berotbe, ma#
■non renlly did the work, tho people je bem noie .R'omet for en 9t«m c geme
encouraged them, with the result that motte, bo hot fid) b’r Scbmattg bemegt,
Poml Creek became the best lighted erfdit redit#, banni linf#. 3 o r en W eil
town In northern Oklahoma. Munic­ i# feil ibne fnnberbar Dorfunrme,
ipal ownership was the agency and
bann amer ben fe mtftgefwine, baft ni
united energy tho cause.
Attractiveness of Kansas City.
Kansas City. Mo., hns set nn cxnm-
le which every American city may
mnlate—nn example o f what can be
one after a city becomes great nnd
n Illustration o f whnt should lie done
nrl.v In the history o f n city that
xpci is to become great. A t a cost o f
tony millions o f dollars she lias es-
Jldlsliod an elaborate system o f parka
nd parked boulevard* which constI-
nto perhaps the most attractive uiu-
lclpnl Improvement In tho United
tntes, and na a consequence Knnsns
llty Is the most desirable place o f
eaideoca lu this respect upon the coo-
Movement to Improve Rural Ertu-
probably the moxt »«portant nuit in cational Institutions Spreading.
this great nriny o f workers is the can-
tonuier, or patrolman, who has charge
of a single section o f the road. He
keeps the ditches open, carefully fills
holes nnd ruts with broken stone, re
more dust and deposit* o f saud and
earth after heavy ruins, trlma the
trees and bushes, and when ordinary
work Is impossible he breaks stone
and irans|Hjrts it to points where It Is
likely n> be needed.
He brings all
matters requiring attention to the no-
tlce o f hls chief.
Tlirre nre at the present time 149,-
739 miles o f road in England, {
which the annuiti ex pandi tu re for t
year US*' to 1900 amounted to $78,
039.000. it is therefore evident that
the annual expenditure per mile o f
rood h mounts to about #320. I d view
o f tli - fact that most of the principal
road': o f England have already been
constructed. this large annual expctidl-
fure would appear to be devoted in a
large measure to maintenance.
would seem that a system which re-
quires nr. annual outlay o f #320 per
mile for the entire mileage muat be !•
effective and costly. The explanation
or tills* is found perhaps in the fac\
that in England the maintenance oi
the public highways devolves entirely
on local authorities, these numbering
about 1.900.
As to skilled supcrvislou it may tie
said that no qualifications are required
by law to lie jiossessed by the men in
charge o f road building and mainte-
nance, but it Is the general practice In
tile- Important districts to appoint ex-
perienced highway engineers for this
Road Lawc In Unitsd State* Until Re­
cently Were the Same as England’s
of the Colonial Daye— Germany's
Unique System.
Have Rooms Well Ventilated, Lighted
and Heated So That the Health and
Mental Energy of the School Children
Shall Not Be Impaired.
When any truth la brought bump to
Tbc present road situation In the
The past twenty years linvo wituess-
u* by the Spirit huw prone w* are to United States may lie briefly summed
»d a marked advance In school archi­
axk: laxs» uny one do It? What about up as follows:
tecture In many towns In the rural
Mich a one who makes a great pro­
In mileage we bare the most tremen­
sections o f the country. More atten-
fession or I um lug no noxious car«? !>o dous *>;. stem *<f roeds which any coun­
**on ** being paid today to school
buildings, sanitation, surroundings and
you know If they really practice It at try hns ever possessed since the world
: location than ever before. The United
home? Do you think that the preach­ began. According to a careful road
State* wng slow in making V the start.
er hiniaelf lives that way? Ko It g<s'*. | census, the length o f nil o f our roada
but now that the
lias been
and Instead o f neelng Jesus only we amounts to 2.133,000 miles. The most
,a 'ceD there is no excuse for progrt^s-
nr*> prone to see everybody but Jesus liberal estimate o f our nnnual expendi­
Ive « b o o l directors not doing every*
Hence the admonition of our lesson. ture on these roads, both in money nnd
hi their power to relegate the
"Judge not that ye !«• not judged." or. Dtlxir, was a frnctlou over $79.000,000
old* obsolete and frequently lnannl-
as It Is elsewhere. "Isft us not there­ In Hail, or about #1.03 per capita. At
tary buildings to oblivion, replaeins
fore Judge one another any more" the same rate this would be an ex­
th* m w,th modern, up to date, sanitary
(Horn. xlv. till. Iteenuse, ns In Hie eon- penditure o f nliout $90,000,000 a year
! nl‘d sightly scboolbouses.
