THE STAYTON MAIL, STAYTON, OREGON ••♦«»♦44444«4444«4«4«4««< > Editorial Booster Page of the Stayton Mail 444««44««46«»44«4444444« < ► < » Churches of Stayton \\ <1 Paid Legal Notices || o S t a y t o n ^ ^ a i l Jj; Comment of Others ii Baptist Editor’s Scrap Book j| Sunday Ho bool at 10 it. in. II. N. Huntley, Superintendent. By Jo h n A lJ o n S oabury, E d ito r. " » S JO Single Copy Display advertl.emenu . » Locals Legal! Final Proof H. K. ” •• T. * 8. Classified 6pt IS cent» P«r Issue »Inule col. 2A ’• double •• •« a* S single ” 4S line 4« 10 •• Hirst Issue 60 S “ the reafte r I7.M »10.00 «< »« 1 word per Issue. —— If the duy looks kinder gloomy, An' your chances kinder slim! If the the situation's putzlin'. An’ tho prospects awful grim, A'»’ perplexities keep pressin’ Till all hope is nearly gone, Ju»' bristle up an' grit your teeth, An' keep on keepin’ on. _ _ _ _ _ Doan’s population directory, just in­ : sued, gives the following figures for Oregon cities: Albany, 6000; Ashland, 6000; Astoria. 15,000; Baker City, 6,000. Corvallis, 5,400; Cottage Grove, 2,000; Eugene, 9,000; Grants Pass, 6,600; Hood River, 3,000; Klamath Falls. 2,000; La Grande, 5,000; Marshfield, 4,000; Mc­ Minnville, 3,000; Medford, 5,000; Pen­ dleton, 7,000; Oregon City, 4,500; Port­ land, 255,000; Salem, 15,000; The Dallea. 6 , 000 . Blue Cross Appears Six degrees below the freezing point Sunday morning; the first freeze of the winter season. People who don’t like this world will have a chance to get off it May 18, 1910, when the earth passes thru the tail of Halley’s comet. There is a weak spot in the Linn county approach to the Santiam river bridge at this place. The weak spot is marked by a homemade sign which reads: “ Dangerous: Take Other Side.” The man who put it there deserves commendation for warning the public. But we suggest that the sign be placed crosswise of the bridge, so that its legend may be read before the chance traveler is upon it. We have little patience with a man who will come out as an independent candidate for office, knowing that he can not be elected, solely for the purpose of defeating (or trying to defeat) an honest official who has been renominated after serving one term well. T h e man who stoops to such a course in the present city campaign will not muster a dozen votes all told, and such votes will be votes of iniquity. It looks like dirty politics to us; how does it look to the voters? We are glad to note tne amended school ruling that allows the children to enter the lower hallway before 20 minutes to 1 o’clock during the noon hour. T h is will be appreciated by the pupils in inclement weater. But the children must remember one thing—they must be gentle­ men, and comport themselves in a decent manner. T h e school authorities must be respected and obeyed, and the Mail will be the first to uphold them in maintaining such obedience. For two years past the city marshal has served without pay. T h e municipal charter allows him $10 a month, but he may be paid more for work done that is specifically authorized by action of the council. T h e marshal, at the last council meeting, said he had abstained from drawing his rightful pay simply because it is so small, and in thus being wholly inadequate for his needs he was free to do other work by not drawing said pay. And this is the truth. T h e marshal’s stipend is ridiculously little. He ought to receive at the very least a month, so that he could at least patrol the streets and keep things in order. But even with the levying of a ç-mill city tax, how in Stayton, it may be asked, can $600 a year be devoted to such purpose when the aver­ age income of the city does not exceed $1,200 a