The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 26, 1909, Image 1

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Queer, Is n’t It, How W e All Evade a Puddle, Yet Slosh to the River
14th Year, No. 43.
N K W S H A P K H O K , K O N , A N O I«Y T H R I ' B O P L K OW H T A Y T O N , A N O V I C I N I T Y ,
Serial No. 721.
(Captured Maverick RIVER TEARS WILDLY
by 6upid Roundup
The Ladies’ Improvement Glub will
meet at the Slayton hotel, 7'ueaday,
Not in s decade, and never before
Nov. : « , at 2:30. This is a special
ti<* ,
the dike was built on this side o f
meeting and some important business
the river, has the Santiam been so high
is to be considered. All members be
S i àtk
as it is this week. There have been
A man closely associated with the
A t 12::«, the weakling party entered
three distinct flood stages, each one
Frank Mack this week made changes editor dropped into a Stayton barber
the parlor to the atralna o f Mendelssohn’»
worse than the one which immediately
march, the ceremony being |>crformed in the arrangement o f his barber shop, »hop Saturday night and, a fter listening j rVrec^l^d^it
by Rev. Mr. Hooth o f Salem, grandfather all tending to greater convenience in to a horse story by a Stayton physician |
crest t
the first rise passed
o f the bridegroom.
; the care o f his patrons.
( ) n which the horse died), himself told1
cre* 0
Stayton Saturday. The crest o f the
t r '
The bride was handsomely gowned in
I)r. Paul Fehlen a few days ago per- tt gtory about a black dog o f Stayton
second o v e rflo w «! the banks for miles
white measalaine ami carried a huge formed an operation on a horse owned which swallowed seven silver dollar» (in
Monday, and on Wednesday and Thurs­
¿*v* Jt'u > 4
arm hoquet o f white carnationa. The by a man working on the tanbark 2 3-4 which the dog recovered). He amid the
day the river again tore things loose in
Misses Alexander furnished the music. | miles from Gates.
Jog would lie chained to a post until he
alternating degree. •
Tho home was profusely decorated with
The Foresters last night held a glori- surrendered the seven silver dollars,
The stage to Kingston wss unable to
chrysanthemums, Oregon grape and ous Thanksgiving turkey feod at which
-w h o s e dog was that?” chimed in a
make its trip Monday afternoon, the
four b'K Kibblers made glad the h ea rt' ccrUin cu,tom er o f the aforesaid ton-
water being deep and the current sw ift
A ftc r a sumptuous wedding dinner, | o f man.
sorial parlor.
across the road between the two bridges
the happy couple departed for Salem, I The city hall is being fixed up as a
“ Your brother’s , " replied the man on the Linn county side.
Great trees
W iior« they w ill bo guests o f honor at j school room for the accomodation o f
Mllocillted with the editor,
came smashing down the main channel
the Keyes home.
the overflow from the Stayton public
f ........ .........
of the river, and great logs and much
The bridegroom is a prominent wool | school.
JL lis i w * >.
■ & œ & à
“ Yes, he’s the man,” concluded the drift found its way directly across the
Owing to high water, the Stayton
grow er o f eastern Oregon, and has a
road on the far side o f the bridge. On
splendid heme there prepare«! for his Steam Laundry is unable to get its M C A W T Editor; “ and it ’s his black
the Stayton side, the top o f the dike
bride. The happy couple have many
was within a few inches o f the swirling
F. H. Thompson, M. D., physician
friends here who, with the Mail, ex*
Yes; Matt Spaniol’ s dog, snd th<- $$$
eddying about its edge and seeping
and surgeon, Stayton, Oregon.
$$$$ belong to F. A. Robertson.
tend heartiest congratulations;
into the sawdust about the lumber mill.
The floor o f the small wagon bridge
This 4s the first authentic likeness so far published In Amerten o f Mile.
beyond the river at this point was Pa* Ferrer, daughter o f the Barcelona agitator who was shot for plotting
almost awash, while the slu it spans against the 8penlsh government and whoa«* execution caused the Ojverthrow
o f the Maura cabinet. Mile. Ferrer wrote and telegraphed to K/.ig Alfonso
had become a raging torrent.
begging him piteously to spare her father, but If the message« ever reached
Comprehensive Summary of News, Views and Events Written by Mail Correspondents.
Damage was done all along the North
the sovereign be paid no heed to them. The killing o f Ferrer so aroused the
Fork o f the Santiam, as well as along Spanish people that Alfonso shifted the blame upon bis cabinet and
the South Fork and the Willamette now Is In fear fo r his life.
itself. Had all three floods been concen­
trated into one everything would have
gone out; bridges, houses, towns. As
Slayton Mali Correpomlence.
