W New To-day Thomas Grocery A GREATER STAYTON. The undersigned couitnlUee appoint i Send in Your Order ! ed by the Com mercial Club to en- Wi t w eather is now ucre. ( ’nil ami at once for , couurge the organisation of n laid- I see ou r tine lino of Kobe* anil Blanket* SEE T H O M A S G R O C E R Y ies Im provem ent League, auxiliary to; 414« F« K Al l LKa : and" any other movement that stands When your Coffee Doesn’t Taste Good Don’t Blame the Cook a great Koitcr, intends opening dressm aking F o fx ir— F ur collarette Owner can for a greater Stayton. We trust that every lady in this community will parlors after Novem ber first. W ill go have same by calling at this odiee and fe e l' this a personal Invitation and I ii1 1 1 you tim eout w hat kind of coffee she use* It*» mure Ilian out in families if desired. Call and paving for this notice. he interested In giving her hearty likely til» built la tilth tile Collett allil Hot Witll the Cook If loll support to this cause At least to see her prices right. » 37tf tinil the fault I- n u ll tile coffee, change your hrauil anil Will pay 42 1-2 cts per d zen for enroll her name as a mem ber even fresh eggs untill further notice, though circum stances may prevent h« Overalls and Jtini|>ers to close Try one of These: Seal Brand, M.Y.B.,Dependable, Chase & Sanborn s j from attending its meetings regular­ W F KLECKER. out 50 cents. ly, such no doubt, will he the case Don’t fail to hear Zeke W in ergreen Heavy fleece lima! underw ear for some whose home duties take riii’ii if i lit.* roll* t* »Infan t luM«* rig h t, pilling** rook- give an aceount*of his travels in“Three most of their time. O ther towns have to jdosc out 50 cents these 1 .adles Im provem ent Leagues V 1’ Lancetield. Glasses a Day,” opera house, Dec. 17. and they are doing even more than If yon want to hear some go,si m u ­ the Commercial Club’s. Why should Special Features Have W A N TED — Farm s for sale or rent be In the front rank? Now H ave clients in the east who want to sic and have a go,>d laugh, atten d the is we the not accepted Been Obtained at tim e for 'progersslon en tertain m en t Saturday buy Oregon ranches from owner* only, orchestra Hoping every lady who reads this article, and every lady who hears of O h a s . H okdlk , M ill C ity. Ore night. Great Expense. our m eeting will be present, we are 1 In tempi rance di am.» I h r e li last* ; sincerely Yours for A G reater Stay FO li SA L E — Fifty lots adjoining es a D.iv’’ will he given by hom e talent ton. Com mittee, Mrs A. L. Shreve, an Mrs Clarence Heauehamp. the town of Stayton. Price from $•><• next T hursday > veiling, Ik e IT. "> .it chairm Mrs W right. Miss Eliza Roy, Mrs F, up, and for inform ation call on Dripps, ; the opera hoti'C. Doors open at 7:30 G. Conley. of Stayton. o'clock. Music by th e l.a u orchestra. A musical en tertain m en t will lie; A PPLE SHOW That we have secured the agency for the given at the opera house to morrow NATIONAL S A LES AG EN TS W ANTED. O PENS AT SPOKANE MONDAY Celebrated Litchfieid Wagon Box $36 per week or 400 per c. profit. (S aturday; night, under the auspices ! of the l.au orchestra. M any m usical : Spokane. W ash., Pec. 7.