year? And, think you, will the people calmly submit to a greater tax for municipal integrity—other sources of revenve being lacking? City election draws nearer day by day, and the last cau­ cus must, according to law, be held before noon of Novem­ ber 26, or ten days before the day for balloting. Last year one convention was held 10 minutes to 12 o’clock on this final day. The present contest bids fair to be a municipal battle royal, with the partisanship lines tightly drawn. The Mail, however, will preserve an independent attitude, being a paper for all the people. The incumbent city administra­ tion, wise to the fact that a concerted effort is to be made to oust its members, is determined to stand by its guns, which it must be admitted by all have been kept free from tarnish during the past term. T h e non-incumbent aspirants to office, on the other hand, hold several trump cards along the line of their policies, and it remains to be seen which local party will win the majority of the ballots. One fact stands forth boldly: T h e outcome of this year’s city election will largely determine the result of the very important and swèeping election to be held a year hence. G. R „ Shaw. B oediohkimer , B runo , Stayton. B oedigheimkr , I. J., Stayton. B oedigheimer , S imon ; Sublimity. B rand , J. A., Kingston. B ryant , J. H , Portland. B urghard , J. C asper ; Portland. B urgh ard , P eter ; Stayton. C aldwell , W illis ; Stayton. C hance , H . H ., Aumsville. ^ C lark , M rs ; Stayton. C olkoske , P. It., Kluinb. C ornelius , L izz ie : Turner. D iedrich , P eter ; Staytou. D ittler , E dw ., Sublimity. D own , G. A., Kingston. D rager , R u e ; Stayton. E astburn , S a m ; Aumsville. E nglish , W . H., Stayton. E tzel , G eorge A., Stayton. E tzel , J. H., Mehama. F ery , A n d r ew ; Aumsville. F ischer , L eo ; Perham, Minn. F orette , E., Aumsville. F ox, A lfred ; Sublimity, F rame , W . L., Stayton. F heres , P. C., Kluinb. F resh , B. F., Shaw. F unk , J. p ., Stayton. G assner , G eorge , Kingston. G ill , R. W ., Scio. G isler , K., Kingstou. G oodle , M., Stayton. H assles , A. L., Sublimity. H eady , M rs . O rph a ; Portland. H enline , F. M., Stayton. H ighrkkger , J oseph ; Sublimity. H ighberger , N ick , Sublimity. H irzsiesen , P. E., Sublimity. H unt , E. B., Lyons. H unt , J. T., Sublimity. I mper , A., Stayton. J eter , J. B., Stayton. K irsch , A. P., Stayton. K orinek , J oseph ; Stayton. L ainck , R ev . A., Sublimity. L ake , M rs . M illie , Stayton. L amhreciit , J o e ; Stayton. L amrrecht , L izz ie ; Mehama. L u lay , J. A., Stayton. M aag , M rs . W il l ia m ; Stayton. M ack , A. L., Stayton. M angle , D a v id ; Stayton. M atthieo , E. T., Stayton. M ielke , J o h n ; Stayton. M ijtschler , H. J „ Stayton. P itze , F. M., Mehama. P ressey , II. A., Lyons. R ichards , J ack , Mehama. K oork , M rs . R. S., Aumsville. R o y , A lbert ; Portland. R o y , E liza ; Seattle, Wn. S chmitt , H enry , Shaw. S chott , E rnest , Sublimity. S helley , A. I,., Sublimity. S hreve , A. L.t Stayton. S iegmuxd , C. E , Salem. S iegmuni ), E O., Klumb. S iegmund , F rank . Klumb. S ieomund , H enry , Klumb. S m ith , G A., Shaw. S treep , N. J., Ft. Dodge, Iowa. T homas , I. E., Turner. T iltze , E lla , Wardner, Idaho. T itus , M. 8., Kingston. V ^ n H andel , A nton ; Sublimity. V an N uys , F ran k ; Aumsville. V ernon , A lson C., Scio. W aggoner , N. S , Mehama. W are , T. J , Stayton. \\ eddle , \V. A., Stayton W irth , H . E , Stayton. Z immerman , G eorge ; Sublimity., J ohn ; Sublimity. C a t h o l ic NOTICE FOR PUBLIC A l ION. DKMNTMSMT or th * ihtsriur . U. M. La ml Office at I'urtlanil, Oregon, d e l. 2xnfi Its». Notice Is hereby