1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — gjtthrring ut Mr' nAft NIm tfnrkivy««* Sriim^y. Tliow preacnt w.-r*-, R«-v I' C.' ■ F«th»-r A. Ifinirli, M J. Hpitnbd, miri Choose Site fo r Smelter, ■*f »a-# * wife Augu«t HendieW», inni fuiiii|y Mr I ' m ul T . ttiiiU o ii ni III«* lim i W il s o n ........................ , . . » m i Mr« end Hiilfrun Jo*.' A (im i.mi , ni Portland, wltn * party ni ' ,t . . . . V .1 u ‘»"‘ t fiumly, D anni nml i c iip ita lig t* », went m io » In- North Hmi- .. r ... ,, , , . . . . v ... Isini/., Mary nini R«>,,. K iiiiz , U nni lidfltllg (Il.tru t oli tin i S u f i Ji _ .......................... I ■, , » ,i . , ,• ttvian iinit Ida Becker, Mr «mi Mr» Fora lo «»*•«■ i«l<» tliv motel liu-Htimi (or ,, , , , . ! . . . . i uud frtinily, Peter Mini Pnnlina tIn «inottwr alno lo atake not Ilo1 hlHt 1 (|. u _ , l( Meìtiir, T licodnr»* unii M»ry LÌjghbur- •Ila*. Ibi« Company luti I i w h Jooking ger knd otti ers, m II lliiwrpreiK'lil rcjmrt j u|> * n tln- i» n «incH'-r in i» ’ i ■>» |ir**|«>«ipoii u lor n n «olii* r iM l ■ < MILL Wc wish to call your attention that we now have on our shelves for your inspection the largest line of dress goods ever carried in Slayton. $8,000 worth of Fancy and Staple <*“ * M A N N IS H S U IT IN G S . m . m n o . . ini vii . ,, . . . . ,, lo o k i m > i »«Il o v e r , , .. m ivrin f AfxMit it v e ry IW W m yer « have ili v ic w ^ „ , n ,l» : p r o p o s it io n ' Ima fin e 1 S traw " r b, ^ M n tfliw w t W '* * » l" , ’' **'" A i'u ia r iU c , i* Tnì n e a r ») com p, Our Regular Lines are Complete but we are now much improved iti In m lth a n d • r^ , *,’<*• f i h l » mue-l» IO t h e tarauty v f liia p la c e . «pirli«. Kev J/ ij, Clm piiian rei il rii ed tioiue . Alia» A Fa rie i.everiiiH li returned to P»nil«r»vt,'idt»-r having frinii Detroit, In* reported a Une outing ¡ 1 Ynrtlamf/irtttrr having « p e n i a week with liér parent* hero. trip. lo o k « * WE HAVE IN FACT ANYTHING YOU WAfll IN THE LATEST. Also new FULL SUI f S for BOYS, Y O U T H S , , „ , u , I Irving l i m i c e l i I 8-1 lem piiraeu th ru OVERCOATS and M EN. . . . M ill C u y » -p r o n t e In th e H o t It will 7 H e i« P A Y Y O U to visit O U R store before you buy - S p r in g « ■' o n * n f S a le m * 1 1 B arbera, Mi" M rW Wn» m making room for our Fall and Winter Goods. FRED ROCK MERC. CO. See O U R G O O D S and G E T O U R PRICES. T h e n ew D onkey e n g in e fo r Alim« Albo« left for 8ublimity, lo »»iriat Mr, 1 1 . ,.t .l ( . - i l i I , Mefr with . tile liny tinier. Offlc* over Fred Hock’a Store , , * , , ' Mr« M Marten, Mr« W. Wtrayer, «tnic.tiun work of a road to the m u *e«i. . . . .. ' Ml«* HteTiiC Vaugh nnd Art.« Marten, a r r iv is i to d a y , STAYTON OBEGON formed a party which left for Waterin'’ A crew of Çien nr* putting a hridx* .Saturday, where they will recuperate aero«* the Stack river. fur a few days. R . A. ELWOOD, date* ha« a Wright future and a Mr W. W. White who ha* lived ATTORNEY AT LAW boom i« in «iglil Lot* «cliing at flHtl Among u* for five years, announces per I/ot. 1 Ids intention fit m o v i n g t o t^aleug OfiRUeover R ock ’s store, Mr L. d . Freeman editor of the A l­ W tiere lih h a s ta iu g h t a h a lf in te r e s t STAYTON, - OREGON. bany Herald i« stopping nt the dates In t h e C ltrh S ta tite «, M r B. d . L loedig- ---------------------------- h e im e r . Hotel for a short vacation. J. M. RINGO U N DERTAKER Allier« Rn.«. Mill no.’ ('«>. are making X diermitig birthday party was Il I. ■ I i .jj i i . i i . held Saturday at the resilience of M r«*pî«frr» i o t i ie w ä * i I ji . u . - « h u h ji I ûc »*. w ill rnnks Marti in honor of hi« daughter Mi« * h « i *1 \\ 11 »* n i-tii* j i v e n A w a y at L a n c e f i e l d ’ s S h o e S t o r e Yith every Five Dollar purchase a good boy’s hat worth $1. Yitll every $10 purchase a man’s Ifedara, value $2 to $2.50 With every $15 purchase a genuine $3 hat. T his is to clean up the stock and advertise the quality of the Shoes we handle. When I get your custom once you will come again. Yours truly, Bertha »h n w o 13 year* dolin’ , • were indulg' d in after which a light , l«it*h W... m rtnl N i’ i'* r-•• i« prtjtfy and useful pn*aen»s were presented to Mi«« Bertha during ilio xJV*.U.ig, itti- V. P. L A N C E F IE L D . ' m o n g th ose p re se n t w er* M is .s e s F'ay IlHIlFH Nt “ I W J p Tacé th e l a i g e . j best o n f h e Hr i n c h f.tile .' Turner « - Lyons Stage Express Schedule. Jaave Lyons o.OO A M via Mubani^, Slayton,, Suhliinity and Aunisville, arrive Turner II 00 A M. l a m e Turner \t Noon via AnmaMillo, Suhlinirty, Stayton, and Mehninn, Arrive l.yona 0:UO P M K A K K Turner • • < Turner • • • ^Turner ■ • Turner - • T u r n e r •* • l^i'ons • • - Mehama 1 .25 Lyon» • • - Stayton .50 Lyons • - - Sublimity JHt Lyons « . * Aunisville 7:. I 00 Lyons • • • Turner E X Í* B E 8 8 Aumsvile f ¿0 bo Sublimity .50 Stayton 1.1W M eliama 1 (HI Lynn* S L L 8 F A B (i O G.B. Trask, Owner dc Prop. Stayton Stahles. Stayton - - * - Oregon. an: Karl 8lielti|t, Cyril ™ ; . hrrebJr €lv#11 tll„ ^ N o tic e . ha« Ijctn duly »i*j-. ! W . Shaw. I)«U|' of Southern Pacific to Allwmy or k’ l-" " ’ «U nD ri« INCvY I i m i Corvallis, then on Corvallis A Eastern B. B. ‘l’ rnin wrVice’ J- " , Smith has rented his farm to daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. 'J oh n Hefner and ihteuds moving to K K O iV I T I I X R N i > t P J v AR ! tlwn XX Jaeoli Staigrr V | Season six-months ticket, $4.50. Saturday to Monday ticket, $2.85. I. Our tTalmrute new Summer Hn-.k gives a eiMioise description of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates Call on, telephone or write H . B . C o n d i t f Local Agent, West Stayton. \VM. Mi MIJBBA Y, Uen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Tickets not on sale at West Stayton. M A C LK AY 3U ß ß pd. Chas. I Can Fit Any f Take care of your eyes. Don’t buy glasses from peddlars or irresponsible dealers. You get scientific service and fair prices if you deal with me. has taken shares in o n e o f tile M e x ic a li M in e s . Chari**« Staigi r is nnt with liis riig- l ine «awing wood and grinding f,,r liis n«i hlsirs Tate w ns kept busy this «uni* mer lookint: after the farm, and build­ ing a large new reaidenee in town, which he has nearly completed. L ee Several from here attended a social R E L IA B L E J E W E L E R AND O P TIC IA N Stayton, Oregon. —hr 1 -t'rllimllH oi 1 Hoedle Loans. A n d Collection OREGON. H E N K E Lr Merchant Tailor T h e L atest r In Postals Ini est mints NOVEL, Agent. 1 «rtl VTCti rr,r STAYTON C IT Y OREGON M EAT COMIC M ARKET Sestak & Sons baierà xu Fre sh , Salt and Smoked MEATS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR STOCK AND HIDES Stayton, Oregon STAYTON CEMENT STONE WORKS AM. KINDS OF and Building Stone And e«r» « W furtnary litm coltca se« >%iUciteeeea*«e*l. Mr and Mrs Ira B Carter, visited A. V HUAT) 1 Ì uf ; SHI BE Bl | L. Shelley’* Saturday. Stage line from Turner to Lyons. PR .jE. E. JACKSON No. :«Kb* «■ ■> Pd. 2nd Hack.