— The ap­ All sam ples, stationery and art c a ta ­ novelties— m andolin, banjo, guitar, ple Is the greatest fruit in the world Manure Spreader logue free. W e w ant one perm anent jetc _ nn(, mu#ioal 8|Wciahiea wi„ lie ; and TO STAYTON M AIL. the northw estern corner of the The cheapest and best manure spreader agent in this locality ior the largest presented, besides vocal and in stru * , United States is the .greatest* place Box 98, S tayton, Oregon. picture and frame bouse in America. m ental solos. It will he an excellent j In tho world to grow It in. If the G entlem en: on the market to-day. gathered here today to wit­ E xperience unnecessary. We instru ct en tertain m en t and all should .attend. I people I hereby subscribe fo r........... single ness the opening of the national ap­ yon how to sell our goods and furnish ple show are to be believed Their copies of your C hristm as N um ber to the capital. If you w ant a perm anent ; belieT seems to be ]ustifled by Fhe O FF FOR OLD M EXICO. honorable and profitable position, m any splendid specim ens of fru it be m ailed ns follow»:................................... Geo. L. Brmvn h aves to-day for Old i placed on exhibition. w rite us to-day for particulars, c a ta ­ Pittsburg Electric Weld Steel Wire Mexico, where lie ha* large m ining in- M onths ago the projectors of the log and samples. terests, where be expects to rem ain show, aided by the Spokane Cham- or I will call for them at the M AIL Fencing in) all sizes for field FR A N K W W ILLIA M S CO., , * , , ,, i ,, ber of , Com m erce, induced . Issue , the lnvtta- , na- . Ollice. 1214 W Taylor St. Chicago III. : wo m onths il home folks keep • well ..___ tional governm ent to or poultry. ui,1 tlie southern clim ate agree* w ith tlons to foreign countries to send Enclosed f i n d ............cents. him . He will 1 a c c o m p a n ie d from here their best specim ens of the ap- FARM FOR SALE— $2,500.— Your* truly Prices on application. 147 acres of land. 40 acres under Altmnv by Dr. H ill of th a t city. i PIe- The object was the bringing cultivation. Good buildings. Six mi­ v N um erous S tavton people , are • inter- together at , one tim e of the standard , grown for . com- Sublimity Implement House, les east of Stayton Cem etery. 1 * 1 varieties of apples Address, F. STROMBERG, e?ted with Mr. Brown in these M exi­ m ercial purposes throughout the STAYTON. OREGON. PHILIP MEIER, Prop. world for the purpose of com pari­ can properties son. A nother object Is the advance­ Aside from its value as a business L 1TTLE A D V E R TIS E M E N TS m ent of the interests of apple grow ­ trip th is will a m ost interesting one ers. Of Wants, To-Let, For Sale,Lost tree. They expect to be back In Fc unc,, Fersonals, Marriages, Death and Mr. Brown's m any friends hope to spend the holidays a t home. c . cost only O N E C E N T a word for he may enjoy it to the fullest ex ten t. es ;h insertion. CASH with order. Some of the young folks of this din Notice for Publication. Will pay 42 1-2 cts per doz. for Only a few pennies properly put fresh eggs until further notice. triet expect to go to the social given lH?Pttrifiit't)( ol ili« fiiurtor. Now is the time in L I T T L E C A T C H Y AD W I L L at Oak Glenn the 10th. T O BE R E M E M B E R E D . W F Klecker. l’.tf. I.atiil orti''*- at l'oriU ti'l, Or<‘ffun. ALW AYS G ET RESULTS. Will Lake and Robert Goodie a t­ Always when Mr and Mrs Geo. L. | to visit Notici' I% hffrt'by r I ycii iloti J. Kmii* tended the dance a t Lyons last S at­ Brown open th eir home to an assem ­ in un « *# \b r felci* ti, W naltl tintoli, ulto, oti H«*|»* T r y K — N — O— X— A Cold Tablets urday night. Usmbcr ¿Uh. l'JOA, nindv llmbcr l«n«l b |> p I| i b < at me B R E W E R DRUG C O M P