Suyton Mail i *,rre»p«*n«1enc*.
j Slsyton Mall Corre»|.oml*nce.
K IN G S T O N , Or., Nov. 25.—Thanks­ it is, the damage is nominal.
T l t l U M I ’ H , Or., Nov 36— Clm rlie
U N IO N H I L L , O r , Nov. 26.— Mrs.
The worst damage is reported from
Mason is again with us.
HUiwell w m here last week, buying ^ l i f f o r d Robarda is enjoying a visit
down the river, where the torrent o f
from her mother and aunt of eastern
beef cattle and sheep
but sympathize with him, shorn o f his muddy eddying water undermined and
glory so early In life. The farmers of carried away the new concrete pier
W eldnrr and wile, from Portland,
Every county editor who has tried to
» h o were recently married at Beaver*
Th e Union H ill entertainm ent is to this locality certainly fumiahed their built the pest summer to strengthen
; interest people in the county, and in
the Jefferson wagon bridge. This pier
| hia paper, knows how big a task it is.
ion, w eir present and an enjoyable bo given at the church Thursday share o f these birds this season; they
was 40 fee t high snd 26 feet wide,
But aided by active correspondents in
tim e was bad. W eidner lias an offer December 2 Tim program includes u aro a profitable product o f the farm,
besides being built o f concrete, so one
j every neighborhood o f the county (as
of a good posillon in Oswego, «h it'll farce, “ My Jerem iah," solo», recitation» subsisting chiefly on insects during the may imagine the fearful force o f the
rearing season, a fact which o f itself is
tne Mail now ia), the editor’ s task is
For Mayor—
by tlie bachelors sod maid* as to
hr may accept.
The rest o f the
o f no small consideration, but it requires river at flood stage.
lightened, and the editor takes this
J. R. Gardner.
Several from here vi.lte«l nt John their reasons for never marrying. A much grain to prepare them for market, bridge, which this pier was built to
occasion to thank these energetic . aides
For councilmen—
II iglil*ergcr's
last Sunday. Alliert box sup)M-r conclude» the eveuing's which some farmers it seems have yet strengthen, remained intact. The great
who weekly send in new 3 .
J. M. Ringo.
to learn.
Ami last, but not least, they
The editor in Stayton desires to make
W eidn er and wife from Portland,
H. N. Huntley.
put out o f commission thru the washing
command a ready sale at good prices.
I the Mail a map o f busy life in Marion
who were recently married at Heaver-
For Treasurer—
Th e young people of the V ic to r)
away o f one approach. This effectually
, county, but to do tfife thorojy he must
ton, were present and an enjoyable Point neighborhood are organising a
E. Roy.
Miss Hattie Croiaant has been visit­ prevents the trains from running much ^
interest the people o f every” community
tim e was lirttl
For Recorder—
debating society. This should have ing the past week with her sister, Mrs. beyond W est Stayton.
or the map will not be a complete index.
Jerome Grier.
(ienher is pretty well the support of every one, for it is not O. M. Baker, o f Kingston.
Great trunks o f trees, caught in the
Here is where the zealous, faithful cor­
For Marshal—
along with his farm work, and watches only a social gathering hut a means
B. F. Purdy the onetime popular liv-
respondent comes in. For the Mail,
Dennis Caldwell.
the « ild gee.e. Hen has a good gun of intellectual advancement.
teeming with neighborhood note 3 week
oryman o f Silverton, but now employed snapped o ff like toothpicka, each break
and lands s »me ol them occasionally.
cultivating the Purdy farm; whose
after week, is just like a letter from
Th e audiences of both V ictor Point
cannon. A ll that saved the Stayton
to all its readers.
II. E. Smith, who resides in P o rt­ and Union H ill were disappoin ted1
well-groomed team o f horses has not in approach to the wagon bridge at t*ns
Two o f our correspondents have chos­
land has a farm in this vicin ity which
Responding to the caucus call publish- en nom de plumes —N IX and A J A X .
Sunday by the non-appearance of the the least abated; seems to have found point was the low embankment o f
he talks of putting
into walnut
wee^ 8 Hail, nearly 100 1 W ell and good! and now let PO N D
minister who was to have preached, it very pleasant driving from home to
held in place at its end by the double citizens repaired to the city hall Mon­ L IL Y , and B L U E E YE S , and SW EE T-
H . H epner i. visiting at the home Kingston o f late. Now. the weather
tree which seems eternally rooted to d*-v .e ven,n* t0 elther participate in the
Frank Siegintind Untight a load of of his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Barrows. has not been at all inviting; neither are
that point. The bank and the tree com- nom' n* tion ° f a second city ticket, or
turk« >» one day Inst week on the He e x p w U to spend some of the
serve to turn the current beneath mere*y to watch the proceedings. The
tion must be at Kingston.