given Itisi William A. How sril, ol Hiilillnilty, On-goo, who, on inguai 1st, DSU. maile llooo art Kiilry No. DV*>u, «crisi No. UIIIS, lor H1, ol *>«,*i etimi 24, Tm< u»lili- » Houli). Hang» I Va-I. M inameli» Merlillaa, baa llli'il noilce ol I ti I» o I loo lo make M osi Five* year I'rnol, In c»lahll>h claim In Ihr lami abovs deserti**) I>elore The lleglsler sml Recelvsr, U H I .anil nftico. al I'nrilaiiil, Oregon, on Ihn 7th ilay ol Dee* in tier. I me» rlalm an l monna as wlllirsM-s) iislie Villa. W 11 lias lit W N isi, Units Lang ami John Hulling»» orili, all ol Mobil ml Ip. Orrgoii AU irrkiin M Dsmas. Krgisler. IV A C hurch , Christian NOI ICE OF fin a l se t t l e m e n t . Notice la hereby given that Hie UlulerslUlril hai flint his «Mal aeouunl a» sssoutor o f t hi Usi will, testament amt rvtale ol Uaniler Brown, iti-i-easi’il. In the cimiily Court ol :lir Male ol Oregon, lor Marlon rollili), anil lliai »alii emiri ha» »el Ole hearing Ilo n o i ami *11 oli)eeilon» Ilo-re lo ami ilo- »rlllio o -o l ol »ani i stale Inr io o't lock lo III» lor, noon ol MomUr . ilo - .*1111 .i»y oi Mora mber usi», ai ilo- eourl room ol selli court, al Salem, Oregon. li. L. Ilsnwn, Kkeculor of the estate of l^amter Brown itrceaaeit IMI Services the first anti third Sunday* Rev. S. E. Chillier*, pastor. Preach­ N'OTIOK OF Melloni. INDKMNITYHKLXcTIoN I' ii II i .I sia tea tatui office, ing ut 11a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday l'uri lami, Oregon, (tot, li, lini», school at 10 a. m., Mrs. W. II. Hob- Solici- la hrrchy glern llfal Ibi- Rtale of Ore- son, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. K, goti, no Oclober II, IVUV, Bppllcil (or Ilo- K1, of NE'« of Hecltnn 21. T v R K. I R ., ami flleit In at 7 30 p m, Stephen Taylor, president. Ibis office a lisi of Melloni Initeinulty Hvlertlo Ladies Aid society meets each Wed­ III whieh II seleeleil salii lami; ami that nesday at 2:30 p. m., Mrs. Quick, pres lisi la open lo thè piibllr lor ln»pecUoti. Any ami all |*-r»ona, clalmlng ailversely ¡dent. »bove ilearrltieil lami or any legai suUIIvlalon Methodist Services 1st and 3J Sunday», by Rev. K. N. Larmour. Preaching 11 a. m , 8 p. m., Sunday school ut 10 a. m., A. D. Gardner, superintendent. Ladies Aid society meets every other Thurs­ day: Mrs. J. it. Gardner, president; Mrs. James Cain, secretary. Prayer meeting 8 o'clock Thursday evening« Now from his northern homeland The wild goose spreads his wings To heed the chilly warning Before the winter stings. He lays his course due southward To guide his wanderings. And starting on his travels Around the circle swings. B ecker , J oseph ; Stayton. B l e a k se y , J a y ; Mill City. B o n if a c e ' s Sublim ity; Rev. A. Lainck, rector. Low muss 8 a. to., high muss 10:30 a. m., first mid third Sundays in the m onth; high mass 10:30 a in , sec­ ond, fourth and fifth Sundays W a ­ lters at eventide. ROUND THE CIRCLE. Subscribers Eligible for Prizes. A sh by , S t . There ain’ t no use in growlin' An’ grumblin' all the time When music’s ringin’ everywhere An’ everything’s a rhyme Ju*' keep on smilin’ cheerfully If hope is nearly gone, An' bristle up an’ grit your teeth, An’ keep on keepin’ on. —New Orleans Times-Democrat. Trotter’s adv. in the Santiam News, Scio: For fifteen years Stayton’s curs have been trying to run Trotter out of town and could not do it. Those same Subscriptions One Year Past Due Are Shown by Double X X Mark Once Only. curs fell down in ten different law suits. Trotter is now closing out his merchan­ dise and those same curs are putting up Go over and see the crib dam; it touches the spot. a howl because Trotter is going to quit the town to go to his claim. So you We