A N Y . blage of their friends a decidely p e a sa n t tim e is looked for.and when Klumb Echoes. Uon No OI«i7 Ì«»r hw 4 ut XW 4 of»U Miss Corrigan and her school arc 42tr. invitations were received for a busy preparing an otic-fntirth Hci'timi ti mni n ì : one-fourtlt hk entertainm ent V iW STORE social gathering W ednesday night.all Mrs H unt of Mill City, is visiting for Christm as. onc*foorth ol Mrctioti l ». nm iiohlp to Houli». \ EW F I X T U R E S friends on the Ridge after having j reblpients were on the “anxious Katiffi' I cH-tof WilUiiM f t« McNrilAtt, Hi* III©» F E W GOODS spent a week in Stayton. W hen sum ui«r Im* pu-scil notte«* of intcìltloii to tnalu* Unni canti |irnof i / E. R O Y ’S. Don’t fail to call seat’’ for the hour to arrive, and found the evening as usual at this ill these northern state*, t'tabllah cintili lo ili»' lami a)H»vc deaeri tu A. Lam brecht and family spent the c see them. 43tf. pleasant home one of enjoym ent. Mill City. befor© Hi»* k. Klnirr and Mccdvcr uf I \ H. I alt» first of the week in Sublimity. tin: sun is only mild under The fun began by “sw aping” var­ office at Portland. Orrgoo. <>n th« llth d ay-n articles that the guf sts had Jno. Apple. Jr., was with us last Edd Goddard has left for his home tile bright blue -kies, of w DL W ANTED—at once. ious Dcccinlwr, l'JUH. week. been requested to bring and much in Los Angeles. (la i roani tiara e a i m i ttnena**: S outhern C alifornia. This Stayton Woolen Mills I am usem ent was created by the kind, F. A. Siegniund spent part of last J. Wahl left here Monday for his f’harl«’*» M. Ivi©ruiii. of \lMn*icon. Afi r the laughter occasioned by Mr and Mrs J. F. Richards Seaf Hornbiickle, one of Stayton's t about your plumbing and tin- l’etcr Ande rio n.of Portland, Orinoli. mer for tho«e ii ho CHiilint fastest Ball players, is working in ng. Heaters lined. 43tf. th trading had subsided, mem bers oi in Stayton on Saturday, A 141 IH Hn* M (Mira*rii. Ih k IM i i th i Lau O rchestra, who were among Some of our young people atten d ­ the lum ber yard. He will Join the endure a m ore severe c li­ the guests,favored the company with C. L. Co.. Ball team in the spring the dance in Lyons on Saturday m ate. W/ " T E D . — selections, which were heart­ ed evening. .^> #00 Men women and children several Ellis and Clyde Hill visited at th< C alifornia lias liecn called ily received. to visit the H J M arking Fur­ of J. F. Potter, a few days last P artners for lunch were secured by Mrs Millie Lake and sons spent home the “ Mecca of the w inter niture Store and see the new comparison week. of cards on each of which one day of last week visiting friends A:ie of excellent tolirist ,’ its hotel* anil here. was p art of some well known adver­ Bill Duffy is now laid up for rt B A M B O O G O O D S . stopping places are a* tisem ent. Those having each a part I Mrs E. G. and M athilda Siegmund pairs. He got his hand in one of tho of the same advertisem ent wr re fated I were in Lyons on Saturday. planer m achlm s. Do you know that the varied a* those of all well to lunch together. B R E W E R DRUG CO.. AND J. R. Shaw left the first of the regulated cities. Visitors The lunch was a delicious one anc P. C. F reres made a business trip week for a visit with relatives in K— N — O— X — A Cold Tablets are tastefully to Portland on Friday, returning Sun. serve d under the super­ can always tiod suitable the best COLD, L A G R IP P E and Albany. H E A D A C H E C U R E