New Train Service on 0. & E. CAHN BLOCK Commentting June 22 m •>k, of Lyons,Oregon, who on December *2, 1901, madt Homestead^ Entry No. 13937, Serial. No. 0410, for S\V‘ 4, Section 32, Township 9 South Range 2 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intentiou to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on the nth day of Nov­ ember, 190s* Claimant name« as* witueaaea: Kd. Trank, of Lyon*, Oregon, Louis Sehnaekenburg of Ferdinand Holxfus* of “ Chari** E. Mills of ** AbGKRNON 8. DURJWKR, Régi* ter. C IT Y OREGON M EAT M ARKET Sestak & Sons a/eaiars iu HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR STOCK AND HIDES SC E N IC . Stayton, Oregon STAYTON D A IL Y P A P E R -5 Melons and Fruits. CEMENT STONE WORKS GEM CONFECTIOISERY A U , K IN D * OF Cement W. H. Queener Conveyancing, Collect ions and Pmlmte Business A Specialty. Real Estate Sold and Loans Negoti­ ated. Fire ami Accident Insurance. Stayton, Oregon. Chas. Estate, L. P. ItROWN. Be On Time If you buy a watch from me you get one that can be depended upon to keep correct time, and at a price lower than you can buy the same goods elsewhere. Hoedle Loans. And Collection Im estm ents Agent. Clty-Ore I Can That Responds lo Light M ill Notice for Publication. Grand Central Hotel Notice is hereby given ;Luit t >le Adelbert White, of Portland, Oregon, who, on August 20,1908, made Timber and Rtoue Application, i N o.0812, for 8.W. *4 of N. W. and W. » , o f j 8. ff. ' 4, 9ection 20. Townahlp 9. 8., Range 4 B., Willamette ‘ Meridian, ha* filed notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to establish i claim to the land above described, l>eforc Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, | on the 29th day of October, 1908. Claimant names as witness««: Angus H. St Thomas, of Portland, Oregon I Wm. St Thomas, of ” ” W. F. Clark, of Date*. Oregon Peter Nystrum of ** " T a k e care of your eyes. Don’t buy glasses from peddlars or irresponsible dealers. You get scientific service and fair prices if you deal with me. Locoted Corner 2nd and FI St. Guests will find first class accomodations. Traveling Men will find a large, light Sample Room. Large Pleasant Dining Room. Good Rooms and Prices E Stayton- Oregon. HUBERT F. LEONARD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN * 3 i » - 2o M o h a w k H id«. Res. Phone Main 70SS Office Main 709 Portland - - - - f % ^ % ^ f Oregon. M fiiulsy is W s «h d tiy you r c lo th e s b rig h t I w ill d o It fo r yon Sure ns y o u ’ re a li\ e . p iW . I\U I, reliable je w e le r AND O PT I CI AN Stayton, Oregon. to Suit. M. J SPANIOL Prop. Department *>f the Interior, U. 8. T. tnd office Rt I’ortland, Oregon, August 20 1908. Store Cement Stone made to Order " It. Churchill, j of St Johns,Oregon, who,on * o p t.,ly fls , mode Tlmberl.mid Application So.a*M, for I H W \ ol B E '*o f Section l.X and XX'1, of NEl-4 of, | Section 22, Township lit South, Cange I, East of Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, I on the JOtli day of November. 1»**. Claimant names as witnesses: XV .T. Clark, o f Gates, Oregon. C.A. Revere, of Gates, Oregon. f.Bradeu, of Gates, Oregon. Arthur Oborltn, ol St.Johns, Oregon. No. 30-% 8 - 2 M Pd. Repairing and Cleaning a Specialty PE R IO D IC A LS Notice for Publication. Department of The Interior. 33-43 Pd. I have on hand a fall line of ixmplM for Spring and Summer Suit*. F re s h , S a lt and S m o k e d M EA TS In Postals Notice. H E N K E L » Merchant Tailor Notice ta hereby given that the under- STAYTON, OREGON algntil has filed her final account aa ad- mlnlatratrtx of the eatate of F. U. Hull, deceased, In the county court of Marion DR. E. E. JACKSO N County, Oregon, and that said court has duly act the hearing of objections thereto Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist and the aettlement thereof for Monday, the Post-graduate of Wyman’s College. Duly 26th day of October, laus. at 10 o'clock a. in. registered In Oregon. 22 years a Veterinary in the court room of aald court at Salem, Difficult case* Solicited. Satisfaction Guaran In aald Coun'y and *tate. teed. Hated at Salem, Oregon, thia 21at day of STAYTON, - OREGON. September, 191». CuttDKLlA P. H i l l , Administratrix. Frank A. Turner, Attorney. :M-39 pd. Lawyer and Notary Public. FARMERS OUR PRICES C o r . 3 r d OREGON. # Keep ♦ I w i l l m l I on M o n d a y ♦ F o r y o u r s h i r t s and s o t Scnd t h e m t<» S a le m ♦ ; In my l au n d r y h o * . ♦ O L I V E R L E S L E Y , S TAYT ON MOTEL ♦