text. nil believers shall stand before nt the present time.
l cannot urge too strongly the need
the Judgment seat o f Christ and every
According to our road census, we
enlightened and liberal policy In
one o f us sit ill give account o f him­ linve less than 4<t,000 mile* o f stone
aehoolhouse construction to the end
self to God
We are so peculiar that aurfp' i-d road, or about 2 tier cent of
that the acbooihotise lie attractive in
It Is generally easier to see the mote the total mileage.
We have 108.000
appearance and scientifically eonstruet-
III another's eye than the tieaiii that miles of gravel road, or about 3 per
**•” **1'* Iowa's auperbitendertt o f
Is lu our own eye. whereas If we our­ cent of the total mileage. Small as
public instruction. “ It may require a
selves were right with God we would our annual expenditure for roads has
few dollars more to secure such a
have only lore for all others, and. be­ been, It lias aggregated during the
aehoolhouse, but it should be remem­
ing very conscious o f our own inllrin- thirty year period from 1870 to 1900 a
bered that the district is bnlldlug for
Itles. we would have only prayerful total o f upward o f $1.800.000,000. We
half a century at least, and only the
conips-slon tor those o f others. Christ may therefore say that the road build­
b*** should be considered. The school-
for us la our stead on the cross ob­ ing lu the United Sta*es is, consider­
house w ltb **» surroundings should lie
tained for us eternal redemption: ing nrea. population nnd wealth, at
*be most attractive place In the dis­
Christ for us In heaven at the right tho same point at which It stood thirty
’ ricL
which every child and every
hand o f the l-’nther makes victory over years ago and the seventeen hundred
patron will take pride. And the scheol-
sin our privilege, blit liecnuM* we do and odd million dollars have produced
room should not only be Inviting, but
not know a* we should the power of few appreciable results.
ft should be so ventilated. lighted and
Christ lu us by Ills Spirit we are more
When we turn to the subject o f road
Germany is n federation o f states, heated that the physical health and
often stumbling bbs ks thnn samples of administration In the United States we
and it follows that road administra­ mental energy o f the children shall
what the life o f Christ really la. Yet find that about Inilf o f the states are
tion is conducted separately by each not be impaired.”
the one tiling we are here for I* so operating under practically the same
In various Iowa counties the old bar-
state <>f the empire. The imperial gov-
to live that the world may know nnd road laws as prevailed In England
eminent exercises very little control ren. banilike structure is lieing slip­
believe that Jesus lives.
when America was a colony. This over the highways and does not lu any planted by neat, eommodlons and corn-
In our Inst year's studies in the Acts system of road administration provides
way contribute to the expense o f their fortably equipped buildings. Many o f
o f the Apostles some o f us were much for the payment of road taxes partly
ronstruction and maintenance.
j them are making rapid stride--.
Impressed by the words "Jesus shewed In labor and localizes the work to an
A striking feature o f the Saxon road
T be problem of supplanting the old
Himself alive" in connection with extreme degree by placing in authority system is the practice o f planting fruit aehoolhouse with a new structure car-
those other resurrection words. “ Jesus the district or township road over- treos along the roads.
ries with it the discussion o f several
showed H im s e lf (Acta I, 3; John xxl.
Each canton has at the head o f Its important topics, chief among them
1. 14». HI* own testimony was that
road system an engineer with capable being the school site, the school buiid-
lb* came not to condemn, but to save.
assixtaats. The engineers and their | lag and the ventilation o f the building,
To one sinner He said. "N either do 1
assistants must have nn academic edu- " * e can do no better In this connection
condemn thee; go and sin no more."
cation and jKissess a diploma from the than to quote from Professor W. 11.