at vision of the hostess. The punch Jos. Etzel and family were In Sub­ A. R. Sullivan is down about King­ aerim i tinaia! ion*, congeli bow! was presided over by Miss THE B R E W E R D R UG CO M P AN Y. Frank Alexander. lim ity during the first of the week. ston looking for a Yoke of oxen. ini com panions, and v ar­ 42tr. The occasion was one thoroughly Conrad Zolkoske was in W est Stay- He has a logging Job for the Curtis ied, pleasing recreation*. enjoyed by the guests and one long ton recently. Lum ber Company. Card of Thanks. \V desire to express our -t to be rem em bered. Besides the host On Sunday, J. F. Richards and Jack Gale returned the first of thl Southern Pacific Co. igratitu de to our many friends who and hostess those present were, Mes- wife visited a t the home of the week after spending a few days ii. near Mehama. Mr Richards the Capital I so sincerely assisted us in our re­ -r and Mesdames Sim eral, Foster, C. I f(} City. Will I k * glad to supply sou <• cent sorrow and afflieition. l - t S S T j . f . . . .......... ««** > »• God alone can give ju st rew ard Trask. W. L. Petit, E. D. A lexander, M essrs H enry C roisant and Wlebe T here will be a mask ball in Ly very attractive literatliie, for these heartfelt kindnesses.. J. J. Harden. V. V. Davie, M esdames Kuiken of McCully Mountain were vis ons Xmas, and one in G ates Xma eve. Yours truly, Mr and Mrs Vernon. J.V .K itchen, W.M.Follis, F.G.Conley, iting here on Sunday. describing in detail tie John Kaufm an was in town the for many delights of a winter Nina Cahler, Kate Pres Tuesday, H. A. Siegm und was in part “Oh! I see we are to have two wed­ A.L.Shreve, of the week. He has a home ton; Misses Hobson, Shepard, Cooper Sublim in California. ity on business. stead over on the little north fork ding*.” H arry M ontford, in “Three Alexandi r, P unk, Cornelius. Roy, and Our Assortment of Christmas and of the Santiam. Very low round trip excursion Jos. Becker was a Stayton caller on Rear::«. M essrs W. I*. Freres, W. Glasses a D ay.” New Years Post Cards can not N. Pintier, L. P. Brown, Byron Rob­ Tuesday. Frank Baker returned Monday nft< tickets are on sale to Califor­ be excelled----------- ertson. C. E. Brown, Jos. K earns, E. a week at his home R nia. The rate from West Stay W illing of Portland Is visit­ T visiting C.irds from 2 for 5 I Dr E. E. Jackson, our local v e t­ C. T itus, J. F. I*au and Claire Slm- ing Edw. urner. He is tim e-keeper in the lo relatives on the ridge. to 25 Cents each. erinary, about three weeks ago eral. glng camp. ton to Los Angeles and return SEE T H E M B E F O R E B U Y IN G . perform ed a very skillful and success M essrs Anton 1-aux and Mike Niet- Edd Heath and Lem Taylor were 1 ful is $56.80 ling were iiauling freight from Aums- town PO RTLAND M ARK ETS. on business the first of th< ?lo ing to M" Titus. ville on Tuesday. W heat— T rack prices: Club, 90c; week. Limit six months allowing red Russian, 88c; bluestem , 96c; FtaîW.V» n lide v u imiov, - pr<-- • • an Valley, STAYTON PHARMACY John Kincaid form erly of Staytoi stopovers in either d irect­ 9 2c. attractiv e appearance. Stayton m er­ B arley— is tending bar in Gates. ion. ¡similar excursion Feed, $26.50; rolled, Pumpkin Center. chant s have excellent line* thi* Sea­ Bank Building. Clyde Maybee, of Lyons is working $28Mer Ilf th) I lluni)- « miri iifllii- State nf and the floor was managed by Lei w ere played they departed wishing 3 rn 4c. Ore*"" fui- Msrlnii < minty