welcome Old Sol again; he’s as dear to our heart as see it is "b e dam if you do and be dam if you don’ t .” Come ami get your the steady subscriber. goods, save money and don’ t listen to the howl o f the pup under the fence. I m m aculate C onckp - llon, Stayton; Rev. A. I.aiuck, priest in charge. High muss second, fourth and tilth Sunday* 8:30 a. in , Priest’s add re«»: Sublimity, Oregon. Fumin' never wins a fight, An’ frettin’ never pays; There ain’ t no good o f broodin' in These pessimistic ways — Smile just kinder cheerfully When hope is nearly gone, An' bristle up an’ grit your teeth. An’ keep on keepin’ on. Subscriber» W ill Confer a Favor on the Publisher by Paying Up When Due Subscription Due if Catholic C iiu r u h ok t iik gonian, Pendleton. Tan M atl t» strictly non partisan but devoted to the general Interest* »ml upbuilding of souQit-a.lcrn Marion county and Stayton in particular T a t M ail de»trc* the hearty co­ operation of every community Into which It 1» »ent regularly to »uhacrlhera, but all nub- lotion« n u it be paid for during the year according to the following ruling: scription! weekly By an orderi ) of the Po»tma»ter (ieueral of the I'm ted Stale*, Issued “ newspaper can be mailed to any sulwcrloer at the regular secon.l-clats rates, when such sub scrlher U more than one year In arrears. This order took effect January 1. 1806. The penalty for violating the order Is exclusion from the malls. This forces T h i M ail and all other papers lo Insist that siibscriptlona bo paid during the year. Rales In Advance Pi months •Mb KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON. JUST Impartiality and a Square Deal to All, W hether They Be Republican. D em o• j* Umatilla farnura can l>ut raioo craf, Prohibitionist or Socialist. Churchman or Ragan. With an U nbilled f10 ' **** *n ‘l 1,1 ° ^ * u!H)n om 11 Recognition o f the Strongest and W eakest. Let This Be Our Platform. not U> 'on* u,n t" f “ #toP ______________________ napoftlnj no#« ( m i N m c m m and I ' other central states. Also Pendleton E n te r e d at th e p o s t o ffic e at S ta y to n . t ra g on , a » lhen ^ at,le t0 #Upport H packing m u ll m a t t e r o f th e s e co n d ch tss. I house o f ita own, »ays the East Ore- < I «44« »««««444H44 ««««444« • » 44 «« 6 «»» 4 « * » 46 » * 444 » 44 « \ One Cent a Word ♦» 44 « 644 «« 44 «» 44»♦♦♦♦4444 Yet who should call him "gander?” Mark, in his journey's reach FINE Y E L LO W CORN $1 A SACK He does no moralizing. delivered; suitable for chicken feed; He does not stop to preach. E. Forelle, Aumsville, Oregon. 42 He does not make excuses Strange principles to teach. MINING STOCK FOR HALE; No foolish words he uttors, gpply at Lisia office; bargain. 40 For “ honk” is all his speech. — McLandburgh Wilson. GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SA L E ; 2j horse power, in good working order, demonstration free, $75. Call at this office for particular«. 42 — llirreol, or elalmlog thè sanie uiutrr Ilio min. Ing law», or deslrtng lo show salii lami lo be more valuable lor minerai lliati lor agrleullur- al purpoeca, or lo objccl lo salii selecllon lor any legai reason, thoultl aie Ihelr i-lalms or thelr affi.lavila of piote»! or rniilr»! In Itila office. AMikRKon H. Danai. R, l:<-gl»lt-r- WS Ugo. W . lllLVrr, lin c i ver, NOTICE OF BDHOOL INDEMNITY•F.LKI'TIOX r 111 loti HI All * I»H Ret OfflCtt, ! ‘ortlaii«l, Orrgnu, Nov. 4,1000, Nolle« 1« hereby given Hint the Mute of Or«» gun, on NovtmbtfM, nui-lli «! for the h \Y>4 of M$ n ilott JO, T 1“ 0.« N » B . 