A re we
Benson range.
winter months in California.
the main span o f the bridge, but unless
0Ul hned abf ' ^
"«"lin ated,
right in our conclusion Barret?
the county builds another steel .pan for tho Mr. Rmgo and Mr. Roy stated they
John I In (tier is busy planting the
Mrs. Darley, mother of Mrs. W illiam
Clifford Harold made a business trip
the approach soon, nothing short o f a '
would not
even if elect-
Selbtirg farm, which he lias rented.
Hum phreys o f M cAlpine, is reported to Scio Monday,
wall o f cement where
where the
the tree
tree now
now ,
These statements, however, had no
N. lligh liergcr made it business | very ill.
The new dwelling o f James Leffler is stands will save this highway much effect on the nominators. Before the
caucus closed, on motion by A . D.
trip to Aumsvilhi Thursday.
John K in g and wife spent Sunday
Continued w Page 4.
Continued on Page 4.
i Gardner, A . L. Mack and George W .
H enry with their daughter, Mrs. Clarence
................. ...... .
John Rabbcn visited at
Murphy were named a committee to fill
Uenun's Monday.
vacancies should any occur, aa seems
probable. They will also continue as
W illia m K in g is spending a few
Louis A rth u r is busy taking the
committee for one year as th e !
days on his Union H ill ranch.
»« liotil census.
governing body o f the City Party, the ;
Mi»a Mattel Archibald i* hom e from
name selected by the caucus. R. L. 1
a visit with friends in Albany.
Morton was chosen chairman, and
Alden Seabury acted as secretary,
And don’ t forget to enter the M ail’s
stay ton Mall Correspondence.
Stayton Mali Correspondence.
being asked to the front by unanimous
f 100 prize contest.
A U M S V IL L E , Or., Nov. t t — 'They
N O R TH S A N T IA M . Or., Nov. 25.
voice o f the convention. A ft e r the
Slayton Malt Corr»»poud»nc».
say it has ip iit raining. How about it? A crowd o f young folks gathe'red at the caucus call had been read, Recorder
S U B L IM IT Y , Or., N ov. 25.— The settle down in Portland. Mr. and
home o f Miss Lillie Sperry Saturday , Grier stated the offices for which nomi-1
enrollm ent til the Sublim ity schools Mr*. W eidner are »pending their
ie saw mil of Speer A M iller is evening, spending a very enjoyable nees were to be chosen. One vote each
1 hey time. Those present were:
was cast by the secretary for J. R. 1
Inis reariied 125 and there is still a liwitcymnon at the Highl>erger’s near busy these «lays sawing ties.
B L U E B E L L S , a Correspondent.
have shipped 5 carloads on their Edna Crawford.
Beatrice Crawford. Gardner for mayor, E. Roy for treasur-j
continued increase, especially among Sublim ity.
WislnoMlny, Novem ber 24, l!XW, nt
the home o f the bride’s parents, east of
town, occurred the marriage o f Mis*
Grace Apple, o f Stay ton, and Henry
K e y ««, o f K ohh U.
«K #
mm:-. \ 0
Live W ires of ‘The Garden Spot’
Hear Ye!
Meeting Hear Ye!
City Ticket.
Garden Spot Tidings
Earl Wood.
Ray Kenworthy.
er and Jerom Grier for recorder. Ballot -1
Peter Hermena,
Hazelwood contract to date.
ing was resorted to for the selection o f ¡1 ^ 1 ', r v
dt T'!*
creamery man, has received the sad
Mrs. Bowers expects to build a R
n , » Pound.
p «,lnA
r — i r — u,
------- M O U N T A IN D A IS Y , and W IL D B IL L
the other nominees.
For -------
news of the death of his 19 year-old residence so«m an her lot near the
; and RED F O X ,if you will, enhance this
Leonard Walker.
Fairy Neal.
four names were placed before th e !
. .
T xm n-
starter let them kum thru every week,
cousin, who fell from his father's barn depot,
Freda Neal.
Forest Neal.
caucus, they being J. M. Rmgo, who c.. v
• »
u xr it
* uc" names, while "countrified , inject
nrar M cM inn ville ium I vya» jnstaptly
Tom McClellan.
received 27 votes; H. N. Huntley, who
- .
. .
.. .
W illia m Sim|>aon is occupying his Glen McClellan.
jo .,..*
. w _
added interest to your articles, and our
| killed.
Ruth McClellan.
Margaret McClellan. received 32 vote« Warren Richardson,:
- .j o * .»
. , . w .
readers will know you better thereby,
pupils. A number of other jmprpyp- ,
Paul McClellan.