inaile ami entered Berry. Ail the dancers wear masked of Keeiiril on the (liti day nf govumher l!H*> tin- the little hostess many m ore happy Wool— Valley 14#15V 4c; lb; There was a public meeting held at and wore fine costum es. Prizes wen I iindcM gind Kxei-uiur uf tin, K - fata of tv >ak- birthdays. the P. C. sehool Monday and a com­ 1 f!’" ” 1' vs 111 on Saturday the U dav nf as follows: Best sustained lad E astern Oregon, 84il6e, as to m ittee appointed to get the supplies given ! I»; '••»"»M e I'»« at I I ,h ..„ r .. f one n'rlnrk ... in. character,M iss Mary Kocmke, Silver. shrinkage. I It m v«* «©cured Mi»* H gency for th* D E C E M B E R T H E 19TH. I ¡7 7 . ' ' . V Ml **"• . « 1" I - *old a* neri • for our C hristm as tree. Salt and Pepper shake given by the I limit, r di'M-rilH-d III ......... t•••• Town of Htavton Mar M ohair— Choice, 18@ 19c. nil l"""ty llrpRlin "ell all the right nil. Co. Store. Best gent character box J. W. Apple returned Tuesday from Celebrated “Builhide” Whips Candy and pop corn. Intere-t anil eatata that d.-.-.-d.-nl had al the Eastern Oregon where he has been cigars by P otter * Hill. Mrs H Str- Hnve been here ulm o*t 2Í» years. ¡tine nf hla «lesili ut fuit.In- aiiellon In the SEA TTLE .MARKETS, uble and Edd Domigolla won the nl*he*t Milder for r*ah ln I, ,i,,| tlm nnf aste several days on business. The Y. P. S. C. E., of Stayton I nil on tli© old A taiid-by and «uldeet t„ M.iriga*« therein In favor W heat— Bluestem , 96 54c. W H Cooper Henry Miller for the aiim of U ve Hundred of will give a bazaar in the new T.J. W are went to Stayton on busi­ prize waltz. 12 3t O a ts $ 3 0 ii 3 4 . Uiillar* alili luti re.I there.ni frinii Jane Alfa» E. ROY B U IL D IN G ON 3RD S T ness on Monday last. 7. O. Hayes of Tangent Oregon Is Barley— $26. I ? followliiK l'V P,,'H l*«r ll'-al annum W I T H AN O Y S T E R visiting with his brother and sister dererlhed K.-lalf In to and a lt: to Hu has gone to Hillsboro W. F. Hayes and Miss Maud Mayes V V V V V W V W V V V ¥ ¥ ¥ V V V V > ir I.iil* Hay E astern W ashington timo- I to Leo take Gray charge SUPPER. Su' Five (.1) and M|y fnj In lllork Vn 1 of a farm his of this place. Miss Hayes is teacher u ih>, 16 f>n ton; Puget Sound hay, father ahs purchased O Y S T E R S W I L L BE S E R V E D \f there. The FOR T E N C E N T S A P L A T E . $10 11 per ton; w heat hay, $12 II A T H M * YOI i )! , folks of our vicinity regret in the public school here. E V E R Y B O D Y C O M E AN D »l/f In n rrd »»f Vrti*hni»ry M©r%lc©a '|fr 1 ,ov' ,'.,lov 'di fi an I of . .plinth*' KcCord per on; alfalfa, $9.50(frl0 per ton. ! i young his departure very much. O. L. Purdy is now working in the er«« .»flir# in „ hi . i Murtón ( minty OrrKon. 2 H lt fflll IR« «I in Ii mu . . . H A V E A GOOD T IM E . B utter — W ashington cream ery, Clias Apple accom panied by bis si*, mill as planer man. l»Hf. ti ihm loth day of November I ínih . PA U L KKHLKN, V s. T H E PR O C E E D S 37c ]>er lb; ranch, 23c per lb. W II f/l KhNI'.u Kti'fiitor K«tat© ■ I I I i » n . » M O O N . GO TO T H E ter Grace left last week for a Dock Goodman has left for his ol Win Hakrisoti Jicccascd. ii« Selected lu«*l, 45 i* 18c. Y.P.8.C.E. No 41 • 46 i few weeks stay on his farm a t Crab* home In Stayton. TH E LOCAL FIELD Christmas Edition Stayton Mail Holiday Number Order How 5c a Copy. W E Thomas & Son. Must Call Attention Car Just Received » o o o o < California! Christmas New Year t POST ■'k3%£Zri>\ CARDS. h \