New Train Service on 0. it E. CAHN BLOCK Commencing June 22 »ml until further notice the following train *er- vice will be in effect on the line of the C. A K. K. It between Albany and Ya- <|uiua, daily except Sunday: " Suits and Overcoats T ra in N o. Id Mixed Pnasenger Non-breakable Fronts we are prepared for the trade with T r a in N o. 2 J'H-aenger 12:40 n. in. .'»:30 p. to. T ra in N o 2 I-cuv« A lb a n y 7 :4 6 a .m . A r. Y a tp iin a I BO p m T ia iu No. 16 FOR MEN School Days Are Here, and as usual an excellent line of childrens school shoes, good strong school hosiery, Mixed I^eave Y a q u in a 2:16 p in. A rriv e \ I bun y 7 4, Section 32, Township 9 South- Kauge'J East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final live year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on the 6th day of Nov­ ember, 190». claimant names a* witnesses: Real Izstatc. Loans. of Lyons, Oregon, Ed. Trask, Louis Bchnackenburg of And Collection Ferdinand llolxfitss of Charles K. Mills of " Chas. OF PORTLAND For the general news o f the World also for information about how to obtain the best results in cultivating the soil, Stock R aisin g, Fruit G row ing, etc. Y o u c a n s e c u r e th is e x c e lle n t p a p e r b y TAKING OUR OFFER BEFORE October 31st 1908 $1.00 Womans home Companion i.o o Review of Reviews Weekly Oregonian 3.00 1.50 Stayton Hail 1.25 $ 7 -7 5 OUR P R IC E $5.50 The Mail Subscription Agency, Box 98, Stayton, Oregon. Oregon. L. P. BROWN. Be On T im e ^ If you buy a watch from me you get one that can be depended upon to keep correct time, and at a price lower than you can buy th*? same goods elsewhere. H oedle Inxestmenis Agent. A ’ Aï SUNOS S. D u k - w k h , K e g t' 1er. M i l l C ity -O re g o n . United States Land office. At Portland, Oregon,September 5,190*. Notice Is hereby given that l!o-s R. Churchill, of St Johns,Oregon, who, on Sopi., o. loos, made TimberLand Application No. *M91. for SW t4 ol SK‘, of Section 15 and W>, of N E l-lo f, Section 22, Township 10 South, Range 4, East of Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Pinal proof to establish1 claim to the land above described, before th- Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, i on the 20th day of November, 190*. Claimant names as witnesses: W.T. Clark, o!Oates, Oregon. C.A.Revere, of Oates,Oregon. I.Braden, of Oates, Oregon. ArthurOberltn, ot St.Johns, Oregon, :«-t:t I’d. ALottttNos 8. II kfso :«, Reglstet. I Grand Central Hotel Locoted Corner 2nd mid Kl St. Guests will find first class accomodations. Traveling Men will find a large, light Sample Room. Large Pleasant Dining Room. Good Rooms and Prices to Suit. M. J SPANiO L Prop. Stayton- Oregon. HUBERT F. LEONARD Department of the Interior, U. 9. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, August 20 190*. E T a k e care of your eyes. Don't buy glasses trom peddlars or irresponsible dealers. You get scientific service and fair prices if you deal with me. D G Y R E L IA B L E j e w e l e r . I\U 1 , and o p t ic ia n Stayton, Oregon. N E IS * t CONNAW AY .* J fl OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 310-20 M o h a w k tild « . Res. Phone .Main 70SS Office Main 709 Portland - - - - Oregon. L A U N D R Y CALLED AND for Salem FOR D E L IV E R E D Steam Laundry A m m a n * 8. D ri m ss * . R egis te r. Xo. 30-3» »-¿8 Pd. I Can Fil Any That Responds to Light Notice for Publication. Department of The Interior. Notice ts hereby given th ’ le Adelbert White, of Portland. Oregon, who, on August ¿0,1908, made Timber and Stone Application. No. « m , for 8.W. ! » 0 f X . W. ‘ .a n d W. >, of 8. W. Section ¿0, Township 9. 8., Range 4 K . Willamette ;Meridlan. ha* tiled M O N of Intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim fo the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on the '29th day ol October, 190*. Claimant names as witnesses: Angus II. 8t Thomas, of Portland, Oregon Wm. 8t Tbomas. of W. F. Clark, of Oates, Oregon Peter Nystrum of " Store Cement Stone made to Order on Sir r* Notice. Koundationv «Specialty. NOTARY PUBLIC Notice for Publication. Building And Cement Building Material. Lawyer and Notary Public. READ THE American Magazine H E N K E L , OREGON S T A Y T O N .- OREGON. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, October 7, 1908. Notice in hereby given that James Davis, by John Pearson, his Attorney in Fact, of 740 Schuyler St , Portland, County of .Multuomali, State of Oregon has filed in this office, his application Administrators Notice. to select under the provisions of the Xotlce It hereby given that the under­ Act of Congress, approved July 1 1898, signed baa been duly appointed Adminis­ NOVEL, COMIC and SCENIC. the S w 1 N B \, NJ N W 8 F. 4 trator of the Estate of Julia Ann Phillips N W \ Sec. 29, Tp. 11 8., K. 4 E., W. M. deceased by order of the County Court of PERIODICALS the Slate of Oregon for Marlon Couuty made Aliy and all person* claiming adverse­ and entered of record on the ¿3rd day of MAGAZINES ly the lands described, or desiring to September A D ISO*. A ll persona having claim against said estate D A IL Y PAPERS object Itecause of the mineral character | are hereby notified to present the same duly 1 of the land, or for any other reason, to verified with proper vouchers to the under­ tiie disposal to applicant, should file signed at his residence about Six Mile* Easterly trom Sublimity, Oregon, or at the their affidavits of protest in this office office of his attorney W. 11. Queener at Stay-j on or before the 15th day of x ovember ton, Oregon, within six months Irom the j 1908. A lgernon S D kk » ker Register date of this notice. R il e y P P hillips Administrator of the Estate of I 37-42 Julia Ann Phillips, Deceased. I FARMERS OUR PRICES C o r . 3 r d a n d H ig h S t s . OREGON. 1 Oliver Lesley, Stayton Hotel. Á R T ifrfct) niK.’ y ‘ PtwmriGPlÄTESr -■ STATIONE RY PRNTJtt - .MEW