i> New Train Service on 0. & E. CAHN BLOCK - h Com maiming until School Days Are Here, and as usual C. A K It. If between Albany and Yu- <|Uiiiu, dully except Sunday: N o n b r e a k a b le F r o n t s Aderheimer Stern Suits and Overcoats for Boys, Youths and Young Men. X«**ly H ' • • « I oji o» .« 1 an excellent line of childrens school shoes, good strong school hosiery, ( and warm servicabie dress materials Don’ t faii to see our new ciea" stoc1: in a!! lines before buying Fall Supplies. FKE1) ROCK MERC. CO. H E N L IN E B O A R D IN G ...HOUSE... & ■ we are prepared for the trade with Train No. Id Train No. 2 Mixed I' m -M-ii|(>*r | Leav*- Allmny 7 Alia to. 12:»') y » . ni. Ar Yai|liina I .lit• |> n, p. m. Tin in No. If) 'Irani No 2 I’liaM-ogt-r Mixed Ia*u v»‘ Y ui, iiiiim 2 1. i pin. 7 'Hi a in Arrive AI bu uy 7.(J0 pm II *>5 a in tin ¿•outlay* the •ervicc will lie »a follow*: Leave AI ha n y 7 :3Ô a in. A r­ m e Ya<|llina 11.10 u in. Lcnvc Yu- I,IIIIIM 6 :d fortune to bind on n Bristol rod tin eight |>ound steel head salmon that nicasured 28$ i , inches in length. It took hot it theed itor and Pa to land the prize. FARMERS OF PORTLAND y For the general n ew sof the I World also lor information aixiut liow to obtain the best results in cultivating the soil. Stock Raising, Fruit Growing, etc. Y o u c a n s e c u r e th is e x c e lle n t p a p e r b y TAKING OUR OFFER BEFORE // October 31st 1908 Am erican M agazine $1.00 W om ans Home Companion 1.0 0 OUR PRICES Review of Reviews W eekly Oregonian Stayton H a il 3.00 1.50 1.25 $ 7 -7 5 OUR P R IC E *5.50 The Mail Subscription ¿Agency, Box 98, Stayton, Oregon. - : n. -et u it I. t : . - «r KiY.'ga- ton. L« nvt .r telephone order, for convey- \ \ * > in !/ otiii. S TA Y TON, J O L iiN i E S T A T E C o r . 3 r d a n d H ig h S t s . STAYTON, OREGON. \ Administrators Merchant Tailor OREGON D K . E. E. J A C K S O N Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist STAYTON. C IT Y OREGON. The Latest In Postals NOVEL, COMIC and HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR STOCK AND HIDES Stayton, Oregon M AG AZ IN ES STAYTON D A I L Y PAPERS Melons and Fruits. CEMENT STONE WORKS GEM CONFECTIONERY -------- » — _ ______ ___ . A L L KINDS OF Cement W . H. Queener Lawyer and Notary Public. Conveyancing, Collections and Probate Business A Specialty. Real Estate Sold and Loans Negoti­ ated. Fire and Accident Insurance. Building Stone And Cement Building Material. Cement Stone made to Order on Short Notice. Foundations a Specialty. L. P. BROU N*. Be On T im e ^ - If you buy a watch from me you get one that can be depended upon to keep correct time, and at a price lower than you can buy tlv: same goods elsewhere. Hoed/e Mill City-Oregon. 1 I Can Fit Any ? That Responds to Light Grand Central Hotel T a k e care of your eyes. Don't buy glasses from pcddlars or irresponsible dealers. You get scientific service and fair prices if you deal with me. Lot'otcd Corner 2ml ami El St. Guests will find first class accomodations. TravdHng Men will find a large, light Sample Room. Large Pleasant Dining Room. Good Rooms and Prices to Suit. M. J SPANIO L Prop. Stayton-Oregon. HUBERT F. LEONARD Department of the Inferior. IT. S. fjind office at Portland, Oregon, August 20 190*. No. an-an s-2» pd. Sons F resh , S a lt and S m o k e d M EATS PERIODICALS Chas, Notice I» hereby given Mi i de Adelbart White, ol Portland, Oregon, who, on August 20,190*. made Timber and Stone Application. No. 0312, lor 8.W. ' . o f N. \V. and W. ' , o f 8 W. Section 20, Township 9. S., Range 4 K.. W lllam ellf jM iridian, lin* K M m.tuv of Intention to make Final Pnmf, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on the 29th day of October, 190*. Claimant names as witnesses; Angus H. fit Thomas, of Portland, Oregon Wrn. fit Thomas, of W. F. Clark, of liâtes, Oregon Peter Nyatrum of ” " A bugs won 8. D rsswer , Register. & M ARKET snsaitri ua SCENIC. At Portland, Oregon, September 21,190*. Notice I. hereby given that Arthur J. Tra.lt, Stayton, Oregon. of Lyon., Oregon, who on December 2, 1901,1 made Homestead