C IT Y O r r iC I A L « STAYTON MAIL " I« Km un, Mn)«ir. J. H «¿ h im , Kvoonlvr. K. |( i » y . 'I ruMiirvr. IlRNMY HNITII, Md mlldl. H y I H I Ì I ) (I L O M U - Y. A FO U R TE E N TH YEAR. C O U N C IL M E N s o rr» « ( h a * a n e rr C . II. H rkwbb U. W. Mt a r il Y Ju » . — = 3 N I C W S t ’ A l 'K H N O T A N O H O A N , S u b s c rip tio n , $1.26 r I K A N N U M S T A Y T O N , M ARIO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . F E B U R A R Y ç, 1909. TH E M ARKETS Sublimity Gleanings I'ortlMiid. Wln-at Track price«: Club, 96c; red Russian, 98c; blunatem, fl.ott; > Hey, 910». Hurley F....I, $28; rolled, $ 2 8 « SI. Onia No. 1. white. $34; gray, $33. Hay Timothy. Wlllamelto Valley, fancy. $16; do. ordinary,, $13; Kant am Oregon, mixed, $!K; do. Taney, $20; alfalfa, $16; clover, 14. Butter Kxira, 33 it 35c; fancy, 33 4i 34c; choice, 30c; «tore, 18c. K krx Kxtrn, r,ot •t»»- 1» » 8. Choice. 7Jc; prime, u 4t7c; medium, t i l Cc; 1 907, 2»t 2|o. Wool Vnll- y, U | i c ; lb.; Eastern Oregon, 8gfl0 c, a« to «hrlnkage. Mohair— Choice, 1844 19c. Mcattle. Wheat llluealeni, $1.07. data- $34. Harley $27.50« 28. Huy Eastern Waahlng.on tlmo- ih\, $ U per ton; Pnget Hound hay, $ 1 3 « 14 per ton; wheat hoy, $13 per ton; alfalfu, $ 1 3 « 14 per ton. Hotter Washington creamery, Ifc per It».', ranch, 21c per IT». K g«* Selected local. 4 2c I »tatoc White Itlver, $ I 9 24 »•■r ton; Taklm.i, $22 « 26 per ton. Mi«« Jenny Keulercr liu« returned from Portland where «lie ha« lieen vuiiing friend«. Mr H 14 Branch «tarted Thuradny delivering the mail alter a vacation ol Ifi day« during which time Ja«|icr Phillip* w hr delivering it. M r Peter H irxeifer and «later M in n ie attended the dan«'« S aturday evening at Kery* Imp house,, a ltd report having »pent u joyou« evening. Mr« Frank Hell und dauther were viailor« at Htayiou on Monday. Ml«« Hindu Heckei who ha« lieen in Portland the la»t lew month« ha« re­ turned home. Hen Monkey and Cliri» Hmith *| m - ui Holiday evening with John Kiulz and family Mr« Philip Meier accompanied by her fat tier made a hu«inc*a trip to Portland on Monday. Mr Kdward Tate and Ja«|icr Phillip* »pent Sunday afternoon with B. 8. Branch and family. Mr« Pauline 6|wnttr and mother Mr» Wilbclmy of Hiiaw viaited at the Frank Bell home Holiday. Mi* Ailieri Frank wa« 011 the «ick li«l la»t week. Notice 1» hereby given that the under- •Ignetl Executor of the la«t will and Mr and Mr« Geo Glover viaited in testament am) cutate of There«« Salem the latter part of hint week. Walter deceit*«d ha« filed in the 0* unity Court of the Ktute of Oregon for Marlon County, hi« final account a* »itill Kxeeutor of »aid «state and that »aid Court ha» fixed Monday the Mill day of 'larch 1IH61 at the hour of one oVha'k p in of «aid day at the County Court ream» in the City of Ha lent Oregon a* the time and place for hearing *aid account and all object ton» thereto. NUMBER I NEW PISHING 0WS5EEK H,GHER 0UTY 0N hops Western G row er« to Ask fo r Double Charge, Hurrah for dear old Oregon rain. Notice of Final Settlement. Oregon-Washington Conferees Have Reached Tentative Agreement. UNIfORM LAW S AR E URGED Spring Cloned K ciihoii , March 1 to May 1( Kail Cloned Nemmn, Augnili 23 I I September 10. Beattie, Feb. 2.— A* a result of the Jofnt meeting of the legislative committee« from Oregon and Wash- Ington, regarding «alumn Ashing In the Columbia river, an effort 1« to be made to have the agreement In the form of a treaty ratified by the United State« senate and extend*-1 to six or eight year«, n o that quat- reU and hostile legislation from either state over the boundary righ’ a cannot in future upset the peaceful relations which have now been e.i- tabllithed for the first time In the history of the two states. The Joint commission, by unani­ mous vote, agreed to recommend the passage of a law by both legislatur