To another. "T h y sins are forgiven"
Polytechnic Institute, while the road i Gemmill, superintendent o f sr bools In
(John III. 17: vlll. 11; Luke vll. 4Si. He
masters are required to have a good Dallas county. Ia.. who gives practl-
did cordeiiin the self righteous, fault
teclinieal education.—L. W . Page in ca* advice on ail these subjects, as fol-
finding, hypocritical Pharisees, but He
Good Ronds Magazine.
never had even a seemingly harsh
"In selecting a site the area o f the
word for the peuitent sinners or for
lot. the elevation, the character o f the
HIGHWAYS IN THE WEST. soil, the drainage, the direction o f the
any truly desirous lo be Ills disciples.
Such love as Ills Is benvenly; all else
slope und the central loentiou should
Ure of the Automobile by Farmers be considered.
Is from the pit.
In u s,It is elthor
No school "cfTnutirT
Aiding the Improvement Movement.
Christ or self.
should ever contain less than one acre,
Road Improvements in the west, al­ with a frontage o f ISO feet and a
The Spirit through Peter speaks o f
ready noticeable to a slight degree, are depth o f 240 feet. In the larger oon-
those who knew the way o f righteous­
ness. but dlil not walk therein, though
sure to follow when the farmers o f solidated district it shouM contain not
that section awake to the realisation less than two and may very properly
professing to do so. na dogs and swine
o f their condition as compared with contain three acres. I f possible it
(II Pet. III. 21. 22». See also Prov.
some o f those o f the east. Nothing should be an elevated piece < f ground,
sxvl. 11, 12. If fine cannot speak even
will arouse the farmers to this so a small knoll or a gentle sflope, and the
to many among the redeemed o f the
nmeh as the use o f the automobile, and drainage should be away from tbe
deep things o f God (see 1 Cor. III. 1, 2;
it w ill be the more general use o f the yard and house. The soft should he
Hell. v. 12. Kb. how much less should
we think o f talking spiritual thlugs to
car by the farm er that will result in light, dry and porous. A sandy or
better roads.
natural people to whom they are only
gravelly subsoil affords the best drain­
foolishness. Such are spoken o f finally [F rom Good Roads Magazine, N ew Y ork.]
In sections where farmers are using age. while an eastern or a southern
as being "w ithout." having no right to
cars to any extent road Improvements slope secures rapid eva;iorarion. Un­
the tree o f life (Itev. xxll, 14. 13). but aeers or road supervisors, no require­ are already noticed, but there Is still der no circumstances should the stra­
If those who are "In Christ" would ment being made to insure skill or room for more, und more there will be tum be clay Impermeable to ground
walk honestly toward them that are knowledge o f road building on the part in the near future. Motoring is most water. It Is desirable that the school-
without, without Christ and without of these petty officials. W ith few ex- enjoyed on good smooth roads. Farm house should lie located near the geo­
O ik I (1 Tbeas. Iv. 12; Eph. II. 12). who ceptions no system o f accounting is in ers owning curs realize this as well as graphical center o f the district, ar.d
can tell how many who ore now "w ith ­ force, so that ail intelligent idc« may any, and not only are they bestirring the board should select the site with
out” might become "w ith in ” by Hls ho obtaiued ns to the disposition o f the themselves toward appropriations for this is mind, bat the site should be
road tax, and no definite lines o f au- |
good highways, but are iu many eases high and dry and the brightest r.::d
nre established such as would
This life which will commend Christ
furnishing the labor necessary for road most beautiful spot near the center.
Under no conditions should pleasant
to others can only be by the Spirit o f guarantee the wise and equitable con­ betterments.
God. by a wisdom which Is not o f this duct o f the work.