01*4 In till» liftin’ » till of Hdionl I intctuiilt y Krlni’Uoii» In which fl M-leolrU ««| |. in Name Your Farm. Lawyer and Notary Public. Thruout thi» part o f Oregon there are many farm*, dairies and orchards which are not named, and The Mail lielievos it is juat aa im|iortant to have names for tho farma us for any business. Perhaps a little later The Mail will supplement the lint below with a liooklet containing both thcae names and other items of interest about Marion and Linn counties. Name your fagm; then let us publish it for you in this column free o f charge. S h a d e W ater — A, F’ery, Aumsville. Stayton, Oregon. Saturday—Stayton lodge So. 6 4 .1. O. O. T . Sunday—Sabbath school at all Slayton church- di - nd«y—Services at Chrlitlan and Methodist chu rch e -. NEW DISCOVERY T'i - lay—Ptaytnn assembly No. 140, United Arilians. I i. day—Christian Ladles’ Aid Hoclcty, Thursday—Methodist prayer meeting n - lay—Thanksgiving dinner by Christian I-* lies' Aid Hoclcty at Mrs. Lesley's. Th .•■ lay 'Thanksgiving day); masquerade by I an’a orcheatrs, Masonic hall. Solicitor-Contestants are urged to advise The Mail ut least once a week o f the names and |x>st office addresses of subscriptions taken by them, and also to remit promptly. Only by so doing ran proper credit be given and the paper he mailed to the subacrilicr. On new subscriptions we nllow 50c. com­ mission, on renewals 26c., but when 10 or more subscriptions have boen taken we allow full rates on all. W. h. Queener Conveyancing, Collections and Prolmtc Business A Specialty. Real Estate Hold mid Loans N’egoti- nted. Fire anil Accident Insurance. M e e tin g s o f N e x t S even Days. E. F. 1- ong , Jofferaon Y ^IL B b’ B H. PINTLER, D. M. D. ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦ ♦ ♦ f ♦ ♦ Calendar of Events cultivation, ha I- pmture. Terms lo suit purchaser tliia office for in­ 32 tf T win M aples ville. T m . -S t Boniface’s Catholic church; see tiurches of Stayton. 1 a y --S t, Boniface’s court No. 1400, C .O . P. GRAND NORTH 8ANTIAM. CENTRAL Hotel n Bund« —Sunday school every Sunday, Claude Darby, Aums­ The SUBLIMITY. Mind 2 1 1 is the only actual hotel in TURNER, W edl' «day—Thanksgiving turkey shoot. UNION IIILL. Hun li —Quarterly church meeting. E d i t o r ’s R e q u e s t . Th dltor desires to announce In this col- ■mi -nekly news of all coming events, bnt ' , for such notices must reach this office not I*ter than Tuesday afternoon. ♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦»46«4444♦♦♦♦4444 jz j ! l Stayton Time Card »»»»««♦♦444444444H444444 U N IT E D STATES M A IL . sr r ivk . Stayton ..................... 7 S 0 s.n i, x (SI a m. 2:70 p,m. ■j-.m p.m. Turner,Salem. Portland 2:70 p.m. Lyon« and Mehama ........ .7:00 a.m. 9:00 » .m . Kingston, Scio, A c....... * The discovery of the North * Pole i* a puzzle solved for the * scientific world. Also tho puzzle solved for those who are looking for a per* x fort time piece at small cost, x Gttr 17-Jewel Adjusted move­ ment will answer. x Every one sold with full guar- x an tee. STAYTON that serves meals, or which is thoroughly modern and up-to-the-minute. It has a large and comfortable dining room, a commodious ladles’ parlor and office, with all conveniences for guests; and It also has CLEAN BEDS. ” E. ROY, the Reliable Jeweler x Stayton, Ore. ngiuaT 7:30 *.m , 9:00 n in. 2:30 p.m. 0:45 p.m , 7:») ».in. 2:10 p m. M ;00 u rn. 0:45 p.m. jtjh jk UNEXCELLED SAMPLE ROOM Stayton Steam Laundry 5:00 p.m. Du , ,,[ng malls close l‘> minutes before time *i»t),| i-secpt when mall stage I* late. Hour» F. A. ROHKKTHON, PROPRIETOR «I III-. 1.-.I »re Hpproxlnia'e ont», dependent on Corner 1st and Mill Rnce Hts. arrlVHl time of «tage». M»ll lnfehiled for l*ilni» beyond town» htilletiMd ihoulu be Stayton Oregon reckoned according to route. M. J. Spaniol, Prop., Stayton, V Oregon. J