------ -- T h e S t a v t o n M a il. E n t e r e d a t t h e p o s t o f f i c e iit S t a y t o n , O r e ^ ' n , n s m a i l m a t t e r o f tlio seco n d class. Country New*. Mis» Hindu Fury, of Portland i» visititi): at tilt home of her parent« Mr nml Mr«. V. F. I ah .» u have returned from Sodai die nml report _____________________________________________________________________________ ♦— I having « nice time while there THK M a il 1» strictly uon i>*rti»mi but ilevd lxl to the (tiH 'r»l lnlcrcaU *ud n|»t»ull*tii«tc of j •oatbctAtern Morion county >tn.l stayton in particular- Tim M it! d o t r o tlu-hearty co­ operation ot every cominunity Into which It t* avnl tvaularlv to aubwrtbora, but all aulw scriptlon* must t>e paid tor durlmt the year according to the following ruling II y an older o f the Poetuaiter General ol the I'nlted States, leaned Dee I, hW7.no weekly newspaper can he uiailui to any aubscriber at the regular seeoud-claia rale», w hen auch anb- acrlber la more than one year in arrears. Thta order took effect Jauuary I, l'W>. The penalty for violating the order la exclusion from the malts. This (orcca Ttm M a il and all other i«i>era to insist that subscriptions tw pan! during the y Oaio Condii, Mary Priscol nnd daugh­ Single Copy • •’> ter spent Sunday with the luttors Cu and alter this date, August 7lh l!»s the following rates lor advertising wrill be parent« \V. K. Thomna nml wife id adhered to except in the ease of the completion of contracts already made. 01splay advertisements 15 cents per Issue single col. Stayton. *• *• double “ a single " E. Forrette is busy hauling lumber $ 1.00 Patent Medicine 1>5 double *• for a now granary. line 5 Locals Legala 10 5 single •• hirst issue thereafter IVOO Final Proof 11. K. 110.00 •• T .A S . word per issue. 1 Sew Today »pt These rates apply to forvtgu as well as local advertising and will be slrlelly adhervd to. All communications aent In for publication must bear the signature ot the writer. This rule apply« to either local, general, political, church, or other items PRKI> G. COSLgT, Ci'ITOK. Box *> Stayton, Oregon. — Regular Lines^j] (Completed For Fall and W inter Goods. U N IV E R S A L COOK In our Stock you will find STEEL RANGES and H E A T I N G S T O V E S ^ with all accessories for setting up. O U R F U R N IT U R E S T O C K R E P L E T E Kitchen Treasures, Queens, T. Smallinoli u brother of I. 0. o f , West Stayton is visiting ut lite bitter» home. Dining and Extension Tables. L IN O L E U M , M A T T I N G , O IL C L O T H , Seen in Inst week» puper of a garden* or who him it »unflower that meaauree 10 luche» in diameter, 1 know of a farmer who rui»c» them extensively nml has one that mcnsurcs 17} incite*. C A R P E T S and R U G S . Anything needed for your home? Let us figure with you. H. J. Marking L Eight Course Dinner. In this issue w e are reproducing a copy of the HUNKA- K t g l i t V « n i it is M r it l*rt*|»Mrr DORA TICK E T as gotten up over tw en ty years ago by J. P. A C h ic k e n K raal. Queener. It will recall to mind the conditions almost a Lute Inst week several of the young quarter century ago and among the names are found several inen in town, eight in number, plan* w ho have gone to their reward. W c SCC if! article > that ned for a fine chickeiudiuuer for Suu- even tw enty years ago this com m unity wanted a railroad, day. Their plan« wire carried out to hut to-day in 1908 they are given the first real tangible op- ,l,t‘ leller “nd « formerly *gre«d *i*>u\ portunity for acquiring an electric line that will connect this there W|1K *ight ,.0,lllg mvu llie place w ith Portland. dinuer comprisetl u like number of It is not necessary lo g o into the detail of this latter \ coim*.. proposition as it has teen given to the people for som e tim e' hut VVe have this to say how ever that w e can have an enj were, Frank and Hartley Penny- electric line that will he a money maker for the com pany, a baker, Lura Frank and Jeir litoma», boon for our citizens and the BEST THING THAT EVER "ni.Couciiman, w . l . Frcre« and j . F U R N I T U R E and H A R D W A R E .________ 111 III Among Our New Arrivals Dress Goods Both Fancy and Plain HIT STAYTON. All w e need is a little more concerted effort J ^ 'Z T L T ^ ! , ■ on the part of those w ho have as yet not put their shoulder master of the situation for each cu- to the w heel, their feet on bed rock and pushed the pen joyed the other* cooking, to the tune of as many hundred dollars as it is possible for them to put into the enterprise. It is not a question of sub- UNION SERVICE. Manish Suitings Flannelettes and Outing Flannel NEW SUITS SHOES CLOTHING for the Home Sidy, but a COld hUSineSS proposition With a first mortgage The last of a »erica of Union Meet- bond as security for the bond holder. Is there any com- •“«** wiM * h e , d the BaptUt church: E very munity in the United States that would he more benefitted ^ “vd a ,1,7 wii A n Thing with transportation than this? Then see to it on the behalf vitcd. S|*ciai music, come, of yourself and your posterity that you do all in your power W.F.KLECKER to make an electric line a reality before Father Time intro- Mi»aea Be»» and Frank Alexander dUCeS the Babe 1909. and Alta Hobson returned home Sun* ! day from a short outing at Newport. Don’t you want a Unique Postal? O f course you do. Arthur Ward, *on of Lon siieiiey of Fifty thousand souvenir postal cards show ing the magnifi- !thl* P|,ce **• * v,#,t«r fron* homc cent Oregon State Building at the A laska-Y ukon -P acific-E x-' in 1 ortla,ld’ carIy lhw wick' .. , , , , , , , , , , I J. M. Calvin and wife, who have position have already been circulated, and one hundred been visiting friends in and near Can* thousand more have been ordered. This building has been by returned home Saturday last. E. G. Siegnutnd and w ife of Fern considered by many as the most artistic State Building ever erected at an Exposition. If you will mention the MAIL iuige wa» a visitor town Monday. the Portland Commercial C lub will send you one for the ask- 8l,ak,ng l,nnd8 w,lh mg. NEW P O R T Y A Q U IN A B A Y O r e g o n ’s M c i t c l 'i l e « « B ea ch R esort Mr». A. C. Thomas who has been visiting at the home of her parents in the Waldow Hills returned Saturday, The Linn County Fair promises to surpass all others for stock are already arriving and are being made ready for much improved exhibition. The display of fancy bred horses is splendid and Mr- iitor*e Kamoey former teaei»er the racing feature will be w ell appreciated. Remember 1,1 thepubllc,cl,oon,erew“,‘ tl,eK"Mt of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Thomas recent­ September 2nd is the opening day and Stayton is to be ly. He will attend the divinity school represented. W ho will lead the populace on that occasion. in Eugene this winter. Peter Cole bought while in town Make plans now for this is the last w eek. Then follow up the State Fair at Salem and Our city will have made a record •S:,tur‘,i*>’ a new WilKon from Kerber that shall not be forgotten. Stayton banners and ribbons goods throughout n,cy !,rt> I,lac,ng stlK,ob',krr this section to a should be displayed by everyone w ho visits any Fair or very good advantage. public convention. Stayton is on the map. W. E. Woods of Greahem, who was A. W. Lam bert A. W. W hit me r Lambert, Whitmer & Co. Successors to Lambert & Sargent EIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTA TE H O M L F IR E