In some farm ing sections o f the west and wholesome surroundings be sacri­
A number o f states have adopted In
world, but In verse 11, along with
automobile owners can lie picked out ficed i f a better and more suitable sito
I-tike si, 13. we learn that God Is more principle or practice, or both, tbe sys­ by a glance at the roadway in their !
secured some little distance
willing to give us Hls Spirit, the full­ tem o f centralizing under u state high­ immediate neighborhood. Near their «w a y. The additional distance in trav-
ness o f His Spirit, than parents are to way department the conduct o f all or houses rough, uneven surfaces have eHnS will be labor well spent if there-
give good things to their children. In part o f the road work o f the state, been smoothed off and soft, slippery ^7 til® pup.I - are placed in more beau-
Jas. I. 3. 0. we learn that this wisdom thereby w u rin g uniformity in meth­ roadways resurfaced.
Each farmer 1
ant* Inspiring scenes,
ods, e< aomy in administration nnd
Is to be bad for the asking, but It must
seems to take interest in the roads near
li0" se should be placed in
skill in uporvision. In some o f the
be an asking In faith and. according
his own home. When more fanners ( ro11^
tin* center, with the play-
state highway departments the work ,
to Jas. Iv, 3. with nothing o f self seek­
have cars, and tlicv are bnylng them * rountl 1°
rear. Where the houac
is educational and Investigative, with
ing. but w hilly for the glory o f God.
the fuel supply
a view to ultimately giving these de­
that tlu* life o f Jesus may be made
stretches o f perfect roads, and nt some i should be stored in the liaseuient. I f
partments administrative powers.
manifest. The asking, seeking, knock­
'ier? i:*
ba" e.n,e!,t :l SQia11
It la not possible in a short article to future time, not far distant, the stretch i ! for
fuel should lie erected at the rear
ing, with that end In view will surely
eider into a discussion o f the various ‘
^ unbroken.
I o f the school ho use.
find nil abundant response. W e must
“ The foundation walls o f the school-
remember that asking so ns to receive systems o f state aid In effect in this
country. Suffice it to say that the ;
house should lie brick or stone and ex-
means that we are abiding, keeping
tend a little bald# frost line. The
Hls commandments nnd doing the principle of state aid and supervision
With walls should be at least one foot i.i
things that ere pleasing In Ills sight constitutes the germ o f the only road | France
Highways Maac of This Material.
thickness and extend about three feet
(John xv, 7: I John III. 22). The seek­ administration which lias proved sue- :
Ferro cement roads are being experl- above the surface. It is usually well
ing that finds is explained In Jer. xxlx. ecssful in other countries.
This movement is gaining liendway meuted with In France. The substauce to have a vertical air chamber, and if
13. “ Ye shall seek Me and find Me
a very rapid raté, and when wo con­ Is made o f cement mixed with straw, there is no basement suitable ventiia-
when ye search for Me with all your
heart.” As tn knocking, consider Rev. sider that it has been little more thnn T o make a slab or block o f ferro ce- tors should be provided on each o f the
ill, 20. nnd Luke xll, 3(1. and tremble at a decade and a half since Its incep­ raent a mass o f iron straw is placed In four sides, so as to permit o f thor-
Hie possibility o f our keeping Him tion the fact that half o f the states the mold, and there Is poured over it ougli ventilation o f the space betweeu
knocking at our door when He so longs have adopted It in principle and have cement sufficiently fluid to penetrate the surface and the floor during th?
to take full possession o f us nnd lavish actually expended from state treas­ Into all the Interstices o f the Iron and summer months. Oood shutters should
upon us the wealth o f Ills love. Too uries considerably over $30.000,000 we completely cover If. When llie whole ho provided for these openings in or-
many nre like the elder brother, un­ may well fool encouraged for the fu ­ has set, tlie core o f iron thus intimately ‘lcr that the winter's cold may not af-
lncorporated gives to the block a great feet the air within tho room near to
happy nnd blaming the father for It. ture o f road building lu this country.
The striking feature o f the French resistance fo breakage nnd to traction,
when all the time the father Is saying.
would also be a stop i:i the right
“ All that I h ive Is th'ne;" "A ll things road system is the skilled supervision at the same time furnishing elasticity
provided in every grade o f road work to compression which enables it to direction if there were n basement uu-
:re yours."