Entry No. 13937, Serial, N«r. IMIO, for 8W>4, Section 32. Tow nshlp 9 South- Kange 2 Fast. Willamette Meridian, ha. filed notice of Intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above N O T A R Y P U B L IC deserllied. before Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, ou the 6th day of Nov. ember, iix>s. Real Estate, Leans, Im estm enls Claimant names a. witnesses: Kd. Trask, of Lyons, Oregon, ! And Collection Agent. Lunli Sehnaekcnburg of " Ferdinand Holxfuss of " Charles K. Mills of “ •• .W orrno S S. D ke ** kr , Regi ter. Notice for Publication. OREGON M EAT Sestak Notice 1. hereby given that the under- aliened ha. been duly appointed Adminis­ trator of the Estate of Julia Ann Phillip, deceased by order ol the County Court of thofilate of Oregon for Marlon County made and entered ol record on the 2Srd day of September A I) 19«». All person, having claim «gainst .aid estate are hereby notified to preseut the «nne duly verified with proper voucher, to the under- algnud at hi. residence about S ix M ile, j Ka.terly from Sublimity, Oregon, or at the : office ol his attorney W. H. ljueener at Stay- - ton, Oregon, within .lx month, trom the date of th i. notice. R il e y P P h il l ip * Administrator of the kstate of Julia Ann Phillips, Deceased. \ W. H. (, vke > kr Atty lor Adm. 3t-39 U u itedS U tvsU nd Office, Vi PorilMid, Oregon,September .'V, IfOH. Notice Is hereby gi\ v n that R o « n H. Churchill, of 8t John«,OrfKon, who, on Sept., 3,1908, made TiraberlsHiid Application No.GMJi, for SVV ‘4 of SK x of Section l*> and \V*a of N Kl-I of, Section 22, Town*hip 10 South, Kange I, Km«t of Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final proof to establish' claim to Iho land above described, before the Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon,} on the 20th day of November, 11MW. Claimant names as witnr«>e*: W.T. (Mark, o?Gates,Oregon. ( ’ .A. Revere, of Kate*, Oregon. J.Braden, of Gates, Oregon. Arthur ObeMlo, ol St.Johns, Oregon. .ts-w pd. A lb « * non s . D u m r u . Register. Repairing and Cleaning a Specialty Post-graduate of W ym an'. College. Duly I registered in Oregon. ¿1 > ar. a Veterinary f lT A Y T O N Difficult cave. Solicited. Katl.faction Ouaran I teed. ----------------------------- Notice. Notice for Publication. Department of The Interior. h iE IN K E U _____________ I harp on hand a full line of aamplog for Spring and Sommer Suita. Final Notice. Notice I. hereby given that the umler- ■igtnd Its. Died her flnai account aa ad­ ministratrix ol the estate of F. C. Hull, deceased, In the county court of Marlon County, Oreicou, and that Mid court ha. duly set the heartuic of objection, thereto aud the settlement thereof for Mouday.the 26lh day of October. I9Wt, at 10 o'clock a. m. In the court room of .aid court at fialvtn. In .aid Coun'y and State. Hated at Salem, Oregou, this 21.t day ol Xei'leinber, 19U*. C ordelia P. H f l l , Administratrix. Frank A. Turner, Attorney. :tt-W , m 1. Department of the Interior. United State. Land Office, W EEKLY OREGONIAN H ■rn LOAN Notice for Publication. R E A D THE Rigs, Horses and Accom m o­ dations First-class. ON Administrators = A m OREGON •inCi* :•» or from VV. 8taVt«>f> (trims M r s J W K ip h a rt K I N G S T O N ------ O R E G O N O.B. Trask, G. B. TRASK, Prop. Stayton - Oregon. R E A L W . F. K L E C K E R . StaytonLivcry DENTIST Opposite Hank Hu tiding b an k ru p t shoe Turner• • - - - Autnfivilo Turner■ • • • • Sublimity Turner • • • ■ • Ktaytoii Turner • • - • • Meliurnn Turner • • •■ . Lyon* \V E L L S K M. D. OSTEOPATH IC PHYSICIAN 819*20 N l o l t u w l c r ild g . Res. Phone Main 70S5 Office Main 709 Portland E. roy . r —\ LE JEW ELER | RELIAB ^ AND M O P T IC | IA H N Stayton, Oregon. N E IS S £ CONN AW AY PH O TO EN O ßÄV EUS Afrftéit k W w P o p ® - rtd3ap3 -PRINTING PL ATC â for Oregon. ,. !>rAv K * t G y P ß lN T lfIC ’ :, M t W W P E R ILLUâT^-riOfSâ. MA6À2?(NE A N D B O O h L fT ’ L A U N D R Y CALLED AND for Salem FOR D E L IV E R E D Steam Laundry O liver Lesley, Stayton Hotel. : ,coyi|?4AriDiiLUé "coi 'É k fa o ,