Mary Houser.
who received 24 votes, and A . L. Mack.
* .
And now, a suggestion. Yes, more;
meu|» have been also jnstnllety.
Neva Scoffield.
Harold Murphy.
who received 12 votee. For city mar­
an invitation. L e t us all get together,
T.lioro wofk js bpjng (lope ip nil
Claud James.
shal, four names were placed in
H . C. Porter
made a
hurried A rlie Chase.
editor and correspondents, and form
Byron Kuensli.
Hugh Kuenzli.
nomination, they being Dennis Caldwell,
business trip to Salem Monday.
grades apd a short |ir»»gr't'M 1 » bein g,
ourselves into a correspondents’ club.
Ralph Kuenzli.
who received 21 votes; John Downing,
Lillie Sperry.
prepare«! l»>r the Educational R ally to | W agon loads of turkeys and geese
Vfe suggest Stayton Mail League as a
Mr. Brock is building an addition
Rosa Sperry.
LeRoy Sperry.
who received 11 votes; Frank Blakely,
Conte to the stores to supply the
I a* held in Finest pn hall Pec 4*
suitable name, but perhaps our corres­
on his barn in tho city.
Arra Sperry.
Add James.
who received 11 votes, and Harvey
,\ll parents are in vitod to be^ireaent. [ market lor Thanksgiving.
pondents can think up a better one.
Anderson, who received 4 votes. Votes
Ercil Reese.
Charlie Ransom’ s new residence is Mamie Reese.
L et us get organized during the next
Rev. A Lainck visited in Portland
Ralph Spicer.
Georgia McLaughlin were also cast for: Henry Smith, 3;
nearing com pletion.
month by our mutual efforts, and then,
the last few days.
Beril McLaughlin.
Henry Mutschler, 2, and R. L . Morton,
S J. L. Oglesbie.
some time in January, after the holiday
Mr. Davis and son were in Turner Clifford Jarvis.
Edith Jarvis.
j 1. Just who will be chosen by the cen-
rush is over, let us all ge t together and
Monday on business.
Nora Jarvis.
Andrew Brown.
tral committee in lieu o f Messrs. Ringo
HP B U M IT Y . O r , Nov. 85.— M l*.
hold our first meeting. Should this
and Roy, who have declined, remains to
Claude Darby went to Salem Mon­
The annual meeting o f the Stock­
Hannah H ighbergor, the charm ing
Miss Alice Scoffield came home to be seen. In its editorial column next idea prove profitable, as it will, let us
daughter of John Highberger, was holders o f the Stayton Woolen Mills day on business.
spend Thanksgiving with her parents, week, the Mail will review the political meet once a month every month there­
after. A s the paper comes out Fridays,
Mr. and Mrs. Scoffield.
married last week in Portlam l to
situation from an impartial standpoint,
ami some o f our correspondents are
December 2, for the election o f five
A lbert W eidner, form erly of Dutch l
E. D. Alexander has bought Hill Bros,’
and will also print any communications
school teachers, let us meet on Sat­
directors, and for the transaction of pool and billiard hall.
Mrs. A. J. Chance o f Hally ia visit­
on the election handed in over signa­
Heavon. Mr* W eidner is »p ro m in e n t
urdays. The editor will agree to be
j any other business that may come be-
ing at the home o f her son.
tures not later than Monday.
teacher and taught for a number of
present at all o f these meetings, and
! fore the meeting.
By order o f the
year* the kindergarten class at the president.
Nov. 21, a baby boy. Jack and heir
Mr. Trimble, who has been sick the
he believes it will do the Klunib corres­
A. L. SH R E V E , Sec.
Warren Richardson has accepted the
are doing fine.
h oy’s
past week, is convalescing.
pondent good to visit in Aumaville, or
nomination for treasurer on the C'iti-
A lilert W eidner is the son of Mr.
Sublimity man good to go to Lyons.
Born, to Matt Ditter and w ife, o f
Fre«l W. Lau o f Portland spent Sun­
J. L. Oglesbie o f Shelbum was seen zens’ ticket, thus making complete the
W eidn er of Stayton and intends to Sublimity, a boy.
day visiting his parents.
UoNTINl’ ED ON i ’ AGE 4.
in our midst the last o f the week.
| list o f candidates for every position.
the larger pupils.
A number of new blscklaiartls have
been purchased snd put tip in the
different rooms, adding decidedly to
their appearance* and much more
convenient f«»r both teacher« and
Mrs. Stcffe», sister of J. A Uitter,
|ta* arrived \\it|i her family from
Wisconsin, to make Oregon her home.
^ho morning aesaiun will begin at
p:H o'clock*