In referen .» to the last verse (12u and In every unit o f the administrative star.d superficial shocks. A brick o f <u' r tho entire building, partitioned
« furnne« cooui. a workshop and
which Is nl o the golden text, note that , organization. The basis of the sys­ fitrro cement one nnd three-fifths inches
It Is. like all tile rest, a message for tem Is the school of roads and bridges, thick lias supported during crushing « kitchen. Adequate but inexpensive
believers or those who profess to be one o f tbe finest technical schools In tests a pressure o f about sixty-five tons f ° ° l s f ° r manual training onn lie
Here the boys would
such that they tnn.v prove the reality the world, maintained at the expense to the square Inch, in breakage tests («'nRkt for
o f tb-dr tilth. For unsaved people to o f tho national government. In this tho resistance was quadruple that of b?nrn to construct simple things In a
take itiis verse nnd call It their re­ school are trained the highway en­ ordinary cement. Resistance to wear 8ci°ntiflc manner and even supply the
apparatus necessary for the schpol.
ligion Is simply a going about to es­ gineers to whom are lntrnsted the was no less remarkable.
A good stove nnd some kitchen utensils
building and maintenance o f the roads
tablish their own righteousness with
would lie sufficient fo r the teaching o f
Th « Use of Wide Tires.
out submitting themselves to the ( o f France.
prineiples o f dot)» stlo economy.
A t tho head o f the administrative or­
righteousness of God (Rom. x. 3i. We
As to the desirability o f the use o f
"N o more important question is be­
must lie righteous before we onn do | ganization Is nn inspector general of the wide tires there can be no ques­
fore the farmer today than that In­
righteously, but. having believed the i bridges and highway«, under whom tion. The most casual observation will
love o f tied to ns nnd received the are chief engineers In charge o f the 1 suffice to convince any one o f tbe dam­ volving the housing o f his children < :
Lord Jesus Christ ns our Saviour, then road work o f single departments nnd age which a heavily laden wagon school age. With an awakened appre­
It bc'omes i:s to manifest Christ by I '■om mu nos. Single arrondissements arc equipped with the ordinary sharp, ciation o f the fact that better turnl
loving our re'ghlm r as ourselves (Lev | under the direction o f ordinary en­ rounded, narrow tires will produce on , schools v lll bring about a stay-at-
.(bob irf nn T o d i geborft bot, ma# ibr
S diu an g bot runnrrhânge Ioffe, baft
er Dum ‘^rofeffer feint ÎÇcnfier au#
grsb in 2ein geftattne bot mit feilem
S tern , im au « bem .(Taßcfdimang mär
febier eri ßornebt marre. — T ie beebe
Sterueguder bon enanner en W eil
arg fdjmärt angegm ft un
bann firf» be# föcrfprecbe geme, uh;
Dtm bere bummc (befdiicbt gut fage.
?lmer, mie e8 eme gebt, i# e« fDäter
bod» rau«fim rm e. Wn fo Gnthecfrngc,
mie fett, gebt c# Diel. Rur lln tiep . xlx. IS; Gal. vl. 111. No condemnation
Imnglit standing
fdjccöing beeftt hu t feil bann Grfin* tj1" ("hrist i* tin* blood
but It Is In order that
b m g e .-
r the
« * righteousness
. 1* " . o f the law may be
SJ’ t a l l ÿ a n l i B t f l .
u fulfilled In ns.
______ ■ „_
gineers nnd nndcreneineers. the latter
| ftelng equivalent In rank to none m
missioned officer- In the army. Ti e
subdivisions are under the direction o f
principal conductors and ordinary coo-
any road. There is also another and
perhnp* even greater ndvantnge to be
gained by Wie use o f wide tires nano
ly. the increased hauling capacity al
hom efnm ily ,'vh.",h "
find it ji.c-
essary c> eok the t'«wn fo r the deslr<*d
effilent :■ • tin ;e has noire a realization
bf the fact that more practical studies
must lie taught in more sanitary a ad
more sightly buildings.”