REMEHBER STAYTON City Election Next Month. S T A Y T O N M Ä lL CITY O r ri C IA L H W I, F rka » i , Ut|ur. (’«MurY ir ui/. ti'f. K. H o V . 'l ri » » u r i ' f . il KM li V SMITH, U n i l l > l > A Ity E H I Í 'J . C O N LH Y. SCHOOL NEW S. [MARTIN ED EN a RR i ve d from the R P Smith Company A FULL LINE Of Boys, Youths and Little Gents fine Blucher SH 0 Pat. Li ither, Box Calf and Gun Mutai. These are re­ liable goods made by a well known nouse and the prices aw y ry reasonable. Call and u them at Y Lancefieid’ s Young Missionaries Married. Wheaton \i Huntley, mji'il Ml, mill Pearl M Doyle, aged Hi, <>l Slayton, win' urn t| lit Salem I ’rill-iv. Iiv Rev Kirct-f, nf lhi> (1|ii*iimi rlmri-li pur- »mi • Lt** I iiffy » ill I h * lit I.* I iiiihiii fur awhile, »n 1 tlu*li Ir a t e » « llll-iiiiliirii • in ii fu iis it In-Id. Pretty young, but they in .1 > *iircrrtl, mill hero’» to their liu |ipi nr»» — -Democrat TI ik inoltrimi rendered by tlie Entri' Non* Society ut it* regular meeting Jack l.uiubiii linn jii*t written a book on lu*t Friday wn* splendid. uf 142,000 word* nitilli'it “ Martin The play entitled, “ Aunt Belay'» Jack London’s New Book. Kili'n” T i l K P A C IF IC MONTHLY Mr. Rancher £ here for your next year’s reading T h e n AIL For a Year The ORCHARD and FARM For a Year The W OM ANS HOME CONPANION For a Year The AHERICAN BOY Fora Year For a Year The HOM E M AG AZINE P O U R — And the M A I L C Just Think— For Your $ Home 3.25 Paper / £ Beaux" win* hi|thly entertaining. I mid will run lor twtdve month*. The leadinit ehnracler "Aunt Betsy” ” Murfin Kdi'ii” i* a character «tudy whs well Muntili ned ihrouithoiit by — III.' »lory of a ti*(li*,T— a filthier a» a j >|„ Osidlier newsboy in the alieysof Han Fiiinoiwo | |»r« >|gr»tni carried out wa» a» a llitbter ii * a rowdy in t be alum*; and j follow*: j dually, a fighter for education mid Song by aociety culture, «1 niggling against Hie odd* of j heading of minute* • «in i ii o ii birth a n il vulgar environment 1 (feuding, Mutile Corn''*h with a denperation o( courage Duet, Mable and Kvrt Gardner that present» » |Miwi'rful blending of hei'it at ion, fieu. Tate ; t >r it t ii I i i y ■ ■ ( • i n n ' n with *uhliniity Solo, Gladys Frame of pur|)ii>e. H im inspiration i* u worn- , Trio, Brown, June», Morton. mi of ftie higher »phere of life, hut hi* Coiii|m*itii>n, Her»cbel Blireve motive i» tin mighty I in pi line that am- Song by Society mate» a «..ill and bruin Liro to expand her i tut ion, Lila Ware, room 2 until lettering ignorance i» »undered l'lay, “ Aunt Betty” mid ignotdc intlucijce tramplcil under Mable Gardner. “ Capen Hunt* foot. ley,” Everett Gardner “ Squire It i« uoi too much to »ay of “ Martin Hooper” Everett Crabtree. Kden ’ lli it it (m.iii!.*'. more of fa*- Mi*cbievioV»girl», Lettiu Wed­ cinntion and virility, grip* the im-j dle, from; Shelley, Mae Crab­ agination mil the »ympathie* more tree. keenly, and impart» more of courage, Election of AHirer*. limn any book produced in year» Visitor* of the «chool during the Send 60 cent» in stamp* to The wi-'-k, Director Gardner, Mr* Gardner. l‘.'tribe Mnut lily and they w ill nmil Mr» Sinteral, Mr» I-eutz, Htillie Shel­ mui t be Pai'ifh Monthly for mix month* ley, Mable Frame, Abbie Condit, Lot­ I'i'ginuing with tie- fteptemM'r numlier tie Kent wort by, Mi»« Fmzer, Mr* Joe in whieli the lir»l matallment of Lon­ Fuller and Mr» Bert Purvine. don'» »tory appear». Killin' Bruchcr gave un a pleasant call before leaving and wished iu a happy and prosperous year. Kd wa* a model student and be should be proud of the record he leave* behind him. Give a Look A L L N O T A N and Three Magazines for Only $3.25 9 - HAVE YOU SEEN OUR $25 TEAM HARNESS. W lw n y o u get y o u r FARM HARNESS fro m us y o u can su p p ly y o u r needs fro m $25 up. Do iM Forget We Still Have MONITOR, and SUPERIOR DRILLS CAN TO N C H ILLE D P LO W S S T E E L HARROW S Harness, Buggies and Wagons and anything in the Implement line. Also Lim e, Cement and Plaster M aterial. Korinek & Mielke. .ft J * .4 J * j* J * J* J* TH ANKS- GIVING * :: b a l l :: N O V E M B E R 20 ST A Y T O N . Opera Houne. Ca»li *'* M 1* Prizes, Ooial Supper. »** L A I ' O R C H E STR A .ft .ft .ft .< .ft .ft Edgar Watters will talk on Friday for thirty minute* to tin on' Pont Office Regulations This will tie instructive and very much appreciated. Thirteen of the pupils from room 3 visited the Entre Nous society on Fri day. These pupil* merited this visit, and appreciated it very much. The following pupils have been at their place of duty, neither absent nor tardy since Sept 2H to October 23. hooni 4. Mae Crabtree Dare Sloper Herschel Sbreve Arnold Funk George Tate Everett Gardner Steph. Taylor Frank Günsel Norman Davie Mulde Gardner Mary Frank Mi Ica hoy Irene Shelly Maluna Scstak heim Burson Mable Cornish MKCTS COUNCI LM CP I. K. U \ * H. H kkv ( H .n eh fc w t (I.W, Mc*rmf S u b s crip tio n , $1.* . O KQ AN , S T A Y T O N . M ARIO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . rHIKTI i:N I H YhAR. U si N K W M l’A H K H C OUN C I L Finii Tliur* ^ RANGE and the LORAINE ST E E L RANGE. | Ask those who use them or call and see thim at s te w . They cost no more than other kind. BERBER BROTHERS Hardware, Paint and Oil and Farm Impleme-t Stayton, - - = Oregon. A Marvelous Clubbing Offer The The The The M AIL AMERICAN BOY PANDEX OF THE PRESS HOME MAGAZINE For For For For One Year. One Year. One Year. One Year. All for Only $2.75 A Few Words About These Magazines. The A M E R IC A N BOY is a profusely illustrated monthly for boys, and the most entertaining and practical magazine in the world for young Americans. The P A N D E X OF T H E PRESS is a digest of the world's news from the big dailies. The HOME M A O \Z IN E i* much different from many maga­ zines. It has not a dry line in it. It is tilled with inter­ esting topics of the day.