** connect with train« nt Kings­ ton. Le.vv« or telephone orders for convey­ ance to or from W. .Stayton trains Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist ' Triumph Rigs, Horses and Accom m o­ dations First-class. Repairing and Cleaning a Specialty A chwrntiog hirt Inlay «ttrtwise ww» 'held at tlie residence of Mr Charles Hivedle on F-rint^r evening. Sept 4th, 'in honor of Miss Ethel Hoedle. Noli ;ice for Publication. | (»nine* and dancing were indulged in DcpArtmcnt of tbo Interior, 1 4 ^ P. 8. Laud jiftlcc at Portland, Oregon, until a late hour after which a fighl August 20 1908. lunch was served. Numerous presents Notice is h« rcpr given that Claude Adalbert were handed! to or sent M l h Ethel White, of i'ortlind, Oregon, who. on Viigyst at i off. Unedle during r o f *"< l \V. > M V >a of f . Ü ? ; of X . W. ‘4 mt * t h r r v e n i n g . Among ^ N o .03V2, for tor S S.f. N. 4 an those present were Misses Mary Kor- S W. ?4, «Section 20, T ow n sh ip 9. o , Range ] neke, Hattie Monroe, l^tva Pratt» 4 B., NVUIpuieti ¡M erid ia n , ha» Hied notice o f in ten th d i to imake Final P roof, to eftabiish iffy. M»*s»rs FT. S t o k e s , F'rank Clark claim to ^ h e lan d above d escrib ed , before Id Domogolla, Jolftt Swift, Clyde Bole« R egister an d K #celv «g . at P ortla u d , u reg on , dranhois Kavmond, Bud Baldwin ■ on thi* 2iR!i day of October, 1W8, » * * | Claimant nan^s as wUneaaes: BitsveII Cas)>ell and Frank Korneke. Angus H. St Thbhi&s. libai«.«. of Portland. Oregon Meedames \V. Casteel, Mason, C has-'itm . St Thom «i, fit < ie», OreRoii , Hoedle and Mr and Mrs. McEUrir and w • *"• t,1*,rk I *>f «M , ... , , . i I’ctcr Njstruni » ; né ' iti 1 Mr. and Mrs. John (tale. ApuaiNo« i K. l»r.K«KX. Kevisler. Y A Q U IN A B A Y jV ^ /T V I liav*- on baud a full iin'1 of «ampia* for Sprite a.nd Summer Suita. Lester k*rln« etalm. Mt.i,,*« ..14 I.cster KsUt«! »re her. bl n.mtisil to pr.-a.-ut the uintl Brock, ltolii. Brock. derV l^tteHle f o l f r J f . i f l l T vertflv*1 wjllb pro|« r voiictns« to ih« I C la r e n c e M a « o n , I .ester M a s o n , B o t » ’ rt under»iicne#l ut I i I n »lltc«* In the tuauoíStAiv- 1 |t ,V°i* ^ fr io n County «»regon %r»tinn HU.^tqathf i KacJíley, L em Smith 1 tfod Hiram from Hit' -Uli kf this Notice i Price. r-*«.rtqi/t vv t r W . H .Q n c E K p NEW P ORT I G- B- T R A SK ’ and MeCnv. Kerni«’ -Puffer, t í » 7>l‘ Bht4tonr^n, J,>,:-' P*-o «o- A.int*r*»t for re roofing tlm »chool left thi« a-oek for the hop field«. 1 hun««* Imre. Th* d o t r id having voted U / I L U V B N. PINTLER, l). M. b . Mr. rmiMal of dater pa««e i Notice. Foundations a Specialty. C em enr L. P. BROWN. Notice for Publication. IiolMirtmc-ilt o f the In terior. I'niteit Slat- * l.»n«t OMc#, At P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n , J u n e - S , 190*. | Notice U iHirebygiven that J. m u s W. tm bler, of Mehsma. Marion cou nty, O regon, w h o,on J«n«C3,lM )6l made timlier nu*l stoiu- applica­ tion No. 77ua Serial No. 0 65. for N t 1, o f St;.*, «E ^ oi NE , an, S e ctio n !, Town- »hip 9 S, Ratiie “ K, W illnmotte Morulian, ha« tiled n o | io -o f in teu tion to make F ira i Proof, toestabliih claim to the land above described, j before Register and R eceiver, at Portland,Ore« I gon, o n the Jith dfdf o f Septem ber» p *)S. | Claimant names as witneasus: Renjamiii K im sey.qf Sfeham a,O regor.. s Albert T itle , of Mehama, Oregon. August ifoeljner, of Mehama, Or. - o n . W. M. Buahey, o f ‘M ehama, O regon . AvatnUoN’ S. D «i> -; n Reg b ie r. n» Mi'll City-Oregon. PE RIODICALS M .U. a XINLS DAI LY' PAPERS Stayton Hotel. Thanking our friends fót their generous pat­ ronage in the past, we dr*?re a ‘'hire of the same in the fnt< re, hrann Lesley Corner 3rd and Ida Sts., Oppoalte Hank Building Stayton - Oregon. Melons and Fruits. GEM CONFECTIONERY l h lirR » W . ii. Q u e e n e r Lawyer and Notary Public. Conveyancing, Collections A nd Probate Business A Specialty. Real Estate S»>kl and Loans Xegoti- ated. Fire and Aeeident Insurance . Stayton, Oregon. _ ÎÂ p èé.lA ôfL M iç 1 0 9 «E C O fsiu * T « t